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Created May 10, 2018 13:57
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Godot 2.1 Notes
#1. loading resources
var res = load("res://robi.png") # resource is loaded when line is executed
func _ready():
var res = preload("res://robi.png") # resource is loaded at compile time
#use preload when path is constant. it’s more optimal
#use load when path is dynamic
const Corner = preload("") #load class to use it
func _on_shoot():
var bullet = preload("res://bullet.scn").instance()
#spawn object to stage. load scene and call instance() method
#2. paths
path user:// that is always writable.
path res:// point to project resources
#3. root viewport
get_tree().get_root() # access via scenemainloop #Viewport class
get_node("/root") # access via absolute path #Viewport class
#3a. root scene
get_tree() #top of tree, #SceneTree class
#4. change scene
func _my_level_was_completed():
#5. curr scene
#6. collisions
convex - выпуклый (fast)
concave - вогнутый
#7. positions
Spatial -> Transform -> Local ~ get_global_transform().basis (3 X Vector3) + 1XVector3 is origin
Transform -> Translation ~ get_global_transform().origin (converted)
#8. area collision listeners
func _on_Area2D_body_enter( body ):
if body.is_in_group("enemies"):
func _on_coin_body_enter(body):
if (not taken and body extends preload("res://")):
taken = true
func _on_Area2D_body_enter( body ):
if body.get_name() == "player":
#9. extend script from base script
extends "res://enemies/" #in the beginning of file
#10. enable cantacts in rigid body
extends RigidBody2D
func _ready():
set_contact_monitor( true )
set_max_contacts_reported( 5 )
#or add area, and collision shape to area, handle body_enter event on area then
#11. animations
one shot - plays one time
mix node - play 2 animation in same time
blend node - smoothly goes from one animation to another
time scale - slowdown/insrease speed of animation
transition - switch between animations
time seek - play animation from new position (useful when need to play anim from first frame)
# anim_tree.timeseek_node_seek("jump_seek", 0) #params in code only
#12. add class definition
const Pool = preload("res://com/brandonlamb/pool/")
var pool =, BULLET_POOL_PREFIX, GreenBullet)
#define constructor
func _init(size_, prefix_, scene_):
#13. _ready fix
func _notification(what):
#all internal initialization, you can use get_node here to get internal nodes and object will be to some degree usable even if not added yet to scene tree
#it's called after object construction, at this point object is not even inside scene tree
#also it's called only once
#only parts that are dependent on outside world (on theparents etc/also called when reparented)
#usually it's quite ok to update external references if object is reparented so it usually works ok without any further thinking
#14. randi()
randi()%11+1 returns an int from 1 to 10
randf()*11+1 returns a float from 1 to 10
rand_range(1,11) returns a float from 1 to 10
randi()%2 = { 0, 1 } range
#15. cos ( a in radians ) !!!
#16 number functions
print(floor(2.3)) #2
print(floor(2.9)) #2
print(ceil(2.3)) #3
print(ceil(2.9)) #3
print(round(2.3)) #2
print(round(2.9)) #3
#16. tmp folder /Users/boom/.godot/tmp/
#17. dir
var dir =
if !dir.dir_exists("user://Saves"):"user://")
#18. dynamic texture
var tex =
var img = Image()
#19. integrate array
for pos in postions:
#use it
if not pos in positions:
#20. compile engine
cd godot-2.1
scons platform=osx bits=64 tools=yes
cp -r misc/dist/ ./
mkdir -p
cp bin/
chmod +x
show file in system file browser
#var dir = Globals.globalize_path(stream.get_path())
#dir = dir.substr(0, dir.find_last('/'))
#OS.shell_open("file://" + dir)
#print from back
for i in range(notes.size()-1, -1, -1):
print("index:", i, "value:", notes[i])
#bubble sort
var notes = [7,2,5,1]
print("notes:", notes)
for i in range(notes.size()-1, -1, -1):
print("i:", i)
for j in range(1,i+1,1):
print("J:", j)
if notes[j-1] > notes[j]:
var temp = notes[j-1]
notes[j-1] = notes[j]
notes[j] = temp
print("sorted notes:", notes)
keyboard and touch display
if (ie.type == InputEvent.KEY):
if (Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left")):
vehiclePos[0] = !vehiclePos[0];
if (Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_right")):
vehiclePos[1] = !vehiclePos[1];
if (ie.type == InputEvent.SCREEN_TOUCH && ie.pressed):
if (ie.x < viewportSize.width/2):
vehiclePos[0] = !vehiclePos[0];
if (ie.x > viewportSize.width/2):
vehiclePos[1] = !vehiclePos[1];
String p_path
#26. scons with verbose info
scons p=iphone tools=no bits=64 target=debug arch=arm64 verbose=yes
#27. scons multi process
scons platform=x11 tools=no target=debug bits=64 -j 7
#28 scons platform=x11 dev=yes
#29 maybe linux bugfix
What Godot version are you using? If compiling yourself, use `use_static_cpp=yes` when using such a recent GCC version to stay compatible with older system
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