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Created October 13, 2014 05:30
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type System.Net.WebClient with
member inline internal this.DownloadWithWebClient(addHandler, removeHandler, extract, start) =
let downloadAsync =
Async.FromContinuations (fun (cont, econt, ccont) ->
let userToken = new obj()
let rec handler (_: obj) (args: 'T :> ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs) =
if userToken = args.UserState then
removeHandler handle
if args.Cancelled then
ccont (new OperationCanceledException())
elif args.Error <> null then
econt args.Error
cont (extract args)
and handle = addHandler handler
start userToken
async {
use! _holder = Async.OnCancel(fun _ -> this.CancelAsync())
return! downloadAsync
[<CompiledName("AsyncDownloadString")>] // give the extension member a 'nice', unmangled compiled name, unique within this module
member this.AsyncDownloadString (address:Uri) : Async<string> =
addHandler = (fun handler ->
let d = Net.DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(handler)
removeHandler = (fun d -> this.DownloadStringCompleted.RemoveHandler d),
extract = (fun args -> args.Result),
start = (fun userToken-> this.DownloadStringAsync(address, userToken))
[<CompiledName("AsyncDownloadFile")>] // give the extension member a 'nice', unmangled compiled name, unique within this module
member this.AsyncDownloadFile (address:Uri) (fileName: string) : Async<unit> =
addHandler = (fun handler ->
let d = ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler(handler)
removeHandler = (fun d -> this.DownloadFileCompleted.RemoveHandler d),
extract = (fun _ -> ()),
start = (fun userToken -> this.DownloadFileAsync(address, fileName, userToken))
[<CompiledName("AsyncDownloadData")>] // give the extension member a 'nice', unmangled compiled name, unique within this module
member this.AsyncDownloadData (address:Uri) : Async<byte[]> =
addHandler = (fun handler ->
let d = Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler(handler)
removeHandler = (fun d -> this.DownloadDataCompleted.RemoveHandler d),
extract = (fun args -> args.Result),
start = (fun userToken -> this.DownloadDataAsync(address, userToken))
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