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Created May 21, 2021 01:36
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A Python program for showing plots of the thickness of bubbles based on their color patterns.
# Computes bubble thickness refraction colormaps according to the paper
# <>.
# License: MIT
# For this to run, matplotlib and numpy must be installed.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from math import pi
# Good enough; we only have one instantiation anyways
class Specs:
# List of bubble specifications.
specs = Specs()
specs.diameter = 14
specs.height = 7
specs.camera_dist = 25
specs.index_of_refrac = 1.3
specs.num_colors = 70
specs.max_thick = 1000
specs.num_thick = 40
specs.red_wl = 650
specs.green_wl = 575
specs.blue_wl = 475
specs.radius = radius = (specs.diameter ** 2 / 4 + specs.height ** 2) / (2 * specs.height)
def compute_colormap(specs, wavelength):
""" Compute a numpy 2D array of the R_lambda color values. """
# Base array of x-distances to work off of. `step` is added to the second range since
# np.arange is [start, end) and we want [start, end].
distances = np.arange(0, specs.diameter / 2, specs.diameter / 2 / specs.num_colors)
# Angle calculations for alpha, beta, and theta, respectively
center_to_dist = np.arcsin(distances / specs.radius)
camera_to_dist = np.arctan(distances /
(specs.radius - specs.radius * np.cos(center_to_dist) + specs.height))
refrac_angle = center_to_dist + camera_to_dist
# Calculate phi, the phase difference, for a variety of thicknesses. The thicknesses are
# repeated into a 2D array for multiplication purposes.
thicknesses = np.arange(0, specs.max_thick, specs.max_thick / specs.num_thick)
thicknesses = thicknesses.reshape(1, specs.num_thick).repeat(specs.num_colors, axis=0)
sqrt_part = np.sqrt(specs.index_of_refrac ** 2 - np.sin(refrac_angle) ** 2)
phase_diff = thicknesses * (4 * pi / wavelength) * sqrt_part.reshape(specs.num_colors, 1)
# Calculate R_s and R_p.
amp_refrac_perp = (np.cos(refrac_angle) - sqrt_part) / (np.cos(refrac_angle) + sqrt_part)
amp_refrac_par = ((specs.index_of_refrac ** 2 * np.cos(refrac_angle) - sqrt_part) /
(specs.index_of_refrac ** 2 * np.cos(refrac_angle) + sqrt_part))
# Finally, compute R_lambda for the final result.
amp_refrac_perp = amp_refrac_perp.reshape(specs.num_colors, 1)
amp_refrac_par = amp_refrac_par .reshape(specs.num_colors, 1)
cos_phase_diff = np.cos(phase_diff)
frac = lambda amp: amp ** 2 * (1 - cos_phase_diff) / (1 + amp ** 4 - 2 * amp ** 2 * cos_phase_diff)
return frac(amp_refrac_perp) + frac(amp_refrac_par)
def set_up_plot(plot, title, data, show_labels = False):
plot.imshow(data, interpolation="none")
if show_labels:
plot.set_xlabel("Thickness (µm)")
plot.set_ylabel("x Distance (cm)")
plot.set_xticks(np.arange(0, specs.num_thick, specs.num_thick / 2))
plot.set_xticklabels(np.arange(0, specs.max_thick, specs.max_thick / 2))
plot.set_yticks(np.arange(0, specs.num_colors, specs.num_colors / (specs.diameter / 2)))
plot.set_yticklabels(np.arange(0, specs.diameter / 2, 1))
def display_colormap(red, green, blue, specs):
""" Display the created colormap with matplotlib """
empty = np.zeros(red.shape)
figure, (rgb_plot, red_plot, green_plot, blue_plot) = plt.subplots(1, 4, figsize = (12, 6))
figure.suptitle("Bubble Thickness Based on Color Matching")
set_up_plot(rgb_plot, "Full RGB", np.stack((red, green, blue), axis=2), True)
set_up_plot(red_plot, "Red", np.stack((red, empty, empty), axis=2))
set_up_plot(green_plot, "Green", np.stack((empty, green, empty), axis=2))
set_up_plot(blue_plot, "Blue", np.stack((empty, empty, blue), axis=2))
display_colormap(compute_colormap(specs, specs.red_wl), compute_colormap(specs, specs.green_wl),
compute_colormap(specs, specs.blue_wl), specs)
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