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Created September 25, 2011 00:23
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- (IBAction)filemenu_addToLibrary:(id)sender{
NSOpenPanel* openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:YES];
[openPanel setCanChooseFiles:YES];
[openPanel setCanCreateDirectories:NO];
[openPanel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];
NSInteger result = [openPanel runModal];
if(result != NSOKButton){
double max = [[openPanel URLs] count];
[importProgress setMaxValue:max];
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] beginSheet:importSheet
for(NSURL* aURL in [openPanel URLs])
NSString* aPath = [aURL path];
[aPath retain];
DLog(@"importing: %@", aPath);
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[self.database addGamesFromPath:aPath toCollection:nil searchSubfolders:YES];
[importCurrentItem setStringValue:aPath];
[importProgress incrementBy:1.0];
[importSheet display];
[aPath release];
DLog(@"Finished Importing");
- (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
[importSheet close];
NSLog(@"Finished Importing");
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