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Last active December 7, 2022 11:15
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Elements Of Programming (Stepanov, Mc Jones) In Rust
Elements Of Programming (A.Stepanov, P.McJones) implemented in Rust
Generic programming Rust using traits and generic functions
/// requires(BinaryOperation(Op))
fn square<T : Copy, Op : Fn(T, T) -> T>(x : Op::Output, op : Op) -> Op::Output {
return op(x, x);
fn square_i64(x: i64) -> i64 {
return x * x;
fn multiply_i64(a : i64, b : i64) -> i64 {
return a * b;
fn xor(a : bool, b : bool) -> bool {
return a ^ b;
struct vec2 {
x : f64,
y : f64
fn vec2_add(a : vec2, b : vec2) -> vec2 {
return vec2 { x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y }
impl std::fmt::Display for vec2 {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "({}, {})", self.x, self.y)
fn main() {
let x = 3;
println!("square: {} = {}", x, square_i64(x));
println!("generic square (mul): {} = {}", x, square(x, multiply_i64));
let y = true;
println!("generic square (xor): {} = {}", y, square(y, xor));
let p = vec2 { x: 0.0, y : 1.0 };
println!("generic square (vec2_add): {} = {}", p, square(p, vec2_add));
/// models(UnaryOperation)
fn abs(x : i64) -> i64 {
return x.abs();
/// models(BinaryOperation)
fn euclidean_norm2(x : f64, y : f64) -> f64 {
let n = x * x + y * y;
return n.sqrt();
/// models(TernaryOperation)
fn euclidean_norm3(x : f64, y : f64, z : f64) -> f64 {
let n = x * x + y * y + z * z;
return n.sqrt();
trait SemiRegular : PartialEq + Copy {}
impl SemiRegular for i64 {}
impl SemiRegular for u64 {}
/// zero : additive unit
/// one : multiplicative unit
trait Integer : SemiRegular {
// doesn't work: const zero : Self;
// doesn't work: const one : Self;
fn zero() -> Self;
fn one() -> Self;
fn add(Self, Self) -> Self;
fn sub(Self, Self) -> Self;
impl Integer for i64 {
fn zero() -> Self { return 0; }
fn one() -> Self { return 1; }
fn add(a : Self, b : Self) -> Self { return a + b; }
fn sub(a : Self, b : Self) -> Self { return a - b; }
impl Integer for u64 {
fn zero() -> Self { return 0; }
fn one() -> Self { return 1; }
fn add(a : Self, b : Self) -> Self { return a + b; }
fn sub(a : Self, b : Self) -> Self { return a - b; }
trait Transformation {
type Distance : Integer;
impl Transformation for fn(i64) -> i64 {
type Distance = u64;
impl Transformation for Fn(i64) -> i64 {
type Distance = u64;
/// requires(Transformation(F) && Integer(N))
fn power_unary<F : Fn(T) -> T, T, N : Integer>(mut x : F::Output, mut n : N, f : F) -> F::Output {
// Precondition n>=0 && (\forall i \in N) 0 < i <= n \implies f^i(x) is defined
while n != N::zero() {
n = <N as Integer>::sub(n, N::one());
x = f(x);
return x;
// requires(Transformation(F))
fn distance<F : Transformation + Fn(T) -> T, T : PartialEq>(mut x : F::Output, y : F::Output, f : F) -> <F as Transformation>::Distance {
// doesn't compile: type N = F::Distance;
let mut n = F::Distance::zero();
while x != y {
x = f(x);
n = <F::Distance as Integer>::add(n, F::Distance::one());
return n;
fn collision_point<F : Transformation + Fn(T) -> T, T : SemiRegular, P : Fn(T) -> bool>(x : F::Output, f : F, p : P) -> T {
// Precondition: p(x) \equiv f(x) is defined
if !p(x) { return x; }
let mut slow = x;
let mut fast = f(x);
while fast != slow {
slow = f(slow);
if !p(fast) { return fast; }
fast = f(fast);
if !p(fast) { return fast; }
fast = f(fast);
return fast;
// we need to cast a function (fn(i64)->i64 {function_name}) to its more general type (fn(i64)->i64) in order to let the compiler find our Transformation trait's implementation
macro_rules! unary_transformation {
($f : ident, $T : ident) => ($f as fn($T) -> $T);
fn main() {
let x = 1.0;
let y = 2.0;
let z = 3.0;
println!("{} == {}", euclidean_norm3(x, y, z), euclidean_norm2(euclidean_norm2(x, y), z));
let x : i64 = -5;
let n : i64 = 8;
let y = power_unary(x, n, abs);
println!("power_unary(abs, {}, {}) = {}", n, x, y);
println!("distance({}, {}, abs) = {}", x, y, distance(x, y, unary_transformation!(abs,i64)));
let always_defined = |_| true;
println!("collision_point({}, abs) = {}", x, collision_point(x, unary_transformation!(abs,i64), always_defined));
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