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Created April 20, 2019 17:06
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Project 4 for CS253 implemented in Raku Perl 6
unit module ProjectFour;
=begin pod
=TITLE ProjectFour
=SUBTITLE Find a route in map by backtracking using a Stack
The module C<ProjectFour> implements two classes (C<City> and C<RouteMap>)
to find a route, if one exists, from an origin city to a destination city,
given a particular map. In a map, a city B is adjacent to a city A if there's
an arrow pointing from A to B. For example, in N->Q we say that Q is adjacent
to N. A route from an origin city to a destination city is a sequence of
cities such that each city in the sequence is adjacent to the previous one.
Both the cities and a map are provided in a file where:
=for item
Line 1 contains a comma-separated list of city names.
=for item
Remainder of file contains a comma-separated list of city pairs separated
separated by ‘-‘, where the second city in the pair is adjacent to the first.
=head2 Sample file
=begin code
=end code
=begin code
use lib '.';
use ProjectFour;
# create a map and populate it
my RouteMap $x .= new;
# create two cities
my $orig = $x.get-city(4);
my $dest = $x.get-city(8);
# print route if it exists
if $$orig, $dest) {
print qq:to/END/;
ROUTE: {$x.get-route}
# clean up map
# print route if it exists
$orig = $x.get-city(3);
$dest = $x.get-city(6);
if $$orig, $dest) {
print qq:to/END/;
ROUTE: {$x.get-route}
=end code
=end pod
#| Represents a city in the route map.
class City is export {
has Str $.name; #= name of the city
has Bool $.visited is rw = False; #= city's visit state
has City @!adjacent-cities; #= array of adjacent cities
#| Add city adjacent to invocant.
method add-adjacent( City:D $c --> True ) {
@!adjacent-cities.push: $c;
#| Return array of cities that are adjacent to invocant.
method get-adjacents( --> Array ) {
#| Check if invocant has adjacent unvisited cities.
method has-unvisited( --> Bool ) {
for @!adjacent-cities -> $city {
return True unless $city.visited;
return False;
#| Represents the route map.
class RouteMap is export {
has City @!cities; #= array of cities
has Str $!route; #= route from origin to destination
#|«Read the map. Throw exception, catch it and return false if file is
method readMap( Str:D $file_name --> Bool ) {
return False unless $file_name.IO.f;
try {
if $file_name.IO.s == 0 {
die "'$file_name' is either non-existent or empty"
default {
put "Catching";
return False;
# get all lines from data file.
my Str @lines = $file_name.IO.lines;
# process first of data file. This line contains a
# comma-separated list of cities.
for @lines.first.split(',')».trim -> $city {
# process remainder of data file, which is a comma-separated list
# of city pairs separated by '-'. In each pair, the second city is
# adjacent to the second.
for @lines[1..*].split(',') -> $pair {
my ($city-name, $adj) = $pair.trim.split('-');
for @!cities -> $city {
if $ eq $city-name {
for @!cities {
$city.add-adjacent($_) if $ eq $adj;
return True;
#|«Return True if there is a route from origin to destination. Otherwise,
method is-route( City:D $origin, City:D $destination --> Bool ) {
return False unless $origin.DEFINITE and $destination.DEFINITE;
my City @stack;
# start journey at origin 😃.
@stack.first.visited = True;
loop {
my $city-at-top = @stack.first;
# top has either no adjacent unvisited city or has no adjacent
# cities at all, in which case remove from top of stack.
if not $city-at-top.has-unvisited {
# top still has unvisited adjacent cities so visit them.
else {
for $city-at-top.get-adjacents -> $adj-city {
if not $adj-city.visited {
# push unvisited adjacent city to the stack
# and mark it as visited.
$adj-city.visited = True;
# stop if stack is empty.
last if @stack.elems == 0;
# destination found!
if eq $ {
$!route = @stack.reverse».name.join(" -> ");
return True;
return False;
#|«Return city at 0 ≤ $position ≤ n - 1, where n is the number of cities.
City objects are stored in the same order they appear in the input file.»
method get-city( Int $position --> City ) {
my City $c;
try {
unless 0 ≤ $position ≤ @!cities.end {
die "Position out of range."
default {
put "Catching";
return $c;
$c = @!cities[$position];
return $c;
#|«If a route is found from $origin to $destination, it will
print it to STDOUT as $origin -> ... -> $destination.»
method get-route( City:D $origin, City:D $destination --> Str ) {
if$origin, $destination) {
return $!route
# empty string indicates no route
return "";
#| Mark all cities in the map as unvisited.
method untrace {
@!{ .visited = False });
=begin pod
=AUTHOR Luis F. Uceta
=PURPOSE Pedagogical
=DATE April 14, 2019
=end pod
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