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Created December 2, 2018 19:18
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Let's say I have the following module:

module Simple-Mod;

#| Calculate the nth fibonacci number.
multi fib( 0 ) { 1 }
multi fib( 1 ) { 1 }
multi fib( Int $n where * > 1 ) {
    fib($n - 2 ) + fib($n - 1);

#| Say hello to  a person.
sub hello( $person ) { say "Hello, $person!" }

=begin pod

A really simple module.

=head1 Example
=begin code
use Simple-Mod;

say fib(3);    #=> 2
hello("Gina"); #=> Hello, Gina!

=end code

=head1 Subroutines

=end pod

At the moment, when I extract the Pod from this module, I obtain this:

sub fib(
        Int $ where { ... }, 
Calculate the nth fibonacci number.

sub hello(
Say hello to a person.


A really simple module.


    use Simple-Mod;

    say fib(3);    #=> 2
    hello("Gina"); #=> Hello, Gina!


Is it posible to instruct the Pod parsing process to place the subroutine definitions and comments after the Subroutines header? Like this:


A really simple module.


    use Simple-Mod;

    say fib(3);    #=> 2
    hello("Gina"); #=> Hello, Gina!


sub fib(
        Int $ where { ... }, 
Calculate the nth fibonacci number.

sub hello(
Say hello to a person.

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JJ commented Dec 2, 2018

It would be great if it did, right? But no, that's not possible unless you create your own Pod parser. Shouldn't be hard, though...

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JJ commented Dec 2, 2018

You can also put the =pod in front. It can go anywhere indeed.

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