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Last active December 15, 2015 07:48
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Save vadimdemedes/5225637 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Include Chute.js -->
<script src="//" data-load="view"></script>
<!-- Template for a container element -->
<script class="container-template" type="application/x-template">
<div class="assets"></div>
<!-- Template for a single image -->
<script class="item-template" type="application/x-template">
<div class="asset">
<img src="{{ asset.url }}/w/200">
// run when all dependencies were loaded
// view component in this case, specified in data-load attribute of including script
var WallItemView = Chute.View.extend({ // view for a single data item
template: 'script.item-template' // specifying template via selector
var scroll = Chute.View.Plugins.InfiniteScroll.extend({ // initializing infinite scroll plugin
global: true // telling to bind to window's scroll event
var WallView = Chute.CollectionView.extend({ // view for a data collection
template: 'script.container-template',
itemView: WallItemView, // pointing to the view for every data item in the collection
dependencies: { // setting js & css dependencies, will be loaded asynchronously
js: ['lib/jquery.wookmark.min.js', 'lib/jquery.imagesloaded.min.js'],
css: ['stylesheets/grid.css']
plugins: [scroll], // injecting plugins
initialize: function(){ // custom initialize function
this.on('render', $.proxy(this.initWookmark, this)); // initialize wookmark when view was rendered
var self = this;
this.once('wookmark:init', function(){
// custom-made event, responding only once
// binding to a data:load event and adding newly loaded images to the wall
self.on('data:load', $.proxy(self.addAssets, self));
initWookmark: function(){
var self = this;
this.$el.imagesLoaded(function(){ // waiting for all images to load
self.$el.find('div.asset').wookmark($.extend({}, { container: self.$el }, self.options.options.wookmark));
self.trigger('wookmark:init'); // emitting custom event, for convenience
addAssets: function(){ // adding newly loaded assets to the wall
var self = this;
self.add(item); // will insert a new WallItemView with a specified data in item variable
this.initWookmark(); // re-initialize wookmark to pick up those new images
var wall = new WallView({
data: new Chute.API.Assets({ album: '9IZukfpi' }).toData(), // set of images
container: 'div.wall', // insert wall into div.wall
options: { // custom options for wookmark plugin
wookmark: {
offset: 2,
itemWidth: 210
<div class="wall"></div>
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