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Created September 13, 2021 17:14
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
Module : Headroom.IO.Cache
Description : Support for Cache implementations
Copyright : (c) 2019-2021 Vaclav Svejcar
License : BSD-3-Clause
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
This module provides abstract key/value cache representation that allows to
implement specific in-memory/persistent backends.
module Headroom.IO.Cache
( -- * Data Types
, CacheT
, CacheKey(..)
, ValueCodec(..)
, ValueRepr
-- * Helper Functions
, cacheKey
, withCache
import RIO
--------------------------------- DATA TYPES ---------------------------------
-- | Represents key/value cache. Whether this cache is persistent or not is
-- dependend on the concrete implementation. Operation over keys is done in
-- type-safe manner by declaring them using 'CacheKey'. Cache can store any
-- value type for which the instance of 'ValueCodec' is defined.
class Cache c where
-- | Gets value for given key from the cache (if exists).
getValue :: forall a m. (ValueCodec c a, MonadIO m)
=> CacheKey a -- ^ key
-> CacheT c m (Maybe a) -- ^ value (if found)
-- | Sets value for given key in the cache. If the value already exists, it's
-- replaced by the new value.
setValue :: forall a m. (ValueCodec c a, MonadIO m)
=> CacheKey a -- ^ key
-> a -- ^ value to store
-> CacheT c m () -- ^ operation result
-- | Transformer monad type for cache operations.
type CacheT = ReaderT
-- | Type class providing support to decode/encode given value for given 'Cache'
-- instance.
class ValueCodec c a where
-- | Encodes value into type recognized by given 'Cache' instance.
encodeValue :: a -- ^ value to encode
-> ValueRepr c -- ^ encoded representation
-- | Decodes value from type recognized by given 'Cache' instance.
decodeValue :: ValueRepr c -- ^ encoded representation
-> Maybe a -- ^ decoded value
-- | Representation of encoded cache value, specific to the given 'Cache'
-- instance. Main point is that each 'Cache' instance might need to
-- encode/decode given type into some internal representation. Using this type
-- family, it's possible to define such representation in type safe manner.
type family ValueRepr c
-- | Type safe representation of cache key.
newtype CacheKey a = CacheEntry Text deriving (Eq, Show)
------------------------------ PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ------------------------------
-- | Constructor function for 'CacheKey'.
cacheKey :: Text -- ^ name of the key
-> CacheKey a -- ^ type safe representation
cacheKey = CacheEntry
-- | Runs the monadic cache operation using the given 'Cache' instance.
withCache :: c -- ^ 'Cache' instance to use
-> CacheT c m a -- ^ operations over cache
-> m a -- ^ operation result
withCache cache op = runReaderT op cache
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