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Created April 21, 2018 16:27
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CubbyFlow Time Performance Test Result - Intel TBB
Run on (12 X 3298 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32K (x6)
L1 Instruction 32K (x6)
L2 Unified 262K (x6)
L3 Unified 15728K (x1)
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations
BVH3/Nearest 130629 ns 129395 ns 6400
BVH3/RayIntersects 2514 ns 2511 ns 298667
FDMBLAS2/MVM/64 34583 ns 34877 ns 17920
FDMBLAS2/MVM/256 406154 ns 409807 ns 1792
FDMBLAS2/MVM/1024 6457250 ns 6250000 ns 90
FDMBLAS3/MVM/16 90223 ns 89979 ns 7467
FDMBLAS3/MVM/64 4399869 ns 4464286 ns 112
FDMBLAS3/MVM/256 266097613 ns 265625000 ns 3
FDMCompressedBLAS3/MVM/16 21967 ns 21973 ns 32000
FDMCompressedBLAS3/MVM/64 915800 ns 927734 ns 640
FDMCompressedBLAS3/MVM/256 67916779 ns 61079545 ns 11
GridFractionalSinglePhasePressureSolver3/Solve/128/128/0 47655014860 ns 46296875000 ns 1
GridFractionalSinglePhasePressureSolver3/Solve/128/128/1 17064220930 ns 16937500000 ns 1
GridFractionalSinglePhasePressureSolver3/Solve/128/64/0 46358687066 ns 45562500000 ns 1
GridFractionalSinglePhasePressureSolver3/Solve/128/64/1 8350379162 ns 8187500000 ns 1
GridFractionalSinglePhasePressureSolver3/Solve/128/32/0 46467811914 ns 45640625000 ns 1
GridFractionalSinglePhasePressureSolver3/Solve/128/32/1 4002739702 ns 4015625000 ns 1
ListQueryEngine3/Nearest 59608536 ns 59895833 ns 24
ListQueryEngine3/RayIntersects 37979818 ns 38143382 ns 34
MatrixMxN/MVM/256 69765 ns 69754 ns 8960
MatrixMxN/MVM/1024 940193 ns 941265 ns 747
MatrixMxN/MVM/4096 15285852 ns 15243902 ns 41
Octree/Nearest 764129 ns 767299 ns 1120
Octree/RayIntersects 19372 ns 19531 ns 32000
Parallel/ParallelFor/256/1/real_time 8046 ns 8035 ns 77789
Parallel/ParallelFor/256/2/real_time 8105 ns 7934 ns 86653
Parallel/ParallelFor/256/4/real_time 8282 ns 8236 ns 83471
Parallel/ParallelFor/256/8/real_time 8043 ns 7787 ns 86283
Parallel/ParallelFor/65536/1/real_time 75074 ns 75727 ns 9285
Parallel/ParallelFor/65536/2/real_time 77303 ns 74529 ns 9015
Parallel/ParallelFor/65536/4/real_time 77654 ns 78464 ns 8762
Parallel/ParallelFor/65536/8/real_time 74537 ns 72501 ns 8405
Parallel/ParallelFor/16777216/1/real_time 15460958 ns 14960106 ns 47
Parallel/ParallelFor/16777216/2/real_time 14907096 ns 14627660 ns 47
Parallel/ParallelFor/16777216/4/real_time 14486815 ns 13997396 ns 48
Parallel/ParallelFor/16777216/8/real_time 14517093 ns 14322917 ns 48
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/256/1/real_time 7633 ns 7641 ns 96104
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/256/2/real_time 7559 ns 7521 ns 95571
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/256/4/real_time 7533 ns 7481 ns 93991
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/256/8/real_time 7868 ns 7949 ns 90420
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/65536/1/real_time 52058 ns 51624 ns 12712
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/65536/2/real_time 53046 ns 51357 ns 13691
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/65536/4/real_time 53576 ns 53474 ns 13441
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/65536/8/real_time 53205 ns 50677 ns 13258
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/16777216/1/real_time 12815469 ns 12152778 ns 54
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/16777216/2/real_time 12883300 ns 12676887 ns 53
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/16777216/4/real_time 12898914 ns 11863426 ns 54
Parallel/ParallelRangeFor/16777216/8/real_time 13235778 ns 12784091 ns 55
PointHashGridSearcher3/Build/32 3210805 ns 3208705 ns 224
PointHashGridSearcher3/Build/1024 3260656 ns 3301056 ns 213
PointHashGridSearcher3/Build/1048576 316309704 ns 312500000 ns 2
PointHashGridSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/32 455 ns 455 ns 1544828
PointHashGridSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/1024 465 ns 460 ns 1493333
PointHashGridSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/1048576 2345 ns 2354 ns 298667
PointKdTreeSearcher3/Build/32 5000 ns 5000 ns 100000
PointKdTreeSearcher3/Build/1024 293089 ns 291561 ns 2358
PointKdTreeSearcher3/Build/1048576 1062391564 ns 1062500000 ns 1
PointKdTreeSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/32 215 ns 214 ns 2986667
PointKdTreeSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/1024 349 ns 353 ns 2036364
PointKdTreeSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/1048576 3992 ns 4011 ns 194783
PointParallelHashGridSearcher3/Build/32 2102493 ns 2099609 ns 320
PointParallelHashGridSearcher3/Build/1024 2156602 ns 2173913 ns 345
PointParallelHashGridSearcher3/Build/1048576 63270058 ns 64236111 ns 9
PointParallelHashGridSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/32 447 ns 452 ns 1659259
PointParallelHashGridSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/1024 427 ns 420 ns 1600000
PointParallelHashGridSearcher3/ForEachNearbyPoints/1048576 1605 ns 1604 ns 448000
TriangleMesh3/ClosestPoint 1713838 ns 1716040 ns 346
VolumeParticleEmitter3/Update 82916310853 ns 82890625000 ns 1
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