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Last active October 14, 2015 15:28
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A memory-efficient message handler for obtaining line counts for a file
@JsonPropertyOrder(value = { "run", "runParameters", "fileStatistics", "runSummary" })
public class RunStats {
public static final String TYPE = "type";
public static final String START_DATE = "start";
public static final String END_DATE = "end";
private Integer run;
private final Map<String, Object> runParameters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Long> fileStatistics = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, Long> runSummary = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public RunStats(Integer run) { = run;
public void addFile(String filename, Long lineCount) {
fileStatistics.put(filename, lineCount);
public void addInputParameter(String parameterName, Object parameterValue) {
runParameters.put(parameterName, parameterValue);
public void addSummary(String status, Long lineCount) {
Long currentCount = runSummary.get(status);
if (currentCount == null) {
runSummary.put(status, lineCount);
} else {
runSummary.put(status, currentCount + lineCount);
public Integer getRun() {
return run;
public Map<String, Long> getFileStatistics() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(fileStatistics);
public Map<String, Object> getRunParameters() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(runParameters);
public Map<String, Long> getRunSummary() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(runSummary);
protected static class RunStatsHandler extends AbstractMessageHandler {
// Memory efficient routine, @see
protected void handleMessageInternal(Message<?> message) throws Exception {
RunStats runStats = (RunStats) message.getHeaders().get("runStats");
if (runStats != null) {
File compressedFile = (File) message.getPayload();
String filename = compressedFile.getCanonicalPath();
LongAdder lineCount = new LongAdder();
// Streams and Scanner implement java.lang.AutoCloseable
try ( InputStream fs = new FileInputStream(compressedFile);
InputStream gzfs = new GZIPInputStream(fs);
Scanner sc = new Scanner(gzfs, "UTF-8");
) {
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
// note that Scanner suppresses exceptions
if (sc.ioException() != null) {
throw sc.ioException();
runStats.addFile(filename, lineCount.longValue());
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