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Last active July 8, 2020 00:33
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Himawari 8 - Earth photos downloading
Himawari 8 - Earth
Usage: python 2 10
First argument: quality of photo
Second argument: count of downloaded photos (default 1)
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from math import sqrt
from PIL import Image
import urllib2
from sys import argv
import hashlib
import io
try :
rank = int(argv[1]) # can be 2, 4, 8, 16, 20
print 'Takes 0 arguments (1 expected)'
exit (1)
try :
count = int(argv[2]) # count of photos
count = 1 # default: one photo
width = 550
size = int(rank**2)
base = ''
year, month, day, hour, minute = datetime.strftime(, '%Y %m %d %H %M').split(' ')
prefix = '{0}{1}d/{2}/{3}/{4}'.format(base, str(rank), str(width), year, month)
day = int(day)
hour = int(hour)
minute = int(minute[0])
while day >= 0 and count:
str_day = '0' + str(day) if day <= 9 else str(day)
str_hour = '0' + str(hour) if hour <= 9 else str(hour)
str_minute = str(minute) + '0'
url = '{0}/{1}/{2}{3}00'.format(prefix, str_day, str_hour, str_minute) + '_{0}_{1}.png'
print 'Search by date: {0}/{1}/{2} {3}:{4}:00'.format(year, month, str_day, str_hour, str_minute)
h1 = hashlib.md5(urllib2.urlopen(url.format('0', '0')).read()).hexdigest()
h2 = hashlib.md5(urllib2.urlopen(url.format(str(rank/2), str(rank/2))).read()).hexdigest()
if h1 == h2:
raise urllib2.HTTPError("Error")
image ="RGB", (width * rank, width * rank))
print 'Found pictures'
current_percent = -1
for index in xrange(size):
percent = int((index + 1) * (100.0 / size))
if percent != current_percent:
current_percent = percent
print 'Concate pictures: {0}%'.format(str(current_percent))
row = index / rank
column = index % rank
path = io.BytesIO(urllib2.urlopen(url.format(str(row), str(column))).read())
image.paste(, (row * width, column * width))
photo_name = 'earth_{0}.{1}.{2}_{3}:{4}:{5}.png'.format(str_day, month, year, str_hour, str_minute, '00')
print 'Saved: {0}'.format(photo_name)
count = count - 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '\nSearching was terminated'
if minute == 0:
minute = 5
hour = hour - 1
minute = minute - 1
if minute == 0 and hour == 0:
minute = 5
hour = 23
day = day - 1
if minute == 0 and hour == 0 and day == 0:
print 'Url not found'
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