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Created January 27, 2016 12:26
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HP iLO bulk SSL Generation & Installation via PowerShell
# iLO Bulk SSL Generation & Installation Script
# Written by Ben Short
# Modified by Markus Kraus
# Version 3.1, September 2015
# Released under Creative Commons BY,SA
# Script enumerates iLO devices from text file and generates
# CSR to be signed by a Microsoft CA Server. Resulting Certificate
# Installed on iLO
# Script requirements
# * HP Powershell cmdlets
# Disclaimer: Script Author accepts no responsibility or liability for
# Damages script may cause. Script offered as is.
# Changelog:
# 2015-09-01 ver 3.1 (Markus Kraus)
# New - Hostname handling if the FQDN is wrong
# 2014-11-21 ver 3.0
# New - Rewritten to use HP Powershell Library
# 2012-02-02 Ver 2.0.0
# New - Rewritten to support iLO PS Library
# Mod - Fixed problems with iLO3 signing from version 1.0
# Location of iLO Text File
$strTextFileLoc = "ilolist.txt"
# Exclusion List. Sometimes used to deal with
# iLO Intefaces that cause script to hang.
$exclusions = "", ""
#iLO Domain Name
$striLODomain = "yourDomain.loc"
#iLO Administrative Account Details
$striLOUsername = "yourUser"
$striLOPassword = "yourPassword"
# ADCS Server Name
$certificateserver = "yourPKI-yourDomain.loc\yourCA"
$certificatetemplate = "yourTemplate"
#Skipped Hosts
$skippedreport =@()
# Location of Log Folders
$cpqlogfilefolder = "logs"
# Path to Script Location & Support Files
$scriptpath = "C:\Certs\iLOSSL_v2"
# Verbose Output
$verbose = $true
$ilOInterfaces = Get-Content $strTextFileLoc
function Ping-iLO ([string]$iLOHostName) {
$ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
try {
$Reply = $ping.send($iLOhostname,500)
catch {
return $false
if ($Reply.Status -eq "Success") {
return $true
foreach ($interface in $iLOInterfaces) {
if (Ping-ilo($interface) -and ($exclusions -notcontains $interface)) {
del $scriptpath\current*
$shorthost = $interface.Split(".")
$shorthost = $shorthost[0]
write-output "[logging] Now Running: `t$interface"
$iLOInfo = Get-HPiLOFirmwareVersion -Server $interface -Username $striLOUsername -Password $striLOPassword
if ($verbose -and ($iLOInfo.STATUS_MESSAGE -eq "OK")) {
write-output "[verbose] iLO Processor: `t$($iLOinfo.MANAGEMENT_PROCESSOR)"
write-output "[verbose] iLO Firmware: `t$($iLOinfo.FIRMWARE_VERSION)"
write-output "[verbose] iLO Firmware Date: `t$($iLOinfo.FIRMWARE_DATE)"
else {
write-output "[logging] iLO Processor: `tUnknown - skipping"
Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------`n"
$skippedreport += "$interface - Unknown iLO Version"
write-output "[logging] iLO Detected: `t$($iLOinfo.MANAGEMENT_PROCESSOR)"
$interfaceNetworking = Get-HPiLONetworkSetting -Server $interface -Username $striLOUsername -Password $striLOPassword
$nethostname = $interfaceNetworking.DNS_NAME + "." + $interfaceNetworking.DOMAIN_NAME
if ($verbose) {
write-output "[verbose] iLO Configured Hostname: $nethostname"
if ($interface -eq $nethostname) {
write-output "[logging] iLO Hostname Matches DNS Record! - Getting CSR..."
else {
write-output "[logging] iLO Hostname Does Not Match DNS Record! - Updating Value"
Set-HPiLONetworkSetting -Server $interface -Username $striLOUsername -Password $striLOPassword -DNSname $shorthost
Write-Output "[logging] Resetting iLO after DNS Name Update. Script sleeping 120 seconds.."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
$interfaceNetworking = Get-HPiLONetworkSetting -Server $interface -Username $striLOUsername -Password $striLOPassword
$nethostname = $interfaceNetworking.DNS_NAME + "." + $interfaceNetworking.DOMAIN_NAME
write-output "[verbose] NEW iLO Configured Hostname: $nethostname"
Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------`n"
$iLOCSR = Get-HPiLOCertificateSigningRequest -Server $interface -Username $striLOUsername -Password $striLOPassword
while ($gotCSR -eq $false) {
if ($iLOCSR.STATUS_TYPE -eq "OK") {
$iLOCSR.CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_REQUEST | Out-File $scriptpath\currentcsr.txt -Encoding ascii -Force
Write-Output "[logging] CSR Written to $scriptpath\currentcsr.txt"
else {
Write-Output "[logging] CSR Generation Failed. Skipping..."
Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------`n"
$skippedreport += "$interface - CSR Failed"
else {
Write-Output "[logging] iLO Generating CSR. Script sleeping 120 seconds.."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
$iLOCSR = Get-HPiLOCertificateSigningRequest -Server $interface -Username $striLOUsername -Password $striLOPassword
write-output "[logging] Signing Certificate with $certificateserver"
if (Test-Path $scriptpath\currentcert.cer) {
Remove-Item $scriptpath\currentcert.cer
certreq.exe -config $certificateserver -attrib "CertificateTemplate:$certificatetemplate" "$scriptpath\currentcsr.txt" "$scriptpath\currentcert.cer" |Out-Null
if (Test-Path $scriptpath\currentcert.cer) {
write-output "[logging] Installing Certificate on iLO"
$certificate = Get-Content "$scriptpath\currentcert.cer" -Raw
Import-HPiLOCertificate -Server $interface -Username $striLOUsername -Password $striLOPassword -Certificate $certificate
else {
write-output "[logging] Can't Find Signed Certificate, Skipping..."
$skippedreport += "$interface - Unable to install Signed Cert"
Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------`n"
else {
write-output "[logging] Interface Unreachable/Excluded, Skipping..."
Write-Output "------------------------------------------------------`n"
$skippedreport += "$interface - Unreachable/Excluded"
Write-Output "Hosts Skipped:"
Write-Output "------------------------"
Write-Output "`n"
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The generated certificate is depending on the "Get-HPiLOCertificateSigningRequest" Cmdlet, which creates the Signing Request. As I remember, this Cmdlet has the same capability as the iLO 5 UI. Is there an option available to add a SAN?

Uploading a Custom Cert including a private key seems not possible.

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Actionparsnip commented Nov 24, 2020 via email

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No, it won't. The script is limited to the generated signing request. If the iLO 5 doesn't let you add a SAN you are not able to modify the signing request.

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Actionparsnip commented Nov 26, 2020 via email

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