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Created April 12, 2020 12:52
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* Simulates a network download of a particular number of bytes over an optional maximum amount of time
* and returns information about the ending state.
* See and
* for details.
* @param {number} bytesToDownload
* @param {DownloadOptions} [options]
* @return {DownloadResults}
simulateDownloadUntil(bytesToDownload, options) {
const {timeAlreadyElapsed = 0, maximumTimeToElapse = Infinity, dnsResolutionTime = 0} =
options || {};
if (this._warmed && this._h2) {
bytesToDownload -= this._h2OverflowBytesDownloaded;
const twoWayLatency = this._rtt; // 150 ms
const oneWayLatency = twoWayLatency / 2; // 75 ms
const maximumCongestionWindow = this._computeMaximumCongestionWindowInSegments(); // 20
let handshakeAndRequest = oneWayLatency; // 75ms
if (!this._warmed) {
handshakeAndRequest =
// DNS lookup
dnsResolutionTime + // 169
// SYN
oneWayLatency +
oneWayLatency +
// ACK + initial request
oneWayLatency +
// ClientHello/ServerHello assuming TLS False Start is enabled (
(this._ssl ? twoWayLatency : 0); // 150
let roundTrips = Math.ceil(handshakeAndRequest / twoWayLatency); // 3
let timeToFirstByte = handshakeAndRequest + this._serverLatency + oneWayLatency; // 544 ms + Server response time
if (this._warmed && this._h2) timeToFirstByte = 0;
const timeElapsedForTTFB = Math.max(timeToFirstByte - timeAlreadyElapsed, 0);
const maximumDownloadTimeToElapse = maximumTimeToElapse - timeElapsedForTTFB;
let congestionWindow = Math.min(this._congestionWindow, maximumCongestionWindow); // 10
let totalBytesDownloaded = 0;
if (timeElapsedForTTFB > 0) {
totalBytesDownloaded = congestionWindow * TCP_SEGMENT_SIZE; // 1460 * 10
} else {
roundTrips = 0;
let downloadTimeElapsed = 0;
let bytesRemaining = bytesToDownload - totalBytesDownloaded;
while (bytesRemaining > 0 && downloadTimeElapsed <= maximumDownloadTimeToElapse) {
downloadTimeElapsed += twoWayLatency;
congestionWindow = Math.max(Math.min(maximumCongestionWindow, congestionWindow * 2), 1);
const bytesDownloadedInWindow = congestionWindow * TCP_SEGMENT_SIZE; // 1460 * 20
totalBytesDownloaded += bytesDownloadedInWindow;
bytesRemaining -= bytesDownloadedInWindow;
const timeElapsed = timeElapsedForTTFB + downloadTimeElapsed;
const extraBytesDownloaded = this._h2 ? Math.max(totalBytesDownloaded - bytesToDownload, 0) : 0;
const bytesDownloaded = Math.max(Math.min(totalBytesDownloaded, bytesToDownload), 0);
return {
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