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Last active December 11, 2015 21:48
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Save uvtc/4664608 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
crunch-it: little benchmark in Perl
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Modern::Perl;
#use diagnostics;
use List::Util qw/max min sum/;
# TODO: more of the following code needs to be put into functions
if (@ARGV != 1) {
say "Please pass exactly one arg: the number of";
say "random strings to be generated for this run.";
my $num_strings_to_generate = $ARGV[0];
my $DEBUG = 0;
my @sample_chars = ('a' .. 'l', 0 .. 9);
my @random_strings;
sub make_random_string {
# take $n items from list @a, and join them
# together into a string.
my ($n, @a) = @_;
my $accum = '';
for my $i (1 .. $n) {
my $r = $a[ rand(@a) ];
$accum .= $r;
return $accum;
for (1 .. $num_strings_to_generate) {
push @random_strings, make_random_string(10, @sample_chars);
if ($DEBUG) { say "DEBUG: random strings: @random_strings"; }
my @nums = ();
my %num_chars = ();
for (3 .. 10) { $num_chars{$_} = 0; }
sub show_num_chars {
my ($h_ref) = @_;
for my $k (sort keys %{$h_ref}) { # sort these an nums, not strs! XXX
say " $k: ", ${$h_ref}{$k};
for my $s (@random_strings) {
if ($s =~ m/([1-9]\d{2,})/) {
$num_chars{ length($1) }++;
push @nums, $1;
if ($DEBUG) { say "DEBUG, nums: @nums"; }
say "Generated ", scalar(@random_strings), " random strings.";
say "Found ", scalar @nums, " numbers.";
say "Min: ", min(@nums), '.';
say "Max: ", max(@nums), '.';
say "Distribution:";
my @logs = ();
for my $n (@nums) { push @logs, log($n); }
if ($DEBUG) { say "DEBUG, logs: @logs"; }
my $avg = sum(@logs) / @logs;
say "Avg of natural logs:", sprintf("%.2f", $avg);
say '-' x 42;
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