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Created July 4, 2018 22:24
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extern crate cbindgen;
use std::env;
fn main() {
let crate_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
.expect("Unable to generate bindings")
name = "cbindgen_test"
version = "0.2.0"
authors = ["Geordon Worley <>"]
crate-type = ["staticlib"]
panic = "abort"
cbindgen = "0.6.0"
from conans import ConanFile, CMake, tools
class CbindgentestConan(ConanFile):
name = "cbindgen_test"
version = "0.2.0"
description = "Test generated C++ bindings for Rust"
settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch"
no_copy_source = True
def cargo_target(self):
return "i686-pc-windows-msvc" if self.settings.arch == "x86" else "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
def source(self):
"git clone . || git fetch")"git checkout v{}".format(self.version))
def build(self):
flags = "-C target-feature={}crt-static".format(
"+" if self.settings.compiler.runtime in ["MT", "MTd"] else "-")
with tools.environment_append({"CARGO_TARGET_DIR": self.build_folder, "RUSTFLAGS": flags}):
with tools.chdir(self.source_folder):
debrel = "--release" if self.settings.build_type == "Release" else ""
"cargo build {} --target={}".format(debrel, self.cargo_target()))
def package(self):
mode = "debug" if self.settings.build_type == "Debug" else "release"
out_dir = "{}/{}".format(self.cargo_target(), mode)
self.copy("cbindgen_test.h", dst="include")
self.copy("cbindgen_test.dll", dst="bin", src=out_dir, keep_path=False)
self.copy("cbindgen_test.lib", dst="lib", src=out_dir, keep_path=False)
self.copy("", dst="lib", src=out_dir, keep_path=False)
self.copy("cbindgen_test.dylib", dst="lib",
src=out_dir, keep_path=False)
self.copy("cbindgen_test.a", dst="lib", src=out_dir, keep_path=False)
def package_info(self):
self.cpp_info.libs = tools.collect_libs(self)
self.cpp_info.libs += ["Ws2_32", "Userenv"]
pub extern "C" fn hello(a: i32) {
println!("Hello, {}!", a);
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