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Created September 1, 2012 06:35
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TimeZoneConvertor with DST
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.*;
public class TimeZoneConvertor {
private static final TimeZone defaultTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TimeZone Convertor");
* Convert input time stamp to UTC/GMT
* @param timestamp
* @return
public static Timestamp convertToUTC(Timestamp timestamp){
return convert(timestamp,defaultTimeZone,null);
* Convert from UTC/GMT
* @param timestamp
* @return
public static Timestamp convertFromUTC(Timestamp timestamp){
return convert(timestamp,null,defaultTimeZone);
* Convert the Timestamp From one timezone to another
* @param timestamp
* @param fromTimeZone
* @param toTimeZone
* @return
private static Timestamp convert(Timestamp timestamp,TimeZone fromTimeZone, TimeZone toTimeZone) {
long offFrom = fromTimeZone == null ? 0 : fromTimeZone.getOffset(timestamp.getTime());
long offTo = toTimeZone == null ? 0 : toTimeZone.getOffset(timestamp.getTime());
return new Timestamp(timestamp.getTime()/1000*1000 + timestamp.getNanos()/1000000 + offTo - offFrom);
public static void DisplayOffset(String text,int rawOffset,TimeZone timeZone){
int hour = rawOffset/(60*60*1000);
int minutes = Math.abs(rawOffset/(60*1000)) % 60;
System.out.println(text+timeZone.getDisplayName()+ " "+hour+ ":"+minutes+" hours");
public static void main(String[] args) {
Date date = new Date();
Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(date.getTime());
// To Get Available TimeZones
/*String []TimezoneIDs = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
for(String Id : TimezoneIDs)
System.out.println("Timzone ID : \t"+Id);*/
TimeZone fromTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Kolkata");
TimeZone toTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Chicago");
* Now we have to convert from current timezone to target time
* First we have to convert the fromTimezone Time to GMT i.e difference with GMT
* Get the converted timestamp i.e in GMT time now
* now convert timestamp from GMT to target time zone
System.out.println("******************** Off set from GMT ************");
DisplayOffset("From : ", fromTimeZone.getRawOffset(), fromTimeZone);
DisplayOffset("To : ", toTimeZone.getRawOffset(), toTimeZone);
System.out.println("Current Time \t"+timestamp);
timestamp = convert(timestamp, fromTimeZone, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
System.out.println("Timestamp to GMT\t"+timestamp);
timestamp = convert(timestamp, TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"), toTimeZone);
System.out.println("GMT to target Timezone \t"+timestamp);
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