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Emails between U-Zyn and iPay88 to follow up on unsettled payments

Emails between U-Zyn and iPay88 on unsettled payments

Prior to these emails, iPay88 has terminated our account with them, with 0-hour notice.

We have only come to know of the termination after getting reports from our customers that their payments failed. We had to initiate the first email checking on what has happened and only then they would replied me, 2 days after my email, that my account was suspended.

Note also that this is not the first time that it has happened. We have had at least twice that our service was halted with zero notice but reinstated after talking with their customer support.

At the time when the first email in this thread was sent, it was 2 weeks in after termination while they were still refusing to clear the funds that our customers had paid. Note that our arrangement with them is that they would settle payments in at most a week after receiving them.

Update on 21 May 2014

1 day after this page was up, iPay88 has finally settled the payments – 8 months after the payments first made and our account terminated without notice. Details at #26.

1. Email from me to follow up on unsetled payments

From: U-Zyn Chua Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 11:17 PM
To: iPay88 Billing, iPay88 Support, Grace Ng
Cc: U-Zyn Chua

Hello iPay88,

There has been a few payments that are unsettled from iPay88 since 23rd September:

[ Details of transactions redacted to protect identities of customers ]

Total: MYR xxxx.xx

Hope you will make the payment soon as it has been more than 2 weeks late now!

U-Zyn Chua
Zynesis Consulting


From: iPay88 Support Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:15 AM
To: U-Zyn Chua
Cc: iPay88 Billing, Grace Ng, U-Zyn Chua, Soh Chien Yin

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for submit us delivery proof in previous email for bank do investigation.

Therefore your payment will be on hold and will release until further notice.

We apologized for any in convenience caused.

iPay88 Support


From: U-Zyn Chua Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 11:35 AM
To: iPay88 Support
Cc: iPay88 Billing, Grace Ng, U-Zyn Chua, Soh Chien Yin


Thanks for your reply.

Wow, we should not be penalized for this as this is completely not our fault. We have complied totally with all the sales, ie. delivery the goods as soon as we get notification and assurance from iPay88 that the payments are good. Unless you're saying that we cannot trust payment notification from iPay88, I don't see why you are able to withhold our funds which we received and goods delivered in a timely manner.

When can this be resolved please? We are being unfairly treated here.

Hope to get your assistance in this.

Let me know soon. Will be awaiting your reply.

U-Zyn Chua


From: U-Zyn Chua Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:33 AM
To: iPay88 Support
Cc: iPay88 Billing, Grace Ng, U-Zyn Chua, Soh Chien Yin

Hello iPay88,

Can I get your assistance on the follow-up on this case soon?

We were only being a fair and responsible merchant, abiding the payment provider (iPay88)'s instruction to honor good payments (ie. by delivering ordered products on time). We hope that you will be transferring the overdue payments to us as soon as possible.

Hope to learn that the funds that are being held unfairly are being transferred to our account by 21 October 2013 (Monday) or we will have to further escalate this matter.


U-Zyn Chua
Zynesis Consulting
+65 9831 8407

### 5.

From: iPay88 Support Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:55 AM
To: U-Zyn Chua
Cc: iPay88 Billing, Grace Ng, U-Zyn Chua, Soh Chien Yin

Dear Sir/Madam,

We did check with bank regarding investigation status however still pending outcome from bank.

We will try our best and shall revert to you once get outcome.

iPay88 Support


From: U-Zyn Chua Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:18 PM
To: iPay88 Support
Cc: iPay88 Billing, Grace Ng, U-Zyn Chua, Soh Chien Yin

Thanks for the reply.

Whatever the investigation is, I believe that it is unfair to us as a merchant as firstly, we have nothing to do with this and was merely playing a good merchant as we have always been for years.

And all we do is trusting and honoring the payment statuses from iPay88. Unless you're claiming that iPay88's status is not trustworthy that merchants should not be delivering products even after iPay88 tells us that the customers have paid for items.

As such, this investigation is between banks and iPay88 and it should not involve us as merchant, especially a good merchant that delivers products on time.

Our agreement with iPay88 has been breached in that our payment has been withheld firstly, over an agreed period without any grounds; and secondly, it was withheld with no notice whatsoever.

Still, we hope to learn that the funds that are being held unfairly are being transferred to our account by 21 October 2013 (Monday) or we will have to further escalate this matter.


U-Zyn Chua
Zynesis Consulting
+65 9831 8407


From: Low Yin Peng Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 4:18 PM
Cc: iPay88 Support, Grace Ng,, fm team, Lim Kok Hing, Chong Lk, Neilson Foo,, Agnes Liong, Lai Mooi

Dear Sir / Madam,

We hope there is no misunderstanding between both parties. The fund is on held at this stage due to the customer has made police report and PDRM is still investigating the case. We are waiting for the investigation result from PDRM.

When the investigation is in place, it's referred to the transaction performed between merchant and customer, not iPay88 & bank. You are required to co-operate and fully liable for all your transactions. Referred to our merchant agreement, we reserve our rights to hold funds beyond the normal distribution periods for transactions it reasonably deems suspicious or for accounts conducting high transaction volumes to ensure integrity of the funds.

In order to solve this case and make the investigation runs smoothly, our Executive Director would like to meet up with you to understand more from you.

It will be pleased if you could let us know on when you can drop by our office in Plaza Sentral, KL for further discussion. Else, it's still alright for our ED to meet up with you in Singapore.

Ms. Low YP Sdn Bhd / iPay88 Sdn Bhd
03-22614668 ext 234


From: U-Zyn Chua Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:38 PM
To: Low Yin Peng
Cc: iPay88 Support, Grace Ng, U-Zyn Chua, fm team, Lim Kok Hing, Chong Lk, Neilson Foo,, Agnes Liong, Lai Mooi

Hi Ms. Low,

Thanks for your email and for your clarification. May I know what position are you in the company as it is not indicated in your email.

As you mentioned that this case is already reported to PDRM and involves merchant (our company) and customer, it's odd that I'm being left out of the loop with all of this. Can I have the PDRM case number please?

Sure, I would be happy to meet your ED in Singapore. I don't really go to KL that much. Let me know when your ED is in Singapore.

Thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you.

U-Zyn Chua
Zynesis Consulting


From: Low Yin Peng Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 5:56 PM
To: U-Zyn Chua
Cc: iPay88 Support, Grace Ng, U-Zyn Chua, fm team, Lim Kok Hing, Chong Lk, Neilson Foo,, Agnes Liong, Lai Mooi

Dear Sir / Madam,

My position is Risk &n Corporate Affairs Manager

Enclosed is the police report made by the customer. Bank is dealing with police for investigation and keeps asking info from us to support this case.

Our Mr. Lim will travel to Singapore next week. Will keep you posted on the confirm date.

At the meanwhile, pls share with us on your contact no. & office address for meet up.

Low YP

[Attached: Police Report .pdf]

### 10. From: U-Zyn Chua Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 6:12 PM To: Low Yin Peng Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo ,, Agnes Liong , Lai Mooi

Hi Low YP,

Thanks for following up so quickly.

My contact number is +65 9831 8407. We can arrange for a place to meet when he's here. And who's he? Can I have his contact please?

As far as Zynesis is concerned, we have done our part as a good merchant, merely delivering the goods. It is incomprehensible and totally unfair that we are the ones having to suffer this consequence – having our funds withheld by iPay88 for over 3 weeks now, moreover without any notice at all!

  1. A customer's internet banking account is allegedly stolen (which Zynesis would not and could not have known about).
  2. Someone made purchases through the said Internet banking account, via iPay88 and on Zynesis' online shop.
  3. iPay88 received the payments and iPay88 claimed that they are good payments.
  4. iPay88 informed Zynesis that the payments are good and that we should honor the payment by delivering the purchased goods.
  5. Zynesis does our part as a responsible merchant, by delivering the purchased goods.
  6. Customer claimed account is stolen.

We are now twice in deficit – delivered the goods and have our funds held!

I hope you do realize how ridiculous it is at our end and is totally unfair to us. We have been super co-operative and extremely responsible all along and yet we are the one suffering the consequence of the alleged claims.

I'm still asking for your co-operation to have our funds transferred as soon as possible as we have been made a victim by this unfair practice by iPay88! Hope to see the funds transferred to our account by 21 October 2013 (Monday) or we will have to further escalate this matter.


U-Zyn Chua

### 11. From: Low Yin Peng Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 6:21 PM To: U-Zyn Chua Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo ,, Agnes Liong , Lai Mooi

Dear Sir / Madam,

Knowing that you have delivered the goods. Although the transaction is successful, it's also a merchant responsibility to verify your customer to ensure the goods are received by them in good condition. Else, customer still have the rights to raise their dispute on non-receiving of goods.

Therefore, we have requested your goodself previously in providing us the proof of delivery. We already forwarded your delivery log to bank for further investigation.

Lets meet up with our Mr. Lim first and discuss as well on the fund on hold. You may call him up at [Lim's phone number redacted]

Low YP

### 12. iPay88 confirmed the holding of our funds Frop: Low Yin Peng Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 4:13 PM To: U-Zyn Chua Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo ,, Agnes Liong , Lai Mooi

Dear Sir / Madam,

Bank just requested us to provide the following info to support the investigation

  1. Identity of the User
  2. Product / Service offered to user
  3. Your verification process on the confirmation of user identity

Kindly share the above info with us.

The user has made police report in claiming the loss of [amount redacted] In view of this is related to digital goods, "bitcoin", virtual product, which may lead to possible money laundering activity, the Bank & the police are investigating this case. We have provided your details (merchant details) to police for investigation. We wish to resolve this case as soonest possible to avoid more extreme action that may be taken by police.

The fund on hold for your a/c is only RMx,xxx We will make payment to you once the case is settled. Our Mr. Lim will travel to Singapore to meet up with you for further discussion.

Kindly confirm that [U-Zyn's address redacted] is still valid.
Will be pleased if we could meet you at the above address or any other new oofice location.

Pls be reminded that this case is rather complicated at this junction.
We seek your co-operation to resolve it fast.

Low YP

### 13. From: U-Zyn Chua Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 4:39 PM To: Low Yin Peng Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo ,, Agnes Liong , Lai Mooi

Hi Low YP,

Bank just requested us to provide the following info to support the investigation

  1. Identity of the User
  2. Product / Service offered to user
  3. Your verification process on the confirmation of user identity

We have provided you with these from the start. Please refer back to the first few emails on this matter.
(Comment: we have included every single details of the related-transactions and even included a lengthy explanation to them on how bitcoin transaction works and that they are all irreversible and proveable))

In view of this is related to digital goods, "bitcoin", virtual product, which may lead to possible money laundering activity,

From the start of this business, we have made application to iPay88 on the ground of selling virtual good. It has been approved by iPay88, not only on the application form alone, but also on the website before our application is approved. The website has remained largely unchanged since application and approval (twice) by iPay88.

The fund on hold for your a/c is only RMx,xxx We will make payment to you once the case is settled.

Your holding of our fund as ransom is unwarranted. We will be seeking our further actions on this if this is still unresolved soon. The investigation is another matter and we have been very co-operating all along.

Pls be reminded that this case is rather complicated at this junction.

I'm not sure how is this complicated. Even if it is, it does not involve my company as a merchant in this case, merely delivery our products upon receipt of payment notifications via iPay88.

U-Zyn Chua

### 14. From: Low Yin Peng Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 5:04 PM To: U-Zyn Chua Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo ,, Agnes Liong , Lai Mooi

Dear Sir / Madam,

For the transaction log, the following details have been provided to bank.

(Transaction details redacted to protect the customer's identity)

The info given is still insufficient.
Therefore, bank further requested for the Identity of the User and your verification process on the confirmation of user identity.

Your kind understanding & patient is highly appreciated.
Mr. Lim will meet up with you to discuss on whole case & payment issue next week.

Kindly confirm your address in order for him to drop by.

Low YP

### 15. From: U-Zyn Chua Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 10:43 AM To: Low Yin Peng

Hi Ms. Low,

I've spoken to the PDRM regarding your request for meeting with your director and was advised by the police that there is no such need for a meeting. If you insist on the meeting, kindly let me know the purpose of it.

A police report has also been lodged on the case on:
i. Closing of accounts without any notice
ii. Holding of funds without grounds

Here's the police report for your reference. I hope that iPay88 will play its part by depositing the funds held without grounds into my account as soon as possible.

Further actions will be taken, including but not limited to divulging this unlawful practice by iPay88 to the public and pursuing legal actions, if the funds are still not returned to my bank account by 28 October 2013 (Monday).

Also, I would also like to request that my SME plan subscription amount be refunded on a pro-rated basis as my account has been closed without any notice. Deeply appalled by the reckless actions taken by iPay88 without any notice/discussion. Your actions have greatly affected our business operations and flow.

U-Zyn Chua

[Attached: Police report.jpeg – the police report I lodged against iPay88 Sdn Bhd]

### 16. From: Agnes Liong Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 10:44 AM To: Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng ,, fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo ,, Lai Mooi , Low Yin Peng

Dear Mr Chua

As spoken this morning, you have informed us that you has made a police lodged and was advised by the local police not to meet up with our Mr Lim. We are well noted.

Thanks & Regards,
Agnes Liong
iPay88 Suite 2A-18-2, 18th Floor, Block 2A
Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5
50470 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 6(03) 2261-4668 ext 233 Fax: 6(03) 2261 4663

### 17. Email sent by me 1 week later to follow up From: U-Zyn Chua Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 4:20 PM To: Agnes Liong Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo ,, Lai Mooi , Low Yin Peng

Hi Agnes,

So what's going on now? Are you guys still going to hold my funds indefinitely?

FYI, we have spoken to PDRM and BNM (Bank Negara Malaysia), AFAIK you are taking this matter in your own hands and are illegally witholding our money.

I hope you know that we are trying to avoid fraud as much as everyone here wishes. It makes no sense that we are being penalized twice.

Please contact me soon to arrange for settlement ASAP.


U-Zyn Chua

### 18. From: Agnes Liong Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:01 PM To: U-Zyn Chua Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo , wyc , Lai Mooi , Low Yin Peng

Dear Mr Chua

Good day to you.

Thanks for email to us. We are aware that you have made police report and spoken to Bank Negara, therefore could you please provide us the contact of PDRM and BNM person in charge so that we could have a better outcome for both side.

In the meanwhile, our Mr Lim would still like to meet up with you and solve this case with a better solution.

Thanks & Regards,
Agnes Liong
iPay88 Suite 2A-18-2, 18th Floor, Block 2A
Plaza Sentral, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5
50470 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 6(03) 2261-4668 ext 233 Fax: 6(03) 2261 4663

### 19. From: U-Zyn Chua Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 5:15 PM To: Agnes Liong Cc: iPay88 Support , Grace Ng , U-Zyn Chua , fm team , Lim Kok Hing , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo , wyc , Lai Mooi , Low Yin Peng

Hi Mr. Lim,

Can you call me directly please?

+65 9831 8407


U-Zyn Chua

### 20. Rude reply by iPay88 Executive Director From: Lim Kok Hing Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 8:50 PM To: U-Zyn Chua , Agnes Liong Cc: iPay88 Support , U-Zyn Chua , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo , wyc , Lai mooi , Low Yin Peng , fmteam

I think a call is not necessary, a meeting is more practical as the issues is rather complex due to the fact that somebody account being hacked into and lost quite a substantial sum of money. It. You may hold the view that you are not responsible, but all gesture from you have bot been very friendly towards resolving this core issue: to help find answer to the above issue.

I am always travelling and in meetings. I have plan to Singapore, in fact very regularly. Despite heavy travel, i had planned to meet you 2 weeks ago, which you declined at very last minute, with an reason we find hard to accept.

I have plan to travel to singapore again next 2 weeks. I don't mind to allocate my time with you this trip. Appreciate that let me know please If you are in KL for any reason, we can meet in our office provided i am not travelling and not in meeting.


### 21. Follow-up by the same iPay88 Director a day later From: Lim Kok Hing Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 12:41 PM To: U-Zyn Chua , Agnes Liong Cc: iPay88 Support , U-Zyn Chua , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo , wyc , Lai mooi , Low Yin Peng , fmteam

Are you still hesitant to meet me ?


### 22. My reply to Director, emulating the tone from his last email

From: U-Zyn Chua Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 1:41 PM
To: Lim Kok Hing
Cc: Agnes Liong, iPay88 Support, U-Zyn Chua, Chong Lk, Neilson Foo, wyc, Lai mooi, Low Yin Peng, fmteam


I'm extremely disappointed with the tone of your email.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 12:41 PM, Lim Kok Hing wrote: I think a call is not necessary, a meeting is more practical as the issues is rather complex due to the fact that somebody account being hacked into and lost quite a substantial sum of money. It.

I think a meeting is not necessary. What is it that you are looking to achieve in a meeting that you cannot achieve on email or on phone? I especially do not like the fact that you are holding our company's fund as ransom to demand an unnecessary and unwarranted face-to-face meeting. In fact you are forcing it onto me.

You may hold the view that you are not responsible, but all gesture from you have bot been very friendly towards resolving this core issue: to help find answer to the above issue.

Please let me know am I being responsible for the theft? We have been a very responsible merchant from the start, delivering all goods paid for in near real time. I don't know how much more responsible for a merchant you can ask for.

From the start of this case, we have been screwed countless times by iPay88, suspending our account without notice, withholding our funds without notice, and now holding our fund as ransom for us to meet up with Lim (why?). Despite all that, if you look back at all the emails, I have been extremely patient and friendly with your staffs, in providing all the proofs, even lengthy explanations on how bitcoin work and how bitcoin transactions can be proven and are non-irreversible + assuring that we will provide whatever we can do aid in this fraud case. We also urge for our funds to be returned back and our accounts be reopened so that we can resume our business in the mean time.

So far what we have gotten is that: we are holding your funds, meet "our Mr. Lim" to discuss. I even provide you my phone for you to call, but you have been refusing (why?).

I hope you (or your side) can see who's the unfriendly lot here.

You may hold the view that you are not responsible, but all gesture from you have bot been very friendly towards resolving this core issue: to help find answer to the above issue.

You may hold the view that you are not responsible, but from the unfriendly and hostile gestures from you especially, we are now unsure that you might even have a role to play in this fraud.

I am always travelling and in meetings. I have plan to Singapore, in fact very regularly.

Likewise for me. I'm a very busy entrepreneur myself, managing a few businesses and clients.

Despite heavy travel, i had planned to meet you 2 weeks ago, which you declined at very last minute, with an reason we find hard to accept.

Despite heavy work commitments and travel plans, I have spent countless hours providing assistance to your staffs, replying to your emails and even provided you my phone call for you to call me directly, but you have been reluctant, which I find extremely hard to accept.

I have plan to travel to singapore again next 2 weeks. I don't mind to allocate my time with you this trip.

I am extremely occupied until the rest of the year (so far). However, I don't mind allocating my time for your call, should you decide to call me.

Appreciate that let me know please If you are in KL for any reason, we can meet in our office provided i am not travelling and not in meeting.

Appreciate that you can call me when you are free to settle this case, provided I am not currently in another phone call, or in meeting, or busy at work.

Are you still hesitant to meet me ?


Are you still hesitant to return me back the money that you are keeping illegally?

Once again I would like to remind you that iPay88 nor you have the legal warrants to hold my company's funds, moreover as a ransom. We hope that you will do the right thing, for your business, and for yourself.


U-Zyn Chua

### 23. The Director replied From: Lim, Kok Hing Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 6:21 PM To: U-Zyn Chua Cc: Agnes Liong , iPay88 Support , U-Zyn Chua , Chong Lk , Neilson Foo , wyc , Lai mooi , Low Yin Peng , fmteam


Our stand still hold, kindly allocate your time to meet.

Thank you.


24. After seeing my post on Facebook a few months later, the Director emailed me from my blog

Date: Mon, May 19, 2014 at 12:18 AM
From: Lim kok Hing
Subject: Questions on your blog

Message Body:

Dear U-Zyn
Just saw your Facebook regarding ipay88 terminating your merchant customer account (more than 1 time ) and is still holding the fund for more than 6 months.

I am the executive director of the company, and would like to investigate this matter. It's it possible you give more details such as the name/url of your customers involved and to help to resolve it as soon as we can?

I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to your customers and yourself.

Kindly contact me at the above email, and my personal phone number at [phone number redacted] if you wish. I do come to Singapore quote often. Hopefully we can meet at your convenience.

Appreciates your assistance.

Kok Hing

25. And the CTO, which was copied in all the above threads, too private messaged me on Facebook

PM from CTO

26. One day after this page was up, iPay88 has finally settled the payments, 8 months late, with an automated email as follows. No other emails are received except this one.

From: iPay88 Billing Tue, May 20, 2014 at 4:54 PM
To: Zynesis Consulting

Dear Valuable Merchant ,

Kindly be informed that we have reimbursed the payment for the transaction of [23/09/2013-24/09/2013] into your bank account. The details of the reimbursement are as follow:

Total Sales : RM xxxx.xx

Remarks: Transaction details:-

[Tranaction details redacted]

Total Payout: RM xxxx.xx

[Bank account information redacted]

For further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at +603-22614668 or email to

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