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Ansible filter module for expanding dicts with variable substitutions
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2020, Todd M. Lewis <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
lookup: polymac
author: Todd Lewis <>
version_added: "2.9.9"
short_description: duplicate dicts with variable substitutions.
- |
Dict key C(polymac) will replace indicated variables within
its data section(s) with their values as defined in one or
more substitution sets. The resulting data is then
incorporated into the data structure which originally
contained the "polymac" key.
- |
C(polymac) expects to contain a list. The first item should
contain either a single dict or a list of dicts which are
themselves key/value pairs in substitution sets. Subsequent
items should contain arbitrary data structures. Within these
data structures, substrings consisting of substitution keys
between '%' characters will be replaced with corresponding
values from the substitution sets.
- |
The "mac" part of the name comes from "macro expansion"
wherein substrings bounded by '%' get replaced. The "poly"
part comes from the Greek "polus": much or many, because the
number of produced data structures will be the product of the
number of substitution sets and the number of data sections
in the "polymac".
- |
The data structure resulting from a "polymac" may be a dict or
a list. How it is incorporated back into the containing data
structure depends on whether it's a single value, a single
dict, or a list, and how "polymac" itself was positioned in
its containing data. If "polymac" is the only key at its
level, then the expanded data can simply replace it.
But if "polymac" is not the only key at its level, then a
single dict will be merged with polymac's containing dict,
while lists of N results (N>1) will cause N copies and merges
of the containing dict.
- Data possibly containing "polymac" keys.
required: true
type: bool
default: False
- Dump lots of messages about traversing and modifying the
data passed to polymac.
- name: one substitution set, one data section
debug: msg="{{ some_dict | polymac | to_nice_yaml(indent=2, width=1337) }}
name: example the first
fruit: apple
- season: spring
color: green
pick: you'd be crazy to try
- almanac: "In the %season% when they are %color%, %pick% to pick them."
# Produces a single dict with a single key. This dict gets merged into
# the containing dict at the position of the "polymac" key.
# some_dict:
# name: example the first
# fruit: apple
# almanac: In the spring when they are green you'd be crazy to try to pick them.
- name: three substitution sets, one data section
debug: msg="{{ some_dict | polymac | to_nice_yaml(indent=2, width=1337) }}
name: example the second
fruit: apple
- - season: spring
color: green
pick: you'd be crazy to try
- season: summer
color: turning
pick: it's still too soon
- season: fall
color: red
pick: it is time
- "In the %season% when they are %color%, %pick% to pick them."
# Produces a list of three strings. Since "polymac" is a lone key,
# its dict can be replaced by the list.
# some_dict:
# name: example the second
# fruit: apple
# almanac:
# - In the spring when they are green you'd be crazy to try to pick them.
# - In the summer when they are turning, it's still too soon to pick them.
# - In the fall when they are red, it is time to pick them.
- name: three substitution sets, one data section
debug: msg="{{ some_dict | polymac | to_nice_yaml(indent=2, width=1337) }}
name: This value will be replaced three times.
fruit: apple
- - season: spring
color: green
pick: you'd be crazy to try
- season: summer
color: turning
pick: it's still too soon
- season: fall
color: red
pick: it is time
- name: Almanac for %season%
almanac: "In the %season% when they are %color%, %pick% to pick them."
# Produces a list of three dicts. Because "polymac" has siblings, the
# dict containing it gets duplicated three times with each of the
# produced dicts merged into their respective copies.
# some_dict:
# - name: Almanac for spring
# fruit: apple
# almanac: In the spring when they are green you'd be crazy to try to pick them.
# - name: Almanac for summer
# fruit: apple
# almanac: In the summer when they are turning, it's still too soon to pick them.
# - name: Almanac for fall
# fruit: apple
# almanac: In the fall when they are red, it is time to pick them.
- name: environment strings may contain other environment strings
debug: msg="{{ some_dict | polymac | to_nice_yaml(indent=2, width=1337) }}"
title: The Twelve Days of Christmas
- DayOf: "day of Christmas my true love gave to me\\n"
1st: "a partridge in a pear tree."
2nd: "two turtle doves,\\nand %1st%"
3rd: "three French hens,\\n%2nd%"
4th: "four calling birds,\\n%3rd%"
5th: "five golden rings,\\n%4th%"
6th: "six geese a laying,\\n%5th%"
7th: "seven swans a swimming,\\n%6th%"
8th: "eight maids a milking,\\n%7th%"
9th: "nine ladies dancing,\\n%8th%"
10th: "ten lords a leaping,\\n%9th%"
11th: "eleven pipers piping,\\n%10th%"
12th: "twelve drummers drumming,\\n%11th%"
- "On the first %DayOf%%1st%"
- "On the second %DayOf%%2nd%"
- "On the third %DayOf%%3rd%"
- "On the fourth %DayOf%%4th%"
- "On the fifth %DayOf%%5th%"
- "On the sixth %DayOf%%6th%"
- "On the seventh %DayOf%%7th%"
- "On the eighth %DayOf%%8th%"
- "On the nineth %DayOf%%9th%"
- "On the tenth %DayOf%%10th%"
- "On the eleventh %DayOf%%11th%"
- "On the twelfth %DayOf%%12th%"
# Produces:
# some_dict:
# title: The Twelve Days of Christmas
# lyrics:
# - |
# On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me
# a partridge in a pear tree.
# - |
# On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me
# two turtle doves,
# and a partridge in a pear tree.
# [...]
# - |
# On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me
# twelve drummers drumming,
# eleven pipers piping,
# ten lords a leaping,
# nine ladies dancing,
# eight maids a milking,
# seven swans a swimming,
# six geese a laying,
# five golden rings,
# four calling birds,
# three French hens,
# two turtle doves,
# and a partridge in a pear tree.
RETURN = """
description: inputs after polymac applied.
__metaclass__ = type
# import os
import re
import inspect
from copy import deepcopy
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.plugins.filter.core import flatten
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
show_debug_messages = False
_pd_prefix = ""
def pd(str, delta=0):
global _pd_prefix
if delta > 0:
_pd_prefix = " " + _pd_prefix
elif delta < 0 and len(_pd_prefix):
_pd_prefix = _pd_prefix[1:]
dbg("{}{}".format(_pd_prefix, str))
def dbg(msg):
if show_debug_messages:
def polymac(terms, debug=False):
global show_debug_messages
show_debug_messages = debug
polymacd = []
dbg(u"polymac({}): {}".format(lineno(), terms))
if isinstance(terms, dict):
polymacd = polymacdict(terms, 1, {})
elif isinstance(terms, list):
polymacd = polymaclist(terms, 1, {})
polymacd = terms
return polymacd
def lineno():
"""Returns the line number whence lineno() was called."""
return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
def polymacdict(mydict, level, env):
ret = {}
keycount = len(mydict)
for key in mydict.keys():
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): level {} {}: {}".format((" " * level), lineno(), level, key, type_or_str(mydict[key])))
if isinstance(mydict[key], list):
ret[key] = polymaclist(mydict[key], level + 1, env if key != 'polymac' else {})
elif isinstance(mydict[key], dict):
ret[key] = polymacdict(mydict[key], level + 1, env if key != 'polymac' else {})
ret[key] = mydict[key]
if isinstance(key, string_types) and key != "polymac":
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): level {} adding env['{}']='{}'".format((" " * level), lineno(), level, key, mydict[key]))
env[key] = mydict[key]
if "polymac" in mydict:
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): {} processing 'polymac' with 'macronate()'".format((" " * level), lineno(), level))
macronated = macronate(mydict["polymac"], level + 1, env)
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): {} processed: {}".format((" " * level), lineno(), level, macronated))
if isinstance(macronated, list) and len(macronated) == 1:
macronated = macronated[0]
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): {} reduced: {}".format((" " * level), lineno(), level, macronated))
if keycount == 1:
return macronated
if isinstance(macronated, list):
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): macronated is a list.".format((" " * level), lineno(), level))
retl = []
del ret["polymac"]
for item in macronated:
t = deepcopy(ret)
if isinstance(item, dict):
for key in item:
t[key] = item[key]
else: # It's a scalar or a list, so we append as a list
retl.append([t, item])
ret = retl
elif isinstance(macronated, dict):
del ret["polymac"]
for mkey in macronated:
ret[mkey] = macronated[mkey]
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): {} processing 'polymac' with 'macronate()' returned {}".format((" " * level), lineno(), level, type_or_str(macronated)))
dbg(u"{}polymacdict({}): {} {}".format((" " * level), lineno(), level, macronated))
return ret
def polymaclist(mylist, level, env):
ret = []
for item in mylist:
dbg(u"{}polymaclist({}): level {} {}".format((" " * level), lineno(), level, type_or_str(item)))
if isinstance(item, list):
ret.append(polymaclist(item, level + 1, env))
elif isinstance(item, dict):
dictout = polymacdict(item, level + 1, env)
if isinstance(dictout, list):
for ditem in dictout:
return ret
def macronate(metadata, level, env):
pd(">>>macronate[{}]: metadata={},\n level={},\n env={}".format(lineno(), metadata, level, env), 1)
macrodata = flatten([metadata], 1)
pd("===macronate[{}]: macrodata={}".format(lineno(), macrodata))
if len(macrodata) < 2:
macrodata.insert(0, flatten([env], 1))
pd("===macronate[{}]: macrodata={}".format(lineno(), macrodata))
ret = []
for envn in flatten([macrodata[0]], 1):
pd("===macronate[{}]: envn={}".format(lineno(), envn))
for datam in flatten(macrodata[1:], 1):
pd("==+macronate[{}]: datam={}\n envn={}".format(lineno(), datam, envn))
datan = update_data(datam, envn)
pd("=++macronate[{}]: datan={}\n env={}".format(lineno(), datan, env))
datao = update_data(datan, env)
pd("<<<macronate[{}]:".format(lineno()), -1)
return ret
def update_data_string(data, env):
pd(">>>update_data_string[{}]:(data={}, env={})".format(lineno(), type_or_str(data), type_or_str(env)), 1,)
while True:
changes = 0
for key in env:
pd("update_data_string[{}]: env[{}]".format(lineno(), key))
if data == "%" + key + "%":
pd("update_data_string[{}]: env[{}]: exact match found ({})".format(lineno(), key, env[key]))
data = update_data(env[key], env)
pd("update_data_string[{}]: env[{}] exact match produced '{}'".format(lineno(), key, type_or_str(data)))
elif isinstance(env[key], string_types):
chng = re.subn(re.escape("%" + key + "%"), env[key], data, count=0, flags=0)
if chng[1]:
data = chng[0]
changes = changes + chng[1]
pd("update_data_string[{}]: data='{}'".format(lineno(), data))
if changes == 0:
pd("<<<update_data_string[{}]: '{}'".format(lineno(), data), -1)
return data
def update_data_list(data, env):
">>>update_data_list[{}]:(data={}, env={})".format(lineno(), type_or_str(data), type_or_str(env)), 1,
for i, val in enumerate(data):
pd("update_data_list[{}]: #{}".format(lineno(), i + 1))
data[i] = update_data(val, env)
pd("<<<update_data_list[{}]:".format(lineno()), -1)
return data
def update_data_dict(data, env):
pd(">>>update_data_dict[{}]:(data={}, env={})".format(lineno(), data, env), 1)
# for key in env:
# pd("update_data_dict[{}]: env[{}]".format(lineno(), key))
# if key in data:
# pd("update_data_dict[{}]: env[{}] deepcopy({})".format(lineno(), key, env[key]))
# data[key] = deepcopy(env[key])
for key in data:
pd("update_data_dict[{}]: data[{}]".format(lineno(), key))
data[key] = update_data(data[key], env)
pd("<<<update_data_dict[{}]:".format(lineno()), -1)
return data
def update_data(data, env):
ret = deepcopy(data)
pd(">>>update_data[{}]:(data={}, env={})".format(lineno(), type_or_str(data), type_or_str(env)), 1,)
if ret:
if isinstance(ret, dict):
ret = update_data_dict(ret, env)
elif isinstance(ret, list):
ret = update_data_list(ret, env)
elif isinstance(ret, string_types):
ret = update_data_string(ret, env)
pd("<<<update_data[{}]:".format(lineno()), -1)
return ret
def type_or_str(term):
if isinstance(term, string_types):
return term
return type(term)
def deepmerge(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge, master_key):
if len(merge_vals) == 0:
merged = []
elif isinstance(merge_vals[0], list):
merged = merge_list(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge, master_key)
elif isinstance(merge_vals[0], dict):
merged = merge_dict(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge, master_key)
raise AnsibleError("While handling '{}': Don't know how to merge variables of type: {}".format(master_key, type(merge_vals[0])))
return merged
def merge_dict(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge, master_key):
To merge dicts, just update one with the values of the next, etc.
check_type(merge_vals, dict, master_key)
merged = {}
for val in merge_vals:
if not recursive_dict_merge:
# Recursive merging of dictionaries with overlapping keys:
# LISTS: merge with merge_list
# DICTS: recursively merge with merge_dict
# any other types: replace (same as usual behaviour)
for key in val.keys():
if key not in merged:
# first hit of the value - just assign
merged[key] = val[key]
elif isinstance(merged[key], list):
merged[key] = merge_list([merged[key], val[key]], dedup, recursive_dict_merge)
elif isinstance(merged[key], dict):
merged[key] = merge_dict([merged[key], val[key]], dedup, recursive_dict_merge)
merged[key] = val[key]
return merged
def merge_list(merge_vals, dedup, recursive_dict_merge, master_key):
""" To merge lists, just concat them. Dedup if wanted. """
check_type(merge_vals, list, master_key)
flatten_levels = 0
if recursive_dict_merge:
flatten_levels = 999
merged = flatten(merge_vals, flatten_levels)
if dedup:
merged = deduplicate(merged)
return merged
def check_type(mylist, _type, master_key):
""" Ensure that all members of mylist are of type _type. """
if not all([isinstance(item, _type) for item in mylist]):
raise AnsibleError("While handling '{}', all values to merge must be of the same type.".format(master_key))
# def flatten(list_of_lists, levels=None):
# """
# Flattens a list of lists:
# >>> flatten([[1, 2] [3, 4]])
# [1, 2, 3, 4]
# I wish Python had this in the standard lib :(
# """
# return list((x for y in list_of_lists for x in y))
def deduplicate(mylist):
Just brute force it. This lets us keep order, and lets us dedup unhashable
things, like dicts. Hopefully you won't run into such big lists that
this will ever be a performance issue.
deduped = []
for item in mylist:
if item not in deduped:
return deduped
class FilterModule(object):
def filters(self):
return {"polymac": polymac}
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