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> module Main where
First, import all the needed modules.
> import Text.Parsec hiding (State)
> import Text.Parsec.Indent
> import Control.Monad.State
Next, define our new Parser type. This replaces the Identity monad
with the (State SourcePos) monad.
> type IParser a = ParsecT String () (State SourcePos) a
Now we define our new parse function. This one accepts an IParser
(which we've just defined) instead of a Parser.
> iParse :: IParser a -> SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError a
> iParse aParser source_name input =
> runIndent source_name $ runParserT aParser () source_name input
Define our sample input string. Note: the unlines function joins
strings together with newline characters.
> input_text :: String
> input_text = unlines [
> "listName:",
> " item1",
> " item2",
> " item3"
> ]
Define main. It parses the input text and prints the parsed value. If
there was an error, it prints the error.
> main :: IO ()
> main = do
> case iParse aNamedList "indented_example" input_text of
> Left err -> print err
> Right result -> putStrLn $ "I parsed: " ++ show result
Define a datatype to hold our parsed value.
> data NamedList = NamedList Name [Item]
> deriving (Show)
Define what we mean by 'Name' and 'Item'. In this case, they are both
> type Name = String
> type Item = String
Define how we parse a NamedList. A Named list is a Name and a list of
Items contained in the NamedList data structure. Read more about the
withBlock function here:
> aNamedList :: IParser NamedList
> aNamedList = do
> b <- withBlock NamedList aName anItem
> spaces
> return b
A name is an alpha-numeric string followed by a ':' and some
> aName :: IParser Name
> aName = do
> s <- many1 alphaNum
> _ <- char ':'
> spaces
> return s
An item is an alpha-numeric string followed by some whitespace.
> anItem :: IParser Item
> anItem = do
> i <- many1 alphaNum
> spaces
> return i
> runhaskell -Wall indented_parsec_example.hs
I parsed: NamedList "listName" ["item1","item2","item3"]
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