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Alex Ganose utf

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{"lattice": [[6.57303913, -2.93345452, 0.0], [6.57303913, 2.93345452, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 5.86213264]], "repetitions": [2, 2, 2], "natoms": 12, "atom_pos_car": [[11.036949070729944, 0.0, 2.93106632], [8.682168319270055, 0.0, 0.0], [2.1091291892700537, 0.0, 2.93106632], [4.463909940729946, 0.0, 0.0], [6.573039130000001, 0.7427400653586378, 3.674924465304165], [6.573039129999999, 2.190714454641362, 0.7438581453041647], [6.573039129999999, -2.190714454641362, 5.118274494695835], [6.573039130000001, -0.7427400653586378, 2.1872081746958347], [9.859558695, -1.439750038852272, 4.39659948], [9.859558695, 1.439750038852272, 1.46553316], [3.286519565, 1.439750038852272, 1.46553316], [3.286519565, -1.439750038852272, 4.39659948]], "atom_pos_red": [[0.8395621, 0.8395621, 0.5], [0.6604379, 0.6604379, 0.0], [0.1604379, 0.1604379, 0.5], [0.3395621, 0.3395621, 0.0], [0.37340181, 0.62659819, 0.62689207], [0.12659819, 0.87340181, 0.12689207], [0.87340181, 0.12659819, 0.87310793], [0.62659819, 0.37340181, 0.37310793], [0.9954018,
#! /usr/bin/awk -f
# Name: Extract elastic constant tensor
# Author: Alex Ganose
# Version: 1.0
# Date: 20/08/21
# Usage: elastic [OUTCAR]
l = NR
figure.figsize : 3.2, 3.3
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font.size : 11
text.latex.preamble: \usepackage{siunitx}
text.usetex : True
axes.titlesize : 11
axes.labelsize : 11
{"@module": "pymatgen.core.structure", "@class": "Structure", "charge": null, "lattice": {"matrix": [[-1.5400000000000007, -2.6673582436560714, -3.771912141373848e-16], [-1.5399999999999994, 2.6673582436560714, 1.885956070686924e-16], [-15.400000000000006, -10.669432974624286, -1035.0]], "a": 3.080000000000001, "b": 3.08, "c": 1035.1695497839955, "alpha": 90.08523775937532, "beta": 89.06234313944718, "gamma": 120.00000000000001, "volume": 8503.004609126825}, "sites": [{"species": [{"element": "C", "occu": 1}], "abc": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "xyz": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "label": "C", "properties": {"combined_sites": ""}}, {"species": [{"element": "C", "occu": 1}], "abc": [0.6666666664000003, 0.6666666665000003, 0.6666666667000001], "xyz": [-12.319999999846006, -7.112955316505103, -690.0000000345001], "label": "C", "properties": {"combined_sites": ""}}, {"species": [{"element": "C", "occu": 1}], "abc": [0.3333333336000006, 0.3333333335000006, 0.3333333332999999], "xyz": [-6.160000000154002, -3.5564776581191824, -344.999999
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"Brevia" = Brevia (Rome)
"Dens sapiens" = Dens Sapiens
"Il Bassini" = Bassini
"Interferences" Series = Interf. Ser.
"Laboratorio;" analisis clinicos, bacteriologia, inmunologia, parasitologia, hematologia, anatomia patologica, quimica clinica = Laboratorio
"Meteor" Forschungsergebnisse = "Meteor" Forschungsergeb.
"Politehnica" University of Bucharest = Politehn. Univ. Bucharest Sci. Bull. Ser. D Mech. Engrg.
$K$-Monographs in Mathematics = $K$-Monogr. Math.
$K$-Theory = $K$-Theory
'Adiyat Halab = Adiyat Halab
utf / INCAR
Last active November 9, 2022 09:52
SYSTEM = Generic Input
start Parameters
NWRITE = 2 ! Medium-level information output
ISTART = 1 ! read existing wavefunction; if there
INIWAV = 1 ! Random initial wavefunction; otherwise
ICORELEVEL = 1 ! Print core levels
!ICHARG = 11 ! Non-selfconsistent: GGA/LDA band structures
!NBANDS = 130 ! No. bands
utf / Installing RVM Ruby Rails Passenger nginx on CentOS
Created August 11, 2012 00:32 — forked from fytzzz/Installing RVM + Ruby + Rails + Passenger + nginx on CentOS
Installing RVM + Ruby + Rails + Passenger + nginx on CentOS
#Steps to install RVM + Ruby 1.9.3 + Rails + nginx + Passenger on CentOS (tested on v5.5)
# Todo get up to date repo's
# Install git and curl, if not already installed
sudo yum install git
sudo yum install curl-devel
# Create the rvm group and add any users who will be using rvm to the group
sudo su -