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Last active April 28, 2023 23:11
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  • Save uyriq/55ce749d4d69347e868b53918aec4677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save uyriq/55ce749d4d69347e868b53918aec4677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
copy this gist to $PROFILE powershell startup script, to have a shortcut for preferred code editor
function Test-IsAdmin {
try {
$identity = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$principal = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal -ArgumentList $identity
return $principal.IsInRole( [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator )
catch {
throw "Failed to determine if the current user has elevated privileges. The error was: '{0}'." -f $_
return false
Checks if the current Powershell instance is running with elevated privileges or not.
PS C:\> Test-IsAdmin
True if the current Powershell is elevated, false if not.
Function Test-CommandExists {
Param ($command)
$oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
try { if (Get-Command $command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { RETURN $true } }
Catch { Write-Host "$command does not exist"; RETURN $false }
Finally { $ErrorActionPreference = $oldPreference }
Function cod {
Run your codeeditor of choice on file or folder, coult be setup one as environment variable $env:preferCodeEditor as your arbitrary choice,
or by default will be code-insders look at script to change this behav
PS C:\> cod ./project/myproject # open project folder in codeeditor
no outputs
Param ($path)
if ($path.Length -lt 1) { $path = '.' }
$preferCodeEditor = $([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('preferCodeEditor', 'Machine'))
if ($preferCodeEditor -eq $null) {
if (!$(Test-IsAdmin)) {
Write-Output "can not set preferCodeEditor env var as simple user $env:UserName, please restart term as Admin with elevated rights";
Write-Output "env var preferCodeEditor not set : $($([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('preferCodeEditor','Machine')) -eq $null)"
Write-Output "exists fleet : $(Test-CommandExists fleet)" ; if (Test-CommandExists fleet) { $choice = 'fleet' }
Write-Output "exists vscode : $(Test-CommandExists code)" ; if (Test-CommandExists code) { $choice = 'code' }
Write-Output "exists codium : $(Test-CommandExists codium)" ; if (Test-CommandExists codium) { $choice = 'codium' }
Write-Output "exists code-insiders : $(Test-CommandExists code-insiders)" ;
# this is the last reassignment of $choice, so this will be actual choice, you can swap line below to change for codium or fleet if you like
if (Test-CommandExists code-insiders) {
$choice = 'code-insiders'
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('preferCodeEditor', $choice, 'Machine')
Write-Output "preferCodeEditor set to $choice, please close and restart terminal before further use"
if ($preferCodeEditor.Length -gt 1) {
"$preferCodeEditor $path" | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
function Count-Loc {
Using of git stat to count LOC total, inserted, deleted and average
Simple helper to use git stat command on the fly named Count-Loc
The number of days to count LOC from
The author of the git commits
The start date or number of days ago of the git commits period
The end date or number of days ago of the git commits period
PS C:\> Count-Loc -NumberDays 5
PS C:\> Count-Loc -Since 2023-04-20 -Until 2023-04-28 -Author uyriq
PS C:\> Count-Loc -Since 5 -Until 1 -Author uyriq
Total LOC.
param (
[Parameter(mandatory = $false,
parametersetname = 'DateRange'
mandatory = $false,
parametersetname = 'DateRange'
[string]$Author = (git log --format='%an' | sort -u | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString().Split('\n')[0] })[0],
mandatory = $false,
parametersetname = 'DateRange'
mandatory = $false,
parametersetname = 'DateRange'
if ($NumberDays -eq 0 -and $Since -eq '') {
Write-Output 'Numbers of days ago, or since data not given, count default value one week ago'
$NumberDays = 7
$Since = "$NumberDays days ago"
else {
if ($Since -eq '') {
$Since = "$NumberDays days ago"
if ($Until -eq 0 -or $Until -eq '') {
$Until = '0 days ago'
else {
if ($Since -match "^[\d\.]+$") {
$NumberDays = $Since - $Until
$Since = "$Since days ago"
$Until = "$Until days ago"
if ($Since -match "^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" ) { $NumberDays = (New-TimeSpan -Start "$Since" -End "$Until" ).Days }
$Authors = git log --format='%an' | sort -u | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString().Split('\n')[0] }
Write-Output "Count LOC for $Author - please check possible authors of these:" $Authors
Write-Output "stat count from $Since up to $Until given $NumberDays"
$LinesIns = git log --since="$Since" --until="$Until" --date=local --author $Author --oneline --stat | Select-String -Pattern '\d+ file' | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString().Split(' ')[6] } | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
$LinesDel = git log --since="$Since" --until="$Until" --date=local --author $Author --oneline --stat | Select-String -Pattern '\d+ file' | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString().Split(' ')[4] } | Measure-Object -Sum | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sum
Write-Output 'Average of LOC per day:' ([Math]::Round((($LinesIns + $LinesDel) / $NumberDays) + 0.00, 2))
Write-Output 'Deleted Lines of code:' ($LinesDel)
Write-Output 'Inserted Lines of code:' ($LinesIns)
Write-Output 'Total Lines of code:'
return ($LinesIns + $LinesDel)
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