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  • Save uterator/34fe98f24b5e415126602d5a9c289abb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save uterator/34fe98f24b5e415126602d5a9c289abb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
with "includeScreenInfoInSession"
2021-02-12 14:44:18:198 - [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.20.0
2021-02-12 14:44:18:200 - [Appium] Non-default server args:
2021-02-12 14:44:18:200 - [Appium] address:
2021-02-12 14:44:18:201 - [Appium] port: 4883
2021-02-12 14:44:18:201 - [Appium] logTimestamp: true
2021-02-12 14:44:18:201 - [Appium] localTimezone: true
2021-02-12 14:44:18:201 - [Appium] logNoColors: true
2021-02-12 14:44:18:223 - [Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
2021-02-12 14:44:18:387 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status
2021-02-12 14:44:18:388 - [HTTP] {}
2021-02-12 14:44:18:389 - [debug] [GENERIC] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2021-02-12 14:44:18:390 - [debug] [GENERIC] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.20.0"}}
2021-02-12 14:44:18:396 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 6 ms - 68
2021-02-12 14:44:18:397 - [HTTP]
2021-02-12 14:44:24:893 - [HTTP] --> GET /wd/hub/status
2021-02-12 14:44:24:893 - [HTTP] {}
2021-02-12 14:44:24:893 - [debug] [GENERIC] Calling AppiumDriver.getStatus() with args: []
2021-02-12 14:44:24:894 - [debug] [GENERIC] Responding to client with driver.getStatus() result: {"build":{"version":"1.20.0"}}
2021-02-12 14:44:24:896 - [HTTP] <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 2 ms - 68
2021-02-12 14:44:24:896 - [HTTP]
2021-02-12 14:44:25:400 - [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session
2021-02-12 14:44:25:400 - [HTTP] {"desiredCapabilities":{"app":"/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa","appium:waitForQuiescence":false,"appium:mjpegServerPort":9106,"simpleIsVisibleCheck":true,"derivedDataPath":"/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-acakyusqytyydxbpirejospkejdp","deviceName":"iphone7","launchTimeout":300000,"usePrebuiltWDA":true,"wdaLocalPort":8106,"showIOSLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":600,"appium:wdaEventloopIdleDelay":3,"platformVersion":"14.3","automationName":"XCuiTest","useNewWDA":false,"wdaStartupRetries":3,"platformName":"iOS","udid":"bad18ad0beda63d2d565b9cd4939478d5c5e814f","wdaConnectionTimeout":240000,"includeScreenInfoInSession":false,"autoAcceptAlerts":false},"capabilities":{"firstMatch":[{"appium:app":"/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa","appium:mjpegServerPort":9106,"appium:waitForQuiescence":false,"appium:wdaEventloopIdleDelay":3,"appium:autoAcceptAlerts":false,"appium:automationName":"XCuiTest","derivedDataP...
2021-02-12 14:44:25:401 - [debug] [W3C] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{"app":"/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa","appium:waitForQuiescence":false,"appium:mjpegServerPort":9106,"simpleIsVisibleCheck":true,"derivedDataPath":"/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-acakyusqytyydxbpirejospkejdp","deviceName":"iphone7","launchTimeout":300000,"usePrebuiltWDA":true,"wdaLocalPort":8106,"showIOSLog":true,"newCommandTimeout":600,"appium:wdaEventloopIdleDelay":3,"platformVersion":"14.3","automationName":"XCuiTest","useNewWDA":false,"wdaStartupRetries":3,"platformName":"iOS","udid":"bad18ad0beda63d2d565b9cd4939478d5c5e814f","wdaConnectionTimeout":240000,"includeScreenInfoInSession":false,"autoAcceptAlerts":false},null,{"firstMatch":[{"appium:app":"/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa","appium:mjpegServerPort":9106,"appium:waitForQuiescence":false,"appium:wdaEventloopIdleDelay":3,"appium:autoAcceptAlerts":false,"appium:automationName":"XCuiTest","derivedDataPath":"/Users/user/Library/Deve...
2021-02-12 14:44:25:405 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'newSessionRequested' logged at 1613126665401 (14:44:25 GMT+0400 (Mars Standard Time))
2021-02-12 14:44:25:409 - [BaseDriver] The following capabilities are not standard capabilities and should have an extension prefix:
2021-02-12 14:44:25:409 - [BaseDriver] derivedDataPath
2021-02-12 14:44:25:409 - [BaseDriver] includeScreenInfoInSession
2021-02-12 14:44:27:288 - [Appium] Appium v1.20.0 creating new XCUITestDriver (v3.36.1) session
2021-02-12 14:44:27:293 - [debug] [BaseDriver] W3C capabilities and MJSONWP desired capabilities were provided
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Creating session with W3C capabilities: {
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "alwaysMatch": {
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:derivedDataPath": "/Users/user/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-acakyusqytyydxbpirejospkejdp",
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:includeScreenInfoInSession": false,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "platformName": "ios",
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:app": "/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa",
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:mjpegServerPort": 9106,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:waitForQuiescence": false,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:wdaEventloopIdleDelay": 3,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:autoAcceptAlerts": false,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:automationName": "XCuiTest",
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:deviceName": "iphone7",
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:launchTimeout": 300000,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:newCommandTimeout": 600,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:platformVersion": "14.3",
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:showIOSLog": true,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:simpleIsVisibleCheck": true,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:294 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:udid": "bad18ad0beda63d2d565b9cd4939478d5c5e814f",
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:useNewWDA": false,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:usePrebuiltWDA": true,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:wdaConnectionTimeout": 240000,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:wdaLocalPort": 8106,
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "appium:wdaStartupRetries": 3
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] },
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] "firstMatch": [
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] {}
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] ]
2021-02-12 14:44:27:295 - [debug] [BaseDriver] }
2021-02-12 14:44:27:318 - [BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 25105d7d-0d1d-478b-95cb-94c38f551614
2021-02-12 14:44:27:374 - [debug] [XCUITest] Current user: 'user'
2021-02-12 14:44:27:400 - [debug] [XCUITest] Available devices: bad18ad0beda63d2d565b9cd4939478d5c5e814f
2021-02-12 14:44:27:400 - [debug] [XCUITest] Creating iDevice object with udid 'bad18ad0beda63d2d565b9cd4939478d5c5e814f'
2021-02-12 14:44:27:401 - [XCUITest] Determining device to run tests on: udid: 'bad18ad0beda63d2d565b9cd4939478d5c5e814f', real device: true
2021-02-12 14:44:27:447 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'xcodeDetailsRetrieved' logged at 1613126667447 (14:44:27 GMT+0400 (Mars Standard Time))
2021-02-12 14:44:27:452 - [BaseDriver] Using local app '/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa'
2021-02-12 14:44:27:580 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Unzipping '/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa'
2021-02-12 14:44:27:580 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Enforcing UTF-8 encoding on the extracted file names for 'my.ipa'
2021-02-12 14:44:28:901 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Extracted 402 items from '/Users/user/workspace/path/path/my.ipa' in 1267ms
2021-02-12 14:44:28:904 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Matched 1 item in the extracted archive. Assuming 'Payload/' is the correct bundle
2021-02-12 14:44:28:908 - [BaseDriver] Unzipped local app to '/var/folders/ln/tk4trzln4qv0gb3xylqlpdzh0000gn/T/2021112-43973-uoin0m.h4xl/'
2021-02-12 14:44:28:908 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'appConfigured' logged at 1613126668908 (14:44:28 GMT+0400 (Mars Standard Time))
2021-02-12 14:44:28:908 - [debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app '/var/folders/ln/tk4trzln4qv0gb3xylqlpdzh0000gn/T/2021112-43973-uoin0m.h4xl/' is actually present on file system
2021-02-12 14:44:28:909 - [debug] [XCUITest] App is present
2021-02-12 14:44:28:911 - [debug] [iOS] Getting bundle ID from app '/var/folders/ln/tk4trzln4qv0gb3xylqlpdzh0000gn/T/2021112-43973-uoin0m.h4xl/': ''
2021-02-12 14:44:28:911 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetStarted' logged at 1613126668911 (14:44:28 GMT+0400 (Mars Standard Time))
2021-02-12 14:44:28:912 - [debug] [XCUITest] Reset: running ios real device reset flow
2021-02-12 14:44:28:912 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'resetComplete' logged at 1613126668912 (14:44:28 GMT+0400 (Mars Standard Time))
2021-02-12 14:44:28:912 - [WebDriverAgent] Using WDA path: '/Users/user/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent'
2021-02-12 14:44:28:912 - [WebDriverAgent] Using WDA agent: '/Users/user/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj'
2021-02-12 14:44:29:190 - [debug] [XCUITest] Crash reports root '/Users/user/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/me���s iPhone' does not exist. Got nothing to gather.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:191 - [debug] [BaseDriver] Event 'logCaptureStarted' logged at 1613126669191 (14:44:29 GMT+0400 (Mars Standard Time))
2021-02-12 14:44:29:191 - [XCUITest] Setting up real device
2021-02-12 14:44:29:192 - [debug] [XCUITest] Verifying application platform
2021-02-12 14:44:29:193 - [debug] [XCUITest] CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: ["iPhoneOS"]
2021-02-12 14:44:29:290 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:291 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:299 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:313 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:313 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:367 - [debug] [XCUITest] Reset requested. Removing app with id '' from the device
2021-02-12 14:44:29:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:475 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:487 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:493 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:542 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:545 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(MobileInstallation)[277] <Notice>: uninstall for with options (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:546 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(CoreServices)[277] <Notice>: setting operationType to LSOperationTypeUninstallApplication from options (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:547 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(CoreServices)[277] <Notice>: created clientUninstaller for type UninstallPlaceholder
2021-02-12 14:44:29:549 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[2060] <Notice>: off uninstall: type 8 with options (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:550 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: install choke: after enqueueing operation, got role 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:554 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: void _LSDatabaseCreateRecoveryFile(NSURL *__strong): Successfully created recovery file /private/var/containers/Data/System/DFC0EE15-78FC-4633-BF96-9F2A203A6EAD/Library/Caches/
2021-02-12 14:44:29:555 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[2060] <Notice>: with uninstall: type 8 with options (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:560 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Sending applicationsWillUninstall: for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:570 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[256] <Notice>: 0x16ba5f000 -[MIClientConnection uninstallIdentifiers:withOptions:completion:]: Uninstall requested by lsd (pid 2060 (501/501)) for identifier with options: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone clipserviced(ClipServices)[282] <Notice>: Received memory warning
2021-02-12 14:44:29:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone clipserviced(ClipServices)[282] <Notice>: Handling memory pressure (warning) by purging cached sessions.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(CoreServices)[92] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:577 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone clipserviced(CoreServices)[282] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:589 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone watchlistd(CoreServices)[183] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:599 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone atc(CoreServices)[43] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:609 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone backboardd(CoreServices)[62] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:609 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(CoreServices)[186] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:612 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(CoreServices)[247] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:614 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileStorage)[256] <Notice>: Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:615 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone homed(CoreServices)[179] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:618 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone profiled(CoreServices)[96] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:622 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileStorage)[256] <Notice>: Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:625 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone nsurlsessiond(CoreServices)[107] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:627 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(DiskImages2)[256] <Notice>: +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:628 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(DiskImages2)[256] <Notice>: +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:628 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(CoreServices)[29] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:636 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreServices)[59] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:636 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoardServices)[59] <Notice>: -[FBSApplicationLibrary applicationsWillUninstall:]
2021-02-12 14:44:29:639 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone fileproviderd(CoreServices)[209] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:639 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(CoreServices)[63] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:641 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: Received termination request from [daemon<>:256] on <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "">> with context <RBSTerminateContext| code:0xDEAD6502 explanation:FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion reportType:None maxTerminationResistance:Interactive attrs:[
2021-02-12 14:44:29:641 - [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSPreventLaunchLimitation| <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "">>>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:642 - [IOSDeviceLog] ]>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:654 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone bluetoothd(CoreServices)[82] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone aggregated(CoreServices)[10313] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(PlugInKit)[32] <Notice>: <PKManager:0x1029286e0> hold request for [<private>] with flags: 0x4
2021-02-12 14:44:29:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone navd(CoreServices)[77] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone contextstored(CoreServices)[9112] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(CoreServices)[32] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(CoreServices)[146] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Will uninstall <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051cb280>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x10507fa40>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051851c0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: forced termination complete; hold request granted token: 04380CB9-DC7F-44AF-8374-AC85476DAA75
2021-02-12 14:44:29:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(PlugInKit)[32] <Notice>: <PKManager:0x1029286e0> hold request for [<private>] with flags: 0x4 completed with hold token: [04380CB9-DC7F-44AF-8374-AC85476DAA75]
2021-02-12 14:44:29:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051c9a20>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051cb300>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x105193010>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051c1c90>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051842f0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051caf50>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x10515c1b0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051d6500>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102c56f50>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102da0910> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102da0910> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102c56da0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Beginning transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 0. Added transaction: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Successfully synchronized call directory extensions
2021-02-12 14:44:29:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Ending transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 0. Ended transaction: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>: requested to synchronize extensions
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102817480> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102817480> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: Acquiring assertion targeting system from originator [daemon<>:256] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion" ID:32-256-184314 target:system attributes:[
2021-02-12 14:44:29:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] <RBSPreventLaunchLimitation| <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "">>>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] ]>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: Assertion 32-256-184314 (target:system) will be created as active
2021-02-12 14:44:29:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: Finished acquiring assertion 32-256-184314 (target:system)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: [daemon<>:59] handle lookup could not find a matching process
2021-02-12 14:44:29:679 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: Executing termination request for: <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "">>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:688 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x28053ec70>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:688 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:688 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2804c2310>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:688 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2804c00c0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5695B45D-5B7B-4135-A1E0-B65A9059E211] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BDBBA6AC-3069-4ADC-AD83-93CC6A209386] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 097EDCB8-EEDA-418E-BB14-F6BC776C75AC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9ECEC52E-46FA-469E-BDD6-D7B42750D367] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102a12eb0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102a120e0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x282f78540> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:691 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x282f30b40> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:691 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileStorage)[256] <Notice>: Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:704 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileStorage)[256] <Notice>: Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:705 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(DiskImages2)[256] <Notice>: +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:705 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(DiskImages2)[256] <Notice>: +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:705 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileInstallation)[256] <Notice>: : Uninstall (Application)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:706 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 1, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 0, euid = 33, uid = 33, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: termination assertion efficacy for changed to 3
2021-02-12 14:44:29:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: 0x28252a000-SBApplicationIcon Data source did change: <private> (SBApplication)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:714 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:715 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_copy_path: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:718 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:718 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 38738E1C-BEF0-438D-959E-189D2B74A4BB] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:718 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6F866A71-87FF-419C-89F4-445BEC9C772E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2F1B93EB-9E7A-4138-9F82-4DBA886712A4] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DEE7FF35-49EA-48E7-8B3B-A9BF6B099ED4] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2A940DF9-29D4-4F1B-BBD6-F126718F79DE] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=7, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C84F3547-B2F7-4805-ACF9-D7CEE57C7150] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2532B00D-63AB-4E38-8C0B-4949E04E0138] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u EA4FCBEB-BBC5-4463-83CB-12AFBA76BE84] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 34B3793E-83DF-4BA1-A42B-3D27369728D1] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u D8AA34C9-77B2-49CD-A560-71437AD7109A] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9D15F4E8-1B5E-4D3C-8B90-1F913299377B] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9A094FFD-073D-4C80-B52A-840FC3F0DAD7] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:729 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 8C91DDB9-A01A-4948-BD5D-B1FEB4A638B5] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:729 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 8C1B35C4-EBAB-4100-946A-DFC7A8344669] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:729 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 1C9978B4-0F93-4A80-A63F-EEE989BE25AC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7452DF8F-7358-455B-A690-7DCE6F6CB1F5] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 382C2888-7034-4F87-8F91-1082F25C5AFC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:733 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C98AF1D5-4695-43B1-BB17-12062E6D320E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:733 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7576A109-D8DD-48E5-AA22-234073F044D9] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:733 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u FCB01A67-7C51-4155-8BFB-452F4722C69C] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:733 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u A176727E-EC8A-421D-89B6-8E9E99C47870] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3E3C213B-CA22-402C-9D7B-DD489432E702] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DF6AC435-F6E8-465C-A818-77724B7BF396] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u E321A10F-93C6-4C3E-AC39-021BBA371782] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u FE6BF4C4-031B-4715-82E4-1D98F3EB3F7D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:735 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BA8CE7C7-D208-494B-9F09-D579AF198D17] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:735 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6AE94EA0-28B8-4325-B041-37BBE7C1490D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:735 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:737 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9927995D-7A87-4943-A3A2-43E71C93AF6E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:737 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 08F32463-91E8-40DC-A471-14FA2496B370] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:737 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9FBAB86D-37C5-4B02-BDAA-3E56C46497F3] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:738 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u D25F5133-8872-41B3-9941-033D59B422FF] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:738 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 83140A82-F0B5-4FB3-A8C7-8B01EC946299] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:738 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2BF2391C-623F-4F8B-B4AB-2623D1E259FC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:738 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 61D0B903-32E1-42CA-A0DE-90C210EA9183] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:738 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 17408639-342A-4CDA-A539-8167D3541300] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:739 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 55071782-FEF6-4C1C-8EED-E86EF84C809D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 13
2021-02-12 14:44:29:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6D2D40EA-2C5F-42B5-9102-AB15DF9CE0DB] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u EA0E368E-3DB0-4113-80A1-70F5471ABD76] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u F00427D8-6182-48AD-9FBA-FB7E03DE9F36] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C6650FB0-AC84-4BC7-84E2-2DF67307B4DB] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:742 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DBB137F6-2C9E-417A-9523-B5A709364CC2] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:744 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102a120e0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 13
2021-02-12 14:44:29:745 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102a12c30> delivering update to host (13 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:745 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoKit)[163] <Notice>: Received new extension list.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:745 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 933D27F8-F0DD-4F8E-88F1-232343B33FB0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:745 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7BF05B53-5560-4573-972F-585DC511C002] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:746 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3BA8B7BE-AB2F-41C9-BB7C-784341C54AFF] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:746 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DC4BDBF8-AF64-4D57-B7A9-AEB2336AD747] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:746 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6E2FFA65-F571-40B0-8E27-1980B05C5730] [<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:747 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 0A190253-4FE0-462B-B5D2-7E0CC9BEE8C3] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:747 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3C4733EB-4E9F-4F2A-AE0F-6C883D16B14E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:752 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5D67C3E8-C753-47F0-B9F0-A7B225FFDA20] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:754 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5C2664C7-C8BF-4501-A909-135A2EAC0696] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:754 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3CEA1ADE-BA96-4BDB-AD34-0C635F1EDBBA] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:754 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 34
2021-02-12 14:44:29:754 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[163] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:754 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C26A3F00-0B16-4DF2-8E9A-75B0D37AA5A2] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:755 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C16CF0B0-1433-46ED-9014-70FDF7E7E90C] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:755 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 43C86819-B186-4FD1-94BF-901D9979099B] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:756 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 4A32D52D-F323-4364-9272-2EB3FC524A1F] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:756 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:756 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=163, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:756 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[163] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:760 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 34
2021-02-12 14:44:29:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x282f2d200> delivering update to host (34 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 699FD6BE-B0F1-4E1B-A3EF-43A862B55724] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 348586CC-4524-4A10-85DC-FA116A442D86] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C3F2E664-2050-40BE-B8C0-0F44EB56A04F] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u F8809FFF-627C-4C73-8586-87B00517377B] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MessageExtension, MessageExtension-AudioRaise, MessageExtension-Madrid, MessageExtension-MadridGroup, MessageExtension-SMS ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "14.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] MessageExtension,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-AudioRaise",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-Madrid",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-MadridGroup",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-SMS"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ music-notification-default ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:766 - [IOSDeviceLog] "music-notification-default"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5F839BD1-D1ED-4A6D-8886-FA2FC1682096] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BD8AE449-FE99-4DC0-B531-6A73DE136ABD] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:767 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:768 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ tip-notification-extension ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "7.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] "tip-notification-extension"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:769 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "1.25";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_is_transient: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ fitcored-engagement-category ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:770 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] "fitcored-engagement-category"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ continuityRemoteCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1575.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = continuityRemoteCategory;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.3";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 76DBA8B5-E42E-48CE-90E4-6E07AD656899] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u B127D9B4-C89F-43CC-8CC2-90B627055ED0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5D406613-205A-4B50-9F99-337503D7C8C0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ HomeAppBulletinCategory, HMDBulletinCategoryProvideCameraRecordingFeedback ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] HomeAppBulletinCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] HMDBulletinCategoryProvideCameraRecordingFeedback
2021-02-12 14:44:29:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5625";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:780 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:792 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:792 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=7, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ memoriesUpdates ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] memoriesUpdates
2021-02-12 14:44:29:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:796 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:798 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:800 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:800 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:800 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:801 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:801 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.0001";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ GEOFENCE_TRIGGER, GEOFENCE, GEOFENCE_RECEIVE ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] "GEOFENCE_TRIGGER",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] GEOFENCE,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] "GEOFENCE_RECEIVE"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.75";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 48F2D780-15F9-41BF-B89E-5B7A672B5BBD] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.6";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,, ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultConten
2021-02-12 14:44:29:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ BedtimeReminderCategory, WindDownReminderCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:813 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:813 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:814 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:814 - [IOSDeviceLog] BedtimeReminderCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:814 - [IOSDeviceLog] WindDownReminderCategory
2021-02-12 14:44:29:815 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:815 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:816 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:816 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:817 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ updates, updatesLiked, updatesCommented, invitations, invitationsWithJunkReport, suggestedCMMs, expiringCMMs, readyToViewInvitationCMM ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:817 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:817 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:819 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] updates,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] updatesLiked,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] updatesCommented,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] invitations,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] invitationsWithJunkReport,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] suggestedCMMs,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] expiringCMMs,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] readyToViewInvitationCMM
2021-02-12 14:44:29:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.02";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ asd-notification-default ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] "asd-notification-default"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,,,, EventInvitation.CanRespond, EventInvitation.CouldBeJunk ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] "
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mst-notification-category ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] "mst-notification-category"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_copy_info: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy
2021-02-12 14:44:29:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ hae.loud.ios, hae.weekly.ios ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] "hae.loud.ios",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] "hae.weekly.ios"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] "UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled " = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mail-message ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "mail-message";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051b2a80> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 6 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.heic|public.jpeg/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier in Info.plist
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory, new-voicemail, new-voicemail-no-caller-id, new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-caller-id",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ AlarmSnoozeCountdown ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = AlarmSnoozeCountdown;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionNSUA ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] actionNSUA
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ books-notification-extension ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] "books-notification-extension"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:841 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ HomeAnnounceCategory, RoomAnnounceCategory, ANAnnouncement ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] HomeAnnounceCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] RoomAnnounceCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] ANAnnouncement
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationCategory;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionIntent ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:849 - [IOSDeviceLog] actionIntent
2021-02-12 14:44:29:850 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:851 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:852 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:852 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:852 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:852 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:853 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ triggerPromptCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] triggerPromptCategory
2021-02-12 14:44:29:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:855 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:855 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:855 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart, MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:859 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:859 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:859 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:859 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:859 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:859 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:29:860 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:29:860 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1050227c0> delivering update to host (4 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:860 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 4 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:860 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileStorage)[256] <Notice>: Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:861 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileStorage)[256] <Notice>: Failed to retrieve the IO service matching the device node for <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:861 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(DiskImages2)[256] <Notice>: +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:861 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(DiskImages2)[256] <Notice>: +[DIAttachedDeviceInfo copyImageURLFromDevice:error:]: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:861 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 2, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 0, euid = 33, uid = 33, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:861 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_copy_path: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=7, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:29:862 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_is_transient: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=7, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:29:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051b35b0> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:864 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 6 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|public.heic|public.jpeg/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:864 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_copy_info: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:864 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[256] <Notice>: 0x16ba5f000 -[MIUninstaller _uninstallBundleWithIdentifier:waitForDeletion:error:]: Uninstalling identifier
2021-02-12 14:44:29:864 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[256] <Notice>: 0x16ba5f000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier at /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D2DC27B8-7658-46EC-B791-6D99F141A792
2021-02-12 14:44:29:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileSystemServices)[256] <Notice>: 0x16ba5f000 -[MIUninstallNotifier performRemovalWithCompletionBlock:]: Destroying container with identifier at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F0605807-FFA3-4C82-B19F-B5CC631880BB
2021-02-12 14:44:29:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: Reconciled; old app groups: (null), new app groups: (null), old system groups: (null), new system groups: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x15a808800>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: Deleted Code Signing Mapping for ID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: Pushed user: 501, itemType: 1, identifier <private>, class: 2, persona id: 1000, path: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:866 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=3, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:866 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_delete_array_of_containers: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:866 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone installd(MobileInstallation)[256] <Notice>: (End) : Uninstall (Application)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:866 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: Invalidating assertion 32-256-184314 (target:system) from originator [daemon<>:256]
2021-02-12 14:44:29:866 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=4, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=33, pid=256, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:866 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(RunningBoard)[32] <Notice>: [daemon<>:59] handle lookup could not find a matching process
2021-02-12 14:44:29:867 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: releasing plugin hold 04380CB9-DC7F-44AF-8374-AC85476DAA75 at client's request
2021-02-12 14:44:29:867 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:867 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:867 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102c56f50>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:867 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102da0910> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:871 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102da0910> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(PlugInKit)[92] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102c56da0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Beginning transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 0. Added transaction: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone runningboardd(PlugInKit)[32] <Notice>: <PKManager:0x1029286e0> released hold [04380CB9-DC7F-44AF-8374-AC85476DAA75]
2021-02-12 14:44:29:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>: requested to synchronize extensions
2021-02-12 14:44:29:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051cb280>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x10507fa40>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:884 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051851c0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102817480> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone[7015] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102817480> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Successfully synchronized call directory extensions
2021-02-12 14:44:29:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Ending transaction for <private>. Transaction count is now 0. Ended transaction: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051c9a20>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051cb300>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051caf50>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x105193010>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051d6500>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x10515c1b0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:889 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051842f0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x1051c1c90>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102a12eb0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102a120e0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x28053ec70>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2804c2310>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x2804c00c0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x282f78540> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[2060] <Notice>: bundles - Start
2021-02-12 14:44:29:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: LaunchServices: unregistering app <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[2060] <Notice>: _LSUnregisterAppWithBundleID
2021-02-12 14:44:29:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: No placeholder to remove for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Found app to remove for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: _LSUnregisterBundle(<private>) returned 1 for app
2021-02-12 14:44:29:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Clearing icon cache entries for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Asking to clear identifiers for vendor <private>/bundle <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x282f30b40> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: clearAlternateNameForBundleIdentifier: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Clearing alternateIcon for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[2060] <Notice>: _LSUnregisterAppWithBundleID
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051a8960> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|public.plain-text|public.url|public.vcard/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(MobileInstallation)[2060] <Notice>: bundles - End
2021-02-12 14:44:29:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: install choke: after attempting to perform one operation, got role 2
2021-02-12 14:44:29:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Sending applicationsDidUninstall: for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone callservicesd(CoreServices)[92] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone watchlistd(CoreServices)[183] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone watchlistd(WatchListKit)[183] <Notice>: WLKAppLibrary - Invalidating: App uninstalled
2021-02-12 14:44:29:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone watchlistd(WatchListKit)[183] <Notice>: [WLKTransactionScope] 0x13de7eb70 "WLKAppLibrary.refresh": Started transaction
2021-02-12 14:44:29:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone atc(CoreServices)[43] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x159e72e10>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x159e72e10>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x15a808800>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:900 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:900 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:900 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:900 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x15a8088d0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:901 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:901 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x159e7dfb0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:901 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x159e7dfb0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:901 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x159e24940> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:901 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:901 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:902 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: No plugins found to match query <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:902 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:902 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(PlugInKit)[186] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x15a8088d0> delivering update to host (0 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:902 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone appstored(CoreServices)[186] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x111e0ea80>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x111e0e2d0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x111e0ea80>.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x111e0e2d0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point:
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(CoreServices)[247] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone mobile_installation_proxy(MobileInstallation)[277] <Notice>: uninstall:withCompletionBlock finished with error (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2A940DF9-29D4-4F1B-BBD6-F126718F79DE] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone clipserviced(CoreServices)[282] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6F866A71-87FF-419C-89F4-445BEC9C772E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2F1B93EB-9E7A-4138-9F82-4DBA886712A4] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C84F3547-B2F7-4805-ACF9-D7CEE57C7150] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DEE7FF35-49EA-48E7-8B3B-A9BF6B099ED4] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u B75D34EE-AEE7-47E6-972C-665D0D8DA8B7] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u AB5199D3-600A-4BB9-957C-0E48EA13778D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u EA4FCBEB-BBC5-4463-83CB-12AFBA76BE84] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:29:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 34B3793E-83DF-4BA1-A42B-3D27369728D1] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2532B00D-63AB-4E38-8C0B-4949E04E0138] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:29:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9D15F4E8-1B5E-4D3C-8B90-1F913299377B] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 8C91DDB9-A01A-4948-BD5D-B1FEB4A638B5] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u D8AA34C9-77B2-49CD-A560-71437AD7109A] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 1C9978B4-0F93-4A80-A63F-EEE989BE25AC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C98AF1D5-4695-43B1-BB17-12062E6D320E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u A176727E-EC8A-421D-89B6-8E9E99C47870] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BA8CE7C7-D208-494B-9F09-D579AF198D17] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:908 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9A094FFD-073D-4C80-B52A-840FC3F0DAD7] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 08F32463-91E8-40DC-A471-14FA2496B370] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 8C1B35C4-EBAB-4100-946A-DFC7A8344669] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u D25F5133-8872-41B3-9941-033D59B422FF] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7452DF8F-7358-455B-A690-7DCE6F6CB1F5] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 382C2888-7034-4F87-8F91-1082F25C5AFC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7576A109-D8DD-48E5-AA22-234073F044D9] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u FCB01A67-7C51-4155-8BFB-452F4722C69C] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3E3C213B-CA22-402C-9D7B-DD489432E702] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DF6AC435-F6E8-465C-A818-77724B7BF396] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 13
2021-02-12 14:44:29:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u E321A10F-93C6-4C3E-AC39-021BBA371782] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u FE6BF4C4-031B-4715-82E4-1D98F3EB3F7D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102a120e0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 13
2021-02-12 14:44:29:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(PlugInKit)[163] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102a12c30> delivering update to host (13 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoKit)[163] <Notice>: Received new extension list.
2021-02-12 14:44:29:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6AE94EA0-28B8-4325-B041-37BBE7C1490D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9927995D-7A87-4943-A3A2-43E71C93AF6E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 9FBAB86D-37C5-4B02-BDAA-3E56C46497F3] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 83140A82-F0B5-4FB3-A8C7-8B01EC946299] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 2BF2391C-623F-4F8B-B4AB-2623D1E259FC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 61D0B903-32E1-42CA-A0DE-90C210EA9183] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 55071782-FEF6-4C1C-8EED-E86EF84C809D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u F00427D8-6182-48AD-9FBA-FB7E03DE9F36] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C6650FB0-AC84-4BC7-84E2-2DF67307B4DB] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DBB137F6-2C9E-417A-9523-B5A709364CC2] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1900 mA (measured 795 mA)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 933D27F8-F0DD-4F8E-88F1-232343B33FB0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: termination assertion efficacy for changed to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[163] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone chronod(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[163] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=163, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: 0x28252a000-SBApplicationIcon Data source did change: <private> (SBApplication)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7BF05B53-5560-4573-972F-585DC511C002] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3BA8B7BE-AB2F-41C9-BB7C-784341C54AFF] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u DC4BDBF8-AF64-4D57-B7A9-AEB2336AD747] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:913 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 0A190253-4FE0-462B-B5D2-7E0CC9BEE8C3] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone homed(CoreServices)[179] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::setPowerStatusGated(): id:0x100000369, newPowerStatus 1, newTimestamp 45950390356834, newItemSet <private>, newItemTag 0x0, now 51916933811256
2021-02-12 14:44:29:914 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::createPowerSourceItemsInternal(): id:0x100000369, owner=<private> tag=0x0 itemSet=<private> removeTagSet=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:29:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:29:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:29:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:29:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:29:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:29:915 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3C4733EB-4E9F-4F2A-AE0F-6C883D16B14E] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Notice>: posted ''
2021-02-12 14:44:29:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5D67C3E8-C753-47F0-B9F0-A7B225FFDA20] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5C2664C7-C8BF-4501-A909-135A2EAC0696] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone thermalmonitord[60] <Notice>: <Notice> Charger type is 10
2021-02-12 14:44:29:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 3CEA1ADE-BA96-4BDB-AD34-0C635F1EDBBA] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5695B45D-5B7B-4135-A1E0-B65A9059E211] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BDBBA6AC-3069-4ADC-AD83-93CC6A209386] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 097EDCB8-EEDA-418E-BB14-F6BC776C75AC] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 17408639-342A-4CDA-A539-8167D3541300] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6D2D40EA-2C5F-42B5-9102-AB15DF9CE0DB] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u EA0E368E-3DB0-4113-80A1-70F5471ABD76] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 34
2021-02-12 14:44:29:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 6E2FFA65-F571-40B0-8E27-1980B05C5730] [<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C26A3F00-0B16-4DF2-8E9A-75B0D37AA5A2] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C16CF0B0-1433-46ED-9014-70FDF7E7E90C] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 43C86819-B186-4FD1-94BF-901D9979099B] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 4A32D52D-F323-4364-9272-2EB3FC524A1F] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 699FD6BE-B0F1-4E1B-A3EF-43A862B55724] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 348586CC-4524-4A10-85DC-FA116A442D86] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C3F2E664-2050-40BE-B8C0-0F44EB56A04F] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u F8809FFF-627C-4C73-8586-87B00517377B] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:925 - [debug] [XCUITest] Installing '/var/folders/ln/tk4trzln4qv0gb3xylqlpdzh0000gn/T/2021112-43973-uoin0m.h4xl/' on device with UUID 'bad18ad0beda63d2d565b9cd4939478d5c5e814f'...
2021-02-12 14:44:29:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x281ed5800> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 34
2021-02-12 14:44:29:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(PlugInKit)[59] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x282f2d200> delivering update to host (34 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5F839BD1-D1ED-4A6D-8886-FA2FC1682096] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:927 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:927 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:928 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:928 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:928 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:928 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BD8AE449-FE99-4DC0-B531-6A73DE136ABD] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:929 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 76DBA8B5-E42E-48CE-90E4-6E07AD656899] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:929 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u B127D9B4-C89F-43CC-8CC2-90B627055ED0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:930 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:930 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:930 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:930 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MessageExtension, MessageExtension-AudioRaise, MessageExtension-Madrid, MessageExtension-MadridGroup, MessageExtension-SMS ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "14.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:933 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:933 - [IOSDeviceLog] MessageExtension,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:936 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-AudioRaise",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-Madrid",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-MadridGroup",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:938 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MessageExtension-SMS"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:938 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:945 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:945 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:945 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:946 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:946 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:946 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5D406613-205A-4B50-9F99-337503D7C8C0] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:946 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:29:946 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ music-notification-default ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:948 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:949 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:949 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] "music-notification-default"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:955 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:29:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:29:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:958 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:958 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:958 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 48F2D780-15F9-41BF-B89E-5B7A672B5BBD] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ tip-notification-extension ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "7.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] "tip-notification-extension"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "1.25";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ fitcored-engagement-category ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:960 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] "fitcored-engagement-category"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ continuityRemoteCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1575.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = continuityRemoteCategory;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:962 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:962 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:962 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:962 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:962 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.3";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:963 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ HomeAppBulletinCategory, HMDBulletinCategoryProvideCameraRecordingFeedback ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] HomeAppBulletinCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] HMDBulletinCategoryProvideCameraRecordingFeedback
2021-02-12 14:44:29:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5625";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ memoriesUpdates ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:966 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:967 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:975 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:975 - [IOSDeviceLog] memoriesUpdates
2021-02-12 14:44:29:975 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationDefaultViewCategory;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.0001";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ GEOFENCE_TRIGGER, GEOFENCE, GEOFENCE_RECEIVE ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] "GEOFENCE_TRIGGER",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] GEOFENCE,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] "GEOFENCE_RECEIVE"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:980 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:980 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:980 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.75";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:980 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:980 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:981 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:29:981 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:981 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:981 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:981 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.9";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:983 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:983 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:984 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:985 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.6";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:29:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x105192f70> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:29:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,, ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:992 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:992 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:29:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultConten
2021-02-12 14:44:29:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ BedtimeReminderCategory, WindDownReminderCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] BedtimeReminderCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] WindDownReminderCategory
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ updates, updatesLiked, updatesCommented, invitations, invitationsWithJunkReport, suggestedCMMs, expiringCMMs, readyToViewInvitationCMM ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] updates,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] updatesLiked,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] updatesCommented,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] invitations,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] invitationsWithJunkReport,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] suggestedCMMs,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] expiringCMMs,
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] readyToViewInvitationCMM
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.02";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ asd-notification-default ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] "asd-notification-default"
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:998 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [,,,,,,, EventInvitation.CanRespond, EventInvitation.CouldBeJunk ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:29:999 - [IOSDeviceLog] "
2021-02-12 14:44:30:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mst-notification-category ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] "mst-notification-category"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.url/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory, PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] PKPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] PKTransitPaymentTransactionNotificationCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] PDUserNotificationTypePassTransitRelevancy
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ hae.loud.ios, hae.weekly.ios ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] "hae.loud.ios",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] "hae.weekly.ios"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] "UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled " = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ mail-message ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "mail-message";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.5";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCategory in Info.plist
2021-02-12 14:44:30:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Error>: Invalid value for UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier in Info.plist
2021-02-12 14:44:30:008 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory, new-voicemail, new-voicemail-no-caller-id, new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] VoicemailMessageNotificationExtensionCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-caller-id",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] "new-voicemail-no-visual-voicemail"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:009 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:010 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:010 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:015 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:015 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ AlarmSnoozeCountdown ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:015 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:015 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:015 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = AlarmSnoozeCountdown;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.7";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:016 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:017 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionNSUA ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:019 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:019 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:019 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:019 - [IOSDeviceLog] actionNSUA
2021-02-12 14:44:30:020 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:020 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:020 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:020 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:021 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:021 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ books-notification-extension ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:021 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:021 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:021 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:021 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] "books-notification-extension"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ HomeAnnounceCategory, RoomAnnounceCategory, ANAnnouncement ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:023 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:023 - [IOSDeviceLog] HomeAnnounceCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:023 - [IOSDeviceLog] RoomAnnounceCategory,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:023 - [IOSDeviceLog] ANAnnouncement
2021-02-12 14:44:30:023 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ barcodeNotificationCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = barcodeNotificationCategory;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:025 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:026 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:026 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:026 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:026 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:026 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:026 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:026 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionOverridesDefaultTitle = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:028 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:028 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:028 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ actionIntent ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] actionIntent
2021-02-12 14:44:30:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:030 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:030 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.2";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:030 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:030 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:030 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ triggerPromptCategory ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:031 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:031 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:031 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "3.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] triggerPromptCategory
2021-02-12 14:44:30:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.25";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.1";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionUserInteractionEnabled = 1;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:034 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:034 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsUIKit)[59] <Notice>: Loaded extension for categories [ MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart, MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd ] with attributes: {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:034 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointName = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:034 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionPointVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] NSExtensionVersion = "1.0";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCategory = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterPeriodStart",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] "MenstrualCyclesAppPlugin.AfterLoggedPeriodEnd"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionCustomSectionIdentifier = "";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] UNNotificationExtensionInitialContentSizeRatio = "0.001";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(CoreServices)[63] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone profiled(CoreServices)[96] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone nsurlsessiond(CoreServices)[107] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051c2670> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:037 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 6 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.image/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:037 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(CoreServices)[29] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:037 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone backboardd(CoreServices)[62] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:037 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone fileproviderd(CoreServices)[209] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:037 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(CoreServices)[59] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:038 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoardServices)[59] <Notice>: -[FBSApplicationLibrary applicationsDidUninstall:]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:038 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(MobileInstallation)[59] <Notice>: removed for reason: Removed from the system.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:039 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: SBWorkspaceTerminateApplication: "uninstalling app"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:039 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: No intent configuration data found stored for data source: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: No intent configuration data found stored for data source: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: No intent configuration data found stored for data source: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: No intent configuration data found stored for data source: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: No intent configuration data found stored for data source: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: No intent configuration data found stored for data source: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: Updating app shortcut store...
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: Installed apps did change.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Added: {(
2021-02-12 14:44:30:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] )}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] Removed: {(
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] )}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] Replaced: {(
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] )}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] Updated: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: FBSApplicationLibrary removed applications. Removing launch images for (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[59] <Notice>: _removeLaunchImagesMatchingPredicate:forApplications:forgettingApps: called
2021-02-12 14:44:30:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] forgettingApps: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] predicate:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] <XBApplicationSnapshotPredicate: 0x2809c2d70> {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] contentTypeMask = GeneratedDefault;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:043 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[59] <Notice>: <XBApplicationSnapshotManifestImpl: 0x282509400> [] Deleting snapshots: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:043 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<XBApplicationSnapshot: 0x11721b2c0; identifier: 86CB7424-F58E-4742-AFB2-7F2D3884C248; launchInterfaceIdentifier: __from_UILaunchStoryboardName__; contentType: GeneratedDefault; referenceSize: {375, 667}; interfaceOrientation: Portrait; userInterfaceStyle: Light>",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:043 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<XBApplicationSnapshot: 0x1074d1280; identifier: 2511CDC9-0556-447B-8DB7-586FD410499A; launchInterfaceIdentifier: __from_UILaunchStoryboardName__; contentType: GeneratedDefault; referenceSize: {375, 667}; interfaceOrientation: Portrait; userInterfaceStyle: Dark>"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:043 - [IOSDeviceLog] ) matching predicate: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:043 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[59] <Notice>: <XBApplicationSnapshotManifestImpl: 0x282509400> [] Deleting snapshot <XBApplicationSnapshot: 0x11721b2c0; ���7F2D3884C248> [] for reason: _contentType: GeneratedDefault(1)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:044 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[59] <Notice>: <XBApplicationSnapshotManifestImpl: 0x282509400> [] Deleting snapshot <XBApplicationSnapshot: 0x1074d1280; ���586FD410499A> [] for reason: _contentType: GeneratedDefault(1)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:044 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[59] <Notice>: <XBApplicationSnapshotManifestImpl: 0x282509400> [] Deleting paths: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:044 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: Saving...
2021-02-12 14:44:30:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone bluetoothd(CoreServices)[82] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone bluetoothd[82] <Notice>: (null) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone bluetoothd[82] <Notice>: Unable To Uninstall, AppInfo Not Found
2021-02-12 14:44:30:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: SBApplicationShortcutStore doesn't need truncation (truncation reason: <private>); there are 0 application shortcut items.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: [] Application uninstalled using default data provider
2021-02-12 14:44:30:045 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: [] Remove data provider
2021-02-12 14:44:30:046 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: Removing all attachments for bundle '<private>'
2021-02-12 14:44:30:046 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: No unique identifier for bundleID found; adding a mapping to 97844E31-6D59-4BD3-8D14-AE1AF1373C25
2021-02-12 14:44:30:046 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: Saving file at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotificationsServer/Library.plist with 208 items
2021-02-12 14:44:30:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: -[ATXDefaultHomeScreenItemManager fetchDefaultStacksOfGridSize:withCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke: Fetched add widget defaults: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: -[ATXDefaultHomeScreenItemManager _fetchSmartStackOfVariant:localObserver:withCompletionHandler:]_block_invoke: fetched smart stack of variant 0: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXHomeScreenSuggestionClient: No widget or stack changes, not updating default home screen items
2021-02-12 14:44:30:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(BulletinBoard)[59] <Notice>: BBRemoteDataProviderConnection Asked to remove a data provider ((null)) without a sectionID. Ignoring.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone clipserviced(BusinessChatService)[282] <Notice>: -[BCSBusinessQueryService clearCachesForLinkItemsAssociatedWithBundleID:completion:] - connection:<private> remoteObjectProxy:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Error>: No data found at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/97844E31-6D59-4BD3-8D14-AE1AF1373C25/AttachmentsList.plist
2021-02-12 14:44:30:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Error>: [] Push registration with a nil environment was encountered, will not invalidate token
2021-02-12 14:44:30:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: Setting topics for environment production:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] enabled: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:049 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] ignored: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] opportunistic:(
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] "",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:050 - [IOSDeviceLog] nonWakingOpportunistic:(
2021-02-12 14:44:30:051 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:051 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: [] Remove all pending notification dictionaries
2021-02-12 14:44:30:051 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: Removing library mapping for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:051 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: Saving file at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotificationsServer/Library.plist with 207 items
2021-02-12 14:44:30:052 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:052 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(ApplePushService)[59] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: YES completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:054 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Looking up connection on peer: 19fc1f50 found <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:054 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone SpringBoard(ApplePushService)[59] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: NO completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone watchlistd(WatchListKit)[183] <Notice>: WLKAppLibraryCore - enumerate apps elapsed time: 0.14443
2021-02-12 14:44:30:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: +[VSSubscriptionSource subscriptionSourceForAppWithBundleID:]:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: +[VSSubscriptionSource subscriptionSourceForAppWithBundleID:]: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistrationCenter fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:056 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: No allowed hash modifiers.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Will return cached subscriptions: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:057 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:058 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051ce980> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:058 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 2 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.vcard/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:058 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Apps Source fired data:2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:058 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone businesschatd[7019] <Notice>: Incoming XPC connection {newConnection: <private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(CoreServices)[149] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone navd(CoreServices)[77] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone aggregated(CoreServices)[10313] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone businesschatd(BusinessChatService)[7019] <Notice>: -[BCSBusinessQueryController clearCachesForLinkItemsAssociatedWithBundleID:completion:]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x105149ae0> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.image|public.plain-text|public.url/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone runningboardd(CoreServices)[32] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:29 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x103314140>.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x10300c7a0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:30:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x103314140>.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:063 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x10300c7a0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:30:063 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:063 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Apps uninstalled from the device:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:064 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone coreauthd(DaemonUtils)[405] <Notice>: -[InstalledAppsCache _removeApplicationFromCache:] >>> entered at: 1613126670.020 on <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone coreauthd(DaemonUtils)[405] <Notice>: -[InstalledAppsCache _removeApplicationFromCache:] <<< left at: 1613126670.023 (total: 0.003) on <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone coreauthd(DaemonUtils)[405] <Notice>: Cache updated. App cache 115 entries, plugin cache 110 entries, name cache 113 entries, Siri extensions: 14.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Removing rules for apps:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Performing save operation on ne configuration:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Saving configuration with existing signature {length = 20, bytes = 0x2f1d4c2daefc9527d1b60f3fe037aee3d0ab8ab3}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Adding 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: Removing all alarms for client: <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: Deleting entry for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"removing client entry", "client":""}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:066 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:067 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:067 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:067 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone mobiletimerd(MobileTimer)[7016] <Notice>: <MTAgentNotificationManager: 0x119e26830> received notification Application Uninstalled
2021-02-12 14:44:30:067 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u E6459D78-F8AF-49C6-A2DF-12C0A6D2BEAE] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u EA8033A1-7DFF-4060-AF4C-8B2072D5FCEE] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 5BF0617C-88B5-4DE8-A6C2-57A1AB28AA51] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 4C752282-104B-46D9-B4E5-3A91B5EC5D83] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7B437419-96DA-48CF-844E-0BF4889A6A75] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#authsync Dropping delete auth sync request - no watch"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Adding 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Adding 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Successfully posted generation 48997
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Path Controller is enabled
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Received a notification with token 111
2021-02-12 14:44:30:069 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Clearing 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Clearing 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Adding 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Adding 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Reload from disk complete
2021-02-12 14:44:30:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(libnetwork.dylib)[59] <Notice>: nw_path_evaluator_start [F5EE2E77-86C0-40ED-9478-B654113BD1C3 <NULL> generic, indefinite]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] path: unsatisfied (No network route), ipv4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Received a notification with token 11
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Successfully saved configuration
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"reduceFreePages", "path":"\134/var\134/root\134/Library\134/Caches\134/locationd\134/consolidated.db", "page_count":13, "freelist_count":0, "loadFactor":"1.000000"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"reduceFreePages", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916936830737, "end_mach":51916936832774, "elapsed_s":"0.000084875"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"iB: Removed all fences for bundle", "bundle":""}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sleepd(SleepDaemon)[7017] <Notice>: [HDSPNotificationListener] received notification Application Uninstalled, taking assertion
2021-02-12 14:44:30:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"reduceFreePages", "path":"\134/var\134/root\134/Library\134/Caches\134/locationd\134/consolidated.db", "page_count":13, "freelist_count":0, "loadFactor":"1.000000"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"reduceFreePages", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916936868590, "end_mach":51916936870383, "elapsed_s":"0.000074708"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sleepd(SleepDaemon)[7017] <Notice>: [HDSPAssertionManager] Taking assertion with identifier Application Uninstalled
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Reloaded network extension configuration:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Loaded configuration due to save operation result: true
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Successfully deleted rules for app:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Handling ne configuration change
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTPerAppNetworkDataAccessPolicyChangedEvent (165) sent to 7 (of 61) clients.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(FTServices)[92] <Notice>: Received kCTPerAppNetworkDataAccessPolicyChangedNotification so nuking cached values
2021-02-12 14:44:30:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Received CT notification that network access policy has changed.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sleepd(SleepDaemon)[7017] <Notice>: [HDSPAssertionManager] Releasing assertion with identifier Application Uninstalled
2021-02-12 14:44:30:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone itunescloudd[185] <Notice>: Received distributed notification:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone itunescloudd[185] <Notice>: ICDServer 0x102e07dd0 - Processing notification [Application install/removal]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone itunescloudd[185] <Notice>: Handling app install changed notification - apps={(
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] )}, registration=uninstalled
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called for next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called with no next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(KnowledgeMonitor)[9112] <Notice>: Next earliest event: Mon Jan 1 04:00:00 4001
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone remindd(DADaemonSupport)[10668] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 0, agents = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:074 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:075 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:075 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:076 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:076 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:076 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Launched by application uninstalled notification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:076 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Handling <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:076 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone clipserviced(ClipServices)[282] <Notice>: CPSClipCleanupManager: Post notification with name: <private>, userInfo: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:076 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:076 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Error>: Attempt to retrieve application record for bundle identifier <private> failed with error: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10814 UserInfo={_LSLine=1483, _LSFunction=<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:077 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Unregistering application <private> from PushKit VoIP in environment (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:077 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: [WARN] No APS connection found for environment (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:077 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd[92] <Notice>: Disabling topic <private> and invalidating its token for all connections
2021-02-12 14:44:30:077 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> invalidateTokenForTopic: <private> identifier
2021-02-12 14:44:30:077 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: YES completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:077 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> got all nil topics, considering this as a change to flush any cached topics in apsd for named ports.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:077 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> invalidateTokenForTopic: <private> identifier
2021-02-12 14:44:30:095 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: YES completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:095 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> got all nil topics, considering this as a change to flush any cached topics in apsd for named ports.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:095 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Looking up connection on peer: 19f95b60 found <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: NO completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> got all nil topics, considering this as a change to flush any cached topics in apsd for named ports.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Looking up connection on peer: 19f95b60 found <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Fired subscription for notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> asked by <private> to invalidate token for topic <private> identifier
2021-02-12 14:44:30:096 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> Deleting token for appSpecificIdentifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:097 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: setTokenForDomain token (null) appSpecificIdentifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:097 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Error>: SecItemDelete() failed: -25300 - setTokenForDomain
2021-02-12 14:44:30:097 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Looking up connection on peer: 19fc2800 found <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:097 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Looking up connection on peer: 19fc2800 found <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:098 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> asked by <private> to invalidate token for topic <private> identifier
2021-02-12 14:44:30:098 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: NO completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:105 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone callservicesd(ApplePushService)[92] <Notice>: <private> got all nil topics, considering this as a change to flush any cached topics in apsd for named ports.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> Deleting token for appSpecificIdentifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: setTokenForDomain token (null) appSpecificIdentifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1800 mA (measured 818 mA)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Error>: SecItemDelete() failed: -25300 - setTokenForDomain
2021-02-12 14:44:30:111 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudphotod(libcupolicy.dylib)[232] <Notice>: Received msg from server: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:111 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudphotod(libcupolicy.dylib)[232] <Notice>: Received new data usage policy list
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudphotod(CloudPhotoLibrary)[232] <Notice>: Updated cellular policy for <private>: not restricted
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Handling an apps uninstalled notification with bundle IDs (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128639 to 128640
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Removing configurations for apps with bundle IDs (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102f08040), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f08040), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Saving configuration with existing signature {length = 20, bytes = 0x1dc52cf2e1b73965fc2ff63360e63a40e5ca623b}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Adding 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128641
2021-02-12 14:44:30:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::setPowerStatusGated(): id:0x100000369, newPowerStatus 1, newTimestamp 45950390356834, newItemSet <private>, newItemTag 0x0, now 51916937651462
2021-02-12 14:44:30:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::createPowerSourceItemsInternal(): id:0x100000369, owner=<private> tag=0x0 itemSet=<private> removeTagSet=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Notice>: posted ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone thermalmonitord[60] <Notice>: <Notice> Charger type is 10
2021-02-12 14:44:30:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone itunescloudd(iTunesCloud)[185] <Notice>: Music restrict cellular data: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:118 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:118 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: Network authorization status for = allowed (wifi=true, cellular=true)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Received notification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Generating a configuration changed event
2021-02-12 14:44:30:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Received a notification with token 23
2021-02-12 14:44:30:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Clearing 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Clearing 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Adding 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Adding 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Reload from disk complete
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: Got a configuration change callback with configuration IDs (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] "75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: Received a configuration changed event
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Resetting VPN On Demand
2021-02-12 14:44:30:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: <NESMServer: 0x10220a2d0>: Request to install session: NESMPathControllerSession[]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128636 to 128641
2021-02-12 14:44:30:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128640 to 128641
2021-02-12 14:44:30:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x10515f9a0> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|public.url/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Adding 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Adding 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Successfully posted generation 48998
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Path Controller is enabled
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Received a notification with token 23
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Received a notification with token 111
2021-02-12 14:44:30:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Clearing 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Clearing 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Adding 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Adding 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(NetworkExtension)[86] <Notice>: Reload from disk complete
2021-02-12 14:44:30:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Clearing 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Clearing 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 from the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(libnetwork.dylib)[59] <Notice>: nw_path_evaluator_start [81A7AF7C-8164-494B-9D26-3CABC29E1532 <NULL> generic, indefinite]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:127 - [IOSDeviceLog] path: unsatisfied (No network route), ipv4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:127 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Adding 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Adding 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 to the loaded configurations
2021-02-12 14:44:30:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(NetworkExtension)[160] <Notice>: Reload from disk complete
2021-02-12 14:44:30:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: Got a configuration change callback with configuration IDs (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] "0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Resetting VPN On Demand
2021-02-12 14:44:30:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: <NESMServer: 0x10220a2d0>: Request to install session: NESMPathControllerSession[]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128641 to 128642
2021-02-12 14:44:30:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:145 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126670104
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128642
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128641 to 128642
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x0d820000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(28) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I IBICallPsSuspendIndCb
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:30:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:30:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:30:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:30:147 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:150 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Received a notification with token 11
2021-02-12 14:44:30:151 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Successfully saved configuration
2021-02-12 14:44:30:152 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Received notification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:152 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(NetworkExtension)[29] <Notice>: Current file handles for (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:152 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (186) 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A 40666C6B-B552-4953-8C75-75D4FA048128 5 (null) agent flags 0x2",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:152 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (187) 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 1FD07E13-38AA-4202-91D8-B2217F74C6FB 5 (null) agent flags 0x3",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:152 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session MasterSession socket (190)",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session LowPrioritySession socket (191)"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (186) 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A 40666C6B-B552-4953-8C75-75D4FA048128 5 (null) agent flags 0x2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (187) 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 1FD07E13-38AA-4202-91D8-B2217F74C6FB 5 (null) agent flags 0x3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(NetworkExtension)[29] <Notice>: Current file handles for (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (193) 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A 40666C6B-B552-4953-8C75-75D4FA048128 5 (null) agent flags 0x2",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (194) 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 1FD07E13-38AA-4202-91D8-B2217F74C6FB 5 (null) agent flags 0x3",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session MasterSession socket (195)",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session LowPrioritySession socket (197)"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:153 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (193) 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A 40666C6B-B552-4953-8C75-75D4FA048128 5 (null) agent flags 0x2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128643
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128642 to 128643
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128642 to 128643
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (194) 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 1FD07E13-38AA-4202-91D8-B2217F74C6FB 5 (null) agent flags 0x3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(NetworkExtension)[29] <Notice>: Current file handles for (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (198) 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A 40666C6B-B552-4953-8C75-75D4FA048128 5 (null) agent flags 0x2",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Network Agent Registration socket (199) 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 1FD07E13-38AA-4202-91D8-B2217F74C6FB 5 (null) agent flags 0x3",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session MasterSession socket (200)",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] "Policy Session LowPrioritySession socket (201)"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (198) 75CF4C47-FBB5-4D90-BE0E-803AEEB0693A 40666C6B-B552-4953-8C75-75D4FA048128 5 (null) agent flags 0x2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: File Handle Maintainer listening for readable events on Network Agent Registration socket (199) 0768FF29-AEFD-4578-91AB-4656833C5E47 1FD07E13-38AA-4202-91D8-B2217F74C6FB 5 (null) agent flags 0x3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Generating a configuration changed event
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Sent distributed notification with payload <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called for next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called with no next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(KnowledgeMonitor)[9112] <Notice>: Next earliest event: Mon Jan 1 04:00:00 4001
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128643 to 128644
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128644
2021-02-12 14:44:30:156 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128643 to 128644
2021-02-12 14:44:30:156 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone clipserviced(ClipServices)[282] <Notice>: CPSClipCleanupManager: Received app registered (non-placeholder) notification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:156 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone clipserviced(ClipServices)[282] <Error>: CPSClipCleanupManager: Failed to find launched app's bundleID in XPC event
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(CoreServices)[146] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond[146] <Notice>: applicationsDidUninstall will rewrite available data sources to NPS
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(CoreServices)[9112] <Notice>: LaunchServices observer: Uninstalled <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 9112
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128645
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128644 to 128645
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128644 to 128645
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 9112
2021-02-12 14:44:30:157 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStorage)[9112] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStorage)[9112] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStorage)[9112] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStorage)[9112] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 9112
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: No entitlement for stream AppIntent
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Failed entlement check, will not issue access token
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Error>: Failed to extend sandbox read-write extension class for Biome public stream 2 with error Error Domain=BMStreamsAccessErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Fault>: Write access denied to stream during pruning: AppIntent
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:158 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:30:159 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126670141
2021-02-12 14:44:30:159 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 9112
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128646
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: No entitlement for stream TestStream
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Failed entlement check, will not issue access token
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128645 to 128646
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128645 to 128646
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Error>: Failed to extend sandbox read-write extension class for Biome public stream 3 with error Error Domain=BMStreamsAccessErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Fault>: Write access denied to stream during pruning: TestStream
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 9112
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: No entitlement for stream POICategory
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Failed entlement check, will not issue access token
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Error>: Failed to extend sandbox read-write extension class for Biome public stream 4 with error Error Domain=BMStreamsAccessErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Fault>: Write access denied to stream during pruning: POICategory
2021-02-12 14:44:30:160 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 9112
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: No entitlement for stream ContextualActions
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Failed entlement check, will not issue access token
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Error>: Failed to extend sandbox read-write extension class for Biome public stream 5 with error Error Domain=BMStreamsAccessErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Fault>: Write access denied to stream during pruning: ContextualActions
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 9112
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: No entitlement for stream AppClipLaunch
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Failed entlement check, will not issue access token
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Error>: Failed to extend sandbox read-write extension class for Biome public stream 6 with error Error Domain=BMStreamsAccessErrorDomain Code=-1 UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Fault>: Write access denied to stream during pruning: AppClipLaunch
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128647
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128646 to 128647
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128646 to 128647
2021-02-12 14:44:30:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051d3310> delivering update to host (4 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 4 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.plain-text|public.plain-text|public.plain-text|public.rtf/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128648
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128647 to 128648
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128647 to 128648
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128649
2021-02-12 14:44:30:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128648 to 128649
2021-02-12 14:44:30:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128648 to 128649
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128650
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128649 to 128650
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128649 to 128650
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128651
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128650 to 128651
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:168 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128650 to 128651
2021-02-12 14:44:30:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25900000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(3196) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:30:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126670181
2021-02-12 14:44:30:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128652
2021-02-12 14:44:30:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128651 to 128652
2021-02-12 14:44:30:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128651 to 128652
2021-02-12 14:44:30:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:194 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128653
2021-02-12 14:44:30:194 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128652 to 128653
2021-02-12 14:44:30:194 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:194 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128652 to 128653
2021-02-12 14:44:30:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051a2f60> delivering update to host (4 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 4 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.plain-text/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: Received a configuration changed event
2021-02-12 14:44:30:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128654
2021-02-12 14:44:30:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 1, fsNode: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Setting total disabled bundles count to: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:196 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128653 to 128654
2021-02-12 14:44:30:196 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:196 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128653 to 128654
2021-02-12 14:44:30:198 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128655
2021-02-12 14:44:30:198 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128654 to 128655
2021-02-12 14:44:30:198 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:198 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128654 to 128655
2021-02-12 14:44:30:200 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:201 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:202 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:203 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:203 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051b2a80> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:204 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 6 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.heic|public.jpeg/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:204 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128656
2021-02-12 14:44:30:205 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128655 to 128656
2021-02-12 14:44:30:205 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:206 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128655 to 128656
2021-02-12 14:44:30:206 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1700 mA (measured 842 mA)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:207 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:208 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:208 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:208 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:216 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128657
2021-02-12 14:44:30:216 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128656 to 128657
2021-02-12 14:44:30:216 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:223 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128656 to 128657
2021-02-12 14:44:30:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1050227c0> delivering update to host (4 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 4 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128658
2021-02-12 14:44:30:225 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128657 to 128658
2021-02-12 14:44:30:232 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:232 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128657 to 128658
2021-02-12 14:44:30:232 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::setPowerStatusGated(): id:0x100000369, newPowerStatus 1, newTimestamp 45950390356834, newItemSet <private>, newItemTag 0x0, now 51916941507288
2021-02-12 14:44:30:232 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::createPowerSourceItemsInternal(): id:0x100000369, owner=<private> tag=0x0 itemSet=<private> removeTagSet=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:233 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:233 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:233 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:235 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:235 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:236 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:236 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Notice>: posted ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:236 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone thermalmonitord[60] <Notice>: <Notice> Charger type is 10
2021-02-12 14:44:30:246 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128659
2021-02-12 14:44:30:246 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128658 to 128659
2021-02-12 14:44:30:247 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:247 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128658 to 128659
2021-02-12 14:44:30:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: cert[0]: MissingIntermediate =(leaf)[force]> 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:249 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: cert[0]: NonEmptySubject =(path)[]> 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:252 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128660
2021-02-12 14:44:30:254 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128659 to 128660
2021-02-12 14:44:30:261 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:261 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128659 to 128660
2021-02-12 14:44:30:262 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:262 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051b35b0> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:262 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 6 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|public.heic|public.jpeg/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:262 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128661
2021-02-12 14:44:30:263 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128660 to 128661
2021-02-12 14:44:30:263 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:263 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128660 to 128661
2021-02-12 14:44:30:265 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: handle_start_service: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:265 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceManagerMonitor24GHzInfraNetworkTraffic: SNR 24.3, CCA 32.9, Tx bandwidth 37777.7 (kbps), Rx bandwidth 37777.7, Tx data rate 17.9 (kbps), Rx data rate 24.6, Tx air time 0.047 %, Rx air time 0.065 %, Good background traffic ? No
2021-02-12 14:44:30:265 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceManagerEvaluate24GHzInfraNetworkState:isConnected Yes, isTimeSensitiveAppRunning No, isThereTrafficNow No
2021-02-12 14:44:30:265 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiLQAMgrLogStats(arpanet:Stationary): Rssi: -69 {-67 0} Snr: 26 Cca: 46 TxPer: 0.0% (0) BcnPer: 0.0% (0, 51.3%) RxFrms: 7 RxRetryFrames: 0 TxRate: 24000 RxRate: 78000 FBRate: 6500 TxFwFrms: 3 TxFwFail: 0 TxReTrans: 0 time: 5726.0secs fgApp: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:265 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on en0: rssi: -69 [-67,0] -> -69, snr: 26 (cca [wake/total] self/other/intf): [-1,-1]/[-1,-1]/[-1,-1]/46 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail): 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:266 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Received Wi-Fi Assist Override along with LQM info: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:268 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: WiFiLQAMgrCopyCoalescedUndispatchedLQMEvent: Rssi: -69 Snr:26 Cca: 46 TxFrames: 0 TxFail: 0 BcnRx: 0 BcnSch: 0 RxFrames: 7 RxRetries: 0 TxRate: 24000 RxRate: 78000 FBRate: 6500 TxFwFrms: 3 TxFwFail:0 TxRetries: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:268 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:269 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128662
2021-02-12 14:44:30:270 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128661 to 128662
2021-02-12 14:44:30:270 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:270 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:271 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128661 to 128662
2021-02-12 14:44:30:271 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:271 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:271 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051a2f60> delivering update to host (4 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 4 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.plain-text/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128663
2021-02-12 14:44:30:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128662 to 128663
2021-02-12 14:44:30:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:274 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128662 to 128663
2021-02-12 14:44:30:282 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:282 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:284 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:285 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128664
2021-02-12 14:44:30:285 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128663 to 128664
2021-02-12 14:44:30:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128663 to 128664
2021-02-12 14:44:30:289 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:289 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051a8960> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:289 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|public.plain-text|public.url|public.vcard/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:293 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:293 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone lockdownd[70] <Notice>: spawn_xpc_service_block_invoke: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:293 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128665
2021-02-12 14:44:30:293 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128664 to 128665
2021-02-12 14:44:30:293 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:293 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128664 to 128665
2021-02-12 14:44:30:298 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:298 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:298 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:299 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:300 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x105192f70> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:300 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.url/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128666
2021-02-12 14:44:30:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128665 to 128666
2021-02-12 14:44:30:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128665 to 128666
2021-02-12 14:44:30:310 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:310 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:312 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128667
2021-02-12 14:44:30:312 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128666 to 128667
2021-02-12 14:44:30:312 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:313 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:313 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128666 to 128667
2021-02-12 14:44:30:313 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:314 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:318 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:319 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051ce980> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:319 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 2 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.vcard/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:320 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128668
2021-02-12 14:44:30:320 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128667 to 128668
2021-02-12 14:44:30:320 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:322 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128667 to 128668
2021-02-12 14:44:30:329 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:330 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128669
2021-02-12 14:44:30:330 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128668 to 128669
2021-02-12 14:44:30:330 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:330 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:330 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128668 to 128669
2021-02-12 14:44:30:331 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:331 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionCoprocessor,startTime,634819470.376439,motionType,1,youthType,0,youthTypeReason,0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:332 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:332 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x105149ae0> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:332 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.image|public.plain-text|public.url/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:336 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128670
2021-02-12 14:44:30:337 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128669 to 128670
2021-02-12 14:44:30:337 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:337 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128669 to 128670
2021-02-12 14:44:30:343 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128671
2021-02-12 14:44:30:344 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128670 to 128671
2021-02-12 14:44:30:344 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:344 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128670 to 128671
2021-02-12 14:44:30:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:347 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:30:347 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x10515f9a0> delivering update to host (3 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:348 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 3 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [|public.url/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:350 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128672
2021-02-12 14:44:30:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128671 to 128672
2021-02-12 14:44:30:354 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:354 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128671 to 128672
2021-02-12 14:44:30:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128673
2021-02-12 14:44:30:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128672 to 128673
2021-02-12 14:44:30:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:361 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128672 to 128673
2021-02-12 14:44:30:361 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:362 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:362 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051d3310> delivering update to host (4 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:363 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 4 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.plain-text|public.plain-text|public.plain-text|public.rtf/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:367 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1600 mA (measured 850 mA)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:369 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:369 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:369 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:369 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:374 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128674
2021-02-12 14:44:30:374 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128673 to 128674
2021-02-12 14:44:30:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128673 to 128674
2021-02-12 14:44:30:378 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:378 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(ExtensionKit)[149] <Notice>: Use of NSTruePredicate is forbidden: TRUEPREDICATE
2021-02-12 14:44:30:378 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x1050059f0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(PlugInKit)[63] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x1051c2670> delivering update to host (6 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sharingd(ShareSheet)[63] <Notice>: ExtensionsCache: 6 new extensions from NSExtension for cache key = [public.image/||], error = (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128675
2021-02-12 14:44:30:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128674 to 128675
2021-02-12 14:44:30:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128674 to 128675
2021-02-12 14:44:30:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Failed to find in LaunchServices
2021-02-12 14:44:30:386 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::setPowerStatusGated(): id:0x100000369, newPowerStatus 1, newTimestamp 45950390356834, newItemSet <private>, newItemTag 0x0, now 51916945347198
2021-02-12 14:44:30:387 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::createPowerSourceItemsInternal(): id:0x100000369, owner=<private> tag=0x0 itemSet=<private> removeTagSet=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:390 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:390 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:390 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:390 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:390 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128676
2021-02-12 14:44:30:390 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128675 to 128676
2021-02-12 14:44:30:391 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128675 to 128676
2021-02-12 14:44:30:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Notice>: posted ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Failed to find in LaunchServices
2021-02-12 14:44:30:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone thermalmonitord[60] <Notice>: <Notice> Charger type is 10
2021-02-12 14:44:30:394 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128677
2021-02-12 14:44:30:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128676 to 128677
2021-02-12 14:44:30:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128676 to 128677
2021-02-12 14:44:30:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(NetworkExtension)[122] <Notice>: Failed to find in LaunchServices
2021-02-12 14:44:30:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128678
2021-02-12 14:44:30:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128677 to 128678
2021-02-12 14:44:30:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache miss for com.facebook.WebDriverAgentRunner-jhdty3235f.xctrunner
2021-02-12 14:44:30:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[122] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128677 to 128678
2021-02-12 14:44:30:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nehelper[122] <Notice>: Setting UUID cache generation to 128679
2021-02-12 14:44:30:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager(libsystem_networkextension.dylib)[160] <Notice>: UUID cache generation changed from 128678 to 128679
2021-02-12 14:44:30:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Received a start command from nesessionmanager[160]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Skip a start command from nesessionmanager[160]: session in state connected
2021-02-12 14:44:30:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Received a start command from nesessionmanager[160]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Skip a start command from nesessionmanager[160]: session in state connected
2021-02-12 14:44:30:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Received a start command from nesessionmanager[160]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Skip a start command from nesessionmanager[160]: session in state connected
2021-02-12 14:44:30:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Received a start command from nesessionmanager[160]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nesessionmanager[160] <Notice>: NESMPathControllerSession[]: Skip a start command from nesessionmanager[160]: session in state connected
2021-02-12 14:44:30:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: removefile([<private>]) succeeded
2021-02-12 14:44:30:418 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd[229] <Notice>: Received distnoted matching event.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:428 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Unknown bundle type for app:<private>, bundleType:<private> - skipping
2021-02-12 14:44:30:428 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Finished getting 37 applications, took 0.435473 seconds updateApps ? YES
2021-02-12 14:44:30:432 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Send apps:37 hidden:2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:434 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:435 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:435 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:436 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x111e0e2d0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x10300c7a0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102e14700>.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f152b0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:30:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x102e14700>.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f152b0> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:30:441 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 90FB2D65-9958-4D2C-B9D4-E79B56994E9D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x111e0e2d0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone routined(libcoreroutine.dylib)[36] <Notice>: darwin notification received,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone routined(libcoreroutine.dylib)[36] <Notice>: darwin notification received,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:443 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:443 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x11e8082a0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:444 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x111e19a20> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:444 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f152b0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:444 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for mDNSResponder - WiFi in/out: 2038792205/30559902, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 1385/0, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:445 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(PlugInKit)[247] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x111e19a20> delivering update to host (2 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:445 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone routined(libcoreroutine.dylib)[36] <Notice>: darwin notification received,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:445 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x11e832f10> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:30:446 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone routined(libcoreroutine.dylib)[36] <Notice>: darwin notification received,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:446 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: Annotations changed, re-performing query for continuous discovery, report block = <0x11e8082a0>.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:448 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Stall count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Stall score: 50
2021-02-12 14:44:30:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Policy denial score: 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: More info Foreground app <not-present> interval 0.000000 flows 0 (total 5)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Also flags 0 count 0 details Foreground app <not-present> interval 0.000000 flows 0 (total 5)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(AppSSO)[247] <Notice>: beginMatchingExtensionsWithCompletion: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111f15d60,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/PlugIns/AKAppSSOExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:458 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111f13a60,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSSOKerberos.framework/PlugIns/KerberosExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:458 - [IOSDeviceLog] ), error: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:458 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x102f152b0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:458 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x11e832f10> Beginning discovery for flags: 0, point: multiple
2021-02-12 14:44:30:458 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[10646] <Notice>: 0x16d71b000 notification_callback: No listeners for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:458 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(AppSSO)[247] <Notice>: beginMatchingExtensionsWithCompletion: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:458 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111e14d70,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/PlugIns/AKAppSSOExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111e284a0,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSSOKerberos.framework/PlugIns/KerberosExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] ), error: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102e12cd0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x103313cf0> delivering update to host (5 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Got apps from
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Handling Application Uninstalled event for {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] bundleIDs = (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] ""
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] );
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] isPlaceholder = 0;
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] }.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(AppSSO)[247] <Notice>: +[SOExtensionManager _sendNotificationsLoadedExtensions:new:removed:] extensions: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:460 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111f15d60,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/PlugIns/AKAppSSOExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:460 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111f13a60,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSSOKerberos.framework/PlugIns/KerberosExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:460 - [IOSDeviceLog] ), new: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:460 - [IOSDeviceLog] ), removed: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:460 - [IOSDeviceLog] ) on SOExtensionManager
2021-02-12 14:44:30:460 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted[167] <Notice>: beginMatchingExtensionsWithAttributes:: got Plugins: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Accepting apps from
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(AppSSO)[247] <Notice>: -[SOConfigurationHost _extensionsLoaded:] on <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 222E58D3-31B4-4D2F-8D1E-BE9B0640E500] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:461 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(Search)[2148] <Notice>: Setting apps 37 existing __fastApps 38
2021-02-12 14:44:30:462 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 7645DB61-6813-49F8-8075-98C293937ED7] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:462 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:30:462 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[10646] <Notice>: 0x16d71b000 notification_callback: No listeners for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:462 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[10646] <Notice>: 0x16d71b000 notification_callback: No listeners for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:463 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:463 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:463 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:30:464 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 658B9FBA-2F5A-48F8-8228-0D251C6A379D] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:464 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[10646] <Notice>: 0x16d71b000 notification_callback: No listeners for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:465 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called for next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:466 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called with no next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:466 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 71E37FDC-AF14-4509-A74F-3CC4D7824236] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:467 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41571
2021-02-12 14:44:30:468 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BED86FAC-8A41-4822-B39D-DE789BCBA0B4] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:468 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Apps changed: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:468 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[10646] <Notice>: 0x16d71b000 notification_callback: No listeners for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:469 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 67C70911-C6FE-485B-8589-155BCE4863A1] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:469 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 1948CA7E-E2A4-47C1-A842-38652EAF4975] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:469 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u C93A4C2A-7170-49D1-9FB2-AD6DD2E45BF3] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:470 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 4FD059E2-7D8E-4FFF-9C16-1C6522654165] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:472 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 74D05212-0DE5-47EE-ADD9-08AC15D8D331] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u BAC14587-904D-415E-9465-564E2CFBBA37] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 0, uid = 0, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:30:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(AppSSO)[247] <Notice>: +[SOExtensionManager _sendNotificationsLoadedExtensions:new:removed:] extensions: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111e14d70,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/PlugIns/AKAppSSOExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>",
2021-02-12 14:44:30:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] "<SOExtension:0x111e284a0,, path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppSSOKerberos.framework/PlugIns/KerberosExtension.appex, associatedDomains=(null)>"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] ), new: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] ), removed: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] ) on SOExtensionManager
2021-02-12 14:44:30:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=0, pid=149, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[149] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:30:474 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted(PlugInKit)[167] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x102e12cd0> delivering update to host (1 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:475 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 769669F5-1E24-4080-B6B1-03C795F57369] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:476 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 77E6973B-56DE-4FAB-81B5-1DAAD1417A6C] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 193483D6-438D-4BBF-B45C-C45130856767] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] [u 8C4829E8-CC42-4AE7-991B-E65619BCD1C9] [<private>(<private>)] Created plugin
2021-02-12 14:44:30:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ActionPredictionHeuristicsInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXInformationHeuristicRefreshNotitifcationTrigger (0x1006edef0): Received distributed notification: <private>. Triggering heuristics refresh.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:480 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone AppSSODaemon(AppSSO)[247] <Notice>: -[SOConfigurationHost _extensionsLoaded:] on <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:481 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ActionPredictionHeuristicsInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXInformationHeuristicRefreshNotitifcationTrigger (0x1006edf20): Received distributed notification: <private>. Triggering heuristics refresh.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:481 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 20
2021-02-12 14:44:30:483 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted[167] <Notice>: beginMatchingExtensionsWithAttributes:: got Plugins: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:484 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted[167] <Notice>: <private> servicesProvided: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:484 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:30:487 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41571
2021-02-12 14:44:30:487 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: Received notifyd notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:488 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted[167] <Notice>: <private> doesPurge: YES
2021-02-12 14:44:30:488 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: Received notifyd notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:488 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:30:489 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted[167] <Notice>: <private> servicesProvided: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:492 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone deleted[167] <Notice>: <private> doesPurge: YES
2021-02-12 14:44:30:493 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[10646] <Notice>: 0x16d71b000 notification_callback: No listeners for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:493 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone notification_proxy(MobileSystemServices)[10646] <Notice>: 0x16d71b000 notification_callback: No listeners for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:495 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone pkd[149] <Notice>: [d <private>] Final plugin count: 20
2021-02-12 14:44:30:496 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Refreshing after launch
2021-02-12 14:44:30:496 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: --- handled event ---
2021-02-12 14:44:30:497 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: Received notifyd notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:499 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x11e832f10> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 20
2021-02-12 14:44:30:500 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(KnowledgeMonitor)[9112] <Notice>: Next earliest event: Mon Jan 1 04:00:00 4001
2021-02-12 14:44:30:502 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1500 mA (measured 842 mA)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:503 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:503 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:503 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:504 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:516 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 5 b 20MHz n CCA 4% duration: 1059 congest: 51 ts: 2731840
2021-02-12 14:44:30:516 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistrationCenter fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:517 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: No allowed hash modifiers.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:517 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistrationCenter fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:518 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: No allowed hash modifiers.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:518 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Will fetch fresh subscriptions.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:518 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Will fetch fresh subscriptions.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:518 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistry fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:518 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Successfully obtained context.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:518 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Will execute fetch request
2021-02-12 14:44:30:518 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Entering -[VSSubscriptionRegistry fetchActiveSubscriptionsWithOptions:completionHandler:]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:520 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Will return matching subscriptions: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:520 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Successfully obtained context.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:520 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Will execute fetch request
2021-02-12 14:44:30:520 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Fetched subscriptions: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Will call registration center fetch completion handler with subscriptions <private> or error (null).
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Did call registration center fetch completion handler with subscriptions <private> or error (null).
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone videosubscriptionsd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[229] <Notice>: Will return matching subscriptions: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Fetched subscriptions: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Will call registration center fetch completion handler with subscriptions <private> or error (null).
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone watchlistd(VideoSubscriberAccount)[183] <Notice>: Did call registration center fetch completion handler with subscriptions <private> or error (null).
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::setPowerStatusGated(): id:0x100000369, newPowerStatus 1, newTimestamp 45950390356834, newItemSet <private>, newItemTag 0x0, now 51916948591038
2021-02-12 14:44:30:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::createPowerSourceItemsInternal(): id:0x100000369, owner=<private> tag=0x0 itemSet=<private> removeTagSet=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:524 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:524 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:527 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Notice>: posted ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:528 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone thermalmonitord[60] <Notice>: <Notice> Charger type is 10
2021-02-12 14:44:30:529 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:530 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: All maintenance operations should now be complete.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:530 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone routined(libcoreroutine.dylib)[36] <Notice>: darwin notification received,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:530 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41572
2021-02-12 14:44:30:532 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41572
2021-02-12 14:44:30:532 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x10300c7a0> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:533 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called for next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:533 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called with no next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:536 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x11e83d530> delivering update to host (20 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:541 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: [d <private>] <PKHost:0x11e832f10> Completed discovery. Final # of matches: 20
2021-02-12 14:44:30:542 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dataaccessd(DADaemonSupport)[298] <Notice>: DADAgentManager: Fetching active agents. count = 3, agents = <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:547 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:549 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(PlugInKit)[2148] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x11e83d530> delivering update to host (20 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:554 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(KnowledgeMonitor)[9112] <Notice>: Next earliest event: Mon Jan 1 04:00:00 4001
2021-02-12 14:44:30:556 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fileproviderd(PlugInKit)[209] <Notice>: <PKDiscoveryDriver:0x103313cf0> delivering update to host (5 plugins)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:560 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called for next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:560 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called with no next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: Handling application un-installation: {bundleID =; version = (null); shortVersion = (null); variantID = (null)}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:567 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:568 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: Cancelled download requests for:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:569 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(KnowledgeMonitor)[9112] <Notice>: Next earliest event: Mon Jan 1 04:00:00 4001
2021-02-12 14:44:30:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: [F08DF7D7] Cleaning up following removal of apps: []
2021-02-12 14:44:30:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: [Crossfire] Apps deleted: []
2021-02-12 14:44:30:578 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[39] <Notice>: Received distnoted notification "<private>"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:580 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: Cleaning up updates
2021-02-12 14:44:30:581 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: Received request to cancel download requests for - (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: [CleanupManager]: Application: <private> has no item ID: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:589 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102f08040), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:590 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f08040), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:606 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f08040), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:607 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f08040), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:608 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:608 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:608 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102f08040), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:609 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102f08040), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:609 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f08040), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:611 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: Received "" notification for keyName:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:612 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Deleted entries for
2021-02-12 14:44:30:654 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=82, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=82.11462
2021-02-12 14:44:30:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=82.11462
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=82, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=82.11463
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=82.11463
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22868
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=82, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformation, msgID=82.11464
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91936
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone bluetoothd[82] <Notice>: TCC changed, lets figure out if one of our sessions needs to be removed
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone bluetoothd[82] <Notice>: bundle ID's not allowed to use bluetooth <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformation, msgID=82.11464
2021-02-12 14:44:30:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91936, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22869
2021-02-12 14:44:30:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91936, attribution={accessing={, pid=86, auid=25, euid=25, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=86, auid=25, euid=25, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter
2021-02-12 14:44:30:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=86, auid=25, euid=25, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreTelephony.framework/Support/CommCenter access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91936, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91936
2021-02-12 14:44:30:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22869
2021-02-12 14:44:30:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22868
2021-02-12 14:44:30:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91937
2021-02-12 14:44:30:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91937, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91937, attribution={accessing={, pid=31, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistantd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=31, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistantd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=31, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AssistantServices.framework/assistantd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91937, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91937
2021-02-12 14:44:30:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91938
2021-02-12 14:44:30:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91938, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91938, attribution={accessing={, pid=265, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/TextInput/kbd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=265, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/TextInput/kbd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=265, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/TextInput/kbd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #Warning Spectator subscriptions expired
2021-02-12 14:44:30:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: coarse elevation src,enable,<private>,elevationSpectator,<private>,fitnessTracking,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: IDS connection update,status,<private>,prevDisconnection,<private>,modelID,<private>,uniqueIDOverride,<private>,localDeviceID,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxLink, Nearby, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: TileCell, unexpected, companion, 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I CK account status no change, signedInWithEncryption: 0.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91938, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91938
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22870
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22870
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91939
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91939, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 2, notificationClientCount, 0, notificationString, Cycling
2021-02-12 14:44:30:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 4, notificationClientCount, 2, notificationString, CyclingSpectator
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 3, notificationClientCount, 0, notificationString, Elevation
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 7, notificationClientCount, 2, notificationString, ElevationSpectator
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLCompanionNotifierSilo(CLLocationProviderWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 5, notificationClientCount, 1, notificationString, CoarseElevation
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91939, attribution={accessing={, pid=265, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/TextInput/kbd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:671 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=265, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/TextInput/kbd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=265, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/TextInput/kbd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91939, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91939
2021-02-12 14:44:30:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22871
2021-02-12 14:44:30:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22871
2021-02-12 14:44:30:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91940
2021-02-12 14:44:30:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22872
2021-02-12 14:44:30:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91940, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91940, attribution={accessing={, pid=109, auid=64, euid=64, binary_path=/usr/libexec/securityd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=109, auid=64, euid=64, binary_path=/usr/libexec/securityd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=109, auid=64, euid=64, binary_path=/usr/libexec/securityd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:673 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:674 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:674 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:674 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:674 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:674 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:674 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:675 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91940, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22872
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91940
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22873
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22873
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22874
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22874
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91941
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone securityd(CoreFoundation)[109] <Error>: attempt to set <private> for key in <private> in non-persistent preferences domain CFPrefsPlistSource<0x10281aa20> (Domain: securityd, User: kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, ByHost: No, Container: (null), Contents Need Refresh: Yes)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:676 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone securityd[109] <Notice>: received CK Account info: <CKAccountInfo: accountStatus=Available, accountPartition=Prod, deviceToDeviceEncryptionAvailability=(none), hasValidCredentials=YES>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(CloudKitDaemon)[151] <Notice>: [Operation 0x14d19b510] Initialized with context 0x14bf23c80. Background: 0, cellular: 1, QOS: 0x11
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91941, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:677 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:678 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:678 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:678 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(CloudKitDaemon)[151] <Notice>: [Operation 0x14bf67d40] Initialized with context 0x14d22a9c0. Background: 0, cellular: 1, QOS: 0x11
2021-02-12 14:44:30:694 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91941, attribution={accessing={, pid=68, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:694 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22875
2021-02-12 14:44:30:694 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=68, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/
2021-02-12 14:44:30:694 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=68, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IMCore.framework/ access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:694 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91941, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:694 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91941
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22875
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22876
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22876
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22877
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22877
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22878
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:696 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22878
2021-02-12 14:44:30:696 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: [appAuth:<private>] tcc access changed
2021-02-12 14:44:30:696 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22879
2021-02-12 14:44:30:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(TCC)[163] <Notice>: disposing: 0x1029f0b20(<private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(TCC)[163] <Notice>: disposing: 0x102a80820(<private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone chronod(TCC)[163] <Notice>: In tcc_identity_dispose
2021-02-12 14:44:30:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22879
2021-02-12 14:44:30:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22880
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22880
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22881
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22881
2021-02-12 14:44:30:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22882
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22882
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22883
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22883
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22884
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22884
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22885
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22885
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22886
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22886
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kbd(KeyboardServices)[265] <Error>: -[_KSUserWordsSynchroniser accountDidChange:]_block_invoke Disabling syncing if necessary as account found is not supported
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22887
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22887
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22888
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22888
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22889
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22889
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22890
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22890
2021-02-12 14:44:30:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22891
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22891
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone assetsd(TCC)[133] <Notice>: disposing: 0x123f1a010(<private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22892
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22892
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22893
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22893
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22894
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22894
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22895
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22895
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22896
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22896
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22897
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22897
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22898
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22898
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22899
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22899
2021-02-12 14:44:30:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22900
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22900
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22901
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22901
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22902
2021-02-12 14:44:30:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22902
2021-02-12 14:44:30:704 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22903
2021-02-12 14:44:30:704 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22903
2021-02-12 14:44:30:704 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22904
2021-02-12 14:44:30:706 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22904
2021-02-12 14:44:30:706 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22905
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22905
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22906
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDCloudKitDataSource: [DE713BA9] The CloudKit account changed.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDMultiUserController: [DE713BA9] Cloud data manager changed.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22906
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22907
2021-02-12 14:44:30:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22907
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitSpeechMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitSpeechMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22908
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDMultiUserController: [DE713BA9] Queuing a new Multi-User refresh. options = <AMSDRefreshMultiUserOptions: 0x10291ba20> {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] ignoreThrottling = false
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] reason = Cloud data manager changed.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] schedulingInterval = 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] shouldUseCloudData = true
2021-02-12 14:44:30:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] throttlingInterval = 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Error>: CKContainer: [DE713BA9] accountInfo.accountStatus == CKAccountStatusCouldNotDetermine
2021-02-12 14:44:30:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22908
2021-02-12 14:44:30:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22909
2021-02-12 14:44:30:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22909
2021-02-12 14:44:30:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22910
2021-02-12 14:44:30:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22910
2021-02-12 14:44:30:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22911
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22911
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22912
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22912
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22913
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22913
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitFacialMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitFacialMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22914
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22914
2021-02-12 14:44:30:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22915
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22915
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22916
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22916
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22917
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=9076.22917
2021-02-12 14:44:30:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22918
2021-02-12 14:44:30:713 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=9076.22918
2021-02-12 14:44:30:713 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22919
2021-02-12 14:44:30:714 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=9076.22919
2021-02-12 14:44:30:714 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:714 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:714 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(SensorKit)[9076] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:714 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:715 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=9076, sender_uid=0, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=9076.22920
2021-02-12 14:44:30:716 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Error>: -[TCCDAccessIdentity initWithMessage:]: self.bundle=0x0, bundle:(null); for:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:716 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=9076.22920
2021-02-12 14:44:30:719 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: Received CKAccountChangedNotification.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmfd[182] <Notice>: -[FMFCloudKitManager bootstrapAccountWithReason:]: Not retrying bootstrapping after: inf
2021-02-12 14:44:30:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: Received CKAccountChangedNotification.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31971
2021-02-12 14:44:30:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone itunescloudd[185] <Notice>: Received darwin notification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54861
2021-02-12 14:44:30:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone itunescloudd[185] <Error>: Received unsupported darwin notification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54861
2021-02-12 14:44:30:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: Received CKAccountChangedNotification in PDApplePayCloudStoreContainer. Fetching latest account information.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31971
2021-02-12 14:44:30:728 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone remindd[10668] <Notice>: CloudKit account status may have changed
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=185, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformation, msgID=185.5815
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91942
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformation, msgID=185.5815
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91942, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91942, attribution={accessing={, pid=118, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/coreduetd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=118, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/coreduetd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=118, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/coreduetd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91942, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91942
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:730 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:733 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone remindd[10668] <Notice>: Updating CloudKit account status
2021-02-12 14:44:30:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Error>: AMSDHomeKitDataSource [DE713BA9] Failed to fetch the device's homes. HomeKit isn't ready. status = 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:735 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=260, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=260.3821
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91943
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91943, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91943, attribution={accessing={, pid=94, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PassKitCore.framework/passd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=94, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PassKitCore.framework/passd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=94, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PassKitCore.framework/passd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=260.3821
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91943, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91943
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:736 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:737 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:738 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:738 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:739 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91944
2021-02-12 14:44:30:739 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54862
2021-02-12 14:44:30:739 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54862
2021-02-12 14:44:30:739 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91944, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:739 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91944, attribution={accessing={, pid=9017, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/siriknowledged}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:739 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=9017, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/siriknowledged
2021-02-12 14:44:30:740 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=9017, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/siriknowledged access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:740 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91944, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:740 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91944
2021-02-12 14:44:30:740 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:740 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:740 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: Received CKAccountChangedNotification in PDPassCloudStoreContainer.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:741 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:742 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:30:742 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126670751
2021-02-12 14:44:30:742 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:742 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:743 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[93] <Notice>: CK account changed
2021-02-12 14:44:30:743 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91945
2021-02-12 14:44:30:749 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91945, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:749 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91945, attribution={accessing={, pid=10668, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/remindd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:749 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=10668, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/remindd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:749 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=10668, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/remindd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:750 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91945, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:750 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91945
2021-02-12 14:44:30:750 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:750 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: Ignoring CKAccountChangedNotification in PDPassCloudStoreContainer because the container is already setup.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone homed(HMFoundation)[179] <Notice>: [Check manatee availability (3B6F1142-63ED-4012-A49D-7CDF6D8B7E3E)] Started
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91946
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91946, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91946, attribution={accessing={, pid=93, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ScreenTimeCore.framework/ScreenTimeAgent}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=93, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ScreenTimeCore.framework/ScreenTimeAgent
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=93, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ScreenTimeCore.framework/ScreenTimeAgent access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91946, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:752 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91946
2021-02-12 14:44:30:752 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:752 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:753 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:753 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:754 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:754 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchpartyd[129] <Notice>: CKAccountChanged notification received
2021-02-12 14:44:30:755 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91947
2021-02-12 14:44:30:756 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91947, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:756 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91947, attribution={accessing={, pid=179, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HomeKitDaemon.framework/Support/homed}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:756 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=179, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HomeKitDaemon.framework/Support/homed
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=179, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HomeKitDaemon.framework/Support/homed access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91947, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91947
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:758 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:760 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91948
2021-02-12 14:44:30:760 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91948, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:760 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91948, attribution={accessing={, pid=129, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/searchpartyd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:760 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=129, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/searchpartyd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=129, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/searchpartyd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:761 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91948, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91948
2021-02-12 14:44:30:762 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:763 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91949
2021-02-12 14:44:30:764 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91949, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91949, attribution={accessing={, pid=7097, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSupport.bundle/SafariBookmarksSyncAgent}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=7097, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSupport.bundle/SafariBookmarksSyncAgent
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=7097, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/CoreServices/SafariSupport.bundle/SafariBookmarksSyncAgent access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91949, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91949
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:765 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:771 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=151.91950
2021-02-12 14:44:30:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone siriknowledged[9017] <Error>: -[CKNCloudKitManager _setupAccount]_block_invoke Account status change cannot be handled
2021-02-12 14:44:30:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54863
2021-02-12 14:44:30:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54863
2021-02-12 14:44:30:772 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=151.91950
2021-02-12 14:44:30:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: accountStatusDidChange calling accountStatusWithCompletionHandler
2021-02-12 14:44:30:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: CKAccountChanged notification received
2021-02-12 14:44:30:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:773 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91951
2021-02-12 14:44:30:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Error>: AMSDMultiUserController: [DE713BA9] The refresh failed. error = { Error domain=AMSErrorDomain, code=13 }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91951, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91951, attribution={accessing={, pid=66, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/cloudpaird}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:774 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=66, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/cloudpaird
2021-02-12 14:44:30:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=66, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/cloudpaird access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91951, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91951
2021-02-12 14:44:30:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDMultiUserController: [DE713BA9] Scheduling a refresh. options = <AMSDRefreshMultiUserOptions: 0x102904580> {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] ignoreThrottling = false
2021-02-12 14:44:30:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] reason = A previous refresh failed.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] schedulingInterval = 86400.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] shouldUseCloudData = true
2021-02-12 14:44:30:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] throttlingInterval = 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91952
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] Scheduling a block for later execution. identifier = | options = {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91952, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91952, attribution={accessing={, pid=66, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/cloudpaird}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=66, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/cloudpaird
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=66, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/cloudpaird access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91952, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91952
2021-02-12 14:44:30:778 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:779 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:779 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:780 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone homed(HomeKitBackingStore)[179] <Error>: [] [3B6F1142-63ED-4012-A49D-7CDF6D8B7E3E] Manatee is not currently available; waiting for CKAccountChangedNotification to check again
2021-02-12 14:44:30:780 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone homed(HMFoundation)[179] <Notice>: [Check manatee availability (3B6F1142-63ED-4012-A49D-7CDF6D8B7E3E)] Invalidated after 0.033334s
2021-02-12 14:44:30:780 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] allowBattery = true
2021-02-12 14:44:30:780 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMessageUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:780 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:781 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:781 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:781 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchpartyd[129] <Notice>: Fetched CK account status: Available
2021-02-12 14:44:30:782 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31972
2021-02-12 14:44:30:782 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91953
2021-02-12 14:44:30:782 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31972
2021-02-12 14:44:30:782 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91953, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:783 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91953, attribution={accessing={, pid=210, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSuggestions.framework/suggestd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:30:783 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=210, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSuggestions.framework/suggestd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:783 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=210, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSuggestions.framework/suggestd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:784 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91953, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:30:784 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91953
2021-02-12 14:44:30:784 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:784 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:785 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:785 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchpartyd[129] <Notice>: iCloud accountDidChange Available -> Available
2021-02-12 14:44:30:785 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: iCloud account status: Available, supportsDeviceToDeviceEncryption: NO, with error: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:785 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] interval = 86400.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:785 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[39] <Notice>: Access to fitness data granted.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:786 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:786 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:786 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchpartyd[129] <Notice>: iCloud Account available
2021-02-12 14:44:30:786 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] qualityOfService = 17
2021-02-12 14:44:30:787 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54864
2021-02-12 14:44:30:788 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(CloudKitDaemon)[151] <Notice>: [Operation 0x14bf67d40] Initialized with context 0x14d277030. Background: 0, cellular: 1, QOS: 0x11
2021-02-12 14:44:30:788 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] repeats = false
2021-02-12 14:44:30:788 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] requireInexpensiveNetworkConnection = false
2021-02-12 14:44:30:788 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54864
2021-02-12 14:44:30:789 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] requireNetworkConnection = true
2021-02-12 14:44:30:789 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31973
2021-02-12 14:44:30:789 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd[9006] <Notice>: AMSDBackgroundActivityScheduler: [DE713BA9] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:789 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
2021-02-12 14:44:30:790 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x10291f580), 3749
2021-02-12 14:44:30:790 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: non-Manatee accountStatusWithCompletionHandler accountStatus 1 error (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:791 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: non-Manatee accountStatusDidChange Accounts available accountStatus 1 self.isAccountActive 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:791 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54865
2021-02-12 14:44:30:791 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x10291f580), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:30:792 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54865
2021-02-12 14:44:30:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: Error: Cannot setup container because account does not support device to device encryption (HSA2)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x10291f580), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:30:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: PDApplePayCloudStoreContainer: setContainerState called with state PDCloudStoreContainerStateDetachWithFailure, operationGroupNameSuffix: CKAccountChangedNotification, and retry count 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone passd[94] <Notice>: PDCloudStoreContainer: setContainerState called with state PDCloudStoreContainerStateDetachWithFailure, operationGroupNameSuffix: CKAccountChangedNotification, and retry count 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:793 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x10291f580), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:30:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Fetched CK account status: Available
2021-02-12 14:44:30:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: iCloud accountDidChange Available -> Available
2021-02-12 14:44:30:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: iCloud accountDidChange available
2021-02-12 14:44:30:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchpartyd[129] <Notice>: accountInfo: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchpartyd[129] <Notice>: Setting manateeAvailable to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: iCloud Account available
2021-02-12 14:44:30:794 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event, 3750
2021-02-12 14:44:30:795 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone suggestd(Accounts)[210] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
2021-02-12 14:44:30:795 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31974
2021-02-12 14:44:30:796 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54866
2021-02-12 14:44:30:797 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity on XPC remove event: (0x121266120)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:797 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity on XPC add event:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:797 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Created XPC Activity: (0x1212638f0)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:797 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Activity (0x1212638f0) matches XPC Activity with name (0x121266120)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:798 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity (with reuse): (0x1212638f0)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:798 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54866
2021-02-12 14:44:30:798 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x10291f580), setting state now to 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25900000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(3196) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone amsaccountsd(libxpc.dylib)[9006] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x10291f580), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:799 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=210, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=210.10350
2021-02-12 14:44:30:800 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=210.10350
2021-02-12 14:44:30:801 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31973
2021-02-12 14:44:30:801 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=210, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=210.10351
2021-02-12 14:44:30:801 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54867
2021-02-12 14:44:30:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25900000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(3196) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54867
2021-02-12 14:44:30:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=210.10351
2021-02-12 14:44:30:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
2021-02-12 14:44:30:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: accountInfo: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31975
2021-02-12 14:44:30:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Setting manateeAvailable to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Account now available - manatee: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[210] <Notice>: PPSettings loaded 14 disabled bundleIds from CloudKit prefs.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:803 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Device Store scheduleDeviceStoreDeferredActions
2021-02-12 14:44:30:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Device Store checkin activity handler
2021-02-12 14:44:30:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: BTXPCTimer: Scheduling XPC activity ( in 0 ~60.000000 grace.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54868
2021-02-12 14:44:30:804 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x125e34000), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54868
2021-02-12 14:44:30:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25808000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(153) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:805 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I updated=1 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=1 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=2 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kHSDPA->kHSDPA is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=1 gsm_band=50 bandType=-1 cdma1x_present=0 evdo_rev_present=0 evdo_rev=0 is_ehrpd_available=0 soMask= (0)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x125e34000), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: accountStatus: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Force(0) Account status changed: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25808000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(153) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Account status changed: 1, Forced: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:806 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
2021-02-12 14:44:30:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I updated=1 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=1 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=2 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kHSDPA->kHSDPA is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=1 gsm_band=50 bandType=-1 cdma1x_present=0 evdo_rev_present=0 evdo_rev=0 is_ehrpd_available=0 soMask= (0)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x125e34000), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54869
2021-02-12 14:44:30:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x125e34000), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:807 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x125e34000), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x125e34000), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x125e34000), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54869
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: BTXPCTimer Check-in:, with criteria: <xpc object>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x125e34000), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x125e34000), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x125e34000), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x125e34000), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x125e34000), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event, 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x125e34000), setting state now to 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x125e34000), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitKeyboardMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31974
2021-02-12 14:44:30:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity on XPC add event:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Created XPC Activity: (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:810 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity: (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 50 <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.8326 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54870
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>:[
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:46.786667, denominator:51.620000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.906367}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.906367, ThresholdScore: 0.704753 DecisionToRun:1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Running <private> immediately on submission
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: rsp: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I CS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_LIMITED_SERVICE) (kEmergencyOnly) full service (false)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:812 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I PS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_LIMITED_SERVICE) (kEmergencyOnly) full service (false)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:813 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #N Neither CS or PS has full service
2021-02-12 14:44:30:813 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Preferring CS emergency only status
2021-02-12 14:44:30:813 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I kRatUTRAN serving system: 283-10 kEmergencyOnly
2021-02-12 14:44:30:813 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Leaving LTE emergency bearer support at kFalse due to CS attach (false) PS attach (false) and registration status (kEmergencyOnly)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:813 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Updating Lte emergency bearer support to: kFalse
2021-02-12 14:44:30:814 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Updating Lte emergency bearer support to: kFalse
2021-02-12 14:44:30:814 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: rsp: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:814 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Clearing registration status
2021-02-12 14:44:30:814 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received UMTS cell information in Serving System Update
2021-02-12 14:44:30:815 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 283, MNC: 10, Band info: 0, Area code: 30210, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:816 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Carrier info is not valid, home country: false roaming: kUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:30:816 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received serving system update with current RAT set to kRatUTRAN and current DataMode set to kNoData
2021-02-12 14:44:30:816 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I computeIsInHomeCountry: inHome=false, result=kUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:30:816 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Serving cell has changed since cell monitor update: false, updating with the latest from Serving System Update
2021-02-12 14:44:30:817 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I CS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_LIMITED_SERVICE) (kEmergencyOnly) full service (false)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:817 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I PS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_LIMITED_SERVICE) (kEmergencyOnly) full service (false)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #N Neither CS or PS has full service
2021-02-12 14:44:30:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Preferring CS emergency only status
2021-02-12 14:44:30:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I kRatUTRAN serving system: 283-10 kEmergencyOnly
2021-02-12 14:44:30:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Leaving LTE emergency bearer support at kFalse due to CS attach (false) PS attach (false) and registration status (kEmergencyOnly)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Serving system cell refresh complete
2021-02-12 14:44:30:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Current operator does not support Network Time
2021-02-12 14:44:30:819 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Network Time is not supported by operator MCC: 283, MNC 10 and kRatUTRAN
2021-02-12 14:44:30:819 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Clearing registration status
2021-02-12 14:44:30:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I RAT is kRatUnknown for Current, but it is being ignored
2021-02-12 14:44:30:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Updating Lte emergency bearer support to: kFalse
2021-02-12 14:44:30:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Updating Lte emergency bearer support to: kFalse
2021-02-12 14:44:30:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received UMTS cell information in Serving System Update
2021-02-12 14:44:30:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 283, MNC: 10, Band info: 0, Area code: 30210, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Carrier info is not valid, home country: false roaming: kUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:30:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I computeIsInHomeCountry: inHome=false, result=kUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:30:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received serving system update with current RAT set to kRatUTRAN and current DataMode set to kNoData
2021-02-12 14:44:30:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Current operator does not support Network Time
2021-02-12 14:44:30:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Serving cell has changed: false, updating with the latest from Serving System Update
2021-02-12 14:44:30:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Network Time is not supported by operator MCC: 283, MNC 10 and kRatUTRAN
2021-02-12 14:44:30:821 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Serving system cell refresh complete
2021-02-12 14:44:30:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I RAT is kRatUnknown for Current, but it is being ignored
2021-02-12 14:44:30:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks pre-running in group [] are 1!
2021-02-12 14:44:30:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Running activities : <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Activity <private> has delayed start
2021-02-12 14:44:30:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: REQUESTING START: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:822 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: rsp: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received cell info update for kServingSystem
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I UMTS Serving Cells:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 283, MNC: 10, Band info: 0, Area code: 30210, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 10713, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I CSG: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventCellMonitorUpdate (59) sent to 1 (of 61) clients.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: rsp: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received cell info update for kServingSystem
2021-02-12 14:44:30:823 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I UMTS Serving Cells:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 283, MNC: 10, Band info: 0, Area code: 30210, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 10713, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I CSG: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventCellMonitorUpdate (59) sent to 1 (of 61) clients.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, ctupdate, list, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,invoke,<private>,onTelephonyNotification(notification, data)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, ctupdate, list, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:824 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,invoke,<private>,onTelephonyNotification(notification, data)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctnotify, kCellInfoNotification, havedata, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: Sent notification to 6 (of 30) clients: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:825 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: Sent notification to 6 (of 30) clients: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,#ins<private>,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,invoke,<private>,onTelephonyNotification(notification, data)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, infonotify, inst, 1, cells, 1, empty, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, selection, inst, 1, count, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, selection, inst, 1, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, selectsize, 1, thisslot, 0, 1, valid, 1, serving, 1, slotcells, 1, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLConfig,kCellInfoNotification,operator mcc and mnc updated", "inst":0, "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, spectators, 1, last, 231.2, type, 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#awd,handleCellInfoNotification", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ins<private>,#nilr,#supl,updateCellData
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ins<private>,#nilr,#supl,setServingIsOnLte,isOnLte,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:828 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#awd,handleCellInfoNotification", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, match, <private>, strong, tiles, rat, GSM, needsAls, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Actor cell info updated", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>, "cell ID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, counts, in, 1, sortIn, 1, sortOut, 1, shouldQuery, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLConfig,kCellInfoNotification,operator mcc and mnc updated", "inst":0, "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,#ins<private>,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, fix, <private>, acc, <private>, tiles, strong, GSM, Serving, notify, 1, deploymentType, -1, cellinfo
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxCell, Fix, 1, ll, <private>, <private>, acc, 2000.00, course, -1.0, key, <private>, type, 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#awd,handleCellInfoNotification", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, fix, UclpMetric
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellLoc, tiledl, cells, 1, gsm, 1, cdma, 0, lte, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,invoke,<private>,onTelephonyNotification(notification, data)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Actor cell info updated", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>, "cell ID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, timer, recalc, 300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ins<private>,#nilr,#supl,updateCellData
2021-02-12 14:44:30:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108151de0> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108ac5e60>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1054076b0>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ins<private>,#nilr,#supl,setServingIsOnLte,isOnLte,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108ac5e60> with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:30 +0400]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108aab750>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108aab750> - 8 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:30:833 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#awd,handleCellInfoNotification", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108ac5e60> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x108aa07a0> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x10818d620> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue_serial: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108ac5e60> - 9 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:30:834 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108151de0> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2021-02-09 15:41:02 +0400) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108151de0> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108151de0> Calculated minimum fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:30 +0400] (100%) with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:30 +0400], start date [2021-02-12 14:44:30 +0400], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctnotify, kCellInfoNotification, havedata, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:835 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, infonotify, inst, 1, cells, 1, empty, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, selection, inst, 1, count, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, selection, inst, 1, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, selectsize, 1, thisslot, 0, 1, valid, 1, serving, 1, slotcells, 1, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, spectators, 1, last, 0.0, type, 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, match, <private>, strong, tiles, rat, GSM, needsAls, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, counts, in, 1, sortIn, 1, sortOut, 1, shouldQuery, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, fix, <private>, acc, <private>, tiles, strong, GSM, Serving, notify, 1, deploymentType, -1, cellinfo
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxCell, Fix, 1, ll, <private>, <private>, acc, 2000.00, course, -1.0, key, <private>, type, 6
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, fix, UclpMetric
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellLoc, tiledl, cells, 1, gsm, 1, cdma, 0, lte, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, timer, recalc, 300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108151de0>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:836 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1080f9b90> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10530c260>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108ac5e60>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10530c260> with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:30 +0400]
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108ac5e60> - 8 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10530c260> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x108092a30> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x108078310> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue_serial: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10530c260> - 9 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1080f9b90> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2021-02-09 15:41:02 +0400) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:837 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1080f9b90> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1080f9b90> Calculated minimum fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:30 +0400] (100%) with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:30 +0400], start date [2021-02-12 14:44:30 +0400], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54870
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54871
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=39.31975
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54871
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31976
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31976
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54872
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54872
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31978
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:838 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotionHeartRate, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31978
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=39, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31977
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=39.31977
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54873
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54873
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54874
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Removing data for uninstalled app(s): <private> and app clip(s): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:839 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54874
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54875
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54875
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitMotion, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54876
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41573
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54876
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54877
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54877
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(UserManagement)[10692] <Notice>: (501) _sendXPCMessageToServerOfType not applicable, bailing as its not multiUser
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54878
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54878
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:841 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:841 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitOdometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:841 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54879
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54879
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54880
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54880
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54881
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54881
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:843 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitDeviceUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54882
2021-02-12 14:44:30:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54882
2021-02-12 14:44:30:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54883
2021-02-12 14:44:30:844 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54883
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54884
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54884
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchOnWristState, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54885
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54885
2021-02-12 14:44:30:845 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54886
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54886
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54887
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54887
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitWatchFallStats, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:846 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54888
2021-02-12 14:44:30:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54888
2021-02-12 14:44:30:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54889
2021-02-12 14:44:30:847 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54889
2021-02-12 14:44:30:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54890
2021-02-12 14:44:30:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54890
2021-02-12 14:44:30:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPedometer, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:848 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54891
2021-02-12 14:44:30:849 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54891
2021-02-12 14:44:30:849 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54892
2021-02-12 14:44:30:850 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54892
2021-02-12 14:44:30:850 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54893
2021-02-12 14:44:30:850 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54893
2021-02-12 14:44:30:850 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:851 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:851 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitLocationMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:851 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:851 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54894
2021-02-12 14:44:30:851 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54894
2021-02-12 14:44:30:852 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54895
2021-02-12 14:44:30:853 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54895
2021-02-12 14:44:30:853 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54896
2021-02-12 14:44:30:853 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54896
2021-02-12 14:44:30:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitStrideCalibration, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54897
2021-02-12 14:44:30:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54897
2021-02-12 14:44:30:854 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54898
2021-02-12 14:44:30:855 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54898
2021-02-12 14:44:30:855 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54899
2021-02-12 14:44:30:855 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54899
2021-02-12 14:44:30:855 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitSpeechMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitSpeechMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54900
2021-02-12 14:44:30:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: [Crossfire] Not creating app event for non-candidate bundleID: with type: Uninstall hasMetadata: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:856 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54900
2021-02-12 14:44:30:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41573
2021-02-12 14:44:30:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: Initializing APSConnection <private>: env=<private> queue=<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: [Crossfire] Looking for launch events from: 2021-02-12 14:31:27 to: 2021-02-12 14:44:30 for: 0 apps(s)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:859 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:860 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102f24090), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:860 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54901
2021-02-12 14:44:30:860 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54901
2021-02-12 14:44:30:861 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fontservicesd(FontServices)[164] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f24090), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54902
2021-02-12 14:44:30:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102f24090), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:863 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f24090), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54902
2021-02-12 14:44:30:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41574
2021-02-12 14:44:30:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone assetsd(TCC)[133] <Notice>: disposing: 0x123ff5870(<private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setting delegate <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:865 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone assetsd(TCC)[133] <Notice>: In tcc_identity_dispose
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitElevation, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone distnoted[74] <Notice>: register name: ACDAccountStoreDidChangeNotification object: kCFNotificationAnyObject token: 100000000 pid: 10692
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54903
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54903
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f24090), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f24090), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102f24090), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102f24090), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f24090), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> creating an xpc connection
2021-02-12 14:44:30:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:30:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54904
2021-02-12 14:44:30:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54904
2021-02-12 14:44:30:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41574
2021-02-12 14:44:30:873 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: SetupConnection: env=<private> portName=<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:874 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1400 mA (measured 756 mA)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:875 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Found existing connection <private> for port name: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Setting connection <private> on peer: <xpc object>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Replacing xpc conn (null) with <xpc object> for <private> (<private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> <private> has established new xpc connection <xpc object>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:877 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Initiating XPC Activity: (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:877 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Created temporary power assertion for (0x121106d50): 40062
2021-02-12 14:44:30:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: beginning dispatch, activity name, seqno 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: (0x125e34000): found an activity with matching seqno 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: lower half, activity name (0x125e34000), seqno from top half was 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: created connection 0x125e24720 for activity name (0x125e34000), seqno 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:879 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x125e34000), 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:879 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: send new state to CTS: (0x125e34000), 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:879 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Running XPC Activity (PID 66): (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:879 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: STARTING: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:879 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:879 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state_from_cts: (0x125e34000), set activity state to 2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: STARTING activity <private>!
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks running in group [] are 1!
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Not tracking activity: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x125e34000), current state 2, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x125e34000), 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>:[
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:46.786667, denominator:51.620000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.906367}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: BTXPCTimer triggered. Updating to done so that it can be cleaned. success : : 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Device Store scheduled activity handler timer fired: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x125e34000), current state 2, pending state 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x125e34000), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: send new state to CTS: (0x125e34000), 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Completed XPC Activity: (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: send new state to CTS: (0x125e34000), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:882 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: COMPLETED at priority 50 <private>!
2021-02-12 14:44:30:882 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: NO LONGER RUNNING ...Tasks running in group [] are 0!
2021-02-12 14:44:30:883 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: BTXPCTimer Unregistering XPC activity
2021-02-12 14:44:30:883 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: __xpc_activity_unregister: (0x125e34000) seqno: 2, (is registered)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:883 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: 2, last registration: true
2021-02-12 14:44:30:883 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state_from_cts: (0x125e34000), set activity state to 5
2021-02-12 14:44:30:884 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Run to delete for deferred records: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity on XPC remove event: (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: __xpc_activity_unregister: (0x125e34000) seqno: 2, (not registered)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudpaird(libxpc.dylib)[66] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: 18446744073709551615, last registration: true
2021-02-12 14:44:30:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::setPowerStatusGated(): id:0x100000369, newPowerStatus 1, newTimestamp 45950390356834, newItemSet <private>, newItemTag 0x0, now 51916957377691
2021-02-12 14:44:30:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::createPowerSourceItemsInternal(): id:0x100000369, owner=<private> tag=0x0 itemSet=<private> removeTagSet=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:920 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:30:922 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:30:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:30:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoTimeKitCompanion)[146] <Notice>: Setting data sources for SiriDefaultsPhoneThirdPartyDataSources - <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSDomainAccessor initWithDomain:]: domain: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
2021-02-12 14:44:30:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSDomainAccessor initWithDomain:queue:]: domain: ( pairingID: ((null)); pairingDataStort: ((null))
2021-02-12 14:44:30:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSDomainAccessor initWithDomain:queue:]: Unable to create domain accessor. No pairing ID or data store.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: self: (0x102d5cd90)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSDomainAccessor initWithDomain:]: domain: (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: Failed to resolve pairing ID ((null)) or data store ((null)) for active device
2021-02-12 14:44:30:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSDomainAccessor initWithDomain:queue:]: domain: ( pairingID: ((null)); pairingDataStort: ((null))
2021-02-12 14:44:30:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSDomainAccessor initWithDomain:queue:]: Unable to create domain accessor. No pairing ID or data store.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: self: (0x102d5cd90)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: self: (0x102c60920)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSManager synchronizeNanoDomain:keys:cloudEnabled:]: (; keys: (<private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: -[NPSManager connection]: Can't get xpcConnection- either there's a daemon failure or the daemon can't be launched because no watches are paired
2021-02-12 14:44:30:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoPreferencesSync)[146] <Notice>: self: (0x102c60920)
2021-02-12 14:44:30:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone nanotimekitcompaniond(NanoTimeKitCompanion)[146] <Notice>: Siri defaults did change. Posting notification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServicesStore)[2060] <Notice>: Writing store (no GC) 0x147fc9f28 with writer 0x16e00eb00
2021-02-12 14:44:30:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Apps Source fired data:4
2021-02-12 14:44:30:936 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Unknown bundle type for app:<private>, bundleType:<private> - skipping
2021-02-12 14:44:30:938 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Finished getting 37 applications, took 0.006219 seconds updateApps ? YES
2021-02-12 14:44:30:941 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpotlightUI)[59] <Notice>: Send apps:37 hidden:2
2021-02-12 14:44:30:942 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:949 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Notice>: posted ''
2021-02-12 14:44:30:949 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone thermalmonitord[60] <Notice>: <Notice> Charger type is 10
2021-02-12 14:44:30:950 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called for next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called with no next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:30:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone contextstored(KnowledgeMonitor)[9112] <Notice>: Next earliest event: Mon Jan 1 04:00:00 4001
2021-02-12 14:44:30:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone routined(libcoreroutine.dylib)[36] <Notice>: darwin notification received,
2021-02-12 14:44:30:955 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54905
2021-02-12 14:44:30:955 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54905
2021-02-12 14:44:30:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitFacialMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:961 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitFacialMetrics, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:962 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:962 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone accountsd(AppleIDAuthentication)[130] <Notice>: Allowing whitelisted client free access to AppleAccount credential without checking for Gray Mode.
2021-02-12 14:44:30:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54906
2021-02-12 14:44:30:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54906
2021-02-12 14:44:30:968 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54907
2021-02-12 14:44:30:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54907
2021-02-12 14:44:30:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54908
2021-02-12 14:44:30:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54908
2021-02-12 14:44:30:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitPhoneUsage, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXIntentMetadataCacheInvalidationMonitor received _ATXInternalUninstallNotification
2021-02-12 14:44:30:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXIntentMetadataCache invalidating intents due to app uninstall for bundleId <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54909
2021-02-12 14:44:30:977 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersForService, msgID=7270.54909
2021-02-12 14:44:30:978 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: FindBaseServiceProvider: applicationsChanged
2021-02-12 14:44:30:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54910
2021-02-12 14:44:30:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CoreLocation)[142] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLClientIsLocationServicesEnabled", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:980 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyBundleIdentifiersDisabledForService, msgID=7270.54910
2021-02-12 14:44:30:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=151.91954
2021-02-12 14:44:30:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Error>: -[TCCDAccessIdentity initWithMessage:]: self.bundle=0x0, bundle:(null); for:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CoreLocation)[142] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLInternalGetAuthorizationStatus", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=151.91954
2021-02-12 14:44:30:982 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: PCSIdentitySetCreate: (null) {
2021-02-12 14:44:30:983 - [IOSDeviceLog] kPCSSetupDSID = "<<VALUE>>";
2021-02-12 14:44:30:983 - [IOSDeviceLog] }
2021-02-12 14:44:30:984 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FMF.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:30:986 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): keychain: -25300
2021-02-12 14:44:30:986 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(ProtectedCloudStorage)[151] <Notice>: KeychainGetStatus(PCSiCloudServiceMarkerName): status: off
2021-02-12 14:44:30:986 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: <private> Sending register with cause ApplicationsChanged because registration information has changed
2021-02-12 14:44:30:986 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: <private> Enqueueing request <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:987 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: Sending <private> to url <private> with headers:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:987 - [IOSDeviceLog] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:987 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: Sending <private> body dictionary :
2021-02-12 14:44:30:987 - [IOSDeviceLog] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone cloudd(CloudKitDaemon)[151] <Notice>: [Operation 0x14d19b510] Initialized with context 0x14d18a490. Background: 0, cellular: 1, QOS: 0x11
2021-02-12 14:44:30:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Error>: Pid 142 is not privileged to set my.logs
2021-02-12 14:44:30:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Error>: [ManageSubscriptionsPrompter]: No active account `op
2021-02-12 14:44:30:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: Canceling progress for bundleID:
2021-02-12 14:44:30:988 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:989 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:990 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:30 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setEnableCriticalReliability NO sendToDaemon NO
2021-02-12 14:44:30:990 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Received a notification for name:"<private>", userInfo:<private>, bundleIDs:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:990 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(Search)[2148] <Notice>: Build apps: uninitialized
2021-02-12 14:44:30:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> _setUsesAppLaunchStats NO sendToDaemon NO
2021-02-12 14:44:30:991 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54911
2021-02-12 14:44:30:992 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Deleting all the items for bundleIDs:<private>, pcs:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:992 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Deleting all items for bundleID:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:992 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessGetOverride, msgID=7270.54911
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Got apps from
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> _setEnableStatusNotifications NO sendToDaemon NO
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Accepting apps from
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Authorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setMessageSize: 5120
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(Search)[2148] <Notice>: Apps Source fired data:1
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setLargeMessageSize: 51200
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering did reconnect apsd
2021-02-12 14:44:30:993 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone sensorkitd[7270] <Notice>: Deauthorized Bundle Ids for kTCCServiceSensorKitAmbientLightSensor, overridden false, (
2021-02-12 14:44:30:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] )
2021-02-12 14:44:30:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> queuing call to delegate to tolerate setDelegate race
2021-02-12 14:44:30:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering publicToken from apsd: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:30:994 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> queuing call to delegate to tolerate setDelegate race
2021-02-12 14:44:30:995 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering connectionStatusChange from apsd: YES
2021-02-12 14:44:30:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:30:996 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=7270, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=7270.54912
2021-02-12 14:44:30:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102f25390), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:30:997 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f25390), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:000 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Error>: -[TCCDAccessIdentity initWithMessage:]: self.bundle=0x0, bundle:(null); for:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: IOPMAssertionCreateWithProperties <private> failed with error: (iokit/common) privilege violation (-536870207)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x159e41cc0), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(Search)[2148] <Notice>: Unknown bundle type for app:<private>, bundleType:<private> - skipping
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering queued delegate calls: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> _setEnableStatusNotifications NO sendToDaemon YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x159e41cc0), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x159e41cc0), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:31:001 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=7270.54912
2021-02-12 14:44:31:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x159e41cc0), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:31:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:002 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: NO completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> resuming, timeouts(120.0, 604800.0) QOS(0x15) Voucher <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102f25390), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: [Telemetry]: Activity <nw_activity 12:2 [0CC11269-27E4-4BD6-918E-14F8813EDD0A] (reporting strategy default)> on Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> was not selected for reporting
2021-02-12 14:44:31:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity on XPC add event:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:004 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Created XPC Activity: (0x121212d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:005 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity: (0x121212d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f25390), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 30 with interval 600 <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.9348 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>:[
2021-02-12 14:44:31:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:006 - [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:35.686667, denominator:40.520000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.880717}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:007 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: '' CurrentScore: 0.880717, ThresholdScore: 0.830750 DecisionToRun:1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:007 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Running <private> immediately on submission
2021-02-12 14:44:31:007 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks pre-running in group [] are 1!
2021-02-12 14:44:31:007 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Running activities : <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:007 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Activity <private> has delayed start
2021-02-12 14:44:31:007 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: REQUESTING START: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:011 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> asked for publicToken, got <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:012 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: YES completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:012 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x159e41cc0), setting state now to 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:012 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x159e41cc0), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:012 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f25390), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:012 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f25390), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:013 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41575
2021-02-12 14:44:31:013 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102f25390), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:013 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102f25390), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:013 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> local authenticator getting headers for (null) codes <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:013 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f25390), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:014 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> local authenticator will provide headers or request
2021-02-12 14:44:31:017 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AppleIDAuthentication)[130] <Notice>: Allowing whitelisted client free access to AppleAccount credential without checking for Gray Mode.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:018 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41575
2021-02-12 14:44:31:020 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:020 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102e1b820), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:020 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e1b820), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:021 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102e1b820), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e1b820), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:022 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: Removed manifest for YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:023 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Successfully removed recovery file /private/var/containers/Data/System/DFC0EE15-78FC-4633-BF96-9F2A203A6EAD/Library/Caches/
2021-02-12 14:44:31:023 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: _LSSessionSave: saved database for UID 501
2021-02-12 14:44:31:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone swcd[283] <Notice>: LS database generation has changed 9176 to 9177. Synchronizing SWC database to it.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone swcd[283] <Error>: Error getting enterprise-managed associated domains data. If this device is not enterprise-managed, this is normal: Error Domain=SWCErrorDomain Code=1701 "Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=Failed to get associated domain data from ManagedConfiguration framework., Line=298, Function=<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:024 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone swcd[283] <Notice>: Developer mode enabled: NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:028 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:028 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e1b820), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:028 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e1b820), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:028 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102e1b820), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102e1b820), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:029 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e1b820), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:030 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AppleIDAuthentication)[130] <Notice>: Allowing whitelisted client free access to AppleAccount credential without checking for Gray Mode.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:031 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: [Crossfire]: Recorded launches start interval as: 2021-02-12 14:44:31
2021-02-12 14:44:31:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: _ATXAppInfoManager: Uninstall occurred for <private> - Deleting appInfo and action data related to it.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: _ATXDataStore: Removing appInfo for bundleId: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102e1f610), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e1f610), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:033 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(AppleARMPMU)[0] <Notice>: AppleARMPMUCharger: limiting USB input current to 1300 mA (measured 803 mA)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:31:035 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:31:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:036 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:31:038 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllSearchableItemsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, shouldGC:YES, options:0x0, qos:0x11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:039 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41576
2021-02-12 14:44:31:039 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102e1f610), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:040 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e1f610), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e1f610), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:041 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e1f610), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41576
2021-02-12 14:44:31:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102e1f610), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102e1f610), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:042 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e1f610), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:043 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AppleIDAuthentication)[130] <Notice>: Allowing whitelisted client free access to AppleAccount credential without checking for Gray Mode.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:047 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41577
2021-02-12 14:44:31:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::setPowerStatusGated(): id:0x100000369, newPowerStatus 1, newTimestamp 45950390356834, newItemSet <private>, newItemTag 0x0, now 51916961247525
2021-02-12 14:44:31:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(IOAccessoryManager)[0] <Notice>: IOAccessoryPowerSource::createPowerSourceItemsInternal(): id:0x100000369, owner=<private> tag=0x0 itemSet=<private> removeTagSet=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:048 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41577
2021-02-12 14:44:31:052 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(IOAccessoryManager)[29] <Notice>: handle battery state update: isExtChg=1->1, enableHalogenMitigationsAndUI 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:052 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: manager->wow.lpasSetting 1 CFSetGetCount(manager->wow.wowClients) 1 isWowActivityRegistered=0 manager->wow.overrideWoWState 0 manager->externalPower 1 manager->iokit.battery.chargeLevel 100
2021-02-12 14:44:31:052 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Posting metrics for AJ
2021-02-12 14:44:31:052 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:053 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: External power state is same as before 1, bailing out
2021-02-12 14:44:31:053 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"adapter details", "adapterDescription":"usb host", "batteryChargerType":"kChargerTypeUsb", "level":100, "family":3758112768, "fullyCharged":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone powerd[41] <Notice>: posted ''
2021-02-12 14:44:31:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone thermalmonitord[60] <Notice>: <Notice> Charger type is 10
2021-02-12 14:44:31:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Power: battery-percentage 100.00 battery-power-connected 1 battery-charging 0 battery-warn 0 battery-critical 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone routined(libcoreroutine.dylib)[36] <Notice>: darwin notification received,
2021-02-12 14:44:31:059 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called for next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:31:060 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone contextstored(MobileTimer)[9112] <Notice>: <MTAlarmManager: 0x102d60930> finish block called with no next alarm
2021-02-12 14:44:31:062 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone contextstored(KnowledgeMonitor)[9112] <Notice>: Next earliest event: Mon Jan 1 04:00:00 4001
2021-02-12 14:44:31:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libMobileGestalt.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Cache loaded with 4644 pre-cached in CacheData and 46 items in CacheExtra.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:065 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone swcd[283] <Fault>: Application <app id> needs to stop using the entitlement immediately, and switch to ASAP. Contact the SWC team for more info on how to adopt.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> authenticator finished cont 1 req (null) headers <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> protocol received continueLoad=1, headers=<private> req=(null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:068 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 1, builtin 0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: enabling TLS
2021-02-12 14:44:31:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: starting, TC(0x0)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 B70C1151-88CA-4958-AF7E-8CF26E170028 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 tcp, url hash: 59f6fe1a, tls, context:{C430C2FD-3880-4BE7-BFC0-614607284A13}{(null)}{Y}{2}, proc: C0E40263-951B-3079-8A86-165C1374888A] start
2021-02-12 14:44:31:070 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 initial path ((null))] event: path:start @0.000s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:071 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 waiting path (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: path:satisfied @0.001s, uuid: 6B794B84-45E6-4597-9F4A-6ED8D6107849
2021-02-12 14:44:31:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41578
2021-02-12 14:44:31:072 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: resolver:start_dns @0.001s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:073 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SplashBoard)[59] <Notice>: <XBApplicationSnapshotManifestImpl: 0x282509400> [] We don't have any snapshots, so we're clearing our manifest data.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:075 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41578
2021-02-12 14:44:31:075 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Deleting actions with bundleId: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Initiating XPC Activity: (0x121212d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C3246] reporting state preparing
2021-02-12 14:44:31:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> setting up Connection 3246
2021-02-12 14:44:31:080 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179] getaddrinfo start -- flags: 0xC000D000, ifindex: 0, protocols: 0, hostname: <mask.hash: 'iQwEWBaRypvdHj9An1o/1w=='>, options: {}, client pid: 142 (fmflocatord)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q56815] Question for <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q4016] Question for <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='> (AAAA) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q4016] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='> AAAA (AAAA records are unusable)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q11957] Question for <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q56815] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101022e60 <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='> (HTTPS) following CNAME referral 0 for <mask.hash: 'LTxRMBE56pBzvDu20f5jpA=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q64907] Question for <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q4016] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='> (AAAA)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q4016] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='>, type: AAAA, rdata: <none> (mortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q11957] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101838000 <mask.hash: 'KxQ9VwTCY35gAyOjq9c5ZQ=='> (Addr) following CNAME referral 0 for <mask.hash: 'LTxRMBE56pBzvDu20f5jpA=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] Question for <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:082 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'KVQHQJTy6cB8hNJZrJIQmA=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:083 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'JlC/ZtNSbMevbRaaE6WlgA=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:083 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'O/eHQqazy3TVjHxGQV9YWQ=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:083 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'NtzlEJgPDkXYMPwj6WlvVA=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:084 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'eMUmpxoDCxUQM+hZ2iGa+g=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:084 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'mWxEYODD0R3lf3HUOP6eIQ=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:084 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: '3H+xdHS7MkSoObUZ+nQGWw=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:084 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: '9Wgmu9Dg+mZqawtCu6pDfQ=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:085 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q10644] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101838000 firstExpiredQname <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='> for allowExpiredAnswers question
2021-02-12 14:44:31:085 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] Question for <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:085 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q64907] Sent 38-byte query #1 to <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0xE6E9 (59113), flags: 0x0100 (Q/Query, RD, NoError), counts: 1/0/0/0, BBtuBEAp IN HTTPS?
2021-02-12 14:44:31:085 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q36215] Sent 38-byte query #1 to <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0x93F5 (37877), flags: 0x0100 (Q/Query, RD, NoError), counts: 1/0/0/0, BBtuBEAp IN A?
2021-02-12 14:44:31:085 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: beginning dispatch, activity name, seqno 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:085 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: (0x159e41cc0): found an activity with matching seqno 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:085 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: lower half, activity name (0x159e41cc0), seqno from top half was 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:086 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_dispatch: created connection 0x159e404e0 for activity name (0x159e41cc0), seqno 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:086 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x159e41cc0), 2
2021-02-12 14:44:31:086 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: send new state to CTS: (0x159e41cc0), 2
2021-02-12 14:44:31:086 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Running XPC Activity (PID 142): (0x121212d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:086 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: STARTING: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:086 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:086 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: STARTING activity <private>!
2021-02-12 14:44:31:087 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: With <private> ...Tasks running in group [] are 1!
2021-02-12 14:44:31:087 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Not tracking activity: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:087 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state_from_cts: (0x159e41cc0), set activity state to 2
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x159e41cc0), current state 2, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>:[
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] ] sumScores:35.686667, denominator:40.520000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.880717}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x159e41cc0), 5
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x159e41cc0), current state 2, pending state 5
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x159e41cc0), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:088 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: send new state to CTS: (0x159e41cc0), 5
2021-02-12 14:44:31:089 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Completed XPC Activity: (0x121212d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:089 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: send new state to CTS: (0x159e41cc0), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:089 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:090 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:090 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: COMPLETED at priority 30 <private>!
2021-02-12 14:44:31:090 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: NO LONGER RUNNING ...Tasks running in group [] are 0!
2021-02-12 14:44:31:091 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: InfoHeuristic: Calculating info heuristics results at Fri Feb 12 14:44:31 2021, heuristicsNames = <private>, path = <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:091 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Rescheduling XPC Activity: (0x121212d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:091 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:091 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:091 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 30 with interval 600 <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:092 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.9348 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:092 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state_from_cts: (0x159e41cc0), set activity state to 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:093 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd[10692] <Notice>: Refreshing LaunchServices Cache. Cache (<private>, 9176), LS (<private>, 9177)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:094 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone appstored[186] <Notice>: Update clean up complete with 0 changes
2021-02-12 14:44:31:098 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 2, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:099 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:099 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:101 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: (null) (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:101 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: InfoHeuristic: scheduleRefreshAfterDistributedNotification <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:101 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: InfoHeuristic: scheduleRefreshAfterDistributedNotification <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:101 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: InfoHeuristic: scheduleRefreshAfterDistributedNotification <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:103 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:103 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: InfoHeuristic: addInfoSuggestion <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:103 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: Memory usage is 3.422279 MB after running '<private>'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:103 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: InfoHeuristic:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:103 - [IOSDeviceLog] Result for heuristic <private>:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:103 - [IOSDeviceLog] Suggestions: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:103 - [IOSDeviceLog] RefreshTriggers: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:104 - [IOSDeviceLog] Has Failed: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:105 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ActionPredictionHeuristics)[138] <Notice>: ATXInformationHeuristics: received 1 results from HeuristicInterpreter
2021-02-12 14:44:31:105 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ActionPredictionHeuristics)[138] <Notice>: ATXInformationHeuristics: update heuristics <private>, got 1 new suggestions
2021-02-12 14:44:31:106 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllSearchableItemsForBundleID, bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, shouldGC:YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:106 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXInformationEngine: source <private> sets 1 suggestion(s)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:108 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 2, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:109 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:109 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:110 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:111 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41579
2021-02-12 14:44:31:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:112 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q64907] Received acceptable 111-byte response from <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0xE6E9 (59113), flags: 0x8180 (R/Query, RD, RA, NoError), counts: 1/0/1/0, BBtuBEAp IN HTTPS?, BBaQMQqJ 130 IN SOA BBkeprxI BBKUsjEH 1 7200 900 1209600 86400
2021-02-12 14:44:31:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q64907] Handling concluded querier: BBtuBEAp HTTPS IN
2021-02-12 14:44:31:113 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q59113] mDNSCoreReceiveResponse ignoring <mask.hash: 'QIDq9YQqLXlJ5W572L7c4A=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q64907] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: HTTPS, rdata: <none> (mortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q36215] Received acceptable 166-byte response from <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0x93F5 (37877), flags: 0x8180 (R/Query, RD, RA, NoError), counts: 1/8/0/0, BBtuBEAp IN A?, 21 IN A BBzgrvKJ, 21 IN A BBVGWdbf, 21 IN A BBkJQSth, 21 IN A BBmunCUP, 21 IN A BBjrcFPj, 21 IN A BBmLzFeV, 21 IN A BBHyWDGn, 21 IN A BBHmFJlf
2021-02-12 14:44:31:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q36215] Handling concluded querier: BBtuBEAp A IN
2021-02-12 14:44:31:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: 'OmB7cWSYrdL2LuVGhmtO6w=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: 'mWGMtt9PFTU1yZ7Us90DVg=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:114 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: 'Qpqna7G1GJPypdtLwQteUg=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: 'SDCaaga7gm3kyIck9vKkcQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: 'z4ye6CApvjDK6hgzGP27uw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: 'XTu4557CSizbaNFCPhOj+w=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: '5nU9XQqiS6dqGgcuEv3bZw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R0->Q65535] mDNSCoreReceiveNoUnicastAnswers: Removing expired record<mask.hash: 'PBAccJvPLLZl3P6h0/jmdQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'YQs35jHbGbWr4De7CVwITg=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'Kh8CqvsBktmoZjUxhttlwg=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:116 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'pqBdk2voVQOINxmeBIrEkg=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: '720PvQxZj6Hey7V7+KEqEg=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: '0RX9ydVZ+7Ec28Cx6Dlnqg=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: '4eapFfdtNBG7WekUc2A+Pg=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:117 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'iPku5LqmygssoM4+/cZ2zA=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:118 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179->Q36215] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'Fb7h6tpAc6Zvk19FwF1l+w=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: 'eVjcx2PFY5HWwg+e6LhmZQ=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:118 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:118 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for fmflocatord - WiFi in/out: 124690676/93298581, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 139/66, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for fmflocatord - WiFi in/out: 124690870/93298647, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 194/66, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:120 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: resolver:receive_dns @0.045s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 initial path ((null))] event: path:start @0.046s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167179] getaddrinfo stop -- hostname: <mask.hash: 'iQwEWBaRypvdHj9An1o/1w=='>, client pid: 142 (fmflocatord)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 waiting path (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: path:satisfied @0.046s, uuid: 29C5DD35-3FDB-4ED5-82BC-4B6C3A58FB5F
2021-02-12 14:44:31:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:start_nexus @0.046s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:receive_nexus @0.047s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: WiFi observer _foregroundCounts.currentCombinedFlags is 0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:121 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: WiFi observer _backgroundCounts.currentCombinedFlags is 0x100000101010
2021-02-12 14:44:31:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:start_connect @0.048s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libusrtcp.dylib)[142] <Notice>: tcp_output [C3246.1:3] flags=[SEC] seq=4053861295, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=4053861295
2021-02-12 14:44:31:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: resolver:receive_dns @0.049s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41579
2021-02-12 14:44:31:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 2, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:124 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone distnoted[74] <Notice>: register name: object: kCFNotificationAnyObject token: 100000000 pid: 10692
2021-02-12 14:44:31:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_system_group_path_for_identifier: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:125 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ManagedConfiguration)[10692] <Notice>: Got system group container path from MCM for /private/var/containers/Shared/SystemGroup/
2021-02-12 14:44:31:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone healthd(HealthDaemon)[39] <Notice>: Reset authorization records for uninstalled application <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:126 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone chronod(ChronoCore)[163] <Notice>: [appAuth:<private>] healthkit access changed
2021-02-12 14:44:31:129 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGDSpotlightReceiver: deleting entire bundle identifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:131 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[118] <Notice>: Deleting searchable items with bundleID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:133 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=211, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41580
2021-02-12 14:44:31:136 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessCopyInformationForBundle, msgID=211.41580
2021-02-12 14:44:31:140 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:143 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone bird(CloudDocsDaemon)[206] <Notice>: [NOTICE] evicting everything in <private> because the app was removed
2021-02-12 14:44:31:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:144 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(Search)[2148] <Notice>: Finished getting 37 applications, took 0.153175 seconds updateApps ? YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Apps changed: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:146 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(Search)[2148] <Notice>: Setting apps 37 existing __fastApps 37
2021-02-12 14:44:31:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Apps changed: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone bird(ApplePushService)[206] <Notice>: <private> setting delegate <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:154 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone bird(ApplePushService)[206] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: YES completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Looking up connection on peer: 19fa5a20 found <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private>: connection set opportunistic topics from <private> to <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> received topic update for UsesALS pretend NO but there is no change.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> flush any pending work that ALS told us to queue for its managed topics <private>, processMode systemToken
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> flush any pending work that ALS told us to queue for its managed topics <private>, processMode userToken
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone bird(ApplePushService)[206] <Notice>: <private> Delivering queued delegate calls: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone bird(ApplePushService)[206] <Notice>: <private> _setEnableStatusNotifications NO sendToDaemon YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics:<private> ignoredTopics:<private> opportunisticTopics:<private> nonWakingTopics:<private> forCategory Normal pretend NO change NewlyRemoved
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> cancelling any pending filter updates
2021-02-12 14:44:31:155 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone[213] <Notice>: [NOTICE] [spotlight] fileproviderd ask us to index one batch for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics:<private> ignoredTopics:<private> opportunisticTopics:<private> nonWakingTopics:<private> forCategory Server pretend YES change NewlyRemoved
2021-02-12 14:44:31:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> asked to schedule an update withTimer? YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x119f9e430> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11b3e25c0>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11b3e25c0> with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:31 +0400]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:161 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11b3e25c0> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x119ff75d0> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x119f5f010> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue_serial: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11b3e25c0> Existing wake at (null) re-scheduling to 2021-02-12 14:49:16 +0400 with leeway of 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11b3e25c0> - 4 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 1 date 2021-02-12 14:49:16 +0400 leeway 0 service identifier APSTopicManager unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x11b3e25c0>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x119f9e430> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x119f9e430> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x119f9e430> Calculated minimum fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:31 +0400] (100%) with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:31 +0400], start date [2021-02-12 14:44:31 +0400], minimum early fire proportion 1, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> scheduling a pending filter timer with interval 300.000000.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: Scheduling a wake for date <private> leeway 0 wake identifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:162 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd(PersistentConnection)[143] <Notice>: Wake schedule for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.001 seconds; result code 0)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone[213] <Notice>: [NOTICE] [spotlight] index one batch: done (responding to fileproviderd)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone bird(ApplePushService)[206] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: NO completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:165 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityExtractionPlugin: deleting all named entities and locations from <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:167 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone healthd(ActivitySharingPlugin)[39] <Notice>: ActivitySharingManager applications uninstalled: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:173 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:174 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:174 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:174 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:175 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:176 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:177 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:177 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:177 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:177 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: deleting all topics from <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:179 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:180 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:181 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:181 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:181 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:182 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:182 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:182 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:183 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:184 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:185 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:185 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:185 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:191 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:192 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:192 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:192 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:193 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:193 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:193 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:193 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:194 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: Requesting container lookup; class = 4, identifier = <private>, temp = 0, create = 1, euid = 501, uid = 501, personaid = 199, type = SYSTEM_PROXY, name = A4A0FEE6-F1B3-4908-A823-586649F82068
2021-02-12 14:44:31:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: stat [<private>]: exists: 1, isDirectory: 0, fsNode: <~~~>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: [0] command=0, client=<<~~~>, u=<501/501/~~/2/1000>, uid=501, pid=10692, sandboxed=1, platform=2>, error=(none)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:195 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: container_create_or_lookup_path_for_platform: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:203 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:203 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000000 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:210 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:211 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:215 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd[10692] <Notice>: No SYDPersistenceClientEntry for bundle <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> calling <private> didReceivePublicToken:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> returned from <private> didReceivePublicToken:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:224 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:31:228 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libusrtcp.dylib)[142] <Notice>: tcp_input [C3246.1:3] flags=[S.E] seq=1240138787, ack=4053861296, win=65160 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=4053861295
2021-02-12 14:44:31:228 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] Transport protocol connected
2021-02-12 14:44:31:228 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_transport @0.157s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:228 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_transport @0.157s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:228 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_session_apply_protocol_options_for_transport_block_invoke(1689) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] TLS configured [min_version(0x0301) max_version(0x0304) name(<private>) tickets(false) false_start(false) enforce_ev(false) enforce_ats(false)]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:228 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1821) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake started
2021-02-12 14:44:31:229 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
2021-02-12 14:44:31:229 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
2021-02-12 14:44:31:231 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:31:240 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryOrderingProvider: Uninstall notification received
2021-02-12 14:44:31:241 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryOrderingProvider: Write recent apps to disk succeeded
2021-02-12 14:44:31:242 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryOrderingProvider: Write categories to disk succeeded
2021-02-12 14:44:31:243 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryOrderingProvider: posted category update notification with reason App uninstalled
2021-02-12 14:44:31:243 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: Accumulating pending requests: <private> / Current Request Queue: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:243 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Starting Library Category Map refresh from requests '<private>'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:244 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Refreshing proactive library category source
2021-02-12 14:44:31:244 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Refresh options: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:244 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Refreshing proactive library category source 'Categories'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:244 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryClient: Starting requesting for categorization with shouldUseDefault: NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:245 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Refreshing proactive library category source 'Suggestions/Recents'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:245 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryClient: Starting loading predicted app with shouldUseDefaultCategories: NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:245 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryClient: Received successful categorization response from server
2021-02-12 14:44:31:245 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryOrderingProvider: Returning categorization from server
2021-02-12 14:44:31:247 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryClient: Read from disk succeeded, got 2 recent apps
2021-02-12 14:44:31:247 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Refreshed proactive library category source 'Categories'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:247 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Finished refreshing proactive library category source 'Suggestions/Recents'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:247 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Attempting _lastKnownGoodRecentApps update
2021-02-12 14:44:31:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Updated _lastKnownGoodRecentApps
2021-02-12 14:44:31:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Received recent apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Attempting _lastKnownGoodSuggestions update
2021-02-12 14:44:31:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) _lastKnownGoodSuggestions is same; skipping update
2021-02-12 14:44:31:248 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Received predicted apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:249 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Finished refreshing proactive library category source; hasPredictedApps: YES; hasRecentApps: YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:249 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Fetched Recent apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:249 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Fetched Predicted apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:249 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Finished Library Category Map refresh
2021-02-12 14:44:31:249 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Existing Library category map: 0x281e42340
2021-02-12 14:44:31:249 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Refreshed Library category map: 0x281e63100
2021-02-12 14:44:31:251 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Library category map changes: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:252 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Will update library category map
2021-02-12 14:44:31:252 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Did update library category map
2021-02-12 14:44:31:252 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Attempting to persist library category map, updated for reason: _performNextRequest
2021-02-12 14:44:31:252 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: library category map update received: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:253 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: Installing category map <private> - animated NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:253 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Session completed 'SUCCESSFULLY'; Request fulfillment time: 0.005623 -- Requests fulfilled: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:253 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Query response time for proactive library category source 'Categories' time: 0.000760 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:253 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Query response time for proactive library category source 'Suggestions/Recents' time: 0.003216 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:253 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Total query response time for proactive library queries time: 0.004299 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:253 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Library category map caches directory exists @ '<private>'; skipping creation...
2021-02-12 14:44:31:255 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8174) Library category map update persisted; contacting observers about successful refresh.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:256 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102e69790), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69790), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:273 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102e69790), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:274 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69790), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:274 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:274 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69790), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:274 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e69790), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:275 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102e69790), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:275 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102f55080), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:275 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f55080), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:275 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone analyticsd[110] <Notice>: Setting new client connection handler. 89 active connections
2021-02-12 14:44:31:275 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102e69790), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:275 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e69790), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:276 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:276 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(CoreAnalytics)[10692] <Notice>: Received configuration update from daemon (initial)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:276 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102e69e90), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:276 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69e90), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:276 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102f55080), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:276 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f55080), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102f55080), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f55080), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102f55080), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102e69e90), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69e90), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102f55080), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102f55080), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69e90), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e69e90), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102e69e90), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102e69e90), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e69e90), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:279 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: Initializing APSConnection <private>: env=<private> queue=<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:279 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setting delegate <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:279 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> creating an xpc connection
2021-02-12 14:44:31:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: SetupConnection: env=<private> portName=<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Found existing connection <private> for port name: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Setting connection <private> on peer: <xpc object>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:281 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Replacing xpc conn (null) with <xpc object> for <private> (<private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:281 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: <private> <private> has established new xpc connection <xpc object>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:281 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setEnableCriticalReliability NO sendToDaemon NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:281 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> _setUsesAppLaunchStats NO sendToDaemon NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:281 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> _setEnableStatusNotifications YES sendToDaemon NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:281 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setMessageSize: 5120
2021-02-12 14:44:31:284 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setLargeMessageSize: 51200
2021-02-12 14:44:31:285 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering did reconnect apsd
2021-02-12 14:44:31:285 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> queuing call to delegate to tolerate setDelegate race
2021-02-12 14:44:31:285 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering publicToken from apsd: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:286 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> queuing call to delegate to tolerate setDelegate race
2021-02-12 14:44:31:286 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering connectionStatusChange from apsd: YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:286 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering queued delegate calls: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:31:286 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> _setEnableStatusNotifications YES sendToDaemon YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:287 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setting delegate <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:287 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Calling <private> connectionDidReconnect
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> returned from <private> connectionDidReconnect
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: NO completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> calling <private> didReceivePublicToken:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Delivering queued delegate calls: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> _setEnableStatusNotifications YES sendToDaemon YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> returned from <private> didReceivePublicToken:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> seeing if delegate <private> responds to status changes
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> calling <private> didChangeConnectedStatus:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> returned from <private> didChangeConnectedStatus:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics (null) opportunisticTopics (null) nonWakingTopics (null) sendToDaemon: YES completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone apsd[143] <Notice>: Looking up connection on peer: 1b3ea890 found <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> setEnabledTopics <private> ignoredTopics <private> opportunisticTopics <private> nonWakingTopics <private> sendToDaemon: NO completion: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x102e6d160), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e6d160), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:289 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102e6d160), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:289 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e6d160), check-in
2021-02-12 14:44:31:289 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e6d160), setting state now to 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:290 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e6d160), 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:290 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__: (0x102e6d160), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:290 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: __XPC_ACTIVITY_CALLING_HANDLER__ returned from handler: (0x102e6d160), current state 0, pending state 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:290 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e6d160), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:292 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:31:302 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=151, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91955
2021-02-12 14:44:31:302 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=151.91955, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceLiverpool, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:31:302 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=151.91955, attribution={accessing={, pid=10692, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Support/syncdefaultsd}, requesting={, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:31:302 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=151, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd is checking access for accessor, pid=10692, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Support/syncdefaultsd
2021-02-12 14:44:31:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=10692, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SyncedDefaults.framework/Support/syncdefaultsd access to kTCCServiceLiverpool via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:31:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=151.91955, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:31:303 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=151.91955
2021-02-12 14:44:31:308 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69790), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:31:309 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x102e69790), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:31:309 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69790), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:31:309 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event, 2
2021-02-12 14:44:31:311 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity on XPC add event:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:311 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Created XPC Activity: (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:311 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:311 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:312 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity: (0x121106d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:312 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 30 <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:312 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.7956 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:314 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Setting timer (isWaking=1, activityRequiresWaking=0) between <private> and <private> for <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:315 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x102e69790), setting state now to 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:315 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(libxpc.dylib)[10692] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x102e69790), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:315 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:325 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: App install monitor got app uninstall notification
2021-02-12 14:44:31:325 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXUpdatePredictions: cache age 0.000000, reason app was installed or uninstalled
2021-02-12 14:44:31:325 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ActionPredictionHeuristicsInternal)[138] <Notice>: Received local notification: <private>. Expiring heuristics.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:326 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:327 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - -[ATXUpdatePredictionsManager disabledConsumerSubTypesWithHomeScreenPageConfigs:]: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:328 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - -[ATXUpdatePredictionsManager updateBehavioralPredictionsIfOlderThan:reason:]_block_invoke: app consumerSubTypes to refresh: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:328 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - -[ATXUpdatePredictionsManager updateBehavioralPredictionsIfOlderThan:reason:]_block_invoke: action consumerSubTypes to refresh: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:329 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_certificate
2021-02-12 14:44:31:330 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - file size on disk for path <private> is 267327
2021-02-12 14:44:31:331 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_status
2021-02-12 14:44:31:331 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client verify_server_certificate
2021-02-12 14:44:31:332 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_async(1510) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Performing external trust evaluation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:332 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_async_external(1495) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Asyncing for external verify block
2021-02-12 14:44:31:332 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
2021-02-12 14:44:31:333 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> auth completion disp=1 cred=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:339 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 138
2021-02-12 14:44:31:341 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 138
2021-02-12 14:44:31:341 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
2021-02-12 14:44:31:344 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Attempting to update location of interest since update age is 767.762358
2021-02-12 14:44:31:344 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:345 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:345 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Querying GPS location now, requesting with precise location: NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"setDesiredAccuracy:", "self":"0x100370d60", "accuracy":"100.000000"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x100370d60", "my.logs
2021-02-12 14:44:31:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"requestLocation", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x100370d60", "my.logs
2021-02-12 14:44:31:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:346 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim entity class arrow state changed", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:347 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Incoming message", "event":"activity", "name":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation", "this":"0x10899af30", "registrationReceived":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:347 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework (0x10899af30) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:347 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework (0x10899af30) is subscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocationUnavailable
2021-02-12 14:44:31:348 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework' authorized for location; starting shortly
2021-02-12 14:44:31:348 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework' authorized for location; starting now, desiredAccuracy, 100.0, distanceFilter, -1.0, operatingMode 0, dynamicAccuracyReductionEnabled 0, allowsAlteredAccessoryLocations 0, activityType 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:348 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxClient, register, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework, accuracy, 100.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:348 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #Warning Denying process assertion to <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:349 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:349 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxClient, accuracy, 0, 1, 0, level, Fine, reg?, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:349 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Client interest changed", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine", "is interested":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:349 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine", "include motion":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:349 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, wifi, desiredAccuracy, 100.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:349 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WlpReg, 1, loccontroller
2021-02-12 14:44:31:350 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:350 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, UnifiedCell, desiredAccuracy, 100.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:351 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: UclpReg, 1, loccontroller
2021-02-12 14:44:31:351 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, start, simulated, desiredAccuracy, 100.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,signalling
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, entry, register, notification, Location, lsb, 1, 1, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,posting notification
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Source now available", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Client::Registration
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Registration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLWifiLocationProviderSilo(CLPositioningWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 7, notificationClientCount, 3, notificationString, ElevationSpectator
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine", "include motion":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:352 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916968517547, "end_mach":51916968537451, "elapsed_s":"0.000829333", "event":"Client::Registration", "now_s":"634819471.361050963"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:353 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:353 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:353 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Client::LocationRequest
2021-02-12 14:44:31:353 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:353 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, locreq, registrant, clientupdate, current, none
2021-02-12 14:44:31:353 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiFlow, step, prepare, from, none, donereason, inprogress
2021-02-12 14:44:31:353 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 0, aged, 6, thresh, 30
2021-02-12 14:44:31:354 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, aps, history, 0, fresh, 1, 2ghz, 1, 5ghz, 0, agethresh, 5,
2021-02-12 14:44:31:354 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"computed wifi position", "numberOfInputAps":0, "validLocationHint":1, "computedValidLocation":0, "numberOfApsActuallyUsed":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:354 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, compute, 0, hacc, -1.0, conf, 63, reason, request
2021-02-12 14:44:31:354 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiFlow, step, initialscan, from, prepare, donereason, inprogress
2021-02-12 14:44:31:354 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(CoreLocation)[49] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x133f172c0", "delegate":"0x133e0cfc0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:355 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916968569982, "end_mach":51916968612987, "elapsed_s":"0.001791875", "event":"Client::LocationRequest", "now_s":"634819471.363242030"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:355 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:355 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiScan, enqueue, wlp, Stage1, lowpri, 0, passive, 1, pending, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:356 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:356 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiDpc, signal
2021-02-12 14:44:31:357 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Async scan requested by "locationd" for 1 iterations with maxage=0 priority normal and latency normal on en0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:357 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: WiFiDeviceManagerIs5GScanRequest: 2GHz Scan request because channel 1 is requested
2021-02-12 14:44:31:357 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Error>: Normal priority scan request from "locationd", is5GScan=0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:357 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: startCheck: shouldBlockScans=0 numAdmitted 1 admittedTS=634818687.425848 connected=1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:357 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Resetting, shouldBlockScans=0 numAdmitted 1 delta=783.940438 admittedTS=634819471.366286
2021-02-12 14:44:31:357 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Enqueuing command type: "Scan" pending commands: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:358 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Dequeuing command type: "Scan" pending commands: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:358 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiScan, execute, wlp, Stage1, flags, ndp, n, 1, error, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:358 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: {SCAN+} Attempting Apple80211ScanAsync on en0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:358 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceCopyPreparedScanResults: network records count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:358 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, scanreq, Stage1, registrant, result, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:358 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916968693241, "end_mach":51916968707124, "elapsed_s":"0.000578458", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.368350029"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:359 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:360 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:361 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916968735465, "end_mach":51916968751979, "elapsed_s":"0.000688083", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.370136976"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:361 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:361 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:361 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:361 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, locreq, Location
2021-02-12 14:44:31:362 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, clearcells, refresh
2021-02-12 14:44:31:362 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, refresh, register
2021-02-12 14:44:31:362 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:363 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CoreLocation)[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x10539f070", "delegate":"0x105453a20", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:363 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Refresh in progress is changing from false to true
2021-02-12 14:44:31:363 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:364 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I kClientRefresh cell refresh complete
2021-02-12 14:44:31:364 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @TileSearch, wifi, nrx, 9, 92, 0, havecurrent, 1, completemiss, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:365 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[5222] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:365 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,enquired,sz,3,gpsClientActive,0,gpsHwActive,0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:366 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd(CoreLocation)[44] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:367 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctnotify, kCellMonitorRefreshResultNotification, havedata, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:367 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, skipcalc, clients, 1, get, x
2021-02-12 14:44:31:370 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,enquired,sz,3,gpsClientActive,0,gpsHwActive,0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:371 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: rsp: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:371 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received cell info update for kClientRefresh
2021-02-12 14:44:31:371 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Refresh in progress is changing from true to false
2021-02-12 14:44:31:371 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I UMTS Serving Cells:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:371 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 283, MNC: 10, Band info: 0, Area code: 30210, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 10713, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:371 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I CSG: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:371 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I --------------> kCTEventCellMonitorUpdate (59) sent to 1 (of 61) clients.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:372 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> request: <private>, expects reply.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:372 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I <private> reply to request '<private>'.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:372 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: Sent notification to 6 (of 30) clients: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:372 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, ctupdate, list, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:372 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:372 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,invoke,<private>,onTelephonyNotification(notification, data)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:372 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:373 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:373 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:373 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:373 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, ctnotify, kCellInfoNotification, havedata, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:373 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:374 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#awd,handleCellInfoNotification", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:374 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,#ins<private>,onTelephonyNotification,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLConfig,kCellInfoNotification,operator mcc and mnc updated", "inst":0, "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:375 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:376 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, infonotify, inst, 1, cells, 1, empty, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:376 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, selection, inst, 1, count, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:376 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Actor cell info updated", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>, "cell ID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:376 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellService, selection, inst, 1, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:376 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #nilr,#nifc,invoke,<private>,onTelephonyNotification(notification, data)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:376 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, selectsize, 1, thisslot, 0, 1, valid, 1, serving, 1, slotcells, 1, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:376 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:378 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, compute, cells, 1, spectators, 1, last, 0.5, type, 6
2021-02-12 14:44:31:378 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:378 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ins<private>,#nilr,#supl,updateCellData
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ins<private>,#nilr,#supl,setServingIsOnLte,isOnLte,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #ctcl,#ci,fetch,cellListSize,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convertCells, 1, neighbors, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellService, convert, add, GSM, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#awd,handleCellInfoNotification", "inst":0, "RAT":"kRadioAccessTechnologyUMTS", "MCC":<private>, "MNC":<private>, "SID":<private>, "NID":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, match, <private>, strong, tiles, rat, GSM, needsAls, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, counts, in, 1, sortIn, 1, sortOut, 1, shouldQuery, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, fix, <private>, acc, <private>, tiles, strong, GSM, Serving, notify, 1, deploymentType, -1, cellinfo
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxCell, Fix, 1, ll, <private>, <private>, acc, 2000.00, course, -1.0, key, <private>, type, 6
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellFlow, outcome, fix, UclpMetric
2021-02-12 14:44:31:379 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @CellLoc, tiledl, cells, 1, gsm, 1, cdma, 0, lte, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: CellFlow, timer, recalc, 300
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108951e40> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10809eea0>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1080f9b90>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10809eea0> with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:31 +0400]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10530c260>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10809eea0> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x108053b30> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x108089010> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue_serial: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10530c260> - 8 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108951e40> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
2021-02-12 14:44:31:380 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x10809eea0> - 9 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2021-02-09 15:41:02 +0400) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108951e40> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x108951e40> Calculated minimum fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:31 +0400] (100%) with fire date [2021-02-12 14:49:31 +0400], start date [2021-02-12 14:44:31 +0400], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxClient, Fix, 1, ll, <private>, <private>, acc, 65.00, speed, <private>, course, <private>, type, 6, alt, <private>, altunc, 20.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Source now available", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine", "include motion":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationLeech"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Starting location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine", "include motion":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction released: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Routine.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Awareness Received location"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1081707a0> created <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108177a80>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Started simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108177a80> with fire date [2021-02-12 15:44:31 +0400]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:382 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108177a80> created preventSleepTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x10819c980> and fireTimer <PCDispatchTimer: 0x10818f050> on queue <OS_dispatch_queue_serial: PCSimpleTimer-timerQ>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:383 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> resuming, timeouts(60.0, 604800.0) QOS(0x15) Voucher <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:383 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Enabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108177a80> - 10 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:31:383 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating timer <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1081709e0>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:383 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Routine.bundle", "entityClass":"CoreRoutine", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:383 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[9076] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:383 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:383 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: [Telemetry]: Activity <nw_activity 12:2 [59E00BC9-FAFB-4332-9198-75E35ED1F963] (reporting strategy default)> on Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> was not selected for reporting
2021-02-12 14:44:31:384 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108177a80> Existing wake at (null) re-scheduling to 2021-02-12 15:44:16 +0400 with leeway of 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:384 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @TileReq, app, start, llsw, <private>, <private>, reach, 2, url, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:384 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[9076] <Notice>: #TAStore adding:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:384 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim entity class arrow state changed", "entityClass":"CoreRoutine", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:385 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916969192331, "end_mach":51916969200494, "elapsed_s":"0.000340125", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.389168978"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:385 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Invalidating simple timer <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108199380>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:385 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:387 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[9076] <Notice>: #TATrackingAvoidanceService significant time elapsed, performing classification now
2021-02-12 14:44:31:387 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 1 date 2021-02-12 15:44:16 +0400 leeway 0 service identifier Awareness unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108177a80>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> {strength 0, tls 4, ct 0, sub 0, sig 1, ciphers 0, bundle 1, builtin 0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Canceling system wake for simpletimer [2021-02-12 15:31:12 +0400]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Traffic.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[9076] <Notice>: #TATrackingAvoidanceService not running detection in the unknown visit state
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction released: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1081707a0> calculating _earlyFireDate. powerStateDetectionSupported = NO = (detectionSupported(YES) && (wwanIsUp(NO) || ! internetReachable(YES)))
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Traffic.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: enabling TLS
2021-02-12 14:44:31:388 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Request to schedule wake 0 date 2021-02-12 15:31:12 +0400 leeway 0 service identifier Awareness unique identifier <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108199380>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Scheduling a wake for date <private> leeway 0 wake identifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 5 b 20MHz n CCA 5% duration: 1354 congest: 80 ts: 2731841
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Last system wake date (2021-02-09 15:41:02 +0400) was longer than half of the timer duration, so setting minimum fire date to fire date.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Disabling power monitoring for <PCSimpleTimer: 0x108199380> - 9 timers
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/CompassCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: starting, TC(0x0)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Wake schedule for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.002 seconds; result code 0)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/CompassCalibration.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 6FC76EB9-E904-41E8-BE4D-5C191AA1A25F Hostname#5434d497:443 tcp, url hash: a7a13587, tls, context:{D1898ED7-83B0-459E-B032-8C372EA7504E}{(null)}{Y}{2}, proc: D1EE9971-7F5C-3054-BCF7-A80F3342162D] start
2021-02-12 14:44:31:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Cancelling scheduled wake for <private> wake identifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916969317376, "end_mach":51916969327485, "elapsed_s":"0.000421208", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.394379973"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 initial path ((null))] event: path:start @0.000s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1081707a0> Device is plugged in, overriding earlyFireProportion to be 1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:392 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: Wake cancel for '<private>'(<private>) completed for [<private>] (took 0.002 seconds; result code 0)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/DestinationdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"RequestingLocationInformation", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916969418603, "end_mach":51916969428207, "elapsed_s":"0.000400167", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.398599982"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 waiting path (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: path:satisfied @0.001s, uuid: AB35B7BC-B1FC-44F2-A314-F6486E9765C7
2021-02-12 14:44:31:393 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(PersistentConnection)[9076] <Notice>: <PCPersistentTimer: 0x1081707a0> Calculated minimum fire date [2021-02-12 15:44:31 +0400] (100%) with fire date [2021-02-12 15:44:31 +0400], start date [2021-02-12 14:44:31 +0400], minimum early fire proportion 0.9, power state detection supported: no, in high power state: no, early fire constant interval 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:31:395 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:395 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: resolver:start_dns @0.003s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:395 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C496] reporting state preparing
2021-02-12 14:44:31:395 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> setting up Connection 496
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CoreLocation)[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x10539f070", "delegate":"0x105453a20", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180] getaddrinfo start -- flags: 0xC000D000, ifindex: 0, protocols: 0, hostname: <mask.hash: 'aLV41KZ8GyZkSgPX/aqoKA=='>, options: {}, client pid: 9076 (locationd)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q64151] Question for <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q48193] Question for <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='> (AAAA) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q48193] ShouldSuppressUnicastQuery: Query suppressed for <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='> AAAA (AAAA records are unusable)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:396 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q31083] Question for <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q64151] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101836860 <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='> (HTTPS) following CNAME referral 0 for <mask.hash: '+SzacyvN4pkNP9MnbsOK0A=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(CoreLocation)[49] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x133f172c0", "delegate":"0x133e0cfc0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q28096] Question for <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q48193] GenerateNegativeResponse: Generating negative response for question <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='> (AAAA)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q48193] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='>, type: AAAA, rdata: <none> (mortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q31083] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101810600 <mask.hash: 'kjtDLUTwoKDPPgikNZbtEQ=='> (Addr) following CNAME referral 0 for <mask.hash: '+SzacyvN4pkNP9MnbsOK0A=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:397 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q52712] Question for <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q28096] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101836860 <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (HTTPS) following CNAME referral 1 for <mask.hash: 'E9xqv98U2h1DuYXpPRCNPw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q43525] Question for <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:398 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916969479040, "end_mach":51916969487984, "elapsed_s":"0.000372667", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.401088953"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q52712] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101810600 <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (Addr) following CNAME referral 1 for <mask.hash: 'E9xqv98U2h1DuYXpPRCNPw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q18804] Question for <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q43525] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101836860 <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (HTTPS) following CNAME referral 2 for <mask.hash: 'AwwG8H+UIIe/JLWH3aB/oQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q64651] Question for <mask.hash: '+L8NlSxF7Pjz6yM5JR761A=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q18804] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101810600 <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (Addr) following CNAME referral 2 for <mask.hash: 'AwwG8H+UIIe/JLWH3aB/oQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q49218] Question for <mask.hash: '+L8NlSxF7Pjz6yM5JR761A=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q64651] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101836860 firstExpiredQname <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> for allowExpiredAnswers question
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q10534] Forcing another path evaluation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q10534] Question for <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q49218] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: '+L8NlSxF7Pjz6yM5JR761A=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: '4wNwoWAVC8CP7HlMyIv8Tg=='> (ghost)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:400 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q49218] AnswerNewQuestion: Restarting original question 0x101810600 firstExpiredQname <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> for allowExpiredAnswers question
2021-02-12 14:44:31:400 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q47875] Forcing another path evaluation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:400 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:400 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#SLC Got location", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:401 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/TraceHarvest.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"tried to harvest an empty pass cache", "subHarvester":"Pass"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q47875] Question for <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q10534] Sent 53-byte query #1 to <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0x8328 (33576), flags: 0x0100 (Q/Query, RD, NoError), counts: 1/0/0/0, BBNUFecP IN HTTPS?
2021-02-12 14:44:31:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q47875] Sent 53-byte query #1 to <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0xEA2B (59947), flags: 0x0100 (Q/Query, RD, NoError), counts: 1/0/0/0, BBNUFecP IN A?
2021-02-12 14:44:31:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#sbim client arrow state changed", "clientKey":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/AppGenius.bundle", "entityClass":"SystemService", "oldArrowState":"Off", "newArrowState":"ReceivingLocationInformation", "dueToDeauthorization":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[10313] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:403 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone destinationd(CoreLocation)[223] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x137f13990", "delegate":"0x137e15690", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"state transition", "event":"state_transition", "state":"LocationManager", "id":"0x100370d60", "my.logs
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone destinationd(CoreLocation)[223] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"_limitsPrecision", "self":"0x137f13990"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x100370d60", "delegate":"0x1003716d0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone navd(CoreLocation)[77] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x104910840", "delegate":"0x10491a4a0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Incoming message", "event":"activity", "name":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation", "this":"0x10899af30", "registrationReceived":1}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework (0x10899af30) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: Client /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework (0x10899af30) is unsubscribing to notification kCLConnectionMessageLocationUnavailable
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: client '/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework' unsubscribing from location
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxClient, unsubscribe, /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreParsec.framework
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #Warning Denying process assertion to <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction released: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxClient, accuracy, 0, 0, 0, level, None, reg?, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Client interest changed", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationFine", "is interested":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Stopping location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WlpReg, 0, loccontroller
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: UclpReg, 0, loccontroller
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, entry, unregister, notification, Location, lsb, 0, 1, 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxProvider, stop, <private>, desiredAccuracy, -1.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiEntry, unregister for odometer notification
2021-02-12 14:44:31:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,signalling
2021-02-12 14:44:31:406 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionOdometer, action, Unregistration, client, <CLIntersiloProxyToInitiator: peer silo:CLWifiLocationProviderSilo(CLPositioningWorkloop), peer name:<REDACTED>>, notification, 7, notificationClientCount, 2, notificationString, ElevationSpectator
2021-02-12 14:44:31:406 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:406 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Client::Unregistration
2021-02-12 14:44:31:406 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,posting notification
2021-02-12 14:44:31:406 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916969753454, "end_mach":51916969761800, "elapsed_s":"0.000347750", "event":"Client::Unregistration", "now_s":"634819471.412534952"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, nexttimer, off
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd(CoreLocation)[44] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone navd(CoreLocation)[77] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x104910840", "delegate":"0x10491a4a0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,enquired,sz,0,gpsClientActive,0,gpsHwActive,0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,enquired,sz,0,gpsClientActive,0,gpsHwActive,0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(CoreLocation)[5222] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,enquired,sz,0,gpsClientActive,0,gpsHwActive,0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:407 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone aggregated(CoreLocation)[10313] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLCopyTechnologiesInUse", "event":"activity"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #techstatus,enquired,sz,0,gpsClientActive,0,gpsHwActive,0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Checking cache with age: 767.824969
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Fetching Home LOI
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Checking cache with age: 767.825129
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Fetching Work LOI
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Checking cache with age: 767.825302
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Fetching School LOI
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Checking cache with age: 767.825520
2021-02-12 14:44:31:408 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Fetching Gym LOI
2021-02-12 14:44:31:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: TLS Trust result 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_async_external_block_invoke_3(1451) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Returning from external verify block with result: true
2021-02-12 14:44:31:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(1609) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Certificate verification result: OK
2021-02-12 14:44:31:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_key_exchange
2021-02-12 14:44:31:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_certificate_request
2021-02-12 14:44:31:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello_done
2021-02-12 14:44:31:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate
2021-02-12 14:44:31:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_key_exchange
2021-02-12 14:44:31:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_certificate_verify
2021-02-12 14:44:31:411 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client send_client_finished
2021-02-12 14:44:31:411 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_flight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:411 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_session_ticket
2021-02-12 14:44:31:411 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client process_change_cipher_spec
2021-02-12 14:44:31:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:415 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:415 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: LOI fetch successful
2021-02-12 14:44:31:416 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: --- handled event <private> ---
2021-02-12 14:44:31:416 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: Received notifyd notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:417 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Refreshing after launch
2021-02-12 14:44:31:417 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: --- handled event ---
2021-02-12 14:44:31:417 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Incoming message", "event":"activity", "name":"kCLConnectionMessageMotionActivityQuery", "this":"0x108a4e910", "registrationReceived":0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:417 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:417 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:419 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: Received notifyd notification: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:419 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Refreshing after launch
2021-02-12 14:44:31:419 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd[138] <Notice>: --- handled event ---
2021-02-12 14:44:31:420 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveContextClient)[138] <Notice>: Current motion activities: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:420 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:420 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:420 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Unexpected NULL isEnterpriseApp for bundleId:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:420 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - processInteractionFeedback with bookmark: <private> for consumerSubTypes: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:421 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:422 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:423 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:423 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000000 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:424 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Deleted all items for bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication
2021-02-12 14:44:31:424 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, options:0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:424 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:31:425 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:31:425 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, client:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:425 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication, client:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:425 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622401144539775
2021-02-12 14:44:31:426 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622401144539775
2021-02-12 14:44:31:426 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:31:426 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:31:427 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622402075648622
2021-02-12 14:44:31:427 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622402075648622
2021-02-12 14:44:31:427 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:428 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634572444327015
2021-02-12 14:44:31:428 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634572444327015
2021-02-12 14:44:31:429 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:429 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:429 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:430 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:430 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:430 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:430 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 2 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:431 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllSearchableItemsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete, shouldGC:YES, options:0x0, qos:0x11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:431 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllSearchableItemsForBundleID, bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete, shouldGC:YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:432 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGDSpotlightReceiver: deleting entire bundle identifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:433 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityExtractionPlugin: deleting all named entities and locations from <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:435 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:435 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Deleted all items for bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete
2021-02-12 14:44:31:437 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionComplete, options:0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:437 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:437 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionComplete, client:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:437 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionComplete, client:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:437 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGCoalescingDropbox SGDSpotlightReceiver.deleteInteractionBundleIdDropbox unable to extend transaction TTL.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:438 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 2 flat pages: 0.000000 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:439 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllSearchableItemsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, shouldGC:YES, options:0x0, qos:0x11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:440 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllSearchableItemsForBundleID, bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, shouldGC:YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:440 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGDSpotlightReceiver: deleting entire bundle identifier <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:441 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Deleted all items for bundleID:<private>, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:441 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: (<private>) deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, protectionClass:NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, options:0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:441 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: deleting all topics from <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:441 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, client:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:441 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(SpotlightDaemon)[2148] <Notice>: deleteAllInteractionsWithBundleID, bundleID: <private>, protectionClass: NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen, client:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:441 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGCoalescingDropbox SGDSpotlightReceiver.deleteInteractionBundleIdDropbox unable to extend transaction TTL.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Started tracking activity for bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 1 flat pages: 0.000000 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Adding related apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:442 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Stopping activity tracking with bundleIDs <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:443 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: sort 2 flat pages: 0.000001 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:444 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGNamedEntityExtractionPlugin: deleting all named entities and locations from <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:444 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:445 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Bundles not being tracked: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:447 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: resolver:receive_dns @0.060s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:447 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 initial path ((null))] event: path:start @0.060s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:447 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 waiting path (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: path:satisfied @0.061s, uuid: 94D25CB4-DDE7-43AA-B01E-A8E473498C9D
2021-02-12 14:44:31:447 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:start_nexus @0.061s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:448 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:receive_nexus @0.061s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:448 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:start_connect @0.062s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:449 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libusrtcp.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: tcp_output [C496.1:3] flags=[SEC] seq=603069026, ack=0, win=65535 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=603069026
2021-02-12 14:44:31:449 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added blending ui cache update <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:449 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneBlendingModelCachesOlderThanUUID removed blending caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:455 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25820000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(1234) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneUnreferencedClientModelCaches removed client caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - reached more than 4 ui cache updates, pruned context state
2021-02-12 14:44:31:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - context state:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:456 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: Finished deleting all items for bundleIDs:<private>, hasFailedDeletes:NO, purge:YES, pcs:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: _deleteAllItemsForBundleIDs:<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: _allInstalledApplicationsIdentifiers
2021-02-12 14:44:31:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone searchd[2148] <Notice>: _allInstalledApplicationsIdentifiers: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:31:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:31:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:31:457 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone suggestd(CoreSuggestionsInternals)[210] <Notice>: SGTopicExtractionPlugin: deleting all topics from <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone containermanagerd[67] <Notice>: removefile([<private>]) succeeded
2021-02-12 14:44:31:459 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone installd(libsystem_containermanager.dylib)[256] <Notice>: container_delete_array_of_containers_block_invoke_2: success
2021-02-12 14:44:31:466 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added client model cache update <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:466 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneUnreferencedClientModelCaches removed client caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:467 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added client model cache update <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:468 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneUnreferencedClientModelCaches removed client caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:468 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: clientModel
2021-02-12 14:44:31:469 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added client model cache update <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:470 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneUnreferencedClientModelCaches removed client caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:470 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: clientModel
2021-02-12 14:44:31:494 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added context <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:494 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext
2021-02-12 14:44:31:502 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 1 b 20MHz n CCA 5% duration: 113 congest: 6 ts: 2731841
2021-02-12 14:44:31:511 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q10534] Received acceptable 192-byte response from <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0x8328 (33576), flags: 0x8180 (R/Query, RD, RA, NoError), counts: 1/2/1/0, BBNUFecP IN HTTPS?, 388 IN CNAME BBvgiQce, 2038 IN CNAME BBDLgMuo, BBExsIzc 431 IN SOA BBqObYem BBVZQVie 1613126102 1000 1000 1000 1800
2021-02-12 14:44:31:512 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q10534] Handling concluded querier: BBNUFecP HTTPS IN
2021-02-12 14:44:31:512 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q47875] Received acceptable 143-byte response from <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0xEA2B (59947), flags: 0x8180 (R/Query, RD, RA, NoError), counts: 1/3/0/0, BBNUFecP IN A?, 388 IN CNAME BBvgiQce, 2038 IN CNAME BBDLgMuo, 9 IN A BBzREmHX
2021-02-12 14:44:31:512 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <mask.hash: 'E9xqv98U2h1DuYXpPRCNPw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:512 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <mask.hash: 'AwwG8H+UIIe/JLWH3aB/oQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:512 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q33576] mDNSCoreReceiveResponse ignoring <mask.hash: 'F9nRBa8B3LWc2/plnsY6nQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:512 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q10534] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101836860 <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (HTTPS) following CNAME referral 0 for <mask.hash: 'E9xqv98U2h1DuYXpPRCNPw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:512 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q24818] Question for <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:513 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q47875] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101810600 <mask.hash: '1f2UuWTFeP6tHRmeFq/kSg=='> (Addr) following CNAME referral 0 for <mask.hash: 'E9xqv98U2h1DuYXpPRCNPw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:513 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q47875] Keeping orphaned querier for up to 5 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:513 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q9317] Question for <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:513 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q47875] Handling concluded querier: BBNUFecP A IN
2021-02-12 14:44:31:513 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <mask.hash: 'E9xqv98U2h1DuYXpPRCNPw=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:513 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <mask.hash: 'AwwG8H+UIIe/JLWH3aB/oQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:514 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: mDNSCoreReceiveCacheCheck: rescuing RR <mask.hash: '4OxRsgdNvZ2YKdadmLQ1Ww=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:514 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q24818] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101836860 <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (HTTPS) following CNAME referral 1 for <mask.hash: 'AwwG8H+UIIe/JLWH3aB/oQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q28963] Question for <mask.hash: '+L8NlSxF7Pjz6yM5JR761A=='> (HTTPS) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q9317] AnswerQuestionByFollowingCNAME: 0x101810600 <mask.hash: 'LHoNvaggcPxeQaLTPX5zbQ=='> (Addr) following CNAME referral 1 for <mask.hash: 'AwwG8H+UIIe/JLWH3aB/oQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q22939] Question for <mask.hash: '+L8NlSxF7Pjz6yM5JR761A=='> (Addr) assigned DNS service 11
2021-02-12 14:44:31:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q22939] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: '+L8NlSxF7Pjz6yM5JR761A=='>, type: A, rdata: <mask.hash: '4wNwoWAVC8CP7HlMyIv8Tg=='> (immortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q28963] Sent 45-byte query #1 to <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0x7F27 (32551), flags: 0x0100 (Q/Query, RD, NoError), counts: 1/0/0/0, BBDLgMuo IN HTTPS?
2021-02-12 14:44:31:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for locationd - WiFi in/out: 1023343767/75496568, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 220/81, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:516 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for locationd - WiFi in/out: 1023343938/75496649, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 171/81, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q28963] Received acceptable 110-byte response from <IPv4:BBzTOWCD> over UDP via en0/8 -- id: 0x7F27 (32551), flags: 0x8180 (R/Query, RD, RA, NoError), counts: 1/0/1/0, BBDLgMuo IN HTTPS?, BBExsIzc 431 IN SOA BBqObYem BBVZQVie 1613126102 1000 1000 1000 1800
2021-02-12 14:44:31:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q28963] Handling concluded querier: BBDLgMuo HTTPS IN
2021-02-12 14:44:31:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [Q32551] mDNSCoreReceiveResponse ignoring <mask.hash: 'F9nRBa8B3LWc2/plnsY6nQ=='>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180->Q28963] getaddrinfo result -- event: add, ifindex: 0, name: <mask.hash: '+L8NlSxF7Pjz6yM5JR761A=='>, type: HTTPS, rdata: <none> (mortal)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone mDNSResponder[139] <Notice>: [R167180] getaddrinfo stop -- hostname: <mask.hash: 'aLV41KZ8GyZkSgPX/aqoKA=='>, client pid: 9076 (locationd)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: resolver:receive_dns @0.135s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for locationd - WiFi in/out: 1023344076/75496722, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 138/73, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - obtain new bookmark
2021-02-12 14:44:31:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - processed 1 events in feedback
2021-02-12 14:44:31:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Serialize UI context with count: BlendingModelCacheUpdates: 4, ClientModelCacheUpdates: 13
2021-02-12 14:44:31:566 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 5 b 20MHz n CCA 7% duration: 568 congest: 40 ts: 2731841
2021-02-12 14:44:31:589 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - file size on disk for path <private> is 50194
2021-02-12 14:44:31:595 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 138
2021-02-12 14:44:31:600 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone contextstored(BiomeStreams)[9112] <Notice>: Received connection request for BMFileAccessService from pid 138
2021-02-12 14:44:31:604 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:604 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:605 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Unexpected NULL isEnterpriseApp for bundleId:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:606 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - processInteractionFeedback with bookmark: <private> for consumerSubTypes: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:607 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:607 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:608 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:31:609 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:31:610 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622401144539775
2021-02-12 14:44:31:611 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622401144539775
2021-02-12 14:44:31:612 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:31:612 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 628825882282863
2021-02-12 14:44:31:613 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622402075648622
2021-02-12 14:44:31:614 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622402075648622
2021-02-12 14:44:31:615 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634572444327015
2021-02-12 14:44:31:615 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634572444327015
2021-02-12 14:44:31:622 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added blending ui cache update <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:623 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneBlendingModelCachesOlderThanUUID removed blending caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:623 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneUnreferencedClientModelCaches removed client caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:624 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - reached more than 4 ui cache updates, pruned context state
2021-02-12 14:44:31:624 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - context state:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:624 - [IOSDeviceLog] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:624 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:31:625 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added blending ui cache update <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:625 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneBlendingModelCachesOlderThanUUID removed blending caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:625 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneUnreferencedClientModelCaches removed client caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:625 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - reached more than 4 ui cache updates, pruned context state
2021-02-12 14:44:31:626 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - context state:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:626 - [IOSDeviceLog] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:626 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:31:627 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:31:634 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added client model cache update <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:635 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - _pruneUnreferencedClientModelCaches removed client caches with UUIDs: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:644 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - added context <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:644 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: predictionContext
2021-02-12 14:44:31:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[118] <Notice>: Deleting interactions with bundleID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[118] <Notice>: Deleting searchable items with bundleID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:684 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: <private> - processed 0 events in feedback
2021-02-12 14:44:31:684 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Serialize UI context with count: BlendingModelCacheUpdates: 4, ClientModelCacheUpdates: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:31:684 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[118] <Notice>: Deleting interactions with bundleID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 6 b 20MHz n CCA 4% duration: 113 congest: 5 ts: 2731841
2021-02-12 14:44:31:696 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Unexpected NULL isEnterpriseApp for bundleId:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Unexpected NULL isEnterpriseApp for bundleId:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: No actions found in _ATXDataStore for <private>. Skipping this actionKey.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: No actions found in _ATXDataStore for <private>. Skipping this actionKey.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: No actions found in _ATXDataStore for <private>. Skipping this actionKey.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: No actions found in _ATXDataStore for <private>. Skipping this actionKey.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: No actions found in _ATXDataStore for <private>. Skipping this actionKey.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UsageTrackingAgent[334] <Notice>: Received Duet tombstone event; clearing eligible posted notifications, reseting alarms and checking all budgets for current usage
2021-02-12 14:44:31:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[93] <Error>: Dropping unhandled event for _DKKnowledgeStorageDidTombstoneEventsNotification:AppUsage on stream
2021-02-12 14:44:31:705 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Evaluating app features for consumer: SpotlightPullDnHome.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:706 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(Trial)[138] <Notice>: adding update handler 0 for namespace SYSTEM_SPACE_INTELLIGENCE_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS
2021-02-12 14:44:31:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_finished
2021-02-12 14:44:31:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libusrtcp.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: tcp_input [C496.1:3] flags=[S.E] seq=740142693, ack=603069027, win=65160 state=SYN_SENT rcv_nxt=0, snd_una=603069026
2021-02-12 14:44:31:708 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] Transport protocol connected
2021-02-12 14:44:31:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_transport @0.321s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 in_progress resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_transport @0.321s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_session_apply_protocol_options_for_transport_block_invoke(1689) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] TLS configured [min_version(0x0301) max_version(0x0304) name(<private>) tickets(false) false_start(false) enforce_ev(false) enforce_ats(false)]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1821) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake started
2021-02-12 14:44:31:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS client enter_early_data
2021-02-12 14:44:31:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS client read_server_hello
2021-02-12 14:44:31:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libusrtcp.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: tcp_input [C496.1:3] flags=[S.E] seq=740142693, ack=603069027, win=65160 state=ESTABLISHED rcv_nxt=740142694, snd_una=603069027
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake state: TLS client done
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1826) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] Client handshake done
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libboringssl.dylib)[142] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(734) [C3246.1:2][0x159e3dcd0] TLS connected [version(0x0303) ciphersuite(TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) group(0x001d) signature_alg(0x0403) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp_received(1) sct_received(0) connect_time(481ms) flight_time(398ms) rtt(199ms) write_stalls(0) read_stalls(11)]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] Output protocol connected
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_connect @0.639s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C3246] reporting state ready
2021-02-12 14:44:31:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 ready resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_connect @0.640s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246.1 IPv4#0cb472f4:443 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:changed_viability @0.640s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libnetwork.dylib)[142] <Notice>: [C3246 Hostname#9db0cacc:443 ready resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:changed_viability @0.640s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: connected successfully
2021-02-12 14:44:31:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: TLS handshake complete
2021-02-12 14:44:31:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: ready C(N) E(N)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> now using Connection 3246
2021-02-12 14:44:31:711 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Connection 3246: received viability advisory(Y)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:712 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> sent request, body S 1048
2021-02-12 14:44:31:718 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UsageTrackingAgent[334] <Notice>: No applications in use so not checking budgets for current applications
2021-02-12 14:44:31:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Error>: ATXGlobalAppScoresUtil: invalid normalized score
2021-02-12 14:44:31:722 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UsageTrackingAgent[334] <Notice>: No web domains in use so not checking budgets for current web domains
2021-02-12 14:44:31:723 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UsageTrackingAgent[334] <Notice>: No Now Playing in use so not checking budgets for current Now Playing
2021-02-12 14:44:31:724 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[118] <Notice>: Deleting searchable items with bundleID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Evaluating app features for consumer: AppDirectory.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(Trial)[138] <Notice>: adding update handler 0 for namespace SYSTEM_SPACE_INTELLIGENCE_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS
2021-02-12 14:44:31:737 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UsageTrackingAgent[334] <Notice>: No videos in use so not checking budgets for current videos
2021-02-12 14:44:31:745 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone coreduetd(CoreDuet)[118] <Notice>: Deleting interactions with bundleID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Invalidating intermediate ML cache for ActionSptltUnknown and attempting to replace it with new one
2021-02-12 14:44:31:752 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(CoreLocation)[138] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"location", "self":"0x100370d60"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:753 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"client getting effective client name", "bundleId":"", "bundlePath":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/CoreParsec.framework"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:755 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 5 b 20MHz n CCA 7% duration: 630 congest: 45 ts: 2731841
2021-02-12 14:44:31:757 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Unexpected NULL isEnterpriseApp for bundleId:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:802 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:31:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent(Accounts)[93] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
2021-02-12 14:44:31:808 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[93] <Notice>: Reloaded user description - non-zero dsid: 1 non-nil alt dsid: 1
2021-02-12 14:44:31:809 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent(FamilyCircle)[93] <Notice>: Starting family request: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:811 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone accountsd(AccountsDaemon)[130] <Notice>: "<private> (<private>) received"
2021-02-12 14:44:31:815 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Error>: <private> - unable to load NSUserDefaults suite
2021-02-12 14:44:31:817 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone familycircled[194] <Notice>: Skipping server fetch of family circle as the cache is fresh (Thu Feb 11 23:17:33 2021)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone familycircled(Accounts)[194] <Notice>: "The connection to ACDAccountStore was invalidated."
2021-02-12 14:44:31:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent(FamilyCircle)[93] <Notice>: Family request came back with response: <private> - <private> - (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[93] <Notice>: Fetched family: <private> error: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[93] <Notice>: Family has no members
2021-02-12 14:44:31:818 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[93] <Notice>: Reloaded account state: can cloud mirror 0, has 0 family members, Apple ID (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:819 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone ScreenTimeAgent[93] <Notice>: didSignInToCloud: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:819 - [IOSDeviceLog] didSignOutOfCloud: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:819 - [IOSDeviceLog] didJoinFamily: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] didLeaveFamily: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] didUpdateFamily: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] didChangeSupportsEncryption: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Intermediate ML cache for ActionSptltUnknown successfully replaced
2021-02-12 14:44:31:820 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: New actions provided by action producer: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Error>: <private> - unable to load NSUserDefaults suite
2021-02-12 14:44:31:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_action_predictions_spotlight>> client model updated its notification id. New notification id:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:826 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Unable to locate Trial resource for resource path: ATXClientModelPredictionReasons
2021-02-12 14:44:31:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_predictions_spotlight) Updating suggestions. Client Model produced 0 new suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_predictions_spotlight) Transmiting...
2021-02-12 14:44:31:827 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_action_predictions_spotlight>> client model produced 0 new suggestions. Updating the internal cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: atx_action_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Unable to acquire readonly handle to cache file. Not reading suggestions from cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Not adding event for client model to Biome stream (atx_action_predictions_spotlight) because our previous suggestion was empty and so is our new one.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Updated cached client suggestions for client model: atx_action_predictions_spotlight with client cache update UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:829 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Successfully updated blending for ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:31:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Skipping Blending Layer refresh based on suggestion update for atx_action_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_predictions_spotlight) Done transmitting.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen>> client model updated its notification id. New notification id:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:830 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen) Updating suggestions. Client Model produced 0 new suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen) Transmiting...
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen>> client model produced 0 new suggestions. Updating the internal cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Unable to acquire readonly handle to cache file. Not reading suggestions from cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:831 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Not adding event for client model to Biome stream (atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen) because our previous suggestion was empty and so is our new one.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Updated cached client suggestions for client model: atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen with client cache update UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Skipping Blending Layer refresh based on suggestion update for atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen) Done transmitting.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen>> client model updated its notification id. New notification id:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Unable to locate Trial resource for resource path: ATXFallbackActions
2021-02-12 14:44:31:832 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Began updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_action_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:840 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:841 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:841 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Finished updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_action_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:842 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Began updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:857 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:858 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Finished updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_recent_shortcuts_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:872 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 11 b 20MHz n CCA 10% duration: 114 congest: 12 ts: 2731842
2021-02-12 14:44:31:874 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceProcessScanDoneEvent: Filtering WAPI networks
2021-02-12 14:44:31:875 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_hello_retry_request
2021-02-12 14:44:31:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_hello
2021-02-12 14:44:31:876 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_encrypted_extensions
2021-02-12 14:44:31:877 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_certificate_request
2021-02-12 14:44:31:877 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_certificate
2021-02-12 14:44:31:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_certificate_verify
2021-02-12 14:44:31:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiMgr, onWiFiDeviceClientScanCallback, error, 0, valid, 1, count, 4
2021-02-12 14:44:31:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_async(1510) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Performing external trust evaluation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:878 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_async_external(1495) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Asyncing for external verify block
2021-02-12 14:44:31:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: asked to evaluate TLS Trust
2021-02-12 14:44:31:880 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #VerifyHost result,<private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, Wifi::Scan
2021-02-12 14:44:31:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: {SCAN-} Completed Apple80211ScanAsync on en0 (0x0) with 4 networks
2021-02-12 14:44:31:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: Async scan request completed for "locationd" (0), found 4 networks
2021-02-12 14:44:31:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Error>: Locationd scan done.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:881 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiTimer, nextscan, 15, haveLoc, 1, codepath, Frozen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 0, aged, 0, thresh, 30
2021-02-12 14:44:31:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> auth completion disp=1 cred=0x0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:885 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiAps, history, 4, add, 4
2021-02-12 14:44:31:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, scanreply, aps, 4, type, Stage1, lastused, 783, use, 1, history, 4, lsbclients, 0, 1, 1, reqtype, clientupdate
2021-02-12 14:44:31:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, aps, history, 4, fresh, 5, 2ghz, 5, 5ghz, 0, agethresh, 5,
2021-02-12 14:44:31:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"computed wifi position", "numberOfInputAps":4, "validLocationHint":1, "computedValidLocation":1, "numberOfApsActuallyUsed":4}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, compute, 4, hacc, 30.5, conf, 71, reason, scan
2021-02-12 14:44:31:886 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, sufficient, yes
2021-02-12 14:44:31:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiFlow, step, done, from, initialscan, donereason, intial
2021-02-12 14:44:31:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiFlow, reset
2021-02-12 14:44:31:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: TLS Trust result 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone trustd[144] <Notice>: ocsp responder: (null) did not include status of requested cert
2021-02-12 14:44:31:887 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_evaluate_trust_async_external_block_invoke_3(1451) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Returning from external verify block with result: true
2021-02-12 14:44:31:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, alsrequest, 0, stop_criteria_met, aps, 1, type, 0, vni, 4, 1, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_certificate_verify_callback(1609) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Certificate verification result: OK
2021-02-12 14:44:31:888 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: WifiTimer, set, scan, 15
2021-02-12 14:44:31:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client read_server_finished
2021-02-12 14:44:31:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916981110638, "end_mach":51916981290726, "elapsed_s":"0.007503667", "event":"Wifi::Scan", "now_s":"634819471.885758996"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client send_end_of_early_data
2021-02-12 14:44:31:890 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client send_client_certificate
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client complete_second_flight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS 1.3 client done
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, nexttimer, 15
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS client finish_client_handshake
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxWifi, Fix, 1, ll, <private>, <private>, acc, 30.54, course, -1.0, alt, <private>, altunc, 10.0, time, 634819471.9
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1836) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake state: TLS client done
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiFlow, outcome, fix
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: boringssl_context_info_handler(1826) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] Client handshake done
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: VEHICULAR: qualified leeched location, type, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: VEHICULAR: renew previous location older than age of <private> seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libboringssl.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: nw_protocol_boringssl_signal_connected(734) [C496.1:2][0x10809f820] TLS connected [version(0x0304) ciphersuite(TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) group(0x001d) signature_alg(0x0804) alpn(http/1.1) resumed(0) offered_ticket(0) false_started(0) ocsp_received(1) sct_received(0) connect_time(176ms) flight_time(164ms) rtt(82ms) write_stalls(0) read_stalls(8)]
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: nw_flow_connected [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 in_progress channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] Output protocol connected
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_connect @0.499s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:891 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: nw_connection_report_state_with_handler_on_nw_queue [C496] reporting state ready
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 ready resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:finish_connect @0.500s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @ClxClient, Fix, 1, ll, <private>, <private>, acc, 65.00, speed, <private>, course, <private>, type, 4, alt, <private>, altunc, 10.0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496.1 IPv4#46c6e161:443 ready channel-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:changed_viability @0.500s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(libnetwork.dylib)[9076] <Notice>: [C496 Hostname#5434d497:443 ready resolver (satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, dns)] event: flow:changed_viability @0.500s
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: connected successfully
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: TLS handshake complete
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationSpectator"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Stopping location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: ready C(N) E(N)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Received notification", "notification":"CLLocationProvider_Type::kNotificationLocationLeech"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> now using Connection 496
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Connection 496: received viability advisory(Y)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:892 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Stream Stopping location for source", "source":"CLStreamingAwareLocationProviderStateMachine::kLocationSourceLocal"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:893 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> sent request, body N 0
2021-02-12 14:44:31:893 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Routine.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#Awareness Received location"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"tried to harvest an empty pass cache", "subHarvester":"Pass"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/Traffic.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:894 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(TrackingAvoidance)[9076] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916981437977, "end_mach":51916981450889, "elapsed_s":"0.000538000", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.899402022"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/CompassCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @WifiLogic, handleInput, System::LeechLocation
2021-02-12 14:44:31:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLWifi1SystemLogic::apply", "event":"elapsed", "begin_mach":51916981494879, "end_mach":51916981507044, "elapsed_s":"0.000506875", "event":"System::LeechLocation", "now_s":"634819471.901775956"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone wifid(CoreLocation)[49] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x133f172c0", "delegate":"0x133e0cfc0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:896 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#SLC Got location", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/MobileWiFi.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/NavdLocationBundleiOS.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/PrivateFrameworks\134/FindMyDevice.framework", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"Sending location to client", "client":"\134/System\134/Library\134/LocationBundles\134/MotionCalibration.bundle", "location":<private>}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone locationd(CoreLocation)[9076] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x10539f070", "delegate":"0x105453a20", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone destinationd(CoreLocation)[223] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x137f13990", "delegate":"0x137e15690", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone navd(CoreLocation)[77] <Notice>: {"msg":"#CLLocationManager invoking #delegate", "self":"0x104910840", "delegate":"0x10491a4a0", "selector":"locationManager:didUpdateLocations:", "location":<private>, "eventType":"kCLConnectionMessageLocation"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone destinationd(CoreLocation)[223] <Notice>: {"msg":"CLLocationManager", "event":"activity", "_cmd":"_limitsPrecision", "self":"0x137f13990"}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen) Updating suggestions. Client Model produced 5 new suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen) Transmiting...
2021-02-12 14:44:31:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen>> client model produced 5 new suggestions. Updating the internal cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:904 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:905 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Updating App Predictions: Finished app prediction refresh for AppDirectory and writing cache to <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:905 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [4 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryOrderingProvider: posted predicted/recents update notification with reason Suggestions Cache Updated
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [5 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [6 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [7 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [8 of 8] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:906 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: Accumulating pending requests: <private> / Current Request Queue: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Starting Library Category Map refresh from requests '<private>'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Refreshing proactive library category source
2021-02-12 14:44:31:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Refresh options: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Refreshing proactive library category source 'Suggestions/Recents'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryClient: Starting loading predicted app with shouldUseDefaultCategories: NO
2021-02-12 14:44:31:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXAppDirectoryClient: Read from disk succeeded, got 2 recent apps
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Finished refreshing proactive library category source 'Suggestions/Recents'
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Attempting _lastKnownGoodRecentApps update
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) _lastKnownGoodRecentApps is same; skipping update
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Received recent apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Attempting _lastKnownGoodSuggestions update
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) _lastKnownGoodSuggestions is same; skipping update
2021-02-12 14:44:31:909 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Received predicted apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Finished refreshing proactive library category source; hasPredictedApps: YES; hasRecentApps: YES
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Fetched Recent apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Fetched Predicted apps: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Finished Library Category Map refresh
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Library category map refresh yielded no changes to map; bailing.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoardHome)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Session completed 'SUCCESSFULLY'; Request fulfillment time: 0.003660 -- Requests fulfilled: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Query response time for proactive library category source 'Suggestions/Recents' time: 0.002469 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: (8175) Total query response time for proactive library queries time: 0.003388 seconds
2021-02-12 14:44:31:910 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Unable to locate Trial resource for resource path: ATXClientModelPredictionReasons
2021-02-12 14:44:31:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 5 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Adding event to client model to Biome stream for: atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:911 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_app_predictions_spotlight>> client model updated its notification id. New notification id:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_app_predictions_spotlight) Updating suggestions. Client Model produced 35 new suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_app_predictions_spotlight) Transmiting...
2021-02-12 14:44:31:912 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_app_predictions_spotlight>> client model produced 35 new suggestions. Updating the internal cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [4 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [5 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [6 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:916 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [7 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [8 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [9 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:917 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [10 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [11 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [12 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [13 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [14 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [15 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [16 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [17 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [18 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [19 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:918 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [20 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Updated cached client suggestions for client model: atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen with client cache update UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Skipping Blending Layer refresh based on suggestion update for atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen) Done transmitting.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:923 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Began updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:924 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 35 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Adding event to client model to Biome stream for: atx_app_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Error>: <private> - unable to load NSUserDefaults suite
2021-02-12 14:44:31:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:925 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_action_predictions_homescreen>> client model updated its notification id. New notification id:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Unable to locate Trial resource for resource path: ATXClientModelPredictionReasons
2021-02-12 14:44:31:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_predictions_homescreen) Updating suggestions. Client Model produced 1 new suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:927 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_predictions_homescreen) Transmiting...
2021-02-12 14:44:31:927 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_action_predictions_homescreen>> client model produced 1 new suggestions. Updating the internal cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:927 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 4] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:927 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 4] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:928 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 4] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:928 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [4 of 4] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:928 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: atx_action_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 1 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:931 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:933 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:935 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Finished updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_action_fallbacks_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:936 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Updated cached client suggestions for client model: atx_app_predictions_spotlight with client cache update UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:936 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Successfully updated blending for SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:31:936 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Skipping Blending Layer refresh based on suggestion update for atx_app_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Adding event to client model to Biome stream for: atx_action_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Began updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_app_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_app_predictions_spotlight) Done transmitting.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:938 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:938 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:939 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Unable to locate Trial resource for resource path: ATXClientModelPredictionReasons
2021-02-12 14:44:31:942 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_app_predictions_homescreen>> client model updated its notification id. New notification id:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:942 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_app_predictions_homescreen) Updating suggestions. Client Model produced 35 new suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:942 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_app_predictions_homescreen) Transmiting...
2021-02-12 14:44:31:942 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_app_predictions_homescreen>> client model produced 35 new suggestions. Updating the internal cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:944 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Updated cached client suggestions for client model: atx_action_predictions_homescreen with client cache update UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:945 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:945 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Successfully updated blending for ActionSuggestionHomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:945 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Skipping Blending Layer refresh based on suggestion update for atx_action_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:945 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_action_predictions_homescreen) Done transmitting.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:947 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:947 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:947 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:947 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [4 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:947 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [5 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:947 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [6 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:948 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [7 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:948 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [8 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:950 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [9 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:950 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [10 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:950 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [11 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:950 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [12 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:950 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [13 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [14 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [15 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [16 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [17 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [18 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [19 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [20 of 38] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:951 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 35 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:952 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Adding event to client model to Biome stream for: atx_app_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:954 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634741617878494
2021-02-12 14:44:31:955 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:955 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> received response, status 204 content U
2021-02-12 14:44:31:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Finished updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_app_predictions_spotlight
2021-02-12 14:44:31:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> response ended
2021-02-12 14:44:31:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> done using Connection 3246
2021-02-12 14:44:31:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=947, response_status=204, connection=3246, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=44, connect_duration_ms=591, secure_connection_duration_ms=481, request_start_ms=703, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=946, response_duration_ms=0, request_bytes=2137, response_bytes=697, cache_hit=0}
2021-02-12 14:44:31:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(CFNetwork)[142] <Notice>: Task <52721301-05EC-411B-A2B2-46F9B3347C3D>.<5247> finished successfully
2021-02-12 14:44:31:956 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Began updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_action_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: <private> received response with status 204, error (null):0, headers:
2021-02-12 14:44:31:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: <private> raw response body :
2021-02-12 14:44:31:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: __xpc_activity_unregister: (0x159e41cc0) seqno: 1, (is registered)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord(libxpc.dylib)[142] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_unregister: 1, last registration: true
2021-02-12 14:44:31:957 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone fmflocatord[142] <Notice>: Did not find any existing assertion with name <private> when trying to disable it
2021-02-12 14:44:31:959 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity on XPC remove event: (0x121212d50)
2021-02-12 14:44:31:963 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Updated cached client suggestions for client model: atx_app_predictions_homescreen with client cache update UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:31:963 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Successfully updated blending for AppSuggestionHomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:963 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Skipping Blending Layer refresh based on suggestion update for atx_app_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:963 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_app_predictions_homescreen) Done transmitting.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:964 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:965 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:967 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Finished updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_action_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:967 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Began updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_app_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:31:974 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:975 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:976 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:31:979 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:31 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Finished updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_app_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:32:109 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> received response, status 200 content K
2021-02-12 14:44:32:109 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> response ended
2021-02-12 14:44:32:109 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> done using Connection 496
2021-02-12 14:44:32:110 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> summary for task success {transaction_duration_ms=728, response_status=200, connection=496, protocol="http/1.1", domain_lookup_duration_ms=57, connect_duration_ms=437, secure_connection_duration_ms=176, request_start_ms=507, request_duration_ms=0, response_start_ms=727, response_duration_ms=0, request_bytes=237, response_bytes=891, cache_hit=0}
2021-02-12 14:44:32:115 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd(CFNetwork)[9076] <Notice>: Task <C08DFA2A-3955-4952-A643-CE105ABE85CB>.<14> finished successfully
2021-02-12 14:44:32:118 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction released: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:118 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:119 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:122 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @TileReq, app, downloaded, llsw, <private>, <private>, success, 1, NSURLErrorCode, 0
2021-02-12 14:44:32:123 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: @TileList, app, add, llsw, <private>, <private>, download, size, 11
2021-02-12 14:44:32:135 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction created: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:135 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction released: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:135 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: TilesManager, deleteAgedTiles, end, numOfDeletedTiles, 0, remain, 2
2021-02-12 14:44:32:136 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: os_transaction releasing: (<private>) <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:136 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: TilesManager, deleteAgedTiles, end, numOfDeletedTiles, 0, remain, 371, name, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:136 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: TilesManager, deleteAgedTiles, end, numOfDeletedTiles, 0, remain, 0, name, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:137 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: TilesManager, deleteAgedTiles, end, numOfDeletedTiles, 0, remain, 11, name, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:137 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: TilesManager, deleteAgedTiles, end, numOfDeletedTiles, 0, remain, 0, name, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:365 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Writing Action Predictions display cache
2021-02-12 14:44:32:389 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: Calculating actions and expirers at Fri Feb 12 14:44:32 2021, blacklist = <private>, path = <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:32:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:32:401 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: CANCELED: at priority 30 <private>!
2021-02-12 14:44:32:422 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:423 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(PersonalizationPortrait)[138] <Notice>: loadEventHighlights from: Fri Feb 12 14:44:32 2021 to: Mon Feb 15 00:00:00 2021
2021-02-12 14:44:32:424 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[210] <Notice>: PPEventServer: eventHighlights queryId: 6506
2021-02-12 14:44:32:425 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone suggestd(PersonalizationPortraitInternals)[210] <Notice>: PPEventCache: cache returning 0 events
2021-02-12 14:44:32:429 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:430 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: Memory usage is 3.469154 MB after running '<private>'
2021-02-12 14:44:32:435 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:436 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:471 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:472 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:472 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:473 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:477 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=100, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48348
2021-02-12 14:44:32:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=100.48348, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceCalendar, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:32:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=100.48348, attribution={accessing={, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd}, requesting={, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:32:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd is checking access for accessor, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd
2021-02-12 14:44:32:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd access to kTCCServiceCalendar via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:32:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=100.48348, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:32:479 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48348
2021-02-12 14:44:32:481 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=100, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48349
2021-02-12 14:44:32:483 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=100.48349, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceReminders, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:32:483 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=100.48349, attribution={accessing={, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd}, requesting={, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:32:486 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd is checking access for accessor, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd
2021-02-12 14:44:32:487 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd access to kTCCServiceReminders via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:32:487 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=100.48349, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:32:488 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48349
2021-02-12 14:44:32:491 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:491 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:492 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: Memory usage is 3.562943 MB after running '<private>'
2021-02-12 14:44:32:493 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:493 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:514 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:516 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:516 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:516 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:516 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:520 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=100, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48350
2021-02-12 14:44:32:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=100.48350, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceCalendar, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:32:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=100.48350, attribution={accessing={, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd}, requesting={, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:32:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd is checking access for accessor, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd
2021-02-12 14:44:32:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd access to kTCCServiceCalendar via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:32:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=100.48350, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:32:522 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48350
2021-02-12 14:44:32:524 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REQUEST: tccd_uid=501, sender_pid=100, sender_uid=501, sender_auid=-1, function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48351
2021-02-12 14:44:32:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_CTX: msgID=100.48351, function=<private>, service=kTCCServiceReminders, preflight=yes, query=1,
2021-02-12 14:44:32:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=100.48351, attribution={accessing={, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd}, requesting={, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd}, },
2021-02-12 14:44:32:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: requestor:, pid=100, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CalendarDaemon.framework/Support/calaccessd is checking access for accessor, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd
2021-02-12 14:44:32:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: Granting, pid=138, auid=501, euid=501, binary_path=/usr/libexec/duetexpertd access to kTCCServiceReminders via entitlement ''
2021-02-12 14:44:32:526 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: AUTHREQ_RESULT: msgID=100.48351, authValue=2, authReason=11, authVersion=1, error=(null),
2021-02-12 14:44:32:526 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone tccd[9625] <Notice>: REPLY: (501) function=TCCAccessRequest, msgID=100.48351
2021-02-12 14:44:32:536 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:536 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:536 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: <private> (JS): <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:536 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: Memory usage is 3.609818 MB after running '<private>'
2021-02-12 14:44:32:537 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: Newly created actions and expirers: 3
2021-02-12 14:44:32:537 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: [1 of 3] Heuristic: <private>, Actions: None, Expirers: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:537 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: [2 of 3] Heuristic: <private>, Actions: None, Expirers: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:537 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone HeuristicInterpreter[231] <Notice>: [3 of 3] Heuristic: <private>, Actions: None, Expirers: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:539 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_heuristics>> client model updated its notification id. New notification id:
2021-02-12 14:44:32:539 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Unable to locate Trial resource for resource path: ATXClientModelPredictionReasons
2021-02-12 14:44:32:539 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_heuristics) Updating suggestions. Client Model produced 0 new suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:539 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_heuristics) Transmiting...
2021-02-12 14:44:32:539 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: <<atx_heuristics>> client model produced 0 new suggestions. Updating the internal cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:540 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:540 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:540 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 3] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:540 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: atx_heuristics
2021-02-12 14:44:32:541 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Unable to acquire readonly handle to cache file. Not reading suggestions from cache.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:541 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Not adding event for client model to Biome stream (atx_heuristics) because our previous suggestion was empty and so is our new one.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:541 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Updated cached client suggestions for client model: atx_heuristics with client cache update UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:541 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Skipping Blending Layer refresh based on suggestion update for atx_heuristics
2021-02-12 14:44:32:542 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(ProactiveSuggestionClientModel)[138] <Notice>: Blending: (atx_heuristics) Done transmitting.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending providing suggestions to ATXConsumerSubTypeActionSpotlightUnknown inside ATXActionPredictionClient...
2021-02-12 14:44:32:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Accessing Blending's suggestionLayout cache for consumer subtype: ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:32:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Reading cache file to retrieve UI layout
2021-02-12 14:44:32:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Not reading UI layout from cache because fileHandle is nil. The file could have been deleted if there are no valid layouts for the consumer.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Began updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_heuristics
2021-02-12 14:44:32:548 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:549 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:549 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:549 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Finished updating recently engaged cache for client model with id: atx_heuristics
2021-02-12 14:44:32:553 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:553 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:554 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending retrieved a layout with 0 actions in it.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:554 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending created an ATXActionResponse that has 0 actions in it.
2021-02-12 14:44:32:554 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Error>: <private> - unable to load NSUserDefaults suite
2021-02-12 14:44:32:556 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Writing Display Cache to <private>:
2021-02-12 14:44:32:563 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: removing all lockscreen predictions with trackEvent: NO and recordFeedback: NO
2021-02-12 14:44:32:563 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(UserNotifications)[138] <Notice>: [] Getting delivered notifications
2021-02-12 14:44:32:563 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone SpringBoard(UserNotificationsServer)[59] <Notice>: [] Getting delivered notifications
2021-02-12 14:44:32:564 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: xpc_activity_register:, criteria: dictionary
2021-02-12 14:44:32:564 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_register: (0x103db2e90), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:32:564 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x103db2e90), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:32:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria, lower half: (0x103db2e90), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:32:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x103db2e90), dict
2021-02-12 14:44:32:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_criteria: xpc_set_event, 2
2021-02-12 14:44:32:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(UserNotifications)[138] <Notice>: [] Got 0 delivered notifications [ hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
2021-02-12 14:44:32:566 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: notifServer: Removed all delivered notifications: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:566 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: xpc_activity_set_criteria: (0x103db2e90), setting state now to 1
2021-02-12 14:44:32:568 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone duetexpertd(libxpc.dylib)[138] <Notice>: _xpc_activity_set_state: (0x103db2e90), 1
2021-02-12 14:44:32:568 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Unregistered XPC Activity on XPC remove event: (0x121223bf0)
2021-02-12 14:44:32:568 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:32:569 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:32:569 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Creating XPC Activity on XPC add event:
2021-02-12 14:44:32:570 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Created XPC Activity: (0x121223bf0)
2021-02-12 14:44:32:570 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: CANCELED: at priority 5 <private>!
2021-02-12 14:44:32:570 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: SUBMITTING: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:570 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent(DuetActivityScheduler)[29] <Notice>: Establish daemon connection; interrupted: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:32:570 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone UserEventAgent([29] <Notice>: Registered XPC Activity: (0x121223bf0)
2021-02-12 14:44:32:570 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Error>: Activity <private> not tracked as being started, ignoring it
2021-02-12 14:44:32:571 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Submitted Activity: at priority 5 <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:572 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Activity <private>: Optimal Score 0.9379 at <private> (Valid Until: <private>)
2021-02-12 14:44:32:751 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone kbd(KeyboardServices)[265] <Error>: -[_KSUserWordsSynchroniser accountDidChange:]_block_invoke Disabling syncing if necessary as account found is not supported
2021-02-12 14:44:32:895 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionCoprocessor,startTime,634819472.938177,motionType,1,youthType,0,youthTypeReason,0
2021-02-12 14:44:32:897 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: pressure too far from reference data
2021-02-12 14:44:32:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: pressure too far from reference data
2021-02-12 14:44:32:898 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: individual location data: type <private> location timestamp <private> pressure timestamp <private> location altitude <private> pressure altitude <private> location verticalUncertainty <private> horizontalUncertainty <private> lat <private> lon <private> current bias <private> track start at <private> end at <private> isPrefilteredLocation <private> fSlope <private> maxAbsSlope <private> fSpeed <private> fSpeedAccuracy <private> fEnvironment <private> fMatchQuality <private> altitude <private> verticalAccuracy <private> rawAltitude <private> rawVerticalAccuracy <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:899 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: individual location data: type <private> location timestamp <private> pressure timestamp <private> location altitude <private> pressure altitude <private> location verticalUncertainty <private> horizontalUncertainty <private> lat <private> lon <private> current bias <private> track start at <private> end at <private> isPrefilteredLocation <private> fSlope <private> maxAbsSlope <private> fSpeed <private> fSpeedAccuracy <private> fEnvironment <private> fMatchQuality <private> altitude <private> verticalAccuracy <private> rawAltitude <private> rawVerticalAccuracy <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:900 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: individual location data: type <private> location timestamp <private> pressure timestamp <private> location altitude <private> pressure altitude <private> location verticalUncertainty <private> horizontalUncertainty <private> lat <private> lon <private> current bias <private> track start at <private> end at <private> isPrefilteredLocation <private> fSlope <private> maxAbsSlope <private> fSpeed <private> fSpeedAccuracy <private> fEnvironment <private> fMatchQuality <private> altitude <private> verticalAccuracy <private> rawAltitude <private> rawVerticalAccuracy <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:901 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: individual location data: type <private> location timestamp <private> pressure timestamp <private> location altitude <private> pressure altitude <private> location verticalUncertainty <private> horizontalUncertainty <private> lat <private> lon <private> current bias <private> track start at <private> end at <private> isPrefilteredLocation <private> fSlope <private> maxAbsSlope <private> fSpeed <private> fSpeedAccuracy <private> fEnvironment <private> fMatchQuality <private> altitude <private> verticalAccuracy <private> rawAltitude <private> rawVerticalAccuracy <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:902 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: new centroid: latitude <private>, longitude <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:902 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: cross entropy of type <private> is <private> calculated from baroAlt is <private> refAlt is <private> baroUncertainty is <private> refUncertainty is <private> track start at <private> end at <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: cross entropy of type <private> is <private> calculated from baroAlt is <private> refAlt is <private> baroUncertainty is <private> refUncertainty is <private> track start at <private> end at <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:903 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: pressure height rebase to type <private> new bias is <private> new bias uncertainty is <private> old baroAlt is <private> old refAlt is <private> old baroUncertainty is <private> old refUncertainty is <private> weatherEstimateInMeter is <private> calculated from track start at <private> end at <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: Calibration track submitted with start time <private>, end time <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:907 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: #Warning persistent store <private> has been modified - refreshing will lose changes
2021-02-12 14:44:32:926 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: saving rebase info to cache, timestamp <private>, bias, <private>, uncertainty, <private>, weather estimate, <private>, sig elevation, <private>, pressure, <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:32:981 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:32 my-iPhone lsd(CoreServices)[2060] <Notice>: Writing identifiers file to <private>.
2021-02-12 14:44:33:543 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:33 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> BE<32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5001ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:33:544 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:33 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> BK<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5001ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:33:544 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:33 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> VI<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5001ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:33:545 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:33 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> VO<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5001ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:33:545 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:33 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:L3 Control VO TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) Success=0 NoACK=0 Expired=0 OtherErr=0
2021-02-12 14:44:33:545 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:33 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> BE<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5002ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:33:546 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:33 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceProcessLqmTxStatsEvent: LQM-TX: Success:32(100.0%) Failure:0(0.0%) Retries:0(0.0%) NoACK:0(0.0%) Drops:0(0.0%) NoBuff:0(0.0%) NoRes:0(0.0%) ChipErr:0(0.0%) Expired:0(0.0%) ForcedExpiry:0(0.0%) Free:0(0.0%)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: NBSM: TCP metrics iteration:119244 since 30.00 secs: allflows=5/C=0/R=0/W=0/flows=4/unacked=0/rxbytes=379017/txbytes=16332/rxooo=1279/rxdup=0/retx=0
2021-02-12 14:44:34:081 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: NBSM: TCP progress metrics score: 0, problem ratio: 0.00 (baseline: 0.00)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:498 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: atx_action_predictions_homescreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:503 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 1 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:505 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:506 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 5 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:507 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: atx_timeline_donation
2021-02-12 14:44:34:511 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 2 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:511 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 35 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:515 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Retrieving suggestions for client model: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:520 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Deserialized to get 35 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:521 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(Trial)[138] <Notice>: adding update handler 0 for namespace SYSTEM_SPACE_INTELLIGENCE_SPOTLIGHT_SUGGESTIONS
2021-02-12 14:44:34:523 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: BlendingRefresh: Refreshing all Blending Layer ConsumerSubTypes because SuggestionReceiver was either asked to force refresh all UIs or couldn't find any clientModels that updated recently.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:523 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer asked to update suggestions for all consumer subtypes. [BLENDING REFRESH START]
2021-02-12 14:44:34:524 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Considering executing Blending Layer session logging before executing Blending Layer refresh.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Not logging session because session logger said not to.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Done executing Blending Layer session logging before executing Blending Layer refresh.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:525 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: >>> Blending: Blending Layer asked to update suggestions for consumer subtype HomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:526 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is reranking suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:527 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer finished reranking suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:527 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: 1st highest ranked suggestion: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:528 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: 2nd highest ranked suggestion: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:528 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: 3rd highest ranked suggestion: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:529 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is removing recently engaged suggestions. # suggestions at start: 78
2021-02-12 14:44:34:547 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:548 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:560 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:561 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:565 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is done removing recently engaged suggestions. # suggestions at end: 78
2021-02-12 14:44:34:566 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is removing suggestions for uninstalled apps. # suggestions at start: 78
2021-02-12 14:44:34:566 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is done removing suggestions for uninstalled apps. # suggestions at end: 78
2021-02-12 14:44:34:575 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Preprocessing suggestions for consumer subtype: HomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:575 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Preprocessing suggestions for Home Screen.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:575 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXActionToWidgetConverter: Converting valid action suggestions to widget suggestions for 43 suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXActionToWidgetConverter: Finished converting valid action suggestions to widget suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:583 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Finished preprocessing suggestions for consumer subtype: HomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:584 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: ATXStackStateTracker is updating and persisting its internal state.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:587 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:587 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:588 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622401144539775
2021-02-12 14:44:34:589 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 622401144539775
2021-02-12 14:44:34:592 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:34:592 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:34:593 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: blending
2021-02-12 14:44:34:601 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStreams)[138] <Error>: <private> - Current subscription is in a recursion. StreamId: homeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:618 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Reading cache file to retrieve UI layout
2021-02-12 14:44:34:626 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:626 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:633 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:633 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:634 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Setting layouts for Add Widget UI...
2021-02-12 14:44:34:634 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for homescreen consumerSubType HomeScreenSuggestionsWidget
2021-02-12 14:44:34:634 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Created UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeOne2x2 (score: 1001.00)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:636 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for homescreen consumerSubType HomeScreenSuggestionsWidget
2021-02-12 14:44:34:636 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Created UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeTwo1x4 (score: 1002.00)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:637 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for homescreen consumerSubType HomeScreenSuggestionsWidget
2021-02-12 14:44:34:638 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Created UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeFour1x4 (score: 1004.00)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:639 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for homescreen consumerSubType AppSuggestionHomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:640 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Created UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeEight1x1 (score: 1008.00)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:640 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Done setting layouts for Add Widget UI.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:641 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Selecting layouts for HomeScreen Page. Index: 0, Num Stacks: 0, Num Panels: 0...
2021-02-12 14:44:34:641 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Found 0 pinned SG widgets on page 0.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:641 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Selecting layouts for HomeScreen Page. Index: 1, Num Stacks: 0, Num Panels: 0...
2021-02-12 14:44:34:641 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Found 0 pinned SG widgets on page 1.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:641 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Selecting layouts for HomeScreen Page. Index: 20000, Num Stacks: 8, Num Panels: 0...
2021-02-12 14:44:34:642 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Found 0 pinned SG widgets on page 20000.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:642 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:642 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Stack state: Stack created 2020-09-21 17:12:29 +0000
2021-02-12 14:44:34:642 - [IOSDeviceLog] Last stack rotation: 2020-09-21 17:12:29 +0000: StackCreated - (null) - (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:642 - [IOSDeviceLog] Last user scroll stack rotation: (null): (null) - (null) - (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:642 - [IOSDeviceLog] Last staleness rotation layout for stack: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:643 - [IOSDeviceLog] Date of last staleness rotation: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:643 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Stack A89D6703-0898-4327-9704-D078AC9F7959 is stale because no rotations have happened recently.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:643 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Stack A89D6703-0898-4327-9704-D078AC9F7959 is stale? YES
2021-02-12 14:44:34:648 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering removing engaged widget suggestions. Original count of valid suggestions: 0...
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Done removing engaged widget suggestions. Final count of valid suggestions: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for homescreen consumerSubType HomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeOne2x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeOne2x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeTwo1x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeTwo1x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack A89D6703-0898-4327-9704-D078AC9F7959
2021-02-12 14:44:34:649 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:650 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack C84BABAB-89EB-467A-AC00-35098EAD8F18 because it only had 1 widget.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:651 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:652 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack 510ACC63-264F-466B-BAF8-945273C42328 because it only had 1 widget.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:652 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:652 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack D5152D64-7294-4081-96B5-0F7B91B1BB92 because it only had 1 widget.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:652 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:652 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack F21BA910-BFCC-4099-BD95-D4F7F2FC725A because it only had 1 widget.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:652 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:653 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack 41BE8DB9-03ED-43DA-B4C3-690815828FF1 because it only had 1 widget.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:653 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:653 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack ED54D844-1644-4681-ABB8-BBBA00542B66 because it only had 1 widget.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:653 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Considering setting a layout for top of stack <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:653 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Did not select a layout for top of stack E561A34F-0DCC-44D6-A97C-7D8A5EED688E because it only had 1 widget.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:653 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is persisting the cached suggestion layout for homescreen.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 98] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [4 of 98] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:655 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [5 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [6 of 98] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [7 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [8 of 98] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [9 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [10 of 98] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:656 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [11 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:657 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [12 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:657 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [13 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:657 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [14 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:657 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [15 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:657 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [16 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:657 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [17 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [18 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [19 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [20 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [21 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [22 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [23 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:658 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [24 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [25 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [26 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [27 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [28 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [29 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:659 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [30 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:660 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [31 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:660 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [32 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:660 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [33 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:660 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [34 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:660 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [35 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:660 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [36 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [37 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [38 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [39 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [40 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [41 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [42 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [43 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:661 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [44 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [45 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [46 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [47 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [48 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [49 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:662 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [50 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [51 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [52 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [53 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [54 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [55 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [56 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:663 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [57 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [58 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [59 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [60 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [61 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:664 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [62 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [63 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [64 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:665 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [65 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [66 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [67 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [68 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [69 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [70 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [71 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [72 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [73 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [74 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [75 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [76 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:666 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [77 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [78 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [79 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [80 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [81 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [82 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [83 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [84 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [85 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [86 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:667 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [87 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [88 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [89 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [90 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [91 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [92 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:668 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [93 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [94 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [95 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [96 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [97 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:669 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [98 of 98] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:670 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:672 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Trying to update cached layout for consumer HomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:680 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Finished writing layout data.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:680 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Successfully updated the cache for HomeScreen
2021-02-12 14:44:34:680 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Sucesssfully updated the cache for consumer HomeScreen with blending cache UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:682 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: >>> Blending: Blending Layer asked to update suggestions for consumer subtype SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:682 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is selecting a layout for the suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:682 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Preprocessing suggestions for consumer subtype: SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:683 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXHomeScreenSuggestionClient: received update from duetexpertd
2021-02-12 14:44:34:684 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone SpringBoard(AppPredictionClient)[59] <Notice>: ATXHomeScreenSuggestionClient: updated suggestion, notifying observers
2021-02-12 14:44:34:684 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: process updated predictions: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:684 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: suggestion (null) for stack with identifier: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:684 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone SpringBoard(SpringBoard)[59] <Notice>: skipping data source update because the old stack suggestion ((null)) we had was the same as the new one ((null))
2021-02-12 14:44:34:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:689 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Finished preprocessing suggestions for consumer subtype: SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Layout Selector asked to provide the highest ranking, selected layout.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Layout Selector asked to provide validLayouts.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:690 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for non-homescreen consumerSubType SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:692 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Created UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeEight1x1 (score: 1008.00)
2021-02-12 14:44:34:692 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Layout Selector's selected layout type: ATXUILayoutTypeEight1x1
2021-02-12 14:44:34:692 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer selected the following layout type: 0 for consumerSubType: SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:693 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is persisting the cached suggestion layout for consumer: SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:693 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone clipserviced(ClipServices)[282] <Notice>: Received memory warning
2021-02-12 14:44:34:693 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone clipserviced(ClipServices)[282] <Notice>: Handling memory pressure (warning) by purging cached sessions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:695 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [2 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:696 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [3 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:696 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [4 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [5 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [6 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [7 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:697 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [8 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [9 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [10 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [11 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:698 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [12 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [13 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [14 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [15 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [16 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [17 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [18 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [19 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:699 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [20 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [21 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [22 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [23 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [24 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [25 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [26 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [27 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [28 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [29 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [30 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [31 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [32 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [33 of 34] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [34 of 34] <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:705 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Trying to update cached layout for consumer SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Finished writing layout data.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Successfully updated the cache for SpotlightUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Sucesssfully updated the cache for consumer SpotlightUnknown with blending cache UUID: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: >>> Blending: Blending Layer asked to update suggestions for consumer subtype ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:709 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is selecting a layout for the suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:710 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Preprocessing suggestions for consumer subtype: ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:716 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:716 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: No recently engaged cache file found.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:718 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Finished preprocessing suggestions for consumer subtype: ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Layout Selector asked to provide the highest ranking, selected layout.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Layout Selector asked to provide validLayouts.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for non-homescreen consumerSubType ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeN1x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeN1x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:720 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Unable to generate any valid layouts for consumerSubType: ActionSptltUnknown.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: There is no selected layout for consumerSubType: ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer selected the following layout type: 0 for consumerSubType: ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is persisting the cached suggestion layout for consumer: ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:721 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 1] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:722 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:722 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Trying to update cached layout for consumer ActionSptltUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:34:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Couldn't generate a valid layout. Not writing a cache for ActionSptltUnknown.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: >>> Blending: Blending Layer asked to update suggestions for consumer subtype MediaControls
2021-02-12 14:44:34:725 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is selecting a layout for the suggestions.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Preprocessing suggestions for consumer subtype: MediaControls
2021-02-12 14:44:34:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Layout Selector asked to provide the highest ranking, selected layout.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Layout Selector asked to provide validLayouts.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Generating layouts for non-homescreen consumerSubType MediaControls
2021-02-12 14:44:34:726 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeN1x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Don't have enough suggestions to create UI layout ATXUILayoutTypeN1x4
2021-02-12 14:44:34:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Unable to generate any valid layouts for consumerSubType: MediaControls.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: There is no selected layout for consumerSubType: MediaControls
2021-02-12 14:44:34:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer selected the following layout type: 0 for consumerSubType: MediaControls
2021-02-12 14:44:34:727 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer is persisting the cached suggestion layout for consumer: MediaControls
2021-02-12 14:44:34:728 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: [1 of 1] <private> <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:34:729 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:729 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(BiomeStorage)[138] <Notice>: Successfully mapped file: 634665548126012
2021-02-12 14:44:34:731 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionClient)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Trying to update cached layout for consumer MediaControls
2021-02-12 14:44:34:731 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Couldn't generate a valid layout. Not writing a cache for MediaControls.
2021-02-12 14:44:34:731 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:34 my-iPhone duetexpertd(AppPredictionInternal)[138] <Notice>: Blending: Blending Layer finished updating suggestions for all consumer subtypes. [BLENDING REFRESH END]
2021-02-12 14:44:35:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceManagerMonitor24GHzInfraNetworkTraffic: SNR 25.0, CCA 22.6, Tx bandwidth 43333.2 (kbps), Rx bandwidth 43333.2, Tx data rate 35.7 (kbps), Rx data rate 34.6, Tx air time 0.082 %, Rx air time 0.080 %, Good background traffic ? No
2021-02-12 14:44:35:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceManagerEvaluate24GHzInfraNetworkState:isConnected Yes, isTimeSensitiveAppRunning No, isThereTrafficNow No
2021-02-12 14:44:35:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiLQAMgrLogStats(arpanet:Stationary): Rssi: -69 {-68 0} Snr: 26 Cca: 7 TxPer: 0.0% (32) BcnPer: 1.1% (95, 51.3%) RxFrms: 39 RxRetryFrames: 3 TxRate: 24000 RxRate: 52000 FBRate: 6500 TxFwFrms: 17 TxFwFail: 0 TxReTrans: 4 time: 5731.0secs fgApp: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:35:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: WiFiLQAMgrCopyCoalescedUndispatchedLQMEvent: Rssi: -69 Snr:26 Cca: 7 TxFrames: 32 TxFail: 0 BcnRx: 94 BcnSch: 95 RxFrames: 39 RxRetries: 3 TxRate: 24000 RxRate: 52000 FBRate: 6500 TxFwFrms: 17 TxFwFail:0 TxRetries: 4
2021-02-12 14:44:35:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on en0: rssi: -69 [-68,0] -> -69, snr: 26 (cca [wake/total] self/other/intf): [-1,-1]/[-1,-1]/[-1,-1]/7 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail): 32/4/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
2021-02-12 14:44:35:281 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Received Wi-Fi Assist Override along with LQM info: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:35:283 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for locationd - WiFi in/out: 1023352033/75498604, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 7957/1882, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:35:284 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for fmflocatord - WiFi in/out: 124700066/93302556, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 9196/3909, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:35:285 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Usage for mDNSResponder - WiFi in/out: 2038794026/30559902, WiFi delta_in/delta_out: 1821/0, Cell in/out: 0/0, Cell delta_in/delta_out: 0/0, RNF: 0, subscriber tag: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:35:286 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:35:287 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Stall count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:35:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Stall score: 50
2021-02-12 14:44:35:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Policy denial score: 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:35:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: More info Foreground app <not-present> interval 0.000000 flows 0 (total 7)
2021-02-12 14:44:35:288 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Also flags 0 count 0 details Foreground app <not-present> interval 0.000000 flows 0 (total 7)
2021-02-12 14:44:35:289 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:35:290 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:35:432 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone watchlistd(WatchListKit)[183] <Notice>: [WLKTransactionScope] 0x13de7eb70 "WLKAppLibrary.refresh": Ended transaction
2021-02-12 14:44:35:454 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:35 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionCoprocessor,startTime,634819475.496361,motionType,1,youthType,0,youthTypeReason,0
2021-02-12 14:44:36:032 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:36 my-iPhone cloudpaird[66] <Notice>: Account status changed: 1, Forced: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:36:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:36 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Flushing any queuedDelegateBlocks 0
2021-02-12 14:44:36:381 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:36 my-iPhone syncdefaultsd(ApplePushService)[10692] <Notice>: <private> Flushing any queuedDelegateBlocks 0
2021-02-12 14:44:36:654 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:36 my-iPhone kernel(AppleBCMWLANCore)[0] <Notice>: 5 b 20MHz n CCA 36% duration: 108 congest: 39 ts: 2731846
2021-02-12 14:44:37:136 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:37 my-iPhone kbd(KeyboardServices)[265] <Error>: -[_KSUserWordsSynchroniser accountDidChange:]_block_invoke Disabling syncing if necessary as account found is not supported
2021-02-12 14:44:37:707 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:37 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: BatteryTemperatureReader returning value 3350
2021-02-12 14:44:37:935 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:37 my-iPhone searchd(DuetActivityScheduler)[2148] <Notice>: Task Returning YES
2021-02-12 14:44:37:937 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:37 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: Finalizing journal 0x12192fb70 0x108dac000 100000 <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:38:003 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Trigger: <private> is now [50]
2021-02-12 14:44:38:010 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone locationd[9076] <Notice>: MotionCoprocessor,startTime,634819478.055625,motionType,1,youthType,0,youthTypeReason,0
2021-02-12 14:44:38:087 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: copy file <private> to <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:38:100 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: copy file <private> to <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:38:100 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: copy file <private> to <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:38:104 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: copy file <private> to <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:38:163 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone searchd(MobileSpotlightIndex)[2148] <Notice>: (1958)Unlinked journal <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:38:544 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> BE<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5002ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:38:544 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> BK<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5002ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:38:544 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> VI<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5002ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:38:545 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> VO<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5002ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:38:545 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:L3 Control VO TX(50:0F:F5:7C:BF:E0) Success=0 NoACK=0 Expired=0 OtherErr=0
2021-02-12 14:44:38:545 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:38 my-iPhone kernel(IO80211Family)[0] <Notice>: LQM-WiFi:TX(FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF) AC<SU MS NB NRS NA CM EX TF FFP MRET FLE> BE<0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0> (5001ms)
2021-02-12 14:44:39:318 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone nsurlsessiond[107] <Notice>: Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:39:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:39:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:39:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:39:700 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x0d820000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(28) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:39:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126679707
2021-02-12 14:44:39:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:39:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I IBICallPsSuspendIndCb
2021-02-12 14:44:39:701 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:39:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:39:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:39:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:39:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:39:702 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:39:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:39:703 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:39:704 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: start
2021-02-12 14:44:39:704 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBICallPsSuspendIndCb: BB suspending data context, cause: 2
2021-02-12 14:44:39:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:39:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:39:734 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:39:735 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126679743
2021-02-12 14:44:39:775 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25900000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(3196) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:39:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:39:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:39:776 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:39:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:39:777 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:39 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126679785
2021-02-12 14:44:40:164 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Attempting to suspend based on triggers: ( "" )
2021-02-12 14:44:40:164 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Ignoring trigger because conditions are deteriorating
2021-02-12 14:44:40:164 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone dasd[116] <Notice>: Evaluating 0 activities based on triggers
2021-02-12 14:44:40:277 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceManagerMonitor24GHzInfraNetworkTraffic: SNR 15.0, CCA 27.9, Tx bandwidth 29290.0 (kbps), Rx bandwidth 29290.0, Tx data rate 21.5 (kbps), Rx data rate 20.8, Tx air time 0.073 %, Rx air time 0.071 %, Good background traffic ? No
2021-02-12 14:44:40:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiDeviceManagerEvaluate24GHzInfraNetworkState:isConnected Yes, isTimeSensitiveAppRunning No, isThereTrafficNow No
2021-02-12 14:44:40:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: __WiFiLQAMgrLogStats(arpanet:Stationary): Rssi: -69 {0 0} Snr: 0 Cca: 36 TxPer: 0.0% (0) BcnPer: 0.0% (0, 51.3%) RxFrms: 0 RxRetryFrames: 0 TxRate: 0 RxRate: 0 FBRate: 0 TxFwFrms: 0 TxFwFail: 0 TxReTrans: 0 time: 5736.0secs fgApp: (null)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone wifid(WiFiPolicy)[49] <Notice>: WiFiLQAMgrCopyCoalescedUndispatchedLQMEvent: Rssi: -69 Snr:(null) Cca: 36 TxFrames: 0 TxFail: 0 BcnRx: (null) BcnSch: (null) RxFrames: 0 RxRetries: 0 TxRate: 0 RxRate: 0 FBRate: 0 TxFwFrms: (null) TxFwFail:(null) TxRetries: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:40:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: L2 Metrics on en0: rssi: -69 [0,0] -> -69, snr: 0 (cca [wake/total] self/other/intf): [-1,-1]/[-1,-1]/[-1,-1]/36 (txFrames/txReTx/txFail): 0/0/0 -> (was/is) 0/0
2021-02-12 14:44:40:278 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Received Wi-Fi Assist Override along with LQM info: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:40:279 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:40:279 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:40:279 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone WirelessRadioManagerd[44] <Notice>: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:40:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Stall count: 0
2021-02-12 14:44:40:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Data Stall score: 50
2021-02-12 14:44:40:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Policy denial score: 0.000000
2021-02-12 14:44:40:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: More info Foreground app <not-present> interval 0.000000 flows 0 (total 7)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:280 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone symptomsd(SymptomEvaluator)[5222] <Notice>: Also flags 0 count 0 details Foreground app <not-present> interval 0.000000 flows 0 (total 7)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:341 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0xcdce0000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(105) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:341 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:342 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Received segment 0 of metric 0x3cd115
2021-02-12 14:44:40:342 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libBasebandManagerICE.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Sending <private> to <private> at 1613126680351
2021-02-12 14:44:40:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25900000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(3196) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:399 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25900000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(3196) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:402 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Add Frequency List Failed
2021-02-12 14:44:40:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25808000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(153) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:404 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
2021-02-12 14:44:40:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I updated=1 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=1 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=2 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kHSDPA->kHSDPA is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=1 gsm_band=50 bandType=-1 cdma1x_present=0 evdo_rev_present=0 evdo_rev=0 is_ehrpd_available=0 soMask= (0)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ari: (forwardIndication:123) Indication(0x25808000) for client(IndicationReregistrationActor) Type(GCD) size(153) dispq(AriHostIPC:0x117ea2f20)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: ind: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I handleIBINetCellInfoIndCb
2021-02-12 14:44:40:405 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I updated=1 is_edge_available=0 is_gprs_available=0 is_hsdpa_available=1 is_hsupa_available=0 rat=2 ratExtension=0 dataMode=kHSDPA->kHSDPA is_wcdma_or_tdscdma_available=1 gsm_band=50 bandType=-1 cdma1x_present=0 evdo_rev_present=0 evdo_rev=0 is_ehrpd_available=0 soMask= (0)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:406 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: rsp: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:409 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I CS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_LIMITED_SERVICE) (kEmergencyOnly) full service (false)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I PS status (IBI_NET_REGISTRATION_STATUS_LIMITED_SERVICE) (kEmergencyOnly) full service (false)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #N Neither CS or PS has full service
2021-02-12 14:44:40:410 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Preferring CS emergency only status
2021-02-12 14:44:40:411 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I kRatUTRAN serving system: 283-10 kEmergencyOnly
2021-02-12 14:44:40:411 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterKCommandDrivers.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Leaving LTE emergency bearer support at kFalse due to CS attach (false) PS attach (false) and registration status (kEmergencyOnly)
2021-02-12 14:44:40:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Updating Lte emergency bearer support to: kFalse
2021-02-12 14:44:40:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Updating Lte emergency bearer support to: kFalse
2021-02-12 14:44:40:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Clearing registration status
2021-02-12 14:44:40:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: rsp: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received UMTS cell information in Serving System Update
2021-02-12 14:44:40:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libCommCenterBase.dylib)[86] <Notice>: #I Index: 0, MCC: 283, MNC: 10, Band info: 0, Area code: 30210, Cell ID: <private>, UARFCN: 0, Latitude: <private>, Longitude: <private>
2021-02-12 14:44:40:412 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Carrier info is not valid, home country: false roaming: kUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:40:413 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Received serving system update with current RAT set to kRatUTRAN and current DataMode set to kNoData
2021-02-12 14:44:40:413 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I computeIsInHomeCountry: inHome=false, result=kUnknown
2021-02-12 14:44:40:413 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Serving cell has changed since cell monitor update: false, updating with the latest from Serving System Update
2021-02-12 14:44:40:413 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Current operator does not support Network Time
2021-02-12 14:44:40:413 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #N Network Time is not supported by operator MCC: 283, MNC 10 and kRatUTRAN
2021-02-12 14:44:40:413 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter(libARI.dylib)[86] <Notice>: req: Bin=[<private>]
2021-02-12 14:44:40:413 - [IOSDeviceLog] Feb 12 14:44:40 my-iPhone CommCenter[86] <Notice>: #I Serving
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