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Last active June 20, 2024 17:40
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The `Get-VPNConnectionInfo ` function checks if the current internet connection is made through one of the known VPN providers. It fetches the current IP information from and compares the organization name (org field) against a predefined list of VPN providers.
function Get-VPNConnectionInfo {
$connectedVPN = $false
try {
# Read the list of known VPN providers from a JSON file
if (Test-Path -Path "./knownVPNproviders.json") {
$knownVPNProviders = Get-Content -Path "./knownVPNproviders.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
else {
Write-Warning "Warning: The file 'knownVPNproviders.json' was not found."
$knownVPNProviders = @()
catch {
Write-Host "Error occurred while fetching VPN connection information: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
try {
$connect_info = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue '').Content | ConvertFrom-Json
# Convert to PSCustomObject to ensure properties can be added
$connect_info = [PSCustomObject]$connect_info
# Add field to store VPN name
if (-not $connect_info.psobject.Properties.Match('vpnName').Count) {
Add-Member -InputObject $connect_info -MemberType NoteProperty -Name vpnName -Value ""
# If $ contains substring VPN in it, set $connect_info.vpnName or leave ""
if ($ -match "VPN") {
$connect_info.vpnName = $
$connectedVPN = $true
else {
$connect_info.vpnName = "Not connected to any known VPN " # Empty by default
if ($ -in $knownVPNProviders) {
$connectedVPN = $true
$connect_info.vpnName = $
if ([IPAddress]::TryParse($connect_info.ip, [ref]$null)) {
$connect_info = @{
ip = $connect_info.ip
city = $
country = $
org = $
vpnName = $connect_info.vpnName
$vpnConnectionInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
connectedVPN = $connectedVPN
connect_info = $connect_info
return $vpnConnectionInfo
catch {
Write-Host "Error occurred while fetching VPN connection information: $($_.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Red
return $connectedVPN
["VPNProvider1", "VPNProvider2", "other_provider_name_taken_from_org_field"]
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