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Forked from Zirak/
Created October 26, 2013 17:21
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#this program uses the Shunting Yard algorithm to transform infix expressions
# into postfix, and then an AST, which can then be easily evaluated.
#just run `python` and enjoy. enjoyment is optional and not included
# with the standard package, but for an extra $99.99 we can have a
# Premium Deluxe sent to you over the next 6-8 weeks, which may or may
# not increase your enjoyment of our product.
#for a list of operators supported and not supported (for isntance, the unary -
# is a ~) look below.
#TODO: handle parentheses.
from __future__ import print_function
#operator table: operator => { precedence, associativity=left, arity=2, calc }
#but first, a note from our sponsor, the infamous factorial (yes, I know it can
# be optimised to great extents)
def factorial (n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)
operators = {
# addition
'+' : {
'prec' : 1,
'calc' : lambda a,b: a + b },
# subtraction
'-' : {
'prec' : 1,
'calc' : lambda a,b: a - b },
# multiplication
'*' : {
'prec' : 2,
'calc' : lambda a,b: a * b },
# division
'/' : {
'prec' : 2,
'calc' : lambda a,b: a / b },
# exponentiation
'^' : {
'prec' : 3,
'assoc' : 'right',
'calc' : lambda a,b: a ** b },
# negation
'~' : {
'prec' : 6,
'assoc' : 'right',
'arity' : 1,
'calc' : lambda a: -a },
# modulus
'%' : {
'prec' : 4,
'calc' : lambda a,b: a % b },
# factorial
'!' : {
'prec' : 4,
'assoc' : 'right',
'arity' : 1,
'calc' : lambda a: factorial(a) },
# average
'@' : {
'prec' : 5,
'calc' : lambda a,b: (a + b) / 2 },
# max
'$' : {
'prec' : 5,
'calc' : lambda a,b: max(a,b) },
# min
'&' : {
'prec' : 5,
'calc' : lambda a,b: min(a,b) } }
for key in operators:
operators[key]['symbol'] = key
class Calculator:
def __init__ (self):
self.operators = operators
def calc (self, inp):
self.ast = self.to_ast()
return self.ast.calc() if self.ast is not None else None
def parse (self, inp):
tokens = list(inp.replace(' ', ''))
self.opstack = []
self.out = []
while tokens:
while self.opstack:
#check for mismatched parens
#awesome, we jut finished converting into postfix
def to_ast (self):
if not self.out:
return None
#we go from the right. on each operator, we grab `arity` tokens ahead
# and add them as the op's children
stack = self.out[::]
root = self.build_ast(stack.pop(), stack)
return root
def build_ast (self, tok, stack):
if not stack:
return tok
for i in xrange(0, tok.arity):
if not stack:
msg = 'Improper expression: {0} expected {1} operands, but only got {2}'.format(tok.symbol, tok.arity, i)
raise SyntaxError(msg)
child = stack.pop()
print('popped token %s' % (child))
#recurse if we're on an operator
if isinstance(child, OperatorToken):
self.build_ast(child, stack)
return tok
def parse_token (self, tok):
if is_number(tok):
elif self.operators.has_key(tok):
actual_tok = OperatorToken(self.operators[tok])
#add parentheses handling
raise SyntaxError('Unrecognized token ' + str(tok));
def parse_op (self, tok):
#an operator `left` is weaker than (should be placed after) `right` if
# it's left-associative and they have equal precedence, or if `left`
# just has lower precedence than `right`
def weaker (left, right):
if left.assoc == 'left' and left.prec == right.prec:
return True
return left.prec < right.prec
while self.opstack and weaker(tok, self.opstack[-1]):
class Token:
class OperatorToken(Token):
prec = 1
assoc = 'left'
arity = 2
cb = lambda a,b: None
def __init__ (self, op):
self.children = []
self.symbol = op['symbol']
self.prec = op['prec']
self.assoc = op['assoc'] if op.has_key('assoc') else 'left'
self.arity = op['arity'] if op.has_key('arity') else 2
self.cb = op['calc']
def calc (self):
args = [child.calc() for child in self.children]
print('args to ', self.symbol, ' '.join([str(x) for x in args]))
return self.cb(*args)
def add_child (self, child):
print('Adding child %s to %s' % (child, self))
self.children.insert(0, child)
def add_children (self, *children):
for child in children:
def humane_str (self):
if self.arity == 1 and self.assoc == 'right':
return self.symbol + str(self.children[0])
elif self.arity == 2:
return ' '.join(
strung_children = [str(x) for x in self.children]
return '{0} => [{1}]'.format(self.symbol, ', '.join(strung_children))
def __str__ (self):
return self.symbol
class NumberToken(Token):
def __init__ (self, val):
self.value = float(val) if '.' in str(val) else int(val)
def calc (self):
return self.value
def humane_str (self):
return str(self)
def __str__ (self):
return str(self.value)
def is_number (string):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
calc = Calculator()
while True:
inp = raw_input('> ')
except EOFError:
inp = ''
if not inp:
res = None
res = calc.calc(inp)
except SyntaxError as ex:
print('Syntax error: {0}'.format(str(ex)))
if res is not None:
print(calc.ast.humane_str(), end=' = ')
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