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Last active September 30, 2023 10:01
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# This is a GNU Make file specifically designed for building PDF books from a directory of images.
# It can process multiple images concurrently with `make --jobs=8`.
# Every book is different and has different processing requirements,
# and it often makes sense copying this file and adapting it for an individual book.
# Adapting usually involves modifying in non-trivial ways the targets for the individual pages.
# The script builds a PDF file with a table of contents and an OCR layer.
# I used to build DjVu files instead because of their better image compression, but I learned that
# it's better to provide a PDF myself than to let people use bad converters.
# Furthermore, PDF files with Group4-compressed bitonal images are as small as bitonal DjVu files.
# See the history of this gist for a script for building DjVu files.
# For building, we suppose that we have a directory of images named in ascending order, e.g. 0001.png, 0002.png, ....
# We also suppose that the name of the directory will be the name of the resulting book (this name can include spaces).
# A table of contents is added via bookmarks.txt in the same directory. The bookmark file format consists of blocks like
# BookmarkBegin
# BookmarkTitle: Chapter 1. Introduction
# BookmarkLevel: 1
# BookmarkPageNumber: 7
# BookmarkBegin
# BookmarkTitle: §1. Preliminary Notions
# BookmarkLevel: 2
# BookmarkPageNumber: 8
# (It is actually not limited to bookmarks and may contain other PDF metainformation).
# The script dependencies vary with the book, but they usually include
# * ImageMagick ( - for general-purpose image processing
# * unpaper ( - for post-processing scanned pages
# * Tesseract OCR ( - for OCR
# * ocrmypdf ( - for performing OCR on an existing PDF file via the above tool
# * Ghostscript ( - for processing PDF files
# * djvulibre ( - for working with DjVu files
# * dpsprep ( - for converting DjVu to PDF
# I do not like to put licenses on my code, so consider this makefile Unlicensed (
# Configuration variables
OCR_LANGUAGES := rus+eng+grc # Even in a book in Cyrillic, math features Latin and Greek letters
PAGE_RANGE := $(shell seq --format '%04g' 3 104) # The list of pages to process
EXECUTABLES = magick unpaper ocrmypdf pdftk # The list of binaries whose non-existence will fail the build
# Some technical variables
E := # This whitespace trick is from
OUTPUT_NAME_RAW := $(notdir $(shell pwd))
OUTPUT_NAME := $(subst $E $E,\ ,$(OUTPUT_NAME_RAW))
CHECKSUM := $(shell echo $(OUTPUT_NAME) | sum | cut --delimiter ' ' --fields 1)
TMP_DIR := /var/tmp/build-scanned-book/$(CHECKSUM)
PROCESSED_IMAGES := $(addprefix $(TMP_DIR)/,$(addsuffix _unpaper.pbm,$(PAGE_RANGE)))
# Check if the necessary executables exist
MISSING_DEPS := $(strip $(foreach exec, $(EXECUTABLES),\
$(if $(shell which $(exec) 2>/dev/null),,$(exec)) \
$(if $(MISSING_DEPS),$(error Missing executables: $(MISSING_DEPS)),)
# Check if the necessary pages exist
MISSING_PAGES := $(strip $(foreach page, $(PAGE_RANGE),\
$(if $(wildcard $(page).*),,$(page)) \
$(if $(MISSING_PAGES),$(error Missing pages: $(MISSING_PAGES)),)
.PHONY: clean_tmp clean_pdf
# The main target that gets made by default
$(OUTPUT_NAME).pdf: $(TMP_DIR)/ocr.pdf bookmarks.txt
pdftk $< update_info_utf8 bookmarks.txt output '$@'
$(MAKE) clean_tmp
rm --recursive --force $(TMP_DIR)
rm --force '$(OUTPUT_NAME_RAW).pdf'
mkdir --parents $(TMP_DIR)
# The intermediate targets
$(TMP_DIR)/%_magick.pbm: %.png | $(TMP_DIR)
magick $< -threshold 80% $@
# We can easily specialize a rule for a certain page
# For example, we can use an adaptive threshold when converting to a bitonal image
$(TMP_DIR)/0030_magick.pbm: 0030.png | $(TMP_DIR)
magick $< -lat 20x20-5% $@
# Another way to specialize is to use the if function
# It is useful for when a list of pages needs to behave differently
# Here we add --no-deskew for pages 10, 20 and 30
# unpaper has bulk processing built-in, but we use it on a per-file basis
$(TMP_DIR)/%_unpaper.pbm: $(TMP_DIR)/%_magick.pbm
unpaper $< $(if $(filter $*,10 20 30),--no-deskew,) $@
$(TMP_DIR)/combined.pdf: $(PROCESSED_IMAGES)
magick $^ -define pdf:Title='$(OUTPUT_NAME_RAW)' -verbose -compress group4 $@
$(TMP_DIR)/ocr.pdf: $(TMP_DIR)/combined.pdf
ocrmypdf --language=$(OCR_LANGUAGES) $< $@
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