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Created February 23, 2021 21:58
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* Project aqm_mbr
* Description:
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VARIABLES
const char* deviceLocation = "master";
const char* deviceName = "aqm_argon_01";
const char* deviceType = "argon";
const char* eventName = "airquality/argon_01";
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OLED DISPLAY STUFF
#include "oled-wing-adafruit.h"
OledWingAdafruit oled;
int step = 0; // for oled setup
unsigned int step_timer = 0; // oled timer setup. This is the millis() based step timer
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MQTT STUFF
#include "MQTT.h"
#define MQTT_CLIENT_NAME deviceName
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {};
byte server[] = {x,x,x,x}; // pushing to broker on homelab.
MQTT client(server, 1883, MQTT_DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE, callback,512);
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SGP30
#include "ClosedCube_SHT31D.h"
#include "SensirionSGP30.h"
const uint8_t I2C_ADDR_SHT31D = 0x44U;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XXXX
#include "PublishQueueAsyncRK.h"
retained uint8_t publishQueueRetainedBuffer[2048];
PublishQueueAsync publishQueue(publishQueueRetainedBuffer, sizeof(publishQueueRetainedBuffer));
unsigned long Publishinterval = 60000; // interval at which to Particle Publish (milliseconds)
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time this timer was updated.
struct MeasurementData {
MeasurementData() {
temperature = NAN;
humidity = NAN;
voc = NAN;
co2 = NAN;
absoluteHumidity = NAN;
eco2_base = 0;
tvoc_base = 0;
float temperature; // [°C]
float humidity; // [%RH]
float voc; // [ppb]
float co2; // [ppm]
float absoluteHumidity; // [mg/m^3]
uint16_t eco2_base; // SGP30 baseline correction algorithm value for CO2 [raw]
uint16_t tvoc_base; // SGP30 baseline correction algorithm value for VOC [raw]
struct EepromStorage {
uint8_t version; // helper value to detect if EEPROM needs to be initialized (default 0xFF for empty EEPROM)
bool baselineValid; // flag set once SGP30 baseline calibration sequence is completed (12 hours)
long timeStamp; // timestamp when baseline calibration sequence has been started or last valid baseline has been stored [Unix time format in seconds since January 1, 1970]
uint16_t eco2_base; // SGP30 baseline value for CO2
uint16_t tvoc_base; // SGP30 baseline value for TVOC
// object instances
SHT31D_CC::ClosedCube_SHT31D sht31d;
SensirionSGP30 sgp30;
EepromStorage persistency;
bool baselineCalibrationInProgress = false;
/* Helper to calculate absolute humidity [mg/m^3] with approximation formula based on temperature [°C] and humidity [%RH].
* @param const MeasurementData& sample
* @return absolute humidity [mg/m^3]
uint32_t getAbsoluteHumidity(const MeasurementData& sample) {
// approximation formula from Sensirion SGP30 Driver Integration chapter 3.15
const float absoluteHumidity = 216.7f * ((sample.humidity / 100.0f) * 6.112f * exp((17.62f * sample.temperature) / (243.12f + sample.temperature)) / (273.15f + sample.temperature)); // [g/m^3]
const uint32_t absoluteHumidityScaled = static_cast<uint32_t>(1000.0f * absoluteHumidity); // [mg/m^3]
return absoluteHumidityScaled;
/* Read the temperature and humidity from SHT31-D and store in the given sample
* @param MeasurementData& sample - to store temperature and humidity
void readTemperatureHumidity(MeasurementData& sample) {
SHT31D_CC::SHT31D sht31dresult = sht31d.readTempAndHumidity(SHT31D_CC::REPEATABILITY_LOW, SHT31D_CC::MODE_CLOCK_STRETCH, 50);
if (sht31dresult.error == SHT31D_CC::NO_ERROR) {
sample.temperature = sht31dresult.t;
sample.humidity = sht31dresult.rh;
Serial.print("Temp = "); Serial.print(sample.temperature); Serial.println(" °C");
Serial.print("Humidity = "); Serial.print(sample.humidity); Serial.println(" %RH");
else {
Serial.println("SHT31D measurement failed");
/* Set the absolute humidity on the SGP30 for more acurate readings of air quality signals (TVOC & eCO2) and store absolute humidity in the given sample.
* @param MeasurementData& sample - to store absolute humidity value
void setHumidityCompensation(MeasurementData& sample) {
uint32_t absoluteHumidity = getAbsoluteHumidity(sample);
if (sgp30.setHumidity(absoluteHumidity)) {
sample.absoluteHumidity = absoluteHumidity;
Serial.print("Absolute Humidity = "); Serial.print(sample.absoluteHumidity); Serial.println(" mg/m^3");
else {
Serial.println("SGP30 setting absolute humidity failed");
/* Read the IAQ signals from SGP30 and store VOC and CO2 in the given sample.
* @param MeasurementData& sample - to store voc and co2 values
void readAirQuality(MeasurementData& sample) {
if (sgp30.IAQmeasure()) {
sample.voc = sgp30.TVOC;
sample.co2 = sgp30.eCO2;
Serial.print("TVOC = "); Serial.print(sample.voc); Serial.println(" ppb");
Serial.print("CO2 = "); Serial.print(sample.co2); Serial.println(" ppm");
else {
Serial.println("SGP30 measurement failed");
/* Read the baseline from SGP30 and store eco2_base and tvoc_base in the given sample.
* @param MeasurementData& sample - to store eco2_base and tvoc_base values
void readBaseline(MeasurementData& sample) {
uint16_t eco2_base, tvoc_base;
if (sgp30.getIAQBaseline(&eco2_base, &tvoc_base)) {
sample.eco2_base = eco2_base;
sample.tvoc_base = tvoc_base;
Serial.print("eco2_base = "); Serial.println(sample.eco2_base);
Serial.print("tvoc_base = "); Serial.println(sample.tvoc_base);
else {
Serial.println("SGP30 baseline reading failed");
/* Restore the baseline if it's valid and less than 1 week old. In case of an old baseline, the timestamp for the baseline calibration sequence is stored.
void restoreBaseline() {
const bool baselineValid = persistency.baselineValid;
const time_t SECS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;
const bool youngerThan1Week = ( - persistency.timeStamp) <= (7 * SECS_PER_DAY);
if (baselineValid && youngerThan1Week) {
if(sgp30.setIAQBaseline(persistency.eco2_base, persistency.tvoc_base)) {
Serial.print("Restored baseline from UTC "); Serial.print(Time.format(persistency.timeStamp, TIME_FORMAT_DEFAULT));
Serial.print(": eco2_base = "); Serial.print(persistency.eco2_base); Serial.print(" / tvoc_base = "); Serial.println(persistency.tvoc_base);
else {
Serial.println("SGP30 baseline setting failed");
else {
Serial.println("Warning - Baseline calibration (12h) required!");
persistency.baselineValid = false;
persistency.timeStamp =;
baselineCalibrationInProgress = true;
void refreshBaseline(const MeasurementData& sample) {
const bool baselineValid = persistency.baselineValid;
const time_t SECS_PER_HOUR = 60 * 60;
const bool olderThan1Hour = ( - persistency.timeStamp) >= SECS_PER_HOUR;
if (baselineValid && olderThan1Hour) {
// Once the baseline is properly initialized or restored, the current baseline value should be stored approximately once per hour
persistBaseline(sample.eco2_base, sample.tvoc_base);
else if (baselineCalibrationInProgress) {
// Restarting the sensor without restoring a baseline will result in the sensor trying to determine a new baseline.
// The baseline calibration algorithm will be performed on the SGP30 for 12hrs (maximum time required to find a new baseline).
const bool baselineCalibrationCompleted = ( - persistency.timeStamp) >= (12 * SECS_PER_HOUR);
if (baselineCalibrationInProgress && baselineCalibrationCompleted) {
// The sensor adjusts to the best value it has been exposed to. So keeping it indoors the sensor thinks this is the best value and sets it to 0ppb tVOC and 400ppm CO2eq.
// As soon as you expose the sensor to outside air it can adjust to the global H2 Background Signal. For normal Operation exposing the sensor to outside air for 10min cumulative time should be sufficient.
Serial.println("SGP30 baseline calibration completed");
persistBaseline(sample.eco2_base, sample.tvoc_base);
baselineCalibrationInProgress = false;
void persistBaseline(uint16_t eco2_base, uint16_t tvoc_base) {
persistency.version = 0;
persistency.baselineValid = true;
persistency.timeStamp =;
persistency.eco2_base = eco2_base;
persistency.tvoc_base = tvoc_base;
EEPROM.put(0, persistency);
Serial.print("Persisted baseline: eco2_base = "); Serial.print(eco2_base); Serial.print(" / tvoc_base = "); Serial.println(tvoc_base);
void setupEeprom() {
EEPROM.get(0, persistency);
if (persistency.version == 0xFF) {
// EEPROM was empty -> initialize
persistency.version = 0;
persistency.baselineValid = false;
persistency.timeStamp = 0;
persistency.eco2_base = 0;
persistency.tvoc_base = 0;
// Cloud functions must return int and take one String
int cloudFunctionSetBaseline(String extra) {
uint16_t eco2_base, tvoc_base;
if (sgp30.getIAQBaseline(&eco2_base, &tvoc_base) && sgp30.setIAQBaseline(eco2_base, tvoc_base)) {
persistBaseline(eco2_base, tvoc_base);
return 0;
return -1;
// Cloud functions must return int and take one String
int cloudFunctionClearBaseline(String extra) {
// Note: requires a power sequence to properly reinitialize SGP30 baseline calibration sequence
persistency.version = 0xFF;
persistency.baselineValid = false;
persistency.timeStamp = 0;
persistency.eco2_base = 0;
persistency.tvoc_base = 0;
EEPROM.put(0, persistency);
return 0;
// setup() runs once, when the device is first turned on.
void setup() {
oled.setCursor(0, 0);;
System.enableFeature(FEATURE_ETHERNET_DETECTION);; // xenons dont have wifi? so this is not relevant on a xenon.
// After you call Particle.connect(), your loop will not be called again until the device finishes
// connecting to the Cloud. Typically, you can expect a delay of approximately one second.
waitFor(Particle.connected, 1000);
// Set the keepAlive time
client.connect(MQTT_CLIENT_NAME, "xxx", "xxx"); // connect to mqtt server
if (sht31d.begin(I2C_ADDR_SHT31D) != SHT31D_CC::NO_ERROR) {
Serial.println("SHT31 sensor not found");
if (!sgp30.begin()) {
Serial.println("SGP30 sensor not found");
if (!sgp30.IAQinit()) {
Serial.println("SGP30 init failed");
// register the cloud function (Up to 15 cloud functions may be registered and each function name is limited to a maximum of 12 characters)
Particle.function("setBaseline", cloudFunctionSetBaseline);
Particle.function("clrBaseline", cloudFunctionClearBaseline);
// Give the SGP30 time to start so that it provides valid gas quality signals
Serial.println("Waiting for the SGP30 to start");
int counter = 0;
char buf[64];
void loop() {
MeasurementData sample;
// SHT31D
// SGP30
char payload[512];
float tempF = (sample.temperature* 9) /5 + 32;
int readtime =; //Unix Format
snprintf(payload, sizeof(payload),"{\"readtime\": %ld000,\"deviceID\":\"%s\",\"deviceLocation\":\"%s\",\"deviceName\":\"%s\",\"deviceType\":\"%s\",\"tempC\": %.1f,\"tempF\": %.1f,\"relative_humidity\": %.1f,\"tvoc\":%.1f,\"eco2\":%.1f}",readtime,(const char*)System.deviceID(),deviceLocation,deviceName,deviceType,sample.temperature,tempF,sample.humidity,sample.voc,sample.co2);
if (millis() - step_timer > 4000) {
step_timer = millis();
oled.setCursor(0, 0);
switch(step) { // Run the current "step"
case 0:
oled.setCursor(0, 0);
oled.println(Time.format(, "%a %b,%e"));
oled.setCursor(0, 18);
oled.println(Time.format(, "%l:%M %p"));
step = 1; // Change "step" to the next step
case 1:
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f ", tempF); // temperature
oled.print("Temp "); oled.println(buf);
step = 2; // Change "step" to the next step
case 2:
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f ", sample.humidity); // humidity
oled.print("RH "); oled.println(buf);
step = 3; // Reset "step" to the first step to start over
case 3:
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f ", sample.voc); // total volatile organic compounds
oled.print("tVOC "); oled.println(buf);
step = 4; // Reset "step" to the first step to start over
case 4:
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f ", sample.co2); // co2
oled.print("eCO2 "); oled.println(buf);
step = 0; // Reset "step" to the first step to start over
// this keeps the mqtt connection live
if (!client.isConnected()) {
client.connect(MQTT_CLIENT_NAME, "xx", "xxx");
} else {
// check cloud connection
if (Particle.connected() == false) {
waitFor(Particle.connected, 60000);
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
if(currentMillis - previousMillis > Publishinterval) {
previousMillis = currentMillis;
if (Particle.connected()) {
publishQueue.publish(eventName, payload, PRIVATE, WITH_ACK);
// send to mqtt broker
if (client.isConnected()) {
client.publish(eventName, payload);
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