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Created February 17, 2018 14:09
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import VNCommon
import VNServices
internal protocol IHaveReport {
associatedtype TReportType
internal class FlowTableVM<TReport>: FlowSimpleTableVM, IHaveReport {
typealias TReportType = TReport
internal let report: TReport
internal init(title: String? = nil,
tableVM: BaseTableViewVM,
report: TReport,
router: Router,
analytics: ISideAnalyticsSender? = nil,
selectPhotoService: ISelectPhotoProtocol? = nil,
reportErrorService: IReportErrorService? = nil) { = report
title: title,
tableVM: tableVM,
router: router,
analytics: analytics,
selectPhotoService: selectPhotoService,
reportErrorService: reportErrorService
internal class FlowSimpleTableVM: BaseTableVM {
internal let selectPhotoService: ISelectPhotoProtocol?
internal let reportErrorService: IReportErrorService?
internal let analytics: ISideAnalyticsSender?
internal var shouldShowSendButton: Bool = true
internal var shouldHandleBackButton: Bool = true
internal var haveAnyChanges: Bool = false
internal var canSendReport: Bool = false {
didSet {
private let router: Router
internal init(title: String? = nil,
tableVM: BaseTableViewVM,
router: Router,
analytics: ISideAnalyticsSender? = nil,
selectPhotoService: ISelectPhotoProtocol? = nil,
reportErrorService: IReportErrorService? = nil) {
self.selectPhotoService = selectPhotoService
self.reportErrorService = reportErrorService
self.router = router = analytics
super.init(title: title, tableVM: tableVM)
internal func sendReport() { }
internal func back() {
guard self.haveAnyChanges || self.canSendReport else {
let cancel = UIAlertAction.cancel(withTitle: L10N("report.error.back.cancel"))
let ok = UIAlertAction(title: L10N("report.error.back.ok"), style: .default) {
[weak self] _ in
title: nil,
message: L10N("report.error.back.message"),
actions: [ok, cancel]
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