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Created August 20, 2018 08:16
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  • Save v3rm0n/e17a18a021959f5f651fa7a215baaa2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save v3rm0n/e17a18a021959f5f651fa7a215baaa2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail
flutter -v test --coverage
[  +45 ms] executing: [/home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[  +49 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic @{u}
[        ] origin/master
[        ] executing: [/home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/] git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[  +10 ms] Exit code 0 from: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
[        ] master
[        ] executing: [/home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/] git ls-remote --get-url origin
[  +10 ms] Exit code 0 from: git ls-remote --get-url origin
[        ] ssh://
[        ] executing: [/home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/] git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[  +10 ms] Exit code 0 from: git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H
[        ] 3ae5ecebeac362dfc4e96cad038a74559798d517
[        ] executing: [/home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/] git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ar
[  +14 ms] Exit code 0 from: git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ar
[        ] 22 hours ago
[   +1 ms] executing: [/home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/] git describe --match v*.*.* --first-parent --long --tags
[  +20 ms] Exit code 0 from: git describe --match v*.*.* --first-parent --long --tags
[        ] v0.5.8-84-g3ae5ecebe
[ +372 ms] Found plugin image_picker at /home/cirrus/.pub-cache/hosted/
[  +46 ms] Found plugin shared_preferences at /home/cirrus/.pub-cache/hosted/
[  +15 ms] Found plugin url_launcher at /home/cirrus/.pub-cache/hosted/
[ +104 ms] switching to directory LocalDirectory: 'test' to run tests
[   +1 ms] running test package with arguments: [--no-color, -r, compact, --concurrency=30, --, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/persistent_store_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/verification_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/authentication_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/user_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/route/authenticated_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/circle_button_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/settings_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/bottom_navigation_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/getting_started_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/loader/file_upload_loader_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_send_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/privacy/privacy_settings_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/progress/progress_bar_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/currency_icon_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/heading_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/currency_detail_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/paper_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/subhead_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/mfa/multi_factor_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/mfa/multi_factor_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/privacy/privacy_settings_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/privacy/privacy_settings_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/signup/signup_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/configuration_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/app_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_send_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/error/error_reporter_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/card/card_api_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/card/card_bloc_test.dart, /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart]

00:00 +0: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/persistent_store_test.dart                                                                                                                       [ +341 ms] test 0: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/persistent_store_test.dart
[  +27 ms] test 0: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +3 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] Compiler will use the following file as its incremental dill file: /tmp/flutter_test_compiler.TNHWFE/output.dill
[        ] Listening to compiler controller...
[   +3 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IBEDNR/listener.dart
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/frontend_server.dart.snapshot --sdk-root /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/ --incremental --strong --target=flutter --initialize-from-dill=foo --output-dill /tmp/flutter_test_compiler.TNHWFE/output.dill --packages /home/cirrus/project/.packages
[   +1 ms] test 1: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/verification_bloc_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 1: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] test 2: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/authentication_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 2: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 3: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 3: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] test 4: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_api_test.dart
[        ] test 4: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] test 5: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 5: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 6: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart
[        ] test 6: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 7: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_api_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 7: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 8: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart
[        ] test 8: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 9: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/user_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 9: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] test 10: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart
[        ] test 10: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 11: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/route/authenticated_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 11: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] test 12: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/circle_button_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 12: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] test 13: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 13: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 14: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart
[        ] test 14: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 15: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart
[        ] test 15: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 16: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/settings_screen_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 16: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 17: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 17: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 18: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 18: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 19: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/bottom_navigation_test.dart
[        ] test 19: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 20: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 20: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 21: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 21: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 22: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 22: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 23: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 23: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 24: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 24: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 25: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 25: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 26: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 26: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 27: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart
[        ] test 27: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 28: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/getting_started_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 28: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 29: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/loader/file_upload_loader_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 29: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 30: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 30: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 31: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_send_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 31: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 32: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/privacy/privacy_settings_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 32: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 33: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 33: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 34: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 34: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 35: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart
[        ] test 35: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 36: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/progress/progress_bar_test.dart
[        ] test 36: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 37: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/currency_icon_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 37: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[  +10 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[   +1 ms] test 38: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/heading_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 38: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 39: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/currency_detail_test.dart
[        ] test 39: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 40: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/paper_test.dart
[        ] test 40: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 41: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart
[        ] test 41: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 42: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/subhead_test.dart
[        ] test 42: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 43: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/mfa/multi_factor_bloc_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 43: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 44: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/mfa/multi_factor_api_test.dart
[        ] test 44: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 45: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/privacy/privacy_settings_api_test.dart
[   +1 ms] test 45: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 46: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/privacy/privacy_settings_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 46: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 47: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 47: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 48: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/signup/signup_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 48: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 49: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/configuration_test.dart
[        ] test 49: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 50: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_test.dart
[        ] test 50: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 51: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 51: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 52: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_api_test.dart
[        ] test 52: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 53: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart
[        ] test 53: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 54: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/app_test.dart
[        ] test 54: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 55: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_send_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 55: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 56: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_api_test.dart
[        ] test 56: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 57: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 57: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 58: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart
[        ] test 58: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 59: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_test.dart
[        ] test 59: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project

00:08 +0: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/persistent_store_test.dart                                                                                                                       [+8243 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IBEDNR/listener.dart took 8424ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.LHEKXV/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.OUTFCM --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IBEDNR/listener.dart.dill
[   +1 ms] Using this directory for fonts configuration: /tmp/flutter_test_fonts.GTCKGL
[  +12 ms] test 0: awaiting initial result for pid 926
[ +166 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 0: using observatory uri from pid 926
[ +229 ms] test 0: process with pid 926 connected to test harness
[   +1 ms] test 0: awaiting test result for pid 926

00:09 +0: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/persistent_store_test.dart: Persistent Store fetches access token                                                                                        
Fetching access token
Access token from preferences: {"access_token":"dummy","refresh_token":"dummyrefresh","token_type":"password","scope":"all","expiration_time":"2018-01-01T00:00:00.000"}

00:09 +1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/persistent_store_test.dart: Persistent Store saves access token                                                                                          
Saving access token Instance of 'OauthToken'

00:09 +2: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/persistent_store_test.dart: Persistent Store removes access token                                                                                        
Removing access token

00:09 +6: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/verification_bloc_test.dart                                                                                                                      [ +226 ms] test 0: process with pid 926 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 0: collecting coverage
[   +1 ms] pid 926: collecting coverage data from
[ +278 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.LHEKXV/listener.dart took 926ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JGBAYS/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.DJOCBI --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.LHEKXV/listener.dart.dill
[  +15 ms] test 1: awaiting initial result for pid 933
[ +147 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 1: using observatory uri from pid 933
[ +218 ms] test 1: process with pid 933 connected to test harness
[        ] test 1: awaiting test result for pid 933

00:10 +6: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/verification_bloc_test.dart: Verification Bloc On user, fetch verification and add to state                                                              
Fetching verification for user 123

00:10 +12: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/verification_bloc_test.dart: Verification Bloc periodically fetch verification until verification status becomes success                                
Fetching verification for user 123
Fetching verification for user 123
Fetching verification for user 123
Fetching verification for user 123
[ +290 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JGBAYS/listener.dart took 681ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TUWTOF/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.ZEIJKS --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JGBAYS/listener.dart.dill
Fetching verification for user 123

00:10 +13: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/authentication_bloc_test.dart                                                                                                                   [  +10 ms] test 2: awaiting initial result for pid 939

00:10 +13: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/verification_bloc_test.dart: Verification Bloc call fetchUser if verification becomes successfull and user was previously not verified                  
Fetching verification for user 123

00:10 +15: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/authentication_bloc_test.dart                                                                                                                   [  +22 ms] test 1: process with pid 933 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 1: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 933: collecting coverage data from
[ +121 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 2: using observatory uri from pid 939
[ +226 ms] test 2: process with pid 939 connected to test harness
[        ] test 2: awaiting test result for pid 939

00:10 +15: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/authentication_bloc_test.dart: Authentication Bloc fetching initializes user when token is present                                                      
got user 123

00:10 +16: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/authentication_bloc_test.dart: Authentication Bloc fetching fetchUser initialized user                                                                  
got user 123
got user 123

00:10 +17: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/state/authentication_bloc_test.dart: Authentication Bloc logout removes token from store                                                                      
User logged out

00:10 +18: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_bloc_test.dart                                                                                                                        [ +183 ms] test 2: process with pid 939 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 2: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 939: collecting coverage data from
[  +75 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TUWTOF/listener.dart took 647ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VPQQAU/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.IQPKQO --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TUWTOF/listener.dart.dill
[  +11 ms] test 3: awaiting initial result for pid 946
[ +153 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 3: using observatory uri from pid 946

00:11 +18: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_bloc_test.dart                                                                                                                        [ +209 ms] test 3: process with pid 946 connected to test harness
[        ] test 3: awaiting test result for pid 946

00:11 +18: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_bloc_test.dart: Profile Bloc initializes values                                                                                               
Init profile bloc
Validating first name: Peeter
Validating last name: Meeter
Validating mobile number: +37256123456
Validating country: Estonia
Validating day: 27
Validating month: 2
Validating year: 1999

00:11 +19: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_bloc_test.dart: Profile Bloc submits profile                                                                                                  
Submitting profile

00:11 +20: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_bloc_test.dart: Profile Bloc combines valid profile                                                                                           
Init profile bloc
Validating first name: Peeter
Validating last name: Meeter
Validating mobile number: +37256123456
Validating country: Estonia
Validating day: 27
Validating month: 2
Validating year: 1999
Combining dob: 1999, 2, 27
Combining profile Peeter, Meeter, 1999-02-27 00:00:00.000, +37256123456

00:11 +21: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_api_test.dart                                                                                                                         [ +244 ms] test 3: process with pid 946 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 3: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 946: collecting coverage data from
[ +132 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VPQQAU/listener.dart took 757ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MOJQDC/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.AXJXBK --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VPQQAU/listener.dart.dill
[  +20 ms] test 4: awaiting initial result for pid 953
[ +157 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 4: using observatory uri from pid 953

00:12 +21: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_api_test.dart                                                                                                                         [ +353 ms] test 4: process with pid 953 connected to test harness
[        ] test 4: awaiting test result for pid 953

00:12 +21: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_api_test.dart: Profile API fetches profile                                                                                                    [ +189 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MOJQDC/listener.dart took 728ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.APNVZH/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.SJABYP --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MOJQDC/listener.dart.dill
[  +20 ms] test 5: awaiting initial result for pid 960

00:12 +24: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart                                                                                                                   [  +49 ms] test 4: process with pid 953 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 4: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 953: collecting coverage data from
[ +133 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 5: using observatory uri from pid 960
[ +296 ms] test 5: process with pid 960 connected to test harness
[        ] test 5: awaiting test result for pid 960
[  +99 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.APNVZH/listener.dart took 607ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FKEGAX/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.MYKWRI --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.APNVZH/listener.dart.dill
[  +16 ms] test 6: awaiting initial result for pid 967

00:13 +24: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator first name validation correct name passes validation                                                   
Validating first name: Aadu

00:13 +25: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator first name validation too long does not pass validation                                                
Validating first name: This Name Is Too Long For Its Own Good

00:13 +26: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator first name validation null does not pass validation                                                    
Validating first name: null

00:13 +27: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator last name validation correct name passes validation                                                    
Validating last name: Kadakas

00:13 +28: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator last name validation too long does not pass validation                                                 
Validating last name: This Name Is Too Long For Its Own Good

00:13 +29: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator last name validation null does not pass validation                                                     
Validating last name: null

00:13 +30: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator mobile number validation correct number passes validation                                              
Validating mobile number: +37256489497

00:13 +31: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator mobile number validation null does not pass validation                                                 [ +179 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 6: using observatory uri from pid 967

00:13 +31: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator mobile number validation null does not pass validation                                                 
Validating mobile number: null

00:13 +32: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator birth country validation country passes validation                                                     
Validating country: Estonia

00:13 +33: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator birth country validation country is not case sensitive                                                 
Validating country: estonia

00:13 +34: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator birth country validation unknown country does not pass validation                                      
Validating country: Eesti NSV

00:13 +35: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator birth country validation null does not pass validation                                                 
Validating country: null

00:13 +36: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator day validation correct day passes validation                                                           
Validating day: 20

00:13 +37: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator day validation out of range does not pass validation                                                   
Validating day: 40

00:13 +38: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator day validation string does not pass validation                                                         
Validating day: abc

00:13 +39: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator day validation null does not pass validation                                                           
Validating day: null

00:13 +40: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator month validation correct month passes validation                                                       
Validating month: 12

00:13 +41: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator month validation out of range does not pass validation                                                 
Validating month: 13

00:13 +42: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator month validation string does not pass validation                                                       
Validating month: abc

00:13 +43: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator month validation null does not pass validation                                                         
Validating month: null

00:13 +44: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator year validation correct year passes validation                                                         
Validating year: 1987

00:13 +45: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator year validation out of range does not pass validation                                                  
Validating year: 190

00:13 +46: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator year validation string does not pass validation                                                        
Validating year: abc

00:13 +47: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/profile/profile_validator_test.dart: Profile validator year validation null does not pass validation                                                          
Validating year: null

00:13 +50: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart                                                                                                                          [ +175 ms] test 5: process with pid 960 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 5: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 960: collecting coverage data from
[  +70 ms] test 6: process with pid 967 connected to test harness
[        ] test 6: awaiting test result for pid 967

00:13 +50: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart: Login API login adds authorization header to request                                                                            

00:13 +51: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart: Login API login adds proper body to request                                                                                     

00:13 +52: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart: Login API login adds otp to headers when it exists                                                                              

00:13 +53: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart: Login API login parses expiration time from response                                                                            

00:13 +54: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart: Login API login throws exception when error                                                                                     
{"error":"Bad credentials","error_description":"Bad credentials happened!"}
Got error 401

00:13 +55: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/authentication_test.dart: Login API loginWithToken adds authorization header to request                                                                   

00:13 +57: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_api_test.dart                                                                                                                        [ +251 ms] test 6: process with pid 967 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 6: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 967: collecting coverage data from
[ +376 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FKEGAX/listener.dart took 1077ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UUNDUR/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.WJTCKA --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FKEGAX/listener.dart.dill
[  +18 ms] test 7: awaiting initial result for pid 976

00:14 +57: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_api_test.dart                                                                                                                        [ +187 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 7: using observatory uri from pid 976
[ +360 ms] test 7: process with pid 976 connected to test harness
[        ] test 7: awaiting test result for pid 976

00:14 +60: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart                                                                                                                  [ +212 ms] test 7: process with pid 976 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 7: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 976: collecting coverage data from
[ +159 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UUNDUR/listener.dart took 948ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.OJJCUQ/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.VRIKCA --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UUNDUR/listener.dart.dill
[  +22 ms] test 8: awaiting initial result for pid 984

00:15 +60: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart                                                                                                                  [ +239 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 8: using observatory uri from pid 984

00:17 +60: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart                                                                                                                  [+3943 ms] test 8: process with pid 984 connected to test harness
[        ] test 8: awaiting test result for pid 984
[  +66 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.OJJCUQ/listener.dart took 4280ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FFCKMN/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.BVTAXV --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.OJJCUQ/listener.dart.dill

00:21 +60: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart                                                                                                                  [+6743 ms] test 9: awaiting initial result for pid 1001

00:25 +60: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart: Verification Files API fetches user                                                                                     [+2671 ms] pid 926 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +53 ms] pid 926 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 0: cleaning up...
[        ] test 0: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+3451 ms] pid 939 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +58 ms] pid 939 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 2: cleaning up...
[        ] test 2: ensuring end-of-process for shell

00:34 +60: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/verification_files_api_test.dart: Verification Files API fetches user                                                                                     [+2941 ms] pid 946 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +59 ms] pid 946 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 3: cleaning up...
[        ] test 3: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1304 ms] pid 933 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +55 ms] pid 933 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 1: cleaning up...
[        ] test 1: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +501 ms] pid 953 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +49 ms] pid 953 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 4: cleaning up...
[        ] test 4: ensuring end-of-process for shell

00:37 +61: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/user_test.dart                                                                                                                                    [   +3 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FFCKMN/listener.dart took 17900ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.AIREZM/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.YCFYLY --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FFCKMN/listener.dart.dill
[   +2 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 9: using observatory uri from pid 1001
[ +971 ms] test 0: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +2 ms] test 0: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 0: shutting down test harness socket server
[+1426 ms] pid 967 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 967 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 6: cleaning up...
[        ] test 6: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +248 ms] pid 960 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 960 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 5: cleaning up...
[        ] test 5: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[   +1 ms] test 2: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 2: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 2: shutting down test harness socket server

00:40 +61: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/user_test.dart                                                                                                                                    [+1030 ms] test 3: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 3: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 3: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 1: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 1: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 1: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +2 ms] test 8: process with pid 984 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 8: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 984: collecting coverage data from
[  +43 ms] test 10: awaiting initial result for pid 1032
[   +8 ms] test 9: process with pid 1001 connected to test harness
[        ] test 9: awaiting test result for pid 1001
[   +1 ms] test 4: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 4: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 4: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] test 0: finished
[   +6 ms] test 6: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 6: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 6: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 2: finished
[  +20 ms] test 5: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 5: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 5: shutting down test harness socket server
[  +18 ms] test 3: finished
[        ] test 1: finished
[   +1 ms] test 4: finished
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.AIREZM/listener.dart took 3931ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KUPYYR/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.WLRWQQ --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.AIREZM/listener.dart.dill
[   +1 ms] test 60: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/error/error_reporter_test.dart
[  +23 ms] test 60: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[   +1 ms] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 6: finished
[        ] test 61: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/card/card_api_test.dart
[        ] test 61: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project

00:41 +61: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/user_test.dart                                                                                                                                    [        ] test 5: finished
[   +8 ms] test 62: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/card/card_bloc_test.dart
[        ] test 62: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[        ] test 63: starting test /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart
[        ] test 63: starting shell process in preview-dart-2 mode
[        ] Stopping scan for flutter_test_config.dart; found project root at /home/cirrus/project
[  +26 ms] test 11: awaiting initial result for pid 1041

00:41 +61: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/user_test.dart: User API fetches user                                                                                                                     [  +13 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 10: using observatory uri from pid 1032

00:41 +63: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart                                                                                                                              [  +50 ms] test 9: process with pid 1001 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 9: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1001: collecting coverage data from
[  +83 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 11: using observatory uri from pid 1041
[  +98 ms] test 10: process with pid 1032 connected to test harness
[        ] test 10: awaiting test result for pid 1032

00:41 +63: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client removes token when it is expired                                                                                         [ +104 ms] test 11: process with pid 1041 connected to test harness
[        ] test 11: awaiting test result for pid 1041

00:41 +63: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client removes token when it is expired                                                                                         
Request to /path with body: null
Access token was expired, refreshing
Refreshing token
Response: test

00:41 +64: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client get adds base to url                                                                                                     
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +65: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client head adds base to url                                                                                                    
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +66: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client post adds base to url                                                                                                    
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +67: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client put adds base to url                                                                                                     
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +68: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client delete adds base to url                                                                                                  
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +69: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client get adds access token to headers                                                                                         
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +70: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client head adds access token to headers                                                                                        
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +71: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client post adds access token to headers                                                                                        
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +72: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client put adds access token to headers                                                                                         
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +73: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client delete adds access token to headers                                                                                      
Request to /path with body: null
Response: test

00:41 +74: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client post adds content type header when body is string                                                                        
Request to /path with body: {}
Response: test

00:41 +75: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client put adds content type header when body is string                                                                         
Request to /path with body: {}
Response: test

00:41 +76: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/api/api_client_test.dart: Api Client refresh token and retry when 401                                                                                         
Request to /path with body: null
Refreshing token
Retrying request
Response: test

00:41 +77: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/route/authenticated_test.dart: Authenticated show authenticated view when user exists                                                                         [ +157 ms] test 10: process with pid 1032 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 10: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1032: collecting coverage data from
[ +319 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KUPYYR/listener.dart took 900ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.XSNRNN/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.KXDYRL --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KUPYYR/listener.dart.dill
[  +24 ms] test 12: awaiting initial result for pid 1054

00:42 +77: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/route/authenticated_test.dart: Authenticated show authenticated view when user exists                                                                         [ +166 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 12: using observatory uri from pid 1054
[ +157 ms] test 12: process with pid 1054 connected to test harness
[        ] test 12: awaiting test result for pid 1054

00:42 +77: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/route/authenticated_test.dart: Authenticated show authenticated view when user exists                                                                         
Showing unathenticated view
Disposing StateContainer

00:42 +78: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/route/authenticated_test.dart: Authenticated shows unauthenticated view when user does not exist                                                              
Showing authenticated view
Showing authenticated view
Disposing StateContainer

00:42 +79: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/circle_button_test.dart: Circle Button renders                                                                                                    [ +152 ms] test 11: process with pid 1041 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 11: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1041: collecting coverage data from

00:42 +80: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart                                                                                                 [ +360 ms] test 12: process with pid 1054 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 12: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1054: collecting coverage data from
[  +62 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.XSNRNN/listener.dart took 929ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FOMREX/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.GLQCWA --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.XSNRNN/listener.dart.dill
[  +26 ms] test 13: awaiting initial result for pid 1060
[ +396 ms] pid 976 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 976 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 7: cleaning up...
[        ] test 7: ensuring end-of-process for shell

00:43 +80: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart                                                                                                 [   +1 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 13: using observatory uri from pid 1060
[   +2 ms] test 13: process with pid 1060 connected to test harness
[        ] test 13: awaiting test result for pid 1060
[  +21 ms] test 7: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 7: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 7: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 7: finished

00:43 +80: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart: Overview Screen if user is not verified render MarketInfoScreen without tabs                           [ +582 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FOMREX/listener.dart took 1089ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MWRNHF/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.ISRCNT --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FOMREX/listener.dart.dill
[  +21 ms] test 14: awaiting initial result for pid 1067

00:44 +80: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart: Overview Screen if user is not verified render MarketInfoScreen without tabs                           [ +175 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 14: using observatory uri from pid 1067

00:44 +80: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart: Overview Screen if user is not verified render MarketInfoScreen without tabs                           
Disposing StateContainer

00:44 +81: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart: Overview Screen if user is verified renders tabs                                                       [ +283 ms] test 14: process with pid 1067 connected to test harness
[        ] test 14: awaiting test result for pid 1067

00:44 +81: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/overview_screen_test.dart: Overview Screen if user is verified renders tabs                                                       
Disposing StateContainer

00:44 +82: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart                                                                                                 [ +110 ms] test 13: process with pid 1060 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 13: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1060: collecting coverage data from

00:45 +82: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen renders heading                                                                     [ +499 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MWRNHF/listener.dart took 1095ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UCGUGU/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.ZFMHUX --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MWRNHF/listener.dart.dill
[  +21 ms] test 15: awaiting initial result for pid 1074

00:45 +82: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen renders heading                                                                     
Disposing StateContainer

00:45 +83: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen renders verify account button if verification has not yet being created             [ +187 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 15: using observatory uri from pid 1074
[ +236 ms] test 15: process with pid 1074 connected to test harness
[        ] test 15: awaiting test result for pid 1074

00:45 +83: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen renders verify account button if verification has not yet being created             
Disposing StateContainer

00:45 +84: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen renders verification pending text if verification process has been completed        [ +421 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UCGUGU/listener.dart took 873ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.APSRPL/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.CQNAQV --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UCGUGU/listener.dart.dill
[  +29 ms] test 16: awaiting initial result for pid 1080

00:45 +84: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen renders verification pending text if verification process has been completed        
Disposing StateContainer

00:46 +85: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders total balance                                                         [ +151 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 16: using observatory uri from pid 1080

00:46 +85: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen if user is verified do not render button nor text                                   
Disposing StateContainer

00:46 +86: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders total balance                                                         [ +279 ms] test 16: process with pid 1080 connected to test harness
[        ] test 16: awaiting test result for pid 1080

00:47 +86: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/market_info_tab_test.dart: Market Info Screen renders market info rate                                                            
Disposing StateContainer

00:47 +87: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders total balance                                                         
Disposing StateContainer

00:48 +88: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/settings_screen_test.dart: Settings screen opens help center when tapped                                                          
Help center tapped
Launching url
Disposing StateContainer

00:48 +89: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart                                                                                                [+5885 ms] test 14: process with pid 1067 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 14: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1067: collecting coverage data from

00:52 +89: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders wallets currency                                                      [+4022 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.APSRPL/listener.dart took 10377ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.RXPDOB/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.FTJXLV --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.APSRPL/listener.dart.dill

00:56 +89: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders wallets currency                                                      [+2511 ms] pid 1054 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 1054 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 12: cleaning up...
[        ] test 12: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +873 ms] pid 984 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 984 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 8: cleaning up...
[        ] test 8: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +247 ms] pid 1032 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 1032 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 10: cleaning up...
[        ] test 10: ensuring end-of-process for shell

01:00 +89: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders wallets currency                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:00 +90: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/settings_screen_test.dart: Settings screen shows verification status                                                              
Disposing StateContainer

01:00 +91: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart                                                                                                [+1180 ms] pid 1001 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +54 ms] pid 1001 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 9: cleaning up...
[        ] test 9: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[  +40 ms] test 17: awaiting initial result for pid 1109

01:01 +91: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart                                                                                                [ +338 ms] test 12: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 12: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 12: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] test 8: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 8: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 8: shutting down test harness socket server

01:01 +91: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders wallets balance                                                       [   +3 ms] test 10: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 10: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 10: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +2 ms] test 16: process with pid 1080 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 16: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1080: collecting coverage data from
[ +147 ms] test 9: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 9: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 9: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.RXPDOB/listener.dart took 5573ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.HISGLH/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.TMKUPD --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.RXPDOB/listener.dart.dill
[   +1 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 17: using observatory uri from pid 1109
[  +10 ms] test 12: finished
[        ] test 8: finished
[   +4 ms] test 10: finished
[   +1 ms] test 9: finished
[  +35 ms] test 18: awaiting initial result for pid 1115
[   +6 ms] test 17: process with pid 1109 connected to test harness
[        ] test 17: awaiting test result for pid 1109

01:02 +91: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen no navigation renders wallets balance                                                       
Disposing StateContainer

01:02 +92: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen with navigation sets currency on walletBloc and navigates to wallet balance screen          [ +225 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 18: using observatory uri from pid 1115
[ +211 ms] test 18: process with pid 1115 connected to test harness
[        ] test 18: awaiting test result for pid 1115

01:02 +92: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/overview/balance_tab_test.dart: Balance Screen with navigation sets currency on walletBloc and navigates to wallet balance screen          
Disposing StateContainer

01:02 +93: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart: Mfa setup screen renders app bar                                                                      [  +35 ms] test 15: process with pid 1074 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 15: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1074: collecting coverage data from
[ +170 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.HISGLH/listener.dart took 710ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JKXENE/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.KTRESB --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.HISGLH/listener.dart.dill
[  +40 ms] test 19: awaiting initial result for pid 1135
[ +214 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 19: using observatory uri from pid 1135

01:03 +93: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart: Mfa setup screen renders app bar                                                                      [ +270 ms] test 19: process with pid 1135 connected to test harness
[        ] test 19: awaiting test result for pid 1135
[  +83 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JKXENE/listener.dart took 615ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KJHOXH/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.GSYRIP --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JKXENE/listener.dart.dill
[  +64 ms] test 20: awaiting initial result for pid 1141

01:03 +93: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart: Mfa setup screen renders app bar                                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:03 +94: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen renders app bar                                                                  [ +385 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 20: using observatory uri from pid 1141

01:03 +94: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart: Mfa setup screen renders heading                                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:03 +95: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen renders app bar                                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:03 +96: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen renders heading                                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:03 +97: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/bottom_navigation_test.dart: Bottom Navigation renders                                                                                            [ +160 ms] test 20: process with pid 1141 connected to test harness
[        ] test 20: awaiting test result for pid 1141

01:03 +97: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart: Mfa setup screen renders qr code                                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:03 +98: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen does not show error when there is no error                                       
Disposing StateContainer

01:04 +99: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/bottom_navigation_test.dart: Bottom Navigation renders                                                                                            [ +216 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KJHOXH/listener.dart took 833ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TZVYUM/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.QPZVPQ --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KJHOXH/listener.dart.dill
[ +101 ms] test 21: awaiting initial result for pid 1149
[ +444 ms] pid 1041 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +90 ms] pid 1041 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 11: cleaning up...
[        ] test 11: ensuring end-of-process for shell

01:04 +99: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart: Mfa setup screen button navigates to next screen                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:04 +100: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen shows error if exists                                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:04 +101: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/bottom_navigation_test.dart: Bottom Navigation renders                                                                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:04 +102: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders app bar                                                        [ +218 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 21: using observatory uri from pid 1149
[        ] test 11: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +2 ms] test 11: deleting temporary directory
[   +5 ms] test 11: shutting down test harness socket server
[  +16 ms] test 19: process with pid 1135 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 19: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1135: collecting coverage data from
[   +5 ms] test 11: finished
[   +3 ms] test 21: process with pid 1149 connected to test harness
[        ] test 21: awaiting test result for pid 1149
[   +3 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TZVYUM/listener.dart took 902ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VKMGTQ/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +8 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.OFPYCF --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TZVYUM/listener.dart.dill
[  +52 ms] test 22: awaiting initial result for pid 1153

01:05 +102: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen changing password updates state                                                 
Disposing StateContainer

01:05 +103: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders app bar                                                        [ +319 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 22: using observatory uri from pid 1153

01:05 +103: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_setup_screen_test.dart: Mfa setup screen long press on text copies it                                                        
Disposing StateContainer

01:05 +104: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders app bar                                                        [  +77 ms] test 17: process with pid 1109 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 17: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1109: collecting coverage data from

01:05 +104: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen changing otp updates state                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:05 +105: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders app bar                                                        [ +233 ms] test 22: process with pid 1153 connected to test harness
[        ] test 22: awaiting test result for pid 1153

01:05 +105: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/main/screen/settings/mfa_confirm_screen_test.dart: Mfa confirm screen submits when mfa data available                                                 
Disposing StateContainer

01:05 +106: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders app bar                                                        [ +263 ms] test 18: process with pid 1115 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 18: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1115: collecting coverage data from

01:05 +106: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen renders app bar                                                                
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365
[  +47 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VKMGTQ/listener.dart took 1003ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YTOGJF/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.OAGGXM --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VKMGTQ/listener.dart.dill
[  +63 ms] test 23: awaiting initial result for pid 1161

01:06 +106: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders app bar                                                        
Disposing StateContainer
[  +61 ms] compiler message: src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart:68:19: Warning: This expression has type 'void' and can't be used.
[   +6 ms] compiler message:       verify(sink.add(;
[        ] compiler message:                   ^

01:06 +107: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders heading                                                        
Disposing StateContainer

01:06 +108: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen renders app bar                                                                [ +226 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 23: using observatory uri from pid 1161

01:06 +108: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders camera button                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:06 +109: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders heading                                                          
Screen ChooseDocumentScreen position is : 0.45454545454545453

01:06 +109: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders upload button                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:06 +110: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen renders app bar                                                                
Disposing StateContainer

01:06 +111: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen renders progress bar                                                           
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365

01:06 +111: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload does not render upload button on selfie screen                         
Disposing StateContainer

01:06 +112: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders heading                                                          [ +416 ms] test 23: process with pid 1161 connected to test harness
[        ] test 23: awaiting test result for pid 1161

01:07 +112: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload renders image if present                                               
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +113: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen renders progress bar                                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +114: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders heading                                                          [ +365 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YTOGJF/listener.dart took 1148ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DRMVKV/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.QWTDZO --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YTOGJF/listener.dart.dill
[  +58 ms] test 24: awaiting initial result for pid 1167

01:07 +114: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen next button will submit form when enabled                                      
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365

01:07 +114: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload does not render image if not present                                   
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +115: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders heading                                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +116: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders app bar                                                          
Screen ChooseDocumentScreen position is : 0.45454545454545453

01:07 +116: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload tap on camera picks image                                              
Opening camera
Disposing StateContainer
[ +377 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 24: using observatory uri from pid 1167

01:07 +117: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen next button will submit form when enabled                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +118: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen renders all form fields                                                        
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365

01:07 +118: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders app bar                                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +119: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders progress bar                                                     
Screen ChooseDocumentScreen position is : 0.45454545454545453

01:07 +119: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload tap on upload picks image                                              
From gallery
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +120: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows app bar                                                  
Screen AddressVerificationScreen position is : 0.7272727272727273

01:07 +120: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen renders all form fields                                                        
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +121: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing street address will update state                                      
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365

01:07 +121: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen renders progress bar                                                     
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +122: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload tap on upload picks image                                              
From gallery

01:07 +122: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen navigates to passport screen by default                                  
Screen ChooseDocumentScreen position is : 0.45454545454545453

01:07 +122: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/widget/verification_file_upload_test.dart: VerificationFileUpload tap on upload picks image                                              
Disposing StateContainer

01:07 +123: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows app bar                                                  [ +349 ms] test 20: process with pid 1141 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 20: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1141: collecting coverage data from
[  +36 ms] test 24: process with pid 1167 connected to test harness
[   +4 ms] test 24: awaiting test result for pid 1167

01:08 +123: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing street address will update state                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:08 +124: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing apartment will update state                                           
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365

01:08 +124: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen navigates to passport screen by default                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:08 +125: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen navigates to passport if chosen                                          
Screen ChooseDocumentScreen position is : 0.45454545454545453

01:08 +125: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing apartment will update state                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:08 +125: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen navigates to passport if chosen                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:08 +127: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows app bar                                                  [ +469 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DRMVKV/listener.dart took 1303ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLXSBK/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.XADBIU --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DRMVKV/listener.dart.dill
[  +75 ms] test 25: awaiting initial result for pid 1174

01:08 +127: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing postal code will update state                                         
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365

01:08 +127: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen navigates to identity card if chosen                                     
Screen ChooseDocumentScreen position is : 0.45454545454545453
Disposing StateContainer

01:08 +128: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen navigates to drivers license if chosen                                   
Screen ChooseDocumentScreen position is : 0.45454545454545453

01:08 +128: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing postal code will update state                                         
Disposing StateContainer

01:08 +129: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing city will update state                                                
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365
[ +401 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 25: using observatory uri from pid 1174

01:08 +129: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows app bar                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:08 +130: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen renders progress bar                                           
Screen AddressVerificationScreen position is : 0.7272727272727273

01:08 +130: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/choose_document_screen_test.dart: Choose Document Screen navigates to drivers license if chosen                                   
Disposing StateContainer

01:09 +131: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders heading                                      [ +122 ms] test 22: process with pid 1153 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 22: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1153: collecting coverage data from

01:09 +131: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders heading                                      
Screen VerificationConfirmationScreen position is : 1.0

01:09 +131: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing city will update state                                                
Disposing StateContainer

01:09 +132: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing country will update state                                             
Screen AddressFormScreen position is : 0.36363636363636365
[ +245 ms] test 25: process with pid 1174 connected to test harness
[        ] test 25: awaiting test result for pid 1174

01:09 +132: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen renders progress bar                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:09 +133: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows heading                                                  
Screen AddressVerificationScreen position is : 0.7272727272727273

01:09 +133: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders heading                                      [ +284 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLXSBK/listener.dart took 1137ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UKWWUI/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[  +38 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.DUJHEE --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLXSBK/listener.dart.dill

01:09 +133: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders heading                                      
Disposing StateContainer
[  +31 ms] test 26: awaiting initial result for pid 1181

01:09 +134: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders app bar                                      
Screen VerificationConfirmationScreen position is : 1.0
Disposing StateContainer

01:09 +135: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders progress bar                                 
Screen VerificationConfirmationScreen position is : 1.0

01:09 +135: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows heading                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:09 +136: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows image                                                    
Screen AddressVerificationScreen position is : 0.7272727272727273
[ +417 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 26: using observatory uri from pid 1181

01:10 +136: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders progress bar                                 
Disposing StateContainer

01:10 +137: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders error                                        
Screen VerificationConfirmationScreen position is : 1.0

01:10 +137: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen renders app bar                                                                
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

01:10 +137: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen renders error                                        
Disposing StateContainer

01:10 +138: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen creates verification                                 
Screen VerificationConfirmationScreen position is : 1.0

01:10 +138: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen shows image                                                    
Disposing StateContainer

01:10 +139: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen tap on camera picks image                                      
Screen AddressVerificationScreen position is : 0.7272727272727273
[ +668 ms] test 26: process with pid 1181 connected to test harness
[        ] test 26: awaiting test result for pid 1181
[+2592 ms] pid 1060 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +98 ms] pid 1060 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 13: cleaning up...
[        ] test 13: ensuring end-of-process for shell

01:14 +139: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_confirmation_screen_test.dart: Verification Confirmation Screen creates verification                                 
Disposing StateContainer

01:14 +140: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen tap on camera picks image                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:14 +141: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen renders app bar                                                                
Disposing StateContainer

01:14 +142: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [+3553 ms] test 13: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 13: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 13: shutting down test harness socket server
[+5467 ms] test 24: process with pid 1167 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 24: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1167: collecting coverage data from

01:23 +142: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen shows app bar                              
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182
Disposing StateContainer

01:23 +143: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [+1550 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UKWWUI/listener.dart took 14425ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.EECDFB/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.LFBEJV --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UKWWUI/listener.dart.dill
[+1703 ms] pid 1074 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +55 ms] pid 1074 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 15: cleaning up...
[        ] test 15: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1156 ms] pid 1067 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 1067 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 14: cleaning up...
[        ] test 14: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1259 ms] test 13: finished
[+1234 ms] pid 1135 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +96 ms] pid 1135 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 19: cleaning up...
[        ] test 19: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1648 ms] pid 1115 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 1115 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 18: cleaning up...
[        ] test 18: ensuring end-of-process for shell

01:31 +143: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_form_screen_test.dart: Address Form Screen changing country will update state                                             
Disposing StateContainer

01:31 +144: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen tap on upload picks image                                      [+1249 ms] pid 1109 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +54 ms] pid 1109 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 17: cleaning up...
[        ] test 17: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +204 ms] pid 1080 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +56 ms] pid 1080 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 16: cleaning up...
[        ] test 16: ensuring end-of-process for shell

01:32 +144: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen tap on upload picks image                                      
Screen AddressVerificationScreen position is : 0.7272727272727273
Disposing StateContainer

01:32 +145: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen renders progress bar                                                           
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727
Disposing StateContainer

01:32 +146: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen shows heading                              [  +44 ms] test 27: awaiting initial result for pid 1227
[+1391 ms] pid 1141 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1141 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 20: cleaning up...
[        ] test 20: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[   +1 ms] test 15: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 15: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 15: shutting down test harness socket server
[+1242 ms] test 14: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 14: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 14: shutting down test harness socket server
[  +52 ms] test 19: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 19: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 19: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +2 ms] test 21: process with pid 1149 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 21: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1149: collecting coverage data from
[   +2 ms] test 18: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 18: deleting temporary directory
[   +2 ms] test 18: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 17: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 17: deleting temporary directory
[   +2 ms] test 17: shutting down test harness socket server

01:35 +146: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen shows heading                              
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182
Disposing StateContainer

01:35 +147: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen navigates to next screen if no document button tapped          [   +3 ms] test 16: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 16: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 16: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 27: using observatory uri from pid 1227
[   +1 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.EECDFB/listener.dart took 11641ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.XOKLKT/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.AJWSHC --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.EECDFB/listener.dart.dill
[   +1 ms] test 15: finished
[        ] test 20: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 20: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 20: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] test 14: finished
[        ] test 19: finished
[        ] test 18: finished
[        ] test 17: finished

01:35 +147: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen navigates to next screen if no document button tapped          
Screen AddressVerificationScreen position is : 0.7272727272727273

01:35 +147: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen next button will submit form when enabled                                      
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727
[   +5 ms] test 16: finished
[   +3 ms] test 27: process with pid 1227 connected to test harness
[        ] test 27: awaiting test result for pid 1227
[  +32 ms] test 28: awaiting initial result for pid 1237
[        ] test 20: finished

01:35 +147: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders progress bar                       
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182
Disposing StateContainer

01:35 +148: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders error message if it is present     
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182

01:35 +148: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen navigates to next screen if no document button tapped          [ +189 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 28: using observatory uri from pid 1237

01:35 +148: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders error message if it is present     
Disposing StateContainer

01:35 +149: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_screen_test.dart: Address Verification Screen navigates to next screen if no document button tapped          
Disposing StateContainer

01:35 +150: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen next button will submit form when enabled                                      [  +63 ms] test 23: process with pid 1161 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 23: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1161: collecting coverage data from

01:35 +150: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen does not render error message under normal conditions
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182
Disposing StateContainer

01:35 +151: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen next button will submit form when enabled                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:35 +152: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders adress                             
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182

01:36 +152: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen renders all form fields                                                        
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

01:36 +152: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders adress                             
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182
[ +152 ms] test 28: process with pid 1237 connected to test harness
[        ] test 28: awaiting test result for pid 1237
Disposing StateContainer

01:36 +153: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders button                             
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182

01:36 +153: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen renders all form fields                                                        
Disposing StateContainer

01:36 +154: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders button                             
Screen AddressVerificationByLetterScreen position is : 0.8181818181818182

01:36 +154: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing first name will update state                                          
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

01:36 +154: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Passport Verification Screen renders                                                       
Screen PassportVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454
[ +131 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.XOKLKT/listener.dart took 595ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YNWRYF/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.WLFFMS --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.XOKLKT/listener.dart.dill
[  +44 ms] test 29: awaiting initial result for pid 1251

01:36 +154: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/address_verification_by_letter_screen_test.dart: Address Verification By Letter Screen renders button                             
Disposing StateContainer

01:36 +155: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Passport Verification Screen renders                                                       [   +6 ms] test 26: process with pid 1181 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 26: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1181: collecting coverage data from

01:36 +155: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing first name will update state                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:36 +156: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Passport Verification Screen renders                                                       [ +292 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 29: using observatory uri from pid 1251

01:36 +156: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Passport Verification Screen renders                                                       
Disposing StateContainer

01:36 +156: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing last name will update state                                           
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

01:36 +157: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Passport Verification Screen renders progress bar                                          
Screen PassportVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454
Disposing StateContainer

01:36 +158: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Passport Verification Screen renders image                                                 
Screen PassportVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454
[ +287 ms] test 29: process with pid 1251 connected to test harness
[        ] test 29: awaiting test result for pid 1251

01:36 +158: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/getting_started_screen_test.dart: Verification: Getting started has a heading                                                     
Screen GettingStartedScreen position is : 0.09090909090909091

01:36 +158: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Passport Verification Screen renders image                                                 
Disposing StateContainer

01:36 +159: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Front Verification Screen renders                                          
Screen DrivingLicenseFrontVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454
[ +113 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YNWRYF/listener.dart took 752ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.HLYCLY/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +8 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.TBVYCF --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YNWRYF/listener.dart.dill
[  +48 ms] test 30: awaiting initial result for pid 1265

01:37 +159: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing last name will update state                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:37 +160: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Front Verification Screen renders                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:37 +161: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing mobile number will update state                                       
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

01:37 +161: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Front Verification Screen renders progress bar                             
Screen DrivingLicenseFrontVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454

01:37 +161: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Front Verification Screen renders progress bar                             
Disposing StateContainer

01:37 +162: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Front Verification Screen renders image                                    
Screen DrivingLicenseFrontVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454
[ +243 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 30: using observatory uri from pid 1265
Disposing StateContainer

01:37 +163: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Back Verification Screen renders                                           
Screen DrivingLicenseBackVerificationScreen position is : 0.6363636363636364
[ +474 ms] pid 1153 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +55 ms] pid 1153 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 22: cleaning up...
[        ] test 22: ensuring end-of-process for shell

01:37 +163: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing mobile number will update state                                       
Disposing StateContainer

01:37 +164: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Back Verification Screen renders                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:37 +166: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/loader/file_upload_loader_test.dart: File Upload Loader renders heading                                                                  [   +5 ms] test 30: process with pid 1265 connected to test harness
[        ] test 30: awaiting test result for pid 1265

01:37 +166: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

01:37 +166: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Back Verification Screen renders progress bar                              
Screen DrivingLicenseBackVerificationScreen position is : 0.6363636363636364
[  +17 ms] test 22: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 22: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 22: shutting down test harness socket server

01:37 +166: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/getting_started_screen_test.dart: Verification: Getting started renders progress bar                                              
Screen GettingStartedScreen position is : 0.09090909090909091
[   +1 ms] test 22: finished
[  +22 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.HLYCLY/listener.dart took 886ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BWMSBI/listener.dart
[   +5 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.CUXPTX --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.HLYCLY/listener.dart.dill
[  +40 ms] test 31: awaiting initial result for pid 1269

01:37 +166: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Back Verification Screen renders progress bar                              
Disposing StateContainer

01:37 +167: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Driving License Back Verification Screen renders image                                     
Screen DrivingLicenseBackVerificationScreen position is : 0.6363636363636364
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +168: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Front Verification Screen renders                                                  
Screen IdCardFrontVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454

01:38 +168: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/loader/file_upload_loader_test.dart: File Upload Loader renders heading                                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +169: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Front Verification Screen renders                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +170: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Front Verification Screen renders progress bar                                     
Screen IdCardFrontVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454

01:38 +170: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/loader/file_upload_loader_test.dart: File Upload Loader renders progress indicator                                                       
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +171: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +255 ms] test 29: process with pid 1251 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 29: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1251: collecting coverage data from
[  +28 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 31: using observatory uri from pid 1269

01:38 +172: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Front Verification Screen renders progress bar                                     
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +173: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Front Verification Screen renders image                                            
Screen IdCardFrontVerificationScreen position is : 0.5454545454545454

01:38 +173: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/getting_started_screen_test.dart: Verification: Getting started button navigates to next screen                                   
Screen GettingStartedScreen position is : 0.09090909090909091

01:38 +173: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Front Verification Screen renders image                                            
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +174: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Back Verification Screen renders                                                   
Screen IdCardBackVerificationScreen position is : 0.6363636363636364
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +175: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Back Verification Screen renders progress bar                                      
Screen IdCardBackVerificationScreen position is : 0.6363636363636364
[ +362 ms] test 31: process with pid 1269 connected to test harness
[        ] test 31: awaiting test result for pid 1269
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +176: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Back Verification Screen renders image                                             
Screen IdCardBackVerificationScreen position is : 0.6363636363636364

01:38 +176: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/getting_started_screen_test.dart: Verification: Getting started button navigates to next screen                                   
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +177: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/getting_started_screen_test.dart: Verification: Getting started has graphics                                                      
Screen GettingStartedScreen position is : 0.09090909090909091

01:38 +177: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: ID Card Back Verification Screen renders image                                             
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +178: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Selfe Verification Screen renders                                                          
Screen SelfieVerificationScreen position is : 0.9090909090909091

01:38 +178: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Selfe Verification Screen renders                                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +179: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Selfe Verification Screen renders progress bar                                             
Screen SelfieVerificationScreen position is : 0.9090909090909091
[ +347 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BWMSBI/listener.dart took 1044ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ITWLHL/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.WNRPLH --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BWMSBI/listener.dart.dill
Disposing StateContainer

01:38 +180: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [  +45 ms] test 32: awaiting initial result for pid 1278

01:38 +180: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/verification_screens_render_test.dart: Selfe Verification Screen renders image                                                    
Screen SelfieVerificationScreen position is : 0.9090909090909091
Disposing StateContainer

01:39 +181: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [  +72 ms] test 27: process with pid 1227 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 27: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1227: collecting coverage data from

01:39 +182: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [  +10 ms] test 28: process with pid 1237 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 28: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1237: collecting coverage data from
[ +156 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 32: using observatory uri from pid 1278
[ +284 ms] test 32: process with pid 1278 connected to test harness
[   +6 ms] test 32: awaiting test result for pid 1278

01:39 +182: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart: Wallet Balance Screen no navigation renders app bar                                                           
Disposing StateContainer

01:39 +183: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [  +86 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ITWLHL/listener.dart took 671ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MYUTZX/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.ZDUPGD --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ITWLHL/listener.dart.dill
[  +49 ms] test 33: awaiting initial result for pid 1283

01:39 +183: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart: Wallet Balance Screen no navigation renders title                                                             
Disposing StateContainer

01:39 +184: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +287 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 33: using observatory uri from pid 1283

01:39 +184: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart: Wallet Balance Screen no navigation shows balance in main currency                                            
Disposing StateContainer

01:40 +185: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_send_screen_test.dart: Wallet Send Screen renders app bar                                                                               
Disposing StateContainer

01:40 +186: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart: Wallet Balance Screen no navigation shows balance in native currency                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:40 +187: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +347 ms] test 33: process with pid 1283 connected to test harness
[        ] test 33: awaiting test result for pid 1283

01:40 +187: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart: Wallet Balance Screen with navigation navigates to conversion                                                 
Disposing StateContainer

01:40 +188: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_send_screen_test.dart: Wallet Send Screen changing crypto amount will update state                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:40 +189: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +473 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MYUTZX/listener.dart took 1166ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLTJDW/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.CZSYMM --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.MYUTZX/listener.dart.dill
[  +66 ms] test 34: awaiting initial result for pid 1291

01:40 +189: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_balance_screen_test.dart: Wallet Balance Screen with navigation navigates to send                                                       
Disposing StateContainer

01:40 +190: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +116 ms] test 30: process with pid 1265 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 30: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1265: collecting coverage data from

01:41 +190: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +220 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 34: using observatory uri from pid 1291

01:41 +190: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/privacy/privacy_settings_screen_test.dart: Privacy Settings Screen shows heading                                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

01:41 +190: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_send_screen_test.dart: Wallet Send Screen changing receive address will update state                                                    
Disposing StateContainer

01:41 +192: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +466 ms] test 34: process with pid 1291 connected to test harness
[        ] test 34: awaiting test result for pid 1291

01:41 +192: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/privacy/privacy_settings_screen_test.dart: Privacy Settings Screen changing product notification will update state                                    
Disposing StateContainer

01:41 +193: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/wallet/wallet_send_screen_test.dart: Wallet Send Screen send is called                                                                                
Disposing StateContainer

01:41 +194: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +199 ms] test 31: process with pid 1269 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 31: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1269: collecting coverage data from
[   +8 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLTJDW/listener.dart took 1084ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.QZSPTD/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.HVAXMZ --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLTJDW/listener.dart.dill
[  +97 ms] test 35: awaiting initial result for pid 1298

01:41 +194: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/privacy/privacy_settings_screen_test.dart: Privacy Settings Screen changing marketing notification will update state                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:42 +195: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/privacy/privacy_settings_screen_test.dart: Privacy Settings Screen does not submit when no settings                                                   
Disposing StateContainer

01:42 +196: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +390 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 35: using observatory uri from pid 1298

01:42 +196: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login does not show error when there is no error                                                                         
Disposing StateContainer

01:42 +197: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/privacy/privacy_settings_screen_test.dart: Privacy Settings Screen submits when settings available                                                    
Disposing StateContainer

01:42 +198: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +389 ms] test 32: process with pid 1278 no longer needed by test harness
[   +1 ms] test 32: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1278: collecting coverage data from
[   +1 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.QZSPTD/listener.dart took 889ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TQQEPO/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.UYZNSE --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.QZSPTD/listener.dart.dill
[   +2 ms] test 35: process with pid 1298 connected to test harness
[        ] test 35: awaiting test result for pid 1298
[  +76 ms] test 36: awaiting initial result for pid 1302

01:42 +198: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login shows error if exists                                                                                              
Disposing StateContainer

01:43 +199: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +400 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 36: using observatory uri from pid 1302
[ +307 ms] test 36: process with pid 1302 connected to test harness
[        ] test 36: awaiting test result for pid 1302
[  +80 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TQQEPO/listener.dart took 876ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.QIUGAS/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.QKVKJT --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TQQEPO/listener.dart.dill
[  +58 ms] test 37: awaiting initial result for pid 1314

01:43 +199: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login changing email will update state                                                                                   
Disposing StateContainer

01:44 +200: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart: Otp does not show error when there is no error                                                                             
Disposing StateContainer

01:44 +201: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login changing password will update state                                                                                
Disposing StateContainer

01:44 +202: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +581 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 37: using observatory uri from pid 1314

01:44 +202: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart: Otp shows error if exists                                                                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:44 +203: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [ +177 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.QIUGAS/listener.dart took 824ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UZNWUG/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.GZTSPE --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.QIUGAS/listener.dart.dill
[ +100 ms] test 38: awaiting initial result for pid 1323

01:44 +203: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login does not submit when login data empty                                                                              
Disposing StateContainer

01:44 +206: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [  +32 ms] test 36: process with pid 1302 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 36: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1302: collecting coverage data from
[  +84 ms] test 37: process with pid 1314 connected to test harness
[        ] test 37: awaiting test result for pid 1314

01:46 +206: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login submits when login data available                                                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

01:47 +207: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart: Otp changing otp will update state                                                                                         
Disposing StateContainer

01:47 +208: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [+3140 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 38: using observatory uri from pid 1323

01:52 +208: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup does not show error when there is no error                                                                       
Disposing StateContainer

01:55 +209: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [+8765 ms] test 38: process with pid 1323 connected to test harness
[        ] test 38: awaiting test result for pid 1323

01:56 +210: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                             [+1902 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UZNWUG/listener.dart took 14036ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.RAPSRY/listener.dart
[  +18 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[  +43 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.WCTLSC --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.UZNWUG/listener.dart.dill
[ +191 ms] test 40: cleaning up...
[        ] test 40: deleting temporary directory
[   +9 ms] test 40: shutting down test harness socket server

01:58 +210 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/paper_test.dart [E]                                                                                                                            
  Failed to load "/home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/paper_test.dart":
  Compilation failed
  Test: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/paper_test.dart
  Shell: /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester
[   +5 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.RAPSRY/listener.dart took 267ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KPNHRN/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/frontend_server.dart.snapshot --sdk-root /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/ --incremental --strong --target=flutter --initialize-from-dill=foo --output-dill /tmp/flutter_test_compiler.TNHWFE/output.dill --packages /home/cirrus/project/.packages

01:59 +210 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing country will update state                                          
Disposing StateContainer

01:59 +211 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login navigates to forgot password                                                                                    [+4497 ms] pid 1161 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +49 ms] pid 1161 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 23: cleaning up...
[        ] test 23: ensuring end-of-process for shell

02:05 +211 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/login_screen_test.dart: Login navigates to forgot password                                                                                    
Disposing StateContainer

02:05 +212 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart: Otp does not submit when no login data                                                                                  [+4370 ms] pid 1181 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +54 ms] pid 1181 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 26: cleaning up...
[        ] test 26: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +733 ms] pid 1149 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 1149 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 21: cleaning up...
[        ] test 21: ensuring end-of-process for shell

02:08 +212 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart: Otp does not submit when no login data                                                                                  
Disposing StateContainer

02:08 +213 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup shows error if exists                                                                                         [+1602 ms] pid 1251 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1251 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 29: cleaning up...
[        ] test 29: ensuring end-of-process for shell

02:10 +213 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup shows error if exists                                                                                         [+1262 ms] pid 1237 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1237 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 28: cleaning up...
[        ] test 28: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +885 ms] pid 1167 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1167 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 24: cleaning up...
[        ] test 24: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[  +42 ms] test 39: awaiting initial result for pid 1403
[        ] test 40: waiting for controller sink to close
[+1959 ms] pid 1227 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1227 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 27: cleaning up...
[        ] test 27: ensuring end-of-process for shell

02:14 +213 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup shows error if exists                                                                                         
Disposing StateContainer

02:14 +214 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/currency_icon_test.dart: Currency Detail throws error if currency code is null                                                                         [+1090 ms] pid 1265 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +53 ms] pid 1265 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 30: cleaning up...
[        ] test 30: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[   +1 ms] test 23: deleting temporary bundle directory
[  +15 ms] test 23: deleting temporary directory
[   +7 ms] test 23: shutting down test harness socket server
[+1796 ms] pid 1269 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +54 ms] pid 1269 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 31: cleaning up...
[        ] test 31: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[   +3 ms] test 33: process with pid 1283 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 33: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1283: collecting coverage data from
[+1393 ms] pid 1278 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 1278 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 32: cleaning up...
[        ] test 32: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[        ] test 26: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 26: deleting temporary directory
[   +7 ms] test 26: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] test 21: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 21: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 21: shutting down test harness socket server

02:18 +216 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing day will update state                                              [   +2 ms] test 29: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 29: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 29: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 28: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 28: deleting temporary directory
[   +8 ms] test 28: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 24: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +3 ms] test 24: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 24: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 39: using observatory uri from pid 1403

02:18 +216 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing day will update state                                              
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727
Disposing StateContainer

02:18 +217 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart: Otp submits when login data available                                                                                   [   +3 ms] test 27: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 27: deleting temporary directory
[   +6 ms] test 27: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 30: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 30: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 30: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 23: finished
[   +1 ms] test 31: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 31: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 31: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 26: finished
[   +3 ms] test 21: finished
[   +1 ms] test 37: process with pid 1314 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 37: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1314: collecting coverage data from
[        ] test 38: process with pid 1323 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 38: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1323: collecting coverage data from
[        ] test 32: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 32: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 32: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 29: finished
[        ] test 28: finished
[        ] test 24: finished
[   +3 ms] test 39: process with pid 1403 connected to test harness
[        ] test 39: awaiting test result for pid 1403
[   +1 ms] test 27: finished
[        ] test 30: finished
[        ] test 31: finished
[   +3 ms] test 32: finished

02:18 +217 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing month will update state                                            
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

02:18 +217 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/otp_screen_test.dart: Otp submits when login data available                                                                                   
Logging in with otp
Disposing StateContainer

02:18 +218 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup changing email will update state                                                                              [  +43 ms] test 34: process with pid 1291 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 34: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1291: collecting coverage data from

02:19 +218 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing month will update state                                            
Disposing StateContainer

02:19 +219 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup changing email will update state                                                                              
Disposing StateContainer

02:19 +220 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing year will update state                                             
Screen ProfileFormScreen position is : 0.2727272727272727

02:19 +222 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing year will update state                                             [ +428 ms] test 39: process with pid 1403 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 39: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1403: collecting coverage data from

02:19 +222 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup changing password will update state                                                                           
Disposing StateContainer

02:19 +223 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/verification/screen/profile_form_screen_test.dart: Profile Form Screen changing year will update state                                             
Disposing StateContainer

02:19 +224 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup changing tos will update state                                                                                [  +52 ms] test 25: process with pid 1174 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 25: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1174: collecting coverage data from

02:19 +224 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup changing tos will update state                                                                                
Disposing StateContainer

02:19 +225 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup does not submit when signup data empty                                                                        
Disposing StateContainer

02:19 +226 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup submits when signup data available                                                                            
Disposing StateContainer

02:20 +227 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/screen/auth/signup_screen_test.dart: Signup navigates to login                                                                                            
Disposing StateContainer

02:20 +228 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart                                                                                                                  [ +743 ms] test 35: process with pid 1298 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 35: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1298: collecting coverage data from

02:26 +228 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart                                                                                                                  [+13097 ms] pid 1323 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +55 ms] pid 1323 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 38: cleaning up...
[        ] test 38: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+6969 ms] pid 1314 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +66 ms] pid 1314 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 37: cleaning up...
[        ] test 37: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+4005 ms] pid 1302 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +39 ms] pid 1302 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 36: cleaning up...
[        ] test 36: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +731 ms] pid 1291 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +55 ms] pid 1291 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 34: cleaning up...
[        ] test 34: ensuring end-of-process for shell

02:45 +228 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart                                                                                                                  [ +518 ms] pid 1283 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1283 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 33: cleaning up...
[        ] test 33: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[   +2 ms] test 38: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 38: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 38: shutting down test harness socket server
[ +589 ms] pid 1174 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1174 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 25: cleaning up...
[        ] test 25: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +656 ms] pid 1403 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +44 ms] pid 1403 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 39: cleaning up...
[        ] test 39: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[        ] test 37: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 37: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 37: shutting down test harness socket server
[ +338 ms] test 36: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 36: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 36: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 34: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 34: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 34: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 38: finished
[   +1 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KPNHRN/listener.dart took 48812ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IELDIA/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.CBJCKN --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KPNHRN/listener.dart.dill
[   +2 ms] test 33: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 33: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 33: shutting down test harness socket server

02:47 +228 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart                                                                                                                  [   +1 ms] test 25: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 25: deleting temporary directory
[   +2 ms] test 25: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 37: finished
[        ] test 39: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 39: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 39: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 36: finished
[        ] test 34: finished
[  +41 ms] test 41: awaiting initial result for pid 1484
[        ] test 33: finished
[        ] test 25: finished
[ +137 ms] test 39: finished
[  +67 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 41: using observatory uri from pid 1484
[ +203 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IELDIA/listener.dart took 476ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DADKAG/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.QRGDHK --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IELDIA/listener.dart.dill
[  +42 ms] test 42: awaiting initial result for pid 1488

02:48 +228 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart                                                                                                                  [  +19 ms] test 41: process with pid 1484 connected to test harness
[        ] test 41: awaiting test result for pid 1484
[ +159 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 42: using observatory uri from pid 1488

02:48 +228 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field renders label                                                                                        [ +214 ms] test 42: process with pid 1488 connected to test harness
[        ] test 42: awaiting test result for pid 1488
[ +252 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DADKAG/listener.dart took 693ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.WCYRDI/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.ACQUQT --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DADKAG/listener.dart.dill
[  +36 ms] test 43: awaiting initial result for pid 1497

02:48 +229 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field renders label                                                                                        [  +67 ms] test 42: process with pid 1488 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 42: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1488: collecting coverage data from
[ +230 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 43: using observatory uri from pid 1497

02:49 +229 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field renders label                                                                                        
Disposing StateContainer

02:49 +230 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field opens dialog when tapped                                                                             [ +128 ms] test 43: process with pid 1497 connected to test harness
[        ] test 43: awaiting test result for pid 1497

02:49 +230 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field opens dialog when tapped                                                                             
Disposing StateContainer

02:49 +232 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/mfa/multi_factor_bloc_test.dart: Multi Factor Bloc combines valid mfa data                                                                           
Validating password: password
Validating otp: 123456

02:49 +234 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +209 ms] test 43: process with pid 1497 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 43: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1497: collecting coverage data from
[ +109 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.WCYRDI/listener.dart took 787ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BKHFOM/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.NZCONW --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.WCYRDI/listener.dart.dill
[  +37 ms] test 44: awaiting initial result for pid 1504
[ +175 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 44: using observatory uri from pid 1504
[ +228 ms] test 44: process with pid 1504 connected to test harness
[        ] test 44: awaiting test result for pid 1504

02:50 +236 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +200 ms] test 44: process with pid 1504 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 44: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1504: collecting coverage data from
[  +93 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BKHFOM/listener.dart took 741ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TUODCH/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.TNZCOF --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BKHFOM/listener.dart.dill
[  +31 ms] test 45: awaiting initial result for pid 1510
[ +194 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 45: using observatory uri from pid 1510
[ +219 ms] test 45: process with pid 1510 connected to test harness
[        ] test 45: awaiting test result for pid 1510

02:50 +238 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +212 ms] test 45: process with pid 1510 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 45: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1510: collecting coverage data from
[  +88 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TUODCH/listener.dart took 752ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ZPBYFN/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.YBBUQX --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.TUODCH/listener.dart.dill
[  +38 ms] test 46: awaiting initial result for pid 1518

02:51 +238 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +207 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 46: using observatory uri from pid 1518
[ +260 ms] test 46: process with pid 1518 connected to test harness
[        ] test 46: awaiting test result for pid 1518

02:51 +238 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/privacy/privacy_settings_bloc_test.dart: Privacy Settings Bloc fetches privacy settings                                                              
Product notifications not enabled for this user

02:51 +242 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +250 ms] test 46: process with pid 1518 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 46: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1518: collecting coverage data from
[ +120 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ZPBYFN/listener.dart took 884ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VFAZJA/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.VSJPMN --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ZPBYFN/listener.dart.dill
[  +39 ms] test 47: awaiting initial result for pid 1525
[ +232 ms] pid 1298 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +82 ms] pid 1298 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 35: cleaning up...
[        ] test 35: ensuring end-of-process for shell

02:52 +242 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [   +5 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 47: using observatory uri from pid 1525
[  +19 ms] test 35: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 35: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 35: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 35: finished
[ +137 ms] test 47: process with pid 1525 connected to test harness
[        ] test 47: awaiting test result for pid 1525
[ +166 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VFAZJA/listener.dart took 695ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.CHWOTN/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.EKTDJV --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.VFAZJA/listener.dart.dill
[  +35 ms] test 48: awaiting initial result for pid 1532

02:52 +242 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart: Login Bloc login adds token to store                                                                                     
User logged in

02:52 +243 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart: Login Bloc login fetches new user                                                                                        
User logged in

02:52 +244 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart: Login Bloc login populates error                                                                                         
User logged in

02:52 +245 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart: Login Bloc token login adds token to store                                                                               
User logged in with token

02:52 +246 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart: Login Bloc token login fetches new user                                                                                  
User logged in with token

02:52 +247 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/user/login/login_bloc_test.dart: Login Bloc token login populates error                                                                                   
User logged in with token

02:52 +248 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [  +47 ms] test 47: process with pid 1525 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 47: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1525: collecting coverage data from
[ +174 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 48: using observatory uri from pid 1532

02:53 +248 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +196 ms] test 48: process with pid 1532 connected to test harness
[        ] test 48: awaiting test result for pid 1532
[ +141 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.CHWOTN/listener.dart took 602ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IZGIRG/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.OEEGBH --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.CHWOTN/listener.dart.dill
[  +47 ms] test 49: awaiting initial result for pid 1538

02:53 +250 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [  +26 ms] test 48: process with pid 1532 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 48: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1532: collecting coverage data from
[ +216 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 49: using observatory uri from pid 1538
[ +230 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IZGIRG/listener.dart took 530ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BQWMBP/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.JMKEFI --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.IZGIRG/listener.dart.dill
[  +42 ms] test 50: awaiting initial result for pid 1543
[   +5 ms] test 49: process with pid 1538 connected to test harness
[        ] test 49: awaiting test result for pid 1538
[ +201 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 50: using observatory uri from pid 1543

02:53 +251 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [  +44 ms] test 49: process with pid 1538 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 49: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1538: collecting coverage data from

02:55 +251 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [+1412 ms] test 50: process with pid 1543 connected to test harness
[        ] test 50: awaiting test result for pid 1543
[  +84 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BQWMBP/listener.dart took 1796ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KYCBDQ/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.NHGJDH --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BQWMBP/listener.dart.dill
[  +87 ms] test 51: awaiting initial result for pid 1554

02:55 +254 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +213 ms] test 50: process with pid 1543 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 50: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1543: collecting coverage data from
[ +126 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 51: using observatory uri from pid 1554

02:56 +254 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [ +378 ms] test 51: process with pid 1554 connected to test harness
[        ] test 51: awaiting test result for pid 1554

03:02 +254 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_bloc_test.dart: Address Bloc initializes values                                                                                           
Validating country: Estonia
Validating street address: Street 123
Validating city: Tallinn
Validating postal code: 12345

03:02 +255 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      [+6690 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KYCBDQ/listener.dart took 7502ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLZXRL/listener.dart
[   +2 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +8 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.SDYTSW --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.KYCBDQ/listener.dart.dill

03:03 +255 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/ui/input/country_field_test.dart: Country Text Field chooses country                                                                                      
Disposing StateContainer

03:03 +256 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_api_test.dart                                                                                                                     [+6556 ms] pid 1497 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +49 ms] pid 1497 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 43: cleaning up...
[        ] test 43: ensuring end-of-process for shell

03:12 +256 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_bloc_test.dart: Address Bloc saves address                                                                                                [+2506 ms] test 52: awaiting initial result for pid 1590
[ +485 ms] pid 1488 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1488 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 42: cleaning up...
[        ] test 42: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +247 ms] pid 1510 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +79 ms] pid 1510 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 45: cleaning up...
[        ] test 45: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[   +2 ms] test 41: process with pid 1484 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 41: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1484: collecting coverage data from

03:14 +256 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_bloc_test.dart: Address Bloc saves address                                                                                                [+2566 ms] pid 1504 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1504 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 44: cleaning up...
[        ] test 44: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+2454 ms] test 43: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +2 ms] test 43: deleting temporary directory
[   +5 ms] test 43: shutting down test harness socket server
[+1575 ms] pid 1538 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +39 ms] pid 1538 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 49: cleaning up...
[        ] test 49: ensuring end-of-process for shell

03:19 +257 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_api_test.dart                                                                                                                     [   +1 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLZXRL/listener.dart took 16678ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.NMIRTT/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[  +12 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.WDOMRY --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PLZXRL/listener.dart.dill
[   +1 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 52: using observatory uri from pid 1590
[   +2 ms] test 42: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 42: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 42: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +2 ms] test 45: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 45: deleting temporary directory
[   +4 ms] test 45: shutting down test harness socket server
[ +261 ms] pid 1518 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +52 ms] pid 1518 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 46: cleaning up...
[        ] test 46: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[        ] test 44: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 44: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 44: shutting down test harness socket server
[ +240 ms] pid 1525 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +53 ms] pid 1525 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 47: cleaning up...
[        ] test 47: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +392 ms] pid 1532 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +47 ms] pid 1532 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 48: cleaning up...
[        ] test 48: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[ +671 ms] test 43: finished

03:21 +257 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_bloc_test.dart: Address Bloc combines valid address                                                                                       [  +32 ms] test 53: awaiting initial result for pid 1615
[   +7 ms] test 52: process with pid 1590 connected to test harness
[        ] test 52: awaiting test result for pid 1590
[        ] test 42: finished
[   +1 ms] test 49: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 49: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 49: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] test 45: finished
[   +1 ms] test 44: finished
[        ] test 46: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 46: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 46: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +2 ms] test 47: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 47: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 47: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 48: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 48: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 48: shutting down test harness socket server

03:21 +257 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_bloc_test.dart: Address Bloc combines valid address                                                                                       
Validating country: Estonia
Validating street address: Street 123
Validating city: Tallinn
Validating postal code: 12345

03:21 +258 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_api_test.dart                                                                                                                     [   +1 ms] test 49: finished
[   +2 ms] test 46: finished
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.NMIRTT/listener.dart took 1829ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DUEZNH/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.ILNUKR --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.NMIRTT/listener.dart.dill
[   +3 ms] test 47: finished
[        ] test 48: finished
[   +1 ms] test 51: process with pid 1554 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 51: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1554: collecting coverage data from
[  +39 ms] test 54: awaiting initial result for pid 1622

03:21 +258 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_api_test.dart: Address API fetches address                                                                                                [  +60 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 53: using observatory uri from pid 1615

03:21 +261 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart                                                                                                               [  +55 ms] test 52: process with pid 1590 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 52: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1590: collecting coverage data from
[  +80 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 54: using observatory uri from pid 1622
[  +74 ms] test 53: process with pid 1615 connected to test harness
[        ] test 53: awaiting test result for pid 1615

03:21 +261 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator street address validation correct street passes validation                                         [ +145 ms] test 54: process with pid 1622 connected to test harness
[        ] test 54: awaiting test result for pid 1622

03:21 +261 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator street address validation correct street passes validation                                         
Validating street address: Viru väljak 2

03:22 +262 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator street address validation null does not pass validation                                            [  +55 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DUEZNH/listener.dart took 524ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.EUMMEE/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +7 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.FSIBOZ --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.DUEZNH/listener.dart.dill

03:22 +262 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator street address validation null does not pass validation                                            
Validating street address: null

03:22 +263 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/app_test.dart                                                                                                                                     [  +33 ms] test 55: awaiting initial result for pid 1639

03:22 +263 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator postal code validation postal code passes validation                                               
Validating postal code: 11312

03:22 +264 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator postal code validation null does not pass validation                                               
Validating postal code: null

03:22 +265 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator country validation country passes validation                                                       
Validating country: Estonia

03:22 +266 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator country validation country is not case sensitive                                                   
Validating country: estonia

03:22 +267 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator country validation unknown country does not pass validation                                        
Validating country: Eesti NSV

03:22 +268 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator country validation null does not pass validation                                                   
Validating country: null

03:22 +269 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator city validation city passes validation                                                             
Validating city: Tallinn

03:22 +270 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/address/address_validator_test.dart: Address validator city validation null does not pass validation                                                      
Validating city: null

03:22 +271 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/app_test.dart: App smoke test                                                                                                                             [  +59 ms] test 53: process with pid 1615 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 53: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1615: collecting coverage data from
[ +105 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 55: using observatory uri from pid 1639
[ +238 ms] test 55: process with pid 1639 connected to test harness
[        ] test 55: awaiting test result for pid 1639
[ +137 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.EUMMEE/listener.dart took 584ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.WPOQXB/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.UADFSY --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.EUMMEE/listener.dart.dill
[  +41 ms] test 56: awaiting initial result for pid 1645

03:22 +271 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_send_bloc_test.dart: Wallet Send Bloc combines valid recipient                                                                              
Validating amount in crypto: 1.0
Validating receive address: testaddress

03:22 +273 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/app_test.dart: App smoke test                                                                                                                             [  +40 ms] test 55: process with pid 1639 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 55: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1639: collecting coverage data from
[ +134 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 56: using observatory uri from pid 1645

03:22 +273 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/app_test.dart: App smoke test                                                                                                                             
Disposing StateContainer

03:22 +274 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_api_test.dart                                                                                                                       [  +62 ms] test 54: process with pid 1622 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 54: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1622: collecting coverage data from

03:23 +274 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_api_test.dart                                                                                                                       [ +177 ms] test 56: process with pid 1645 connected to test harness
[        ] test 56: awaiting test result for pid 1645

03:23 +274 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_api_test.dart: Wallet API fetches wallets                                                                                                   [ +118 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.WPOQXB/listener.dart took 582ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YYHOPV/listener.dart
[        ] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +4 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.XHDAJV --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.WPOQXB/listener.dart.dill
[  +46 ms] test 57: awaiting initial result for pid 1651

03:23 +276 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_bloc_test.dart                                                                                                                      [  +26 ms] test 56: process with pid 1645 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 56: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1645: collecting coverage data from
[ +285 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 57: using observatory uri from pid 1651
[ +314 ms] pid 1543 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +51 ms] pid 1543 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 50: cleaning up...
[        ] test 50: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[   +3 ms] test 57: process with pid 1651 connected to test harness
[        ] test 57: awaiting test result for pid 1651
[  +17 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YYHOPV/listener.dart took 753ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ZEWKGJ/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.JIUDST --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.YYHOPV/listener.dart.dill
[  +39 ms] test 58: awaiting initial result for pid 1660
[   +1 ms] test 50: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 50: deleting temporary directory
[   +3 ms] test 50: shutting down test harness socket server
[  +11 ms] test 50: finished

03:24 +276 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_bloc_test.dart: Wallet Bloc initializes values                                                                                              
fetching new wallet state

03:24 +278 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart                                                                                                                 [ +105 ms] test 57: process with pid 1651 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 57: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1651: collecting coverage data from
[  +42 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 58: using observatory uri from pid 1660
[ +175 ms] test 58: process with pid 1660 connected to test harness
[        ] test 58: awaiting test result for pid 1660

03:24 +278 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart: Wallet validator amount in crypto validation correct amount validation                                                 
Validating amount in crypto: 3.0

03:24 +279 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart: Wallet validator amount in crypto validation too big does not pass validation                                          
Validating amount in crypto: 100.0

03:24 +280 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart: Wallet validator amount in crypto validation too small does not pass validation                                        
Validating amount in crypto: 0.0000000001

03:24 +281 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart: Wallet validator amount in crypto validation null does not pass validation                                             
Validating amount in crypto: null

03:24 +282 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart: Wallet validator receive address validation correct address passes validation                                          
Validating receive address: 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2

03:24 +283 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_validator_test.dart: Wallet validator receive address validation null does not pass validation                                              
Validating receive address: null

03:24 +284 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_test.dart                                                                                                                           [ +227 ms] test 58: process with pid 1660 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 58: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1660: collecting coverage data from
[ +249 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ZEWKGJ/listener.dart took 865ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PMDYKS/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +8 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.GEYDTS --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.ZEWKGJ/listener.dart.dill
[  +44 ms] test 59: awaiting initial result for pid 1668

03:25 +284 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_test.dart                                                                                                                           [ +263 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 59: using observatory uri from pid 1668
[ +222 ms] test 59: process with pid 1668 connected to test harness
[        ] test 59: awaiting test result for pid 1668
[ +130 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PMDYKS/listener.dart took 669ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FBHZAL/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.NZQEME --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.PMDYKS/listener.dart.dill
[  +48 ms] test 60: awaiting initial result for pid 1674

03:25 +287 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/error/error_reporter_test.dart                                                                                                                    [  +67 ms] test 59: process with pid 1668 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 59: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1668: collecting coverage data from
[ +218 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 60: using observatory uri from pid 1674

03:26 +287 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/error/error_reporter_test.dart                                                                                                                    [ +301 ms] test 60: process with pid 1674 connected to test harness
[        ] test 60: awaiting test result for pid 1674
[ +179 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FBHZAL/listener.dart took 823ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JVDXIW/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +5 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.LGBKMQ --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.FBHZAL/listener.dart.dill
[  +78 ms] test 61: awaiting initial result for pid 1683

03:26 +287 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/error/error_reporter_test.dart: Error Reporter does not report in debug mode                                                                              
Caught error: error

03:26 +288 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/error/error_reporter_test.dart: Error Reporter reports when not debug mode                                                                                
Caught error: error

03:26 +289 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/card/card_api_test.dart                                                                                                                           [  +61 ms] test 60: process with pid 1674 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 60: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1674: collecting coverage data from
[ +166 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 61: using observatory uri from pid 1683
[ +372 ms] test 61: process with pid 1683 connected to test harness
[        ] test 61: awaiting test result for pid 1683
[   +1 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JVDXIW/listener.dart took 687ms
[        ] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BKGJUE/listener.dart
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[   +6 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.APQCUG --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.JVDXIW/listener.dart.dill
[  +92 ms] test 62: awaiting initial result for pid 1689

03:27 +291 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/card/card_bloc_test.dart                                                                                                                          [ +233 ms] test 61: process with pid 1683 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 61: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1683: collecting coverage data from
[  +70 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 62: using observatory uri from pid 1689
[ +324 ms] test 62: process with pid 1689 connected to test harness
[        ] test 62: awaiting test result for pid 1689
[  +79 ms] Compiling /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BKGJUE/listener.dart took 808ms
[   +1 ms] Copying platform_strong.dill file from /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk/platform_strong.dill
[  +14 ms] /home/cirrus/sdks/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/linux-x64/flutter_tester --flutter-assets-dir=/tmp/flutter_test_bundle.NKZPTU --enable-checked-mode --enable-software-rendering --skia-deterministic-rendering --enable-dart-profiling --non-interactive --use-test-fonts --packages=/home/cirrus/project/.packages /tmp/flutter_test_listener.BKGJUE/listener.dart.dill
[ +120 ms] test 63: awaiting initial result for pid 1697

03:28 +293 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart                                                                                                                         [ +159 ms] test 62: process with pid 1689 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 62: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1689: collecting coverage data from

03:30 +293 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart                                                                                                                         [+2009 ms] Shell: Observatory listening on
[        ] test 63: using observatory uri from pid 1697

03:40 +293 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart                                                                                                                         [+51401 ms] test 63: process with pid 1697 connected to test harness
[   +1 ms] test 63: awaiting test result for pid 1697
[+1924 ms] pid 1615 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +40 ms] pid 1615 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 53: cleaning up...
[        ] test 53: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+3031 ms] pid 1554 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +50 ms] pid 1554 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 51: cleaning up...
[        ] test 51: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+2751 ms] pid 1590 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +55 ms] pid 1590 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 52: cleaning up...
[        ] test 52: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1696 ms] pid 1484 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +48 ms] pid 1484 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 41: cleaning up...
[        ] test 41: ensuring end-of-process for shell

04:31 +293 -1: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart                                                                                                                         [+2015 ms] pid 1622 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +54 ms] pid 1622 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 54: cleaning up...
[        ] test 54: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1713 ms] pid 1639 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +50 ms] pid 1639 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 55: cleaning up...
[        ] test 55: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1470 ms] pid 1660 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +46 ms] pid 1660 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 58: cleaning up...
[        ] test 58: ensuring end-of-process for shell

04:36 +293 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks anonymous user                                                                                             [+1036 ms] test 53: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +4 ms] test 53: deleting temporary directory
[   +2 ms] test 53: shutting down test harness socket server
[ +651 ms] pid 1651 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +56 ms] pid 1651 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 57: cleaning up...
[        ] test 57: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1484 ms] pid 1668 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +46 ms] pid 1668 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 59: cleaning up...
[        ] test 59: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[        ] test 51: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 51: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 51: shutting down test harness socket server
[+1447 ms] pid 1674 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +44 ms] pid 1674 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 60: cleaning up...
[        ] test 60: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[+1640 ms] pid 1683 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +50 ms] pid 1683 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 61: cleaning up...
[        ] test 61: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[        ] test 52: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 52: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 52: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] test 41: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 41: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 41: shutting down test harness socket server

04:42 +293 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks anonymous user                                                                                             [   +3 ms] test 54: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 54: deleting temporary directory
[   +2 ms] test 54: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 55: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 55: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 55: shutting down test harness socket server

04:42 +293 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks anonymous user                                                                                             
Tracking anonymous user

04:42 +294 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks anonymous user                                                                                             [   +2 ms] test 58: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 58: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 58: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 53: finished
[   +1 ms] test 57: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 57: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 57: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 51: finished
[        ] test 59: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 59: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 59: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 60: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 60: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 60: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 52: finished
[   +3 ms] test 41: finished
[        ] test 54: finished
[        ] test 55: finished

04:42 +294 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc creates alias for logged in user                                                                                  [   +1 ms] test 58: finished
[        ] test 61: deleting temporary bundle directory
[        ] test 61: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 61: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 57: finished
[        ] test 59: finished
[        ] test 60: finished

04:42 +294 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc creates alias for logged in user                                                                                  
Tracking anonymous user
[   +1 ms] test 61: finished
Creating alias for user 123

04:42 +295 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks logged in user with user id as distinct id                                                                 
Creating alias for user 123
Tracking logged in user 123

04:42 +296 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks logged in user with user id as distinct id                                                                 [  +17 ms] test 63: process with pid 1697 no longer needed by test harness
[        ] test 63: collecting coverage
[        ] pid 1697: collecting coverage data from

04:57 +296 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks logged in user with user id as distinct id                                                                 [+14968 ms] pid 1689 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +63 ms] pid 1689 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 62: cleaning up...
[        ] test 62: ensuring end-of-process for shell

04:58 +296 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks logged in user with user id as distinct id                                                                 [  +25 ms] test 62: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 62: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 62: shutting down test harness socket server
[   +1 ms] test 62: finished
[+1106 ms] pid 1697 ( collected coverage data; merging...
[  +49 ms] pid 1697 ( done merging coverage data into global coverage map.
[        ] test 63: cleaning up...
[        ] test 63: ensuring end-of-process for shell

04:59 +296 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks logged in user with user id as distinct id                                                                 [  +33 ms] test 63: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +1 ms] test 63: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 63: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 63: finished

05:23 +296 -1: /home/cirrus/project/test/src/tracker/tracker_test.dart: Tracker Bloc tracks logged in user with user id as distinct id                                                                 [+24027 ms] test 56: error caught during test; reporting to console
[        ] unhandled error during test:
           Exception: Timed out while collecting coverage.
           #0      CoverageCollector.collectCoverage.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter_tools/src/test/coverage_collector.dart:64:13)
           #1      StackZoneSpecification._run (package:stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart:209:15)
           #2      StackZoneSpecification._registerCallback.<anonymous closure> (package:stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart:119:48)
           #3      _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1120:38)
           #4 (dart:async/zone.dart:1021:19)
           #5      Future.timeout.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/future_impl.dart:731:33)
           #6      StackZoneSpecification._run (package:stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart:209:15)
           #7      StackZoneSpecification._registerCallback.<anonymous closure> (package:stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart:119:48)
           #8      _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1120:38)
           #9 (dart:async/zone.dart:1021:19)
           #10     _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:923:7)
           #11     _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/zone.dart:963:23)
           #12     StackZoneSpecification._run (package:stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart:209:15)
           #13     StackZoneSpecification._registerCallback.<anonymous closure> (package:stack_trace/src/stack_zone_specification.dart:119:48)
           #14     _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1124:13)
           #15 (dart:async/zone.dart:1021:19)
           #16     _CustomZone.bindCallback.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/zone.dart:947:23)
           #17     Timer._createTimer.<anonymous closure> (dart:async/runtime/libtimer_patch.dart:21:15)
           #18     _Timer._runTimers (dart:isolate/runtime/libtimer_impl.dart:382:19)
           #19     _Timer._handleMessage (dart:isolate/runtime/libtimer_impl.dart:416:5)
           #20     _RawReceivePortImpl._handleMessage (dart:isolate/runtime/libisolate_patch.dart:169:12)
[        ] test 56: cleaning up...
[        ] test 56: ensuring end-of-process for shell
[        ] test 56: deleting temporary bundle directory
[   +3 ms] test 56: deleting temporary directory
[   +1 ms] test 56: shutting down test harness socket server
[        ] test 56: finished with out-of-band failure

05:23 +296 -2: loading /home/cirrus/project/test/src/wallet/wallet_api_test.dart [E]                                                                                                                   
  Exception: Timed out while collecting coverage.
  package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart 662:7   _FlutterPlatform._startTest
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  dart:async/future_impl.dart 22:43                            _Completer.completeError
  dart:async/runtime/libasync_patch.dart 40:18                 _AsyncAwaitCompleter.completeError
  package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart         _FlutterPlatform._startTest
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  dart:async/zone.dart 1053:19                                 _CustomZone.registerUnaryCallback
  dart:async/runtime/libasync_patch.dart 77:23                 _asyncThenWrapperHelper
  package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart         _FlutterPlatform._startTest
  package:flutter_tools/src/test/flutter_platform.dart 383:36  _FlutterPlatform.loadChannel
  package:test/src/runner/plugin/platform.dart 65:19           PlatformPlugin.load
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  dart:async/zone.dart 1053:19                                 _CustomZone.registerUnaryCallback
  dart:async/runtime/libasync_patch.dart 77:23                 _asyncThenWrapperHelper
  package:test/src/runner/loader.dart                          Loader.loadFile.<fn>
  package:test/src/runner/load_suite.dart 89:31                new LoadSuite.<fn>.<fn>
  ===== asynchronous gap ===========================
  dart:async/zone.dart 1045:19                                 _CustomZone.registerCallback
  dart:async/zone.dart 962:22                                  _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded
  dart:async/timer.dart 52:45                                  new Timer
  dart:async/timer.dart 87:9                         
  dart:async/future.dart 174:11                                new Future
  package:test/src/backend/invoker.dart 402:15                 Invoker._onRun.<fn>.<fn>.<fn>
Too long with no output (exceeded 10m0s)
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