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Last active November 7, 2019 09:53
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# yubihsm-shell (auth params) -a put-wrap-key -i 20 -c all --delegated all --informat bin --in wrap.key --verbose=0xff
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.762905] yubihsm.c:4052 (yh_init_connector): Loading http backend
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.768291] yubihsm_curl.c:88 (backend_connect): Trying to connect to http://AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD:12345/connector/status
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.798654] lib_util.c:129 (parse_status_data): response from connector
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.798682] lib_util.c:130 (parse_status_data): has device: yes
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.798691] lib_util.c:132 (parse_status_data): version: 2.0.0
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.798701] lib_util.c:133 (parse_status_data): pid: 17400
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.798706] lib_util.c:134 (parse_status_data): address:
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.798710] lib_util.c:135 (parse_status_data): port: 12345
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.798715] yubihsm_curl.c:129 (backend_connect): Found working connector
Session keepalive set up to run every 15 seconds
[LIB - INT 09:50:58.803851] yubihsm.c:666 (yh_create_session): Host challenge: 9bc5f6521bce406c
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.803884] yubihsm.c:82 (send_msg): SEND >> (03 + 0010) 03 000a 00029bc5f6521bce 406c
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.829650] yubihsm.c:85 (send_msg): RECV << (03 + 0017) 83 0011 0043ae6661a9a1b4 b437e570f2f32050 f5
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.829697] yubihsm.c:699 (yh_create_session): Received Session ID: 0
[LIB - INT 09:50:58.829710] yubihsm.c:702 (yh_create_session): Card challenge: 43ae6661a9a1b4b4
[LIB - INT 09:50:58.829722] yubihsm.c:703 (yh_create_session): Card cryptogram: 37e570f2f32050f5
[LIB - INT 09:50:58.829737] yubihsm.c:721 (yh_create_session): S-ENC: e856e83726141885 2cf486a7df0bc99e
[LIB - INT 09:50:58.829769] yubihsm.c:722 (yh_create_session): S-MAC: 46e79935adcdab75 3328cafafdba26d9
[LIB - INT 09:50:58.829796] yubihsm.c:723 (yh_create_session): S-RMAC: 1a6f2f6a32538c7b c56505e059c3dff1
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.829827] yubihsm.c:732 (yh_create_session): Card cryptogram successfully verified
[LIB - INT 09:50:58.829839] yubihsm.c:2954 (yh_authenticate_session): Host cryptogram: ea1356954dab3115
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.829863] yubihsm.c:69 (compute_full_mac): Compute MAC ( 28 Bytes): 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 04001100ea135695 4dab3115
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.829910] yubihsm.c:70 (compute_full_mac): Full result is: 1e553adee786d146 38fe6bb9d456bfe3
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.829929] yubihsm.c:82 (send_msg): SEND >> (03 + 0017) 04 0011 00ea1356954dab31 151e553adee786d1 46
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.849699] yubihsm.c:85 (send_msg): RECV << (03 + 0000) 84 0000
Created session 0
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.849747] yubihsm.c:4583 (yh_string_to_domains): Domains parsed as ffff
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.849785] yubihsm.c:304 (_send_secure_msg): Sending cmd 4c ( 80 Bytes): 4c004d0014000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000ffffff ffffffffffffff1d ffffffffffffffff 0011223344556677 8899aabbccddeeff
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.849939] yubihsm.c:313 (_send_secure_msg): CBC encrypting ( 96 Bytes): 4c004d0014000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000ffffff ffffffffffffff1d ffffffffffffffff 0011223344556677 8899aabbccddeeff 8000000000000000 0000000000000000
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.850042] yubihsm.c:314 (_send_secure_msg): IV: 8af80fbf3670fb42 02e2313fac03db33
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.850063] yubihsm.c:322 (_send_secure_msg): Ciphertext ( 96 Bytes): e9e29431e85056bd d7fbc67afef9ee25 7c1266ceb113f271 7e22deb392bcad27 ae6a59d032566039 6fc45b28ab99a267 24d114348f4501ae afb32518bc5dff2b 703b2b676aee3d63 9fac214d8a294cbc 0d27e61cbc6cf252 d2bd8f6840edc7ba
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.850173] yubihsm.c:69 (compute_full_mac): Compute MAC (116 Bytes): 1e553adee786d146 38fe6bb9d456bfe3 05006900e9e29431 e85056bdd7fbc67a fef9ee257c1266ce b113f2717e22deb3 92bcad27ae6a59d0 325660396fc45b28 ab99a26724d11434 8f4501aeafb32518 bc5dff2b703b2b67 6aee3d639fac214d 8a294cbc0d27e61c bc6cf252d2bd8f68 40edc7ba
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.850353] yubihsm.c:70 (compute_full_mac): Full result is: 7554c11f9095daa0 f09a38aa92b5f556
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.850376] yubihsm.c:82 (send_msg): SEND >> (03 + 0105) 05 0069 00e9e29431e85056 bdd7fbc67afef9ee 257c1266ceb113f2 717e22deb392bcad 27ae6a59d0325660 396fc45b28ab99a2 6724d114348f4501 aeafb32518bc5dff 2b703b2b676aee3d 639fac214d8a294c bc0d27e61cbc6cf2 52d2bd8f6840edc7 ba7554c11f9095da a0
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.872684] yubihsm.c:85 (send_msg): RECV << (03 + 0025) 85 0019 0089583730f47545 e08c971fa31b3b27 f8383e148dd04155 cf
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872747] yubihsm.c:69 (compute_full_mac): Compute MAC ( 36 Bytes): 7554c11f9095daa0 f09a38aa92b5f556 8500190089583730 f47545e08c971fa3 1b3b27f8
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872800] yubihsm.c:70 (compute_full_mac): Full result is: 383e148dd04155cf f1b2030980d62f0c
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.872825] yubihsm.c:365 (_send_secure_msg): Response MAC successfully verified
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872830] yubihsm.c:384 (_send_secure_msg): CBC decrypting ( 16 Bytes): 89583730f47545e0 8c971fa31b3b27f8
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872854] yubihsm.c:385 (_send_secure_msg): IV: 8af80fbf3670fb42 02e2313fac03db33
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872888] yubihsm.c:393 (_send_secure_msg): Plaintext ( 4 Bytes): 7f000102
[LIB - ERR 09:50:58.872905] yubihsm.c:2448 (yh_util_import_wrap_key): Unable to store wrapping key: Malformed command / invalid data (2)
Failed to store wrapkey: Malformed command / invalid data
Unable to put wrapkey
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.872923] yubihsm.c:304 (_send_secure_msg): Sending cmd 40 ( 3 Bytes): 400000
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872931] yubihsm.c:313 (_send_secure_msg): CBC encrypting ( 16 Bytes): 4000008000000000 0000000000000000
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872962] yubihsm.c:314 (_send_secure_msg): IV: 09cfc7223b886f9a 3c96710552b7246e
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.872985] yubihsm.c:322 (_send_secure_msg): Ciphertext ( 16 Bytes): 963250b48e41d0d4 a73b265e784c6036
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.873005] yubihsm.c:69 (compute_full_mac): Compute MAC ( 36 Bytes): 7554c11f9095daa0 f09a38aa92b5f556 05001900963250b4 8e41d0d4a73b265e 784c6036
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.873045] yubihsm.c:70 (compute_full_mac): Full result is: 66957edbd39db196 683960e66fccbe28
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.873064] yubihsm.c:82 (send_msg): SEND >> (03 + 0025) 05 0019 00963250b48e41d0 d4a73b265e784c60 3666957edbd39db1 96
[LIB - NET 09:50:58.893761] yubihsm.c:85 (send_msg): RECV << (03 + 0025) 85 0019 002711b92fd7df0b 83b3a1949ee518d5 f40626eb668791d2 fb
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.893828] yubihsm.c:69 (compute_full_mac): Compute MAC ( 36 Bytes): 66957edbd39db196 683960e66fccbe28 850019002711b92f d7df0b83b3a1949e e518d5f4
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.893869] yubihsm.c:70 (compute_full_mac): Full result is: 0626eb668791d2fb e7b0c5da15462284
[LIB - INF 09:50:58.893889] yubihsm.c:365 (_send_secure_msg): Response MAC successfully verified
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.893894] yubihsm.c:384 (_send_secure_msg): CBC decrypting ( 16 Bytes): 2711b92fd7df0b83 b3a1949ee518d5f4
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.893913] yubihsm.c:385 (_send_secure_msg): IV: 09cfc7223b886f9a 3c96710552b7246e
[LIB - CRY 09:50:58.893941] yubihsm.c:393 (_send_secure_msg): Plaintext ( 3 Bytes): c00000
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