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Last active March 8, 2020 14:00
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Short write-up about delegation in Raku
=begin pod
=head2 Delegation
Delegation is a technique whereby a member of an object (the I«delegatee») is
evaluated in the context of another original object (the I«delegator»). In other
words, all method calls on the delegator are I«delegated» to the delegatee.
In Raku, delegation is specified by applying the L«handles|/language/typesystem#trait_handles»
trait to an attribute. The arguments provided to the trait specify the methods
the current object and the delegatee object will have in common. Instead of a
list of method names, a C<Pair> (for renaming), a list of C<Pairs>, a C<Regex>
or a C<Whatever> can be provided.
=begin code
class Book {
has Str $.title;
has Str $.author;
has Str $.language;
has Cool $.publication;
class Product {
has Book $.book handles('title', 'author', 'language', year => 'publication');
my $book =
:author('Frank Herbert'),
given$book) {
say .title; # OUTPUT: «Dune␤»
say .author; # OUTPUT: «Frank Herbert␤»
say .language; # OUTPUT: «English␤»
say .year; # OUTPUT: «1965␤»
=end code
In the example above, the class C«Product» defines the attribute C«$.book»
and mark it with the C«handles» trait to specify the methods that will be
forwarded to the class C«Book» whenever they're invoked on an instance
object of the C«Product» class. There are a few things to notice here:
=item We didn't write any methods inside the C«Product» class that we invoked
in its instance object. Instead, we instructed the class to delegate a call to
any those methods to the C«Book» class.
=item We've specified the method names C«title», C«author», and C«language»
as they appear in the C«Book» class. On the othe hand, we've renamed
the C«publication» method to C«year» by providing the appropriate C«Pair».
Delegation can be used as an alternative to inheritance by delegating
to the parent class and not inheriting all of its methods. For example, the
following C«Queue» class delegates several methods proper of queues
to L«Array|/type/Array» while also providing a preferred interface for a few
of those methods (e.g., C«enqueue» for C«push»):
=begin code
class Queue {
has @!q handles(
enqueue => 'push', dequeue => 'shift',
'push', 'shift', 'head', 'tail', 'elems', 'splice'
method gist {
'[' ~ @!q.join(', ') ~ ']'
my Queue $q .= new;
$q.enqueue($_) for 1..5;
say $q.shift; # OUTPUT: «1␤»
say $q.dequeue while $q.elems; # OUTPUT: «2␤3␤4␤5␤6␤»
$q.enqueue($_) for <Perl Python Raku Ruby>;
say $q.head; # OUTPUT: «Perl␤»
say $q.tail; # OUTPUT: «Ruby␤»
say $q; # OUTPUT: «[Perl, Python, Raku, Ruby]␤»
$q.dequeue while $q.elems;
say $q; # OUTPUT: «[]␤»
=end code
=end pod
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