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Created May 14, 2012 16:27
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Jedis Feel Doin' It!
Nowadays, being really busy has become something worth bragging about or something you can't escape. 
You will probably even blame your commitments for stealing your time.

But is it truly impossible for you to make time for your "dream project"? 
Are you busy or is it avoidance?

Really. Look at your schedule; and put in a little "dream" time. 
Everything else would benefit more if you spend some time caring for your passions ;)

#JFDI™ (*):

That's "GTD" in a red pill – condensed into 10 seconds.

First things first:

It would be helpful (but not required) for you to know [the GTD Methodology] ( first before jumping into this rabbit hole.

The essence of #JFDI is to #JFDI.

So don't leave anything in an in-between state; when you can #JFDI.

  • If there is documetation to write, do it.
  • If there is some code modification, leave it in a manageable state. So that you won't wonder where you left the next time you visit the source.
  • If there is a blog to write at least draft it to a point where it is okay to stop.

This may seem to contrary to the everything is a draft statement (see below), but it is not.

The only things you should care about keeping ship shape are your drafts (i.e. the work you currently do), NOT your Inbox.

Which all boils down to:

  • Don't keep things in the back of your head.

#JFDI™ Flow

  • Stuff enters your life...

    • and you either deal with it (*) immediately;
    • OR put it in one or more Inboxes.
  • Putting too much order into an inherently chaotic system (i.e. Life) will decrease efficiency. Therefore there is no inbox maintenance. Do not organize/file/re-arrange/list anything unless you sense that doing so will decrease your productivity.

  • Know that everything is a draft, but keep your drafts in consistent states. Do not jump around tasks, do one task and then ask to yourself what the next task is.

(*) How to Deal With "Stuff":

Stuff is dealt with by one (and only one) of the following:

  • DO IT at once (if it's a quick task, or you just have to, or really want to);
  • DEFER IT (for later);
  • DELEGATE IT (to someone else);
  • FILE IT somewhere (if and only if you may need it later);
  • DISCARD IT (completely remove it from your life: Ignore it, throw it in a trash bin, whatever).


C'mon! "JFDI" stands for "Jedis Feel Doin' It" – Were you thinking of something else ;)?

See Also: the JFDI Manifesto

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