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Created April 16, 2014 16:16
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  • Save vScripter/10901166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vScripter/10901166 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Returns information about the Processor via WMI
Returns information about the Processor via WMI.
Information about the processor is returned using the Win32_Processor WMI class.
You can provide a single computer/server name or supply an array/list.
.PARAMETER Computers
Single computer name, list of computers or .txt file containing a list of computers.
.\Get-ProcessorInventory.ps1 -Computers (Get-Content C:\ComputerList.txt)
.\Get-ProcessorInventory.ps1 -Computers
.\Get-ProcessorInventory.ps1 -Computers, | Format-Table -AutoSize
.\Get-ProcessorInventory.ps1 -Computers, | Export-Csv C:\ProcInv.csv -NoTypeInformation
Author: Kevin Kirkpatrick
Created: 4/16/14
Disclaimer: This script comes with no implied warranty or guarantee and is to be used at your own risk. It's recommended that you TEST
execution of the script against Dev/Test before running against any Production system.
#Requires -Version 3
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
HelpMessage = "Enter the name of a computer or an array of computer names")]
# Set the EA preference to 'Stop' so that Non-Terminating errors will be caught and displayed in the catch block
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Cycle through each computer and attempt to query WMI
foreach ($C in $Computers)
# Test the connection to the computer, if it pings, continue on with the query
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $C -Count 1 -Quiet)
#region FormattingHashTables
# Attempt to differentiate if the destination is a VM, or not. In VMware, vProcessors typically return a value of 0 for the L2 Processor Cache.
# This was not testing with Hyper-V
$Type = @{
label = 'Type'
expression = {
if ($_.L2CacheSize -eq '0') { "Virtual" }
else { "Physical" }
}# end $Type
# Check to see if HyperThreading is enabled by comparing the number of logical processors with the number of cores
$HyperThreading = @{
label = 'HyperthreadingEnabled'
expression = {
if ($_.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -gt $_.NumberOfCores) { "Yes" }
else { "No" }
}# end $HyperThreading
# Use hash tables to modify the paramter output names
$ComputerName = @{ label = 'Computer'; Expression = { $_.PSComputerName } }
$CoreCount = @{ label = 'CoreCount'; Expression = { $_.NumberOfCores } }
$LogicalCores = @{ label = 'LogicalProcessors'; expression = { $_.NumberOfLogicalProcessors } }
$Description = @{ label = 'Description'; Expression = { $_.Name } }
$Socket = @{ label = 'Socket'; expression = { $_.SocketDesignation } }
# Run the query
Get-WmiObject -Query "SELECT * FROM win32_processor" -ComputerName $C |
Select-Object $ComputerName, $Socket, $CoreCount, $LogicalCores, $HyperThreading, $Description, $Type
}# end try
# Catch any errors and write a warning that includes the computer name as well as the error message, which is stored in $_
Write-Warning "$C - $_"
}# end catch
}# end if
# If the computer was not reachable on the network, display such detail
Write-Warning "$C is unreachable"
}# end else
}# end foreach
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