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Last active March 27, 2024 10:10
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Stream windows webcam directly on wsl.
# Script to download, unzip, and run a Windows executable from WSL with error handling
# Function to download and extract cam2ip
download_and_extract_cam2ip() {
local download_url=""
local target_directory="wsl_utils"
local zip_file="${target_directory}/"
local executable_file="${target_directory}/cam2ip-1.6-64bit-cv/cam2ip.exe"
# Check if executable file already exists
if [ -f "$executable_file" ]; then
echo "Executable file already exists: $executable_file"
return 1
# Check if zip file already exists
if [ -f "$zip_file" ]; then
echo "Zip file already exists: $zip_file"
return 1
# Check if target directory exists, create if not
if [ ! -d "$target_directory" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target_directory"
echo "Created directory: $target_directory"
# Download zip file
wget "$download_url" -O "$zip_file"
echo "Downloaded: $zip_file"
# Unzip the downloaded file
unzip "$zip_file" -d "$target_directory"
echo "Extracted to: $target_directory"
# Remove the zip file
rm "$zip_file"
echo "Removed zip file: $zip_file"
# Function to run a Windows executable from WSL
# Usage: run_win_exe /path/to/your/executable
run_win_exe() {
# Check for executable path argument
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: run_win_exe /path/to/your/executable"
return 1
# Check if the file exists and is a regular file
if [ ! -f "$WSL_EXECUTABLE_PATH" ]; then
echo "Error: The file does not exist or is not a regular file."
return 1
local WINDOWS_TEMP_DIR="/mnt/c/Windows/Temp"
# Copy the executable to the temporary directory in Windows
echo "Copied $EXECUTABLE_FILENAME to Windows temporary directory."
# Function to clean up and kill the Windows process
cleanup() {
echo "Cleaning up and terminating the process..."
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /c taskkill /IM "$EXECUTABLE_FILENAME" /F
echo "Cleanup complete."
# Trap SIGINT and call cleanup
trap cleanup SIGINT
local WINDOWS_FORMAT_TEMP_DIR=$(echo "$WINDOWS_TEMP_DIR" | sed -e 's/^\/mnt\/\([a-z]\)\//\1:\\/' -e 's/\//\\/g')
/mnt/c/Windows/System32/cmd.exe /c "$WINDOWS_FORMAT_TEMP_DIR\\$EXECUTABLE_FILENAME" &
wait $!
trap - SIGINT
# Main script execution
# Get the IP address of the host from /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver=$(awk '/nameserver/{print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf)
echo "Name Server: $nameserver"
# To watch the video stream, adjust the following line with the correct IP and port
ffplay -i http://$nameserver:56000/mjpeg & # The & denote that this function will run in multithread
echo "Video stream started."
echo "The api is available at http://$nameserver:56000/mjpeg"
echo "This can be used directly with cv2 via cv2.VideoCapture('http://$nameserver:56000/mjpeg')"
# Example usage of running the executable
# Uncomment the line below to run with an example executable path
run_win_exe wsl_utils/cam2ip-1.6-64bit-cv/cam2ip.exe
# To run the script, type in the wsl terminal:
# ```
# bash
# ```
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