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Last active January 8, 2017 13:27
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Torch routine and module for whitening, supporting large matrices, e.g. 5K x 10K
-- Produces mean and the whitening transform of matrix x[n, d] holding n data points of dimension k, using rank k approximation
-- Auxiliary gaussian matrix g[d, f * k] will use f = 3 by default
-- Original paper:
function whiten(x, k, f)
local n, d = unpack(x:size():totable())
local mean = x:mean(1)
local g =, math.min((f or 3) * k, x:size(2)))
local v, s, u = torch.svd(g:t() * (x - mean:expandAs(x)):t())
local pinv_s = torch.diag(s:sub(1, k):add(1e-5):pow(-1))
local w = g * v:narrow(2, 1, k) * pinv_s
return mean, w
-- n = 5000
-- d = 10000
-- k = 128
-- x = torch.FloatTensor():randn(n, d)
-- mean, w = whiten(x, k) -- should take 30 seconds
-- Y = (x - mean:expandAs(x)) * w -- whiten
-- print((Y:t() * Y):diag()) -- will print a vector of 1
-- makes a linear whiteninig layer subtracting the mean and rotating the data using the computed transformation, x is a training data matrix on which the mean and rotation is estimated
function WhiteningTransform(x, embedding_size)
local mean, w = whiten(x, embedding_size)
local transform = nn.Linear(x:size(2), embedding_size)
transform.bias:copy(-mean * w)
return transform
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