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Created September 16, 2023 01:21
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Merge ansible variables listed by name and/or matching regular expression.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import re
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
from ansible.plugins.filter.core import flatten
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
lookup: mergevars
author: Todd Lewis <>
version_added: "2.7.10"
short_description: merge variables matching list, regex
- Listed variables and/or those matching the supplied regex will be
deep-merged and returned. Scalar variables (int and str) are treated
like single element lists. All variables must be either lists or dicts;
you can't mix them. Order is preserved for explicitly listed variables.
Variables matching var_regex are sorted and come after explicit variables.
- list of variables to merge. These can be names of variables ("'foo'"), or
expressions ("foo[3]").
required: false
description: regular expression matching names of variables to merge
required: false
discription: whether to deduplicate the resulting list
default: true
required: false
type: boolean
description: a boolean to indicate whether to recursively merge dictionaries
default: true
required: false
type: boolean
- name: show merged variables
debug: msg="{{ lookup('mergevars', regex='^merge_these_.*') }}
- name: show merged variables
debug: msg="{{ lookup('mergevars', 'ansible_fqdn', 'ansible_mounts', regex='^merge_these_.*') }}
RETURN = """
description: list of merged variables
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class LookupModule(LookupBase):
def run(self, terms, variables, **kwargs):
varpat = kwargs.get('regex', '')
dedup = kwargs.get('dedup', True)
recursive_dict_merge = kwargs.get('recursive', True)
keys = []
for key in terms:
if not isinstance(key, string_types):
elif key not in keys and key in variables.keys():
if len(varpat) > 0:
for key in sorted(variables.keys()):
if key not in keys and re.match(varpat, key):
display.v("Merging vars in this order: {}".format(list(map(type_or_str, keys))))
# We need to render any jinja in the merged var now, because once it
# leaves this plugin, ansible will cleanse it by turning any jinja tags
# into comments.
# And we need it done before merging the variables,
# in case any structured data is specified with templates.
merge_vals = []
for key in keys:
if isinstance(key, string_types):
val = self._templar.template(variables[key])
val = self._templar.template(key)
if isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, str):
# Dispatch based on type that we're merging
if len(merge_vals) == 0:
merged = []
elif isinstance(merge_vals[0], list):
merged = merge_list(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge)
elif isinstance(merge_vals[0], dict):
merged = merge_dict(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge)
raise AnsibleError(
"Don't know how to merge variables of type: {}".format(type(merge_vals[0]))
return [merged]
def type_or_str(term):
if isinstance(term, string_types):
return term
return type(term)
def merge_dict(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge):
To merge dicts, just update one with the values of the next, etc.
check_type(merge_vals, dict)
merged = {}
for val in merge_vals:
if not recursive_dict_merge:
# Recursive merging of dictionaries with overlapping keys:
# LISTS: merge with merge_list
# DICTS: recursively merge with merge_dict
# any other types: replace (same as usual behaviour)
for key in val.keys():
if key not in merged:
# first hit of the value - just assign
merged[key] = val[key]
elif isinstance(merged[key], list):
merged[key] = merge_list([merged[key], val[key]], dedup, recursive_dict_merge)
elif isinstance(merged[key], dict):
merged[key] = merge_dict([merged[key], val[key]], dedup, recursive_dict_merge)
merged[key] = val[key]
return merged
def merge_list(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge):
""" To merge lists, just concat them. Dedup if wanted. """
check_type(merge_vals, list)
flatten_levels = 0
if recursive_dict_merge:
flatten_levels = 999
merged = flatten(merge_vals, flatten_levels)
if dedup:
merged = deduplicate(merged)
return merged
def check_type(mylist, _type):
""" Ensure that all members of mylist are of type _type. """
if not all([isinstance(item, _type) for item in mylist]):
raise AnsibleError("All values to merge must be of the same type, either dict or list")
# def flatten(list_of_lists, levels=None):
# """
# Flattens a list of lists:
# >>> flatten([[1, 2] [3, 4]])
# [1, 2, 3, 4]
# I wish Python had this in the standard lib :(
# """
# return list((x for y in list_of_lists for x in y))
def deduplicate(mylist):
Just brute force it. This lets us keep order, and lets us dedup unhashable
things, like dicts. Hopefully you won't run into such big lists that
this will ever be a performance issue.
deduped = []
for item in mylist:
if item not in deduped:
return deduped
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