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Created April 3, 2012 12:44
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CoffeeScript + jQuery tutorials: Evil Twins hunt
window.publishPost = ->
userId = window.fbUserId
post =
caption: "Evil Twins Hunt"
message: "Found an app to check FB for presence of Evil
Twins from the Evil Parallel Universe. Be watchful, tovarisch!
( And yeah, I also learned how to access FB info and publish
feed items from code, which is cool. )"
link: ""
FB.api "/me/feed", 'post', post
$j('#query').click ->
getMyInfo (resp) ->
fillTable $j("#myinfo"), resp
getEvilTwinInfo resp, (twinResp) ->
if twinResp
fillTable $j('#twininfo'), twinResp
reverse = (s) ->
if s.length < 2 then s else reverse(s[1..-1]) + s[0]
getEvilTwinInfo = (myinfo, callback)->
myinfo.trimmedEmail = /@.+/, ""
reversed = for key, value of myinfo
"\"#{reverse (String) value}\""
search = (i = 0) ->
if i < reversed.length
FB.api '/search', {q:reversed[i],type:'user'}, (resp) ->
len =
if len
callback[ Math.floor Math.random() * len ]
search i+1
callback null
window.fillTable = fillTable = (table, content) ->
for key, value of content
table.append "<tr><td>#{key}</td><td>#{value}</td></tr>"
window.getMyInfo = getMyInfo = (callback) ->
FB.api '/me',
window.showMyProfile = ->
window.getMyInfo (resp) ->
window.fillTable $j("#myinfo"), resp
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