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Created September 5, 2023 16:07
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  • Save v1v/8fff3c0010753cebf65d5861bbe3b0b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save v1v/8fff3c0010753cebf65d5861bbe3b0b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git commands to update 4.x
➜ /tmp git clone
Cloning into 'apm-agent-nodejs'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 26088, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4041/4041), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1602/1602), done.
remote: Total 26088 (delta 2681), reused 3548 (delta 2366), pack-reused 22047
Receiving objects: 100% (26088/26088), 14.83 MiB | 12.47 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18971/18971), done.
➜ /tmp git checkout main
➜ /tmp cd apm-agent-nodejs
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(main) git checkout main
Already on 'main'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(main) git log -n 1
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(main) git --no-pager log -n 1
commit c6cdaf9da5b22d388509b8d00b176144eb749668 (HEAD -> main, origin/main, origin/HEAD)
Author: Trent Mick <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 14:17:22 2023 -0700
4.x (#3528)
feat!: the start of v4.x
Significant and breaking changes:
- Min supported Node.js is now 14.5.0 (up from 8.6).
- Drop support for the obsolete "patch" context manager, i.e. the
`contextManager: "patch"` config option. This was a limited async context
management that predated the preferred `AsyncLocalStorage` core Node.js
mechanism for context tracking. (#3529)
- Config vars:
- Remove `logUncaughtExceptions` config option, if the agent's
`uncaughtException` handler is active it now *always* logs the error to
the console. (#2412)
- Remove `filterHttpHeaders` config option, see `sanitizeFieldNames`
instead. (#3332)
- Remove long deprecate `ELASTIC_APM_KUBERNETES_*` envvars, use
`KUBERNETES_*` instead. (#2661)
- The `useElasticTraceparentHeader` config option now defaults to `false`.
This means the `elastic-apm-traceparent` HTTP header is now no longer
sent by default. (#3555)
- Instrumentations:
- Drop instrumentation for old `hapi`, the current `@hapi/hapi` is still
instrumented. (#2691)
- APIs:
- Ignore a `timer` option passed to `startTransaction()` and `startSpan()`
APIs. (#2990)
- Remove the deprecated `span.toString()` and `transaction.toString()` APIs.
- Change `apm.startTransaction()` API to return a noop transaction instead
of null when the agent is not started. (#2429)
- Remove `transaction.subtype` and `transaction.action` properties from the
API. This also impacts <<apm-start-transaction>> and
`transaction.setType(...)`, both of which now no longer accept `subtype`
and `action` parameters. (#3557)
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(main) git branch -f 4.x main
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(main) git checkout 4.x
Switched to branch '4.x'
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(4.x) git diff main
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(4.x) git --no-pager diff main
➜ apm-agent-nodejs git:(4.x) git --no-pager log -n 1
commit c6cdaf9da5b22d388509b8d00b176144eb749668 (HEAD -> 4.x, origin/main, origin/HEAD, main)
Author: Trent Mick <>
Date: Fri Sep 1 14:17:22 2023 -0700
4.x (#3528)
feat!: the start of v4.x
Significant and breaking changes:
- Min supported Node.js is now 14.5.0 (up from 8.6).
- Drop support for the obsolete "patch" context manager, i.e. the
`contextManager: "patch"` config option. This was a limited async context
management that predated the preferred `AsyncLocalStorage` core Node.js
mechanism for context tracking. (#3529)
- Config vars:
- Remove `logUncaughtExceptions` config option, if the agent's
`uncaughtException` handler is active it now *always* logs the error to
the console. (#2412)
- Remove `filterHttpHeaders` config option, see `sanitizeFieldNames`
instead. (#3332)
- Remove long deprecate `ELASTIC_APM_KUBERNETES_*` envvars, use
`KUBERNETES_*` instead. (#2661)
- The `useElasticTraceparentHeader` config option now defaults to `false`.
This means the `elastic-apm-traceparent` HTTP header is now no longer
sent by default. (#3555)
- Instrumentations:
- Drop instrumentation for old `hapi`, the current `@hapi/hapi` is still
instrumented. (#2691)
- APIs:
- Ignore a `timer` option passed to `startTransaction()` and `startSpan()`
APIs. (#2990)
- Remove the deprecated `span.toString()` and `transaction.toString()` APIs.
- Change `apm.startTransaction()` API to return a noop transaction instead
of null when the agent is not started. (#2429)
- Remove `transaction.subtype` and `transaction.action` properties from the
API. This also impacts <<apm-start-transaction>> and
`transaction.setType(...)`, both of which now no longer accept `subtype`
and `action` parameters. (#3557)
Copy link

v1v commented Sep 5, 2023

➜  apm-agent-nodejs git:(4.x) git push origin 4.x
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Bypassed rule violations for refs/heads/4.x:
remote: - This branch must not contain merge commits.
remote: Create a pull request for '4.x' on GitHub by visiting:
remote: GitHub found 3 vulnerabilities on elastic/apm-agent-nodejs's default branch (2 moderate, 1 low). To find out more, visit:
 * [new branch]        4.x -> 4.x

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