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Created August 5, 2020 09:34
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package main
import (
var (
dnskey *dns.DNSKEY
short = flag.Bool("short", false, "abbreviate long DNSSEC records")
dnssec = flag.Bool("dnssec", false, "request DNSSEC records")
query = flag.Bool("question", false, "show question")
check = flag.Bool("check", false, "check internal DNSSEC consistency")
six = flag.Bool("6", false, "use IPv6 only")
four = flag.Bool("4", false, "use IPv4 only")
anchor = flag.String("anchor", "", "use the DNSKEY in this file as trust anchor")
tsig = flag.String("tsig", "", "request tsig with key: [hmac:]name:key")
port = flag.Int("port", 53, "port number to use")
laddr = flag.String("laddr", "", "local address to use")
aa = flag.Bool("aa", false, "set AA flag in query")
ad = flag.Bool("ad", false, "set AD flag in query")
cd = flag.Bool("cd", false, "set CD flag in query")
rd = flag.Bool("rd", true, "set RD flag in query")
fallback = flag.Bool("fallback", false, "fallback to 4096 bytes bufsize and after that TCP")
tcp = flag.Bool("tcp", false, "TCP mode, multiple queries are asked over the same connection")
timeoutDial = flag.Duration("timeout-dial", 2*time.Second, "Dial timeout")
timeoutRead = flag.Duration("timeout-read", 2*time.Second, "Read timeout")
timeoutWrite = flag.Duration("timeout-write", 2*time.Second, "Write timeout")
nsid = flag.Bool("nsid", false, "set edns nsid option")
client = flag.String("client", "", "set edns client-subnet option")
opcode = flag.String("opcode", "query", "set opcode to query|update|notify")
rcode = flag.String("rcode", "success", "set rcode to noerror|formerr|nxdomain|servfail|...")
func main() {
//serial := flag.Int("serial", 0, "perform an IXFR with this serial")
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [@server] [qtype...] [qclass...] [name ...]\n", os.Args[0])
var (
qtype []uint16
qclass []uint16
qname []string
startAt := time.Now()
if *anchor != "" {
f, err := os.Open(*anchor)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failure to open %s: %s\n", *anchor, err.Error())
r, err := dns.ReadRR(f, *anchor)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failure to read an RR from %s: %s\n", *anchor, err.Error())
if k, ok := r.(*dns.DNSKEY); !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "No DNSKEY read from %s\n", *anchor)
} else {
dnskey = k
var nameserver string
for _, arg := range flag.Args() {
// If it starts with @ it is a nameserver
if arg[0] == '@' {
nameserver = arg
// First class, then type, to make ANY queries possible
// And if it looks like type, it is a type
if k, ok := dns.StringToType[strings.ToUpper(arg)]; ok {
qtype = append(qtype, k)
// If it looks like a class, it is a class
if k, ok := dns.StringToClass[strings.ToUpper(arg)]; ok {
qclass = append(qclass, k)
// If it starts with TYPExxx it is unknown rr
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "TYPE") {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(arg[4:])
if err == nil {
qtype = append(qtype, uint16(i))
// If it starts with CLASSxxx it is unknown class
if strings.HasPrefix(arg, "CLASS") {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(arg[5:])
if err == nil {
qclass = append(qclass, uint16(i))
// Anything else is a qname
qname = append(qname, arg)
if len(qname) == 0 {
qname = []string{"."}
if len(qtype) == 0 {
qtype = append(qtype, dns.TypeNS)
if len(qtype) == 0 {
qtype = append(qtype, dns.TypeA)
if len(qclass) == 0 {
qclass = append(qclass, dns.ClassINET)
if len(nameserver) == 0 {
conf, err := dns.ClientConfigFromFile("/etc/resolv.conf")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
nameserver = "@" + conf.Servers[0]
nameserver = string([]byte(nameserver)[1:]) // chop off @
// if the nameserver is from /etc/resolv.conf the [ and ] are already
// added, thereby breaking net.ParseIP. Check for this and don't
// fully qualify such a name
if nameserver[0] == '[' && nameserver[len(nameserver)-1] == ']' {
nameserver = nameserver[1 : len(nameserver)-1]
if i := net.ParseIP(nameserver); i != nil {
nameserver = net.JoinHostPort(nameserver, strconv.Itoa(*port))
} else {
nameserver = dns.Fqdn(nameserver) + ":" + strconv.Itoa(*port)
c := new(dns.Client)
t := new(dns.Transfer)
c.Net = "udp"
if *four {
c.Net = "udp4"
if *six {
c.Net = "udp6"
if *tcp {
c.Net = "tcp"
if *four {
c.Net = "tcp4"
if *six {
c.Net = "tcp6"
c.DialTimeout = *timeoutDial
c.ReadTimeout = *timeoutRead
c.WriteTimeout = *timeoutWrite
if *laddr != "" {
c.Dialer = &net.Dialer{Timeout: c.DialTimeout}
ip := net.ParseIP(*laddr)
if *tcp {
c.Dialer.LocalAddr = &net.TCPAddr{IP: ip}
} else {
c.Dialer.LocalAddr = &net.UDPAddr{IP: ip}
m := &dns.Msg{
MsgHdr: dns.MsgHdr{
Authoritative: *aa,
AuthenticatedData: *ad,
CheckingDisabled: *cd,
RecursionDesired: *rd,
Opcode: dns.OpcodeQuery,
Question: make([]dns.Question, 1),
if op, ok := dns.StringToOpcode[strings.ToUpper(*opcode)]; ok {
m.Opcode = op
m.Rcode = dns.RcodeSuccess
if rc, ok := dns.StringToRcode[strings.ToUpper(*rcode)]; ok {
m.Rcode = rc
if *dnssec || *nsid || *client != "" {
o := &dns.OPT{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: ".",
Rrtype: dns.TypeOPT,
if *dnssec {
if *nsid {
e := &dns.EDNS0_NSID{
Code: dns.EDNS0NSID,
o.Option = append(o.Option, e)
// NSD will not return nsid when the udp message size is too small
if *client != "" {
e := &dns.EDNS0_SUBNET{
Code: dns.EDNS0SUBNET,
Address: net.ParseIP(*client),
Family: 1, // IP4
SourceNetmask: net.IPv4len * 8,
if e.Address == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Failure to parse IP address: %s\n", *client)
if e.Address.To4() == nil {
e.Family = 2 // IP6
e.SourceNetmask = net.IPv6len * 8
o.Option = append(o.Option, e)
m.Extra = append(m.Extra, o)
if *tcp {
co := new(dns.Conn)
tcp := "tcp"
if *six {
tcp = "tcp6"
var err error
if c.Dialer != nil {
co.Conn, err = c.Dialer.Dial(tcp, nameserver)
} else {
co.Conn, err = net.DialTimeout(tcp, nameserver, *timeoutDial)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Dialing "+nameserver+" failed: "+err.Error()+"\n")
defer co.Close()
qt := dns.TypeA
qc := uint16(dns.ClassINET)
for i, v := range qname {
if i < len(qtype) {
qt = qtype[i]
if i < len(qclass) {
qc = qclass[i]
m.Question[0] = dns.Question{Name: dns.Fqdn(v), Qtype: qt, Qclass: qc}
m.Id = dns.Id()
if *tsig != "" {
if algo, name, secret, ok := tsigKeyParse(*tsig); ok {
m.SetTsig(name, algo, 300, time.Now().Unix())
c.TsigSecret = map[string]string{name: secret}
t.TsigSecret = map[string]string{name: secret}
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, ";; TSIG key data error\n")
if *query {
fmt.Printf("%s", m.String())
fmt.Printf("\n;; size: %d bytes\n\n", m.Len())
then := time.Now()
if err := co.WriteMsg(m); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, ";; %s\n", err.Error())
r, err := co.ReadMsg()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, ";; %s\n", err.Error())
if r.Id != m.Id {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Id mismatch\n")
if *check {
sigCheck(r, nameserver, true)
if *short {
fmt.Printf("%v", r)
fmt.Printf("\n;; total time: %v query time: %v, server: %s(%s), size: %d bytes\n", time.Since(startAt), time.Since(then), nameserver, tcp, r.Len())
qt := dns.TypeA
qc := uint16(dns.ClassINET)
for i, v := range qname {
if i < len(qtype) {
qt = qtype[i]
if i < len(qclass) {
qc = qclass[i]
m.Question[0] = dns.Question{Name: dns.Fqdn(v), Qtype: qt, Qclass: qc}
m.Id = dns.Id()
if *tsig != "" {
if algo, name, secret, ok := tsigKeyParse(*tsig); ok {
m.SetTsig(name, algo, 300, time.Now().Unix())
c.TsigSecret = map[string]string{name: secret}
t.TsigSecret = map[string]string{name: secret}
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "TSIG key data error\n")
if *query {
fmt.Printf("%s", m.String())
fmt.Printf("\n;; size: %d bytes\n\n", m.Len())
if qt == dns.TypeAXFR || qt == dns.TypeIXFR {
env, err := t.In(m, nameserver)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf(";; %s\n", err.Error())
var envelope, record int
for e := range env {
if e.Error != nil {
fmt.Printf(";; %s\n", e.Error.Error())
continue Query
for _, r := range e.RR {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", r)
record += len(e.RR)
fmt.Printf("\n;; xfr size: %d records (envelopes %d)\n", record, envelope)
r, rtt, err := c.Exchange(m, nameserver)
switch err {
case nil:
//do nothing
fmt.Printf(";; %s\n", err.Error())
if r.Truncated {
if *fallback {
if !*dnssec {
fmt.Printf(";; Truncated, trying %d bytes bufsize\n", dns.DefaultMsgSize)
o := new(dns.OPT)
o.Hdr.Name = "."
o.Hdr.Rrtype = dns.TypeOPT
m.Extra = append(m.Extra, o)
r, rtt, err = c.Exchange(m, nameserver)
*dnssec = true
goto Redo
} else {
// First EDNS, then TCP
fmt.Printf(";; Truncated, trying TCP\n")
c.Net = "tcp"
r, rtt, err = c.Exchange(m, nameserver)
*fallback = false
goto Redo
fmt.Printf(";; Truncated\n")
if r.Id != m.Id {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Id mismatch\n")
if *check {
sigCheck(r, nameserver, *tcp)
if *short {
fmt.Printf("%v", r)
fmt.Printf("\n;; total time: %v query time: %v µs, server: %s(%s), size: %d bytes\n", time.Since(startAt), rtt, nameserver, c.Net, r.Len())
func tsigKeyParse(s string) (algo, name, secret string, ok bool) {
s1 := strings.SplitN(s, ":", 3)
switch len(s1) {
case 2:
return "", dns.Fqdn(s1[0]), s1[1], true
case 3:
switch s1[0] {
case "hmac-md5":
return "", dns.Fqdn(s1[1]), s1[2], true
case "hmac-sha1":
return "hmac-sha1.", dns.Fqdn(s1[1]), s1[2], true
case "hmac-sha256":
return "hmac-sha256.", dns.Fqdn(s1[1]), s1[2], true
func sectionCheck(set []dns.RR, server string, tcp bool) {
var key *dns.DNSKEY
for _, rr := range set {
if rr.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeRRSIG {
var expired string
if !rr.(*dns.RRSIG).ValidityPeriod(time.Now().UTC()) {
expired = "(*EXPIRED*)"
rrset := getRRset(set, rr.Header().Name, rr.(*dns.RRSIG).TypeCovered)
if dnskey == nil {
key = getKey(rr.(*dns.RRSIG).SignerName, rr.(*dns.RRSIG).KeyTag, server, tcp)
} else {
key = dnskey
if key == nil {
fmt.Printf(";? DNSKEY %s/%d not found\n", rr.(*dns.RRSIG).SignerName, rr.(*dns.RRSIG).KeyTag)
where := "net"
if dnskey != nil {
where = "disk"
if err := rr.(*dns.RRSIG).Verify(key, rrset); err != nil {
fmt.Printf(";- Bogus signature, %s does not validate (DNSKEY %s/%d/%s) [%s] %s\n",
shortSig(rr.(*dns.RRSIG)), key.Header().Name, key.KeyTag(), where, err.Error(), expired)
} else {
fmt.Printf(";+ Secure signature, %s validates (DNSKEY %s/%d/%s) %s\n", shortSig(rr.(*dns.RRSIG)), key.Header().Name, key.KeyTag(), where, expired)
// Check the sigs in the msg, get the signer's key (additional query), get the
// rrset from the message, check the signature(s)
func sigCheck(in *dns.Msg, server string, tcp bool) {
sectionCheck(in.Answer, server, tcp)
sectionCheck(in.Ns, server, tcp)
sectionCheck(in.Extra, server, tcp)
// Check if there is need for authenticated denial of existence check
func denialCheck(in *dns.Msg) {
var denial []dns.RR
// nsec(3) lives in the auth section
for _, rr := range in.Ns {
if rr.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeNSEC {
if rr.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeNSEC3 {
denial = append(denial, rr)
if len(denial) > 0 {
denial3(denial, in)
fmt.Printf(";+ Unimplemented: check for denial-of-existence for nsec\n")
// NSEC3 Helper
func denial3(nsec3 []dns.RR, in *dns.Msg) {
qname := in.Question[0].Name
qtype := in.Question[0].Qtype
switch in.Rcode {
case dns.RcodeSuccess:
// qname should match nsec3, type should not be in bitmap
match := nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Match(qname)
if !match {
fmt.Printf(";- Denial, owner name does not match qname\n")
fmt.Printf(";- Denial, failed authenticated denial of existence proof for no data\n")
for _, t := range nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).TypeBitMap {
if t == qtype {
fmt.Printf(";- Denial, found type, %d, in bitmap\n", qtype)
fmt.Printf(";- Denial, failed authenticated denial of existence proof for no data\n")
if t > qtype { // ordered list, bail out, because not found
// Some success data printed here
fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, matching record, %s, (%s) found and type %s denied\n", qname,
strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(qname, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)),
fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, secure authenticated denial of existence proof for no data\n")
case dns.RcodeNameError: // NXDOMAIN Proof
indx := dns.Split(qname)
var ce string // Closest Encloser
var nc string // Next Closer
var wc string // Source of Synthesis (wildcard)
for i := 0; i < len(indx); i++ {
for j := 0; j < len(nsec3); j++ {
if nsec3[j].(*dns.NSEC3).Match(qname[indx[i]:]) {
ce = qname[indx[i]:]
wc = "*." + ce
if i == 0 {
nc = qname
} else {
nc = qname[indx[i-1]:]
break ClosestEncloser
if ce == "" {
fmt.Printf(";- Denial, closest encloser not found\n")
fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, closest encloser, %s (%s)\n", ce,
strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(ce, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)))
covered := 0 // Both nc and wc must be covered
for i := 0; i < len(nsec3); i++ {
if nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).Cover(nc) {
fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, next closer %s (%s), covered by %s -> %s\n", nc, nsec3[i].Header().Name, nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).NextDomain,
strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(ce, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)))
if nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).Cover(wc) {
fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, source of synthesis %s (%s), covered by %s -> %s\n", wc, nsec3[i].Header().Name, nsec3[i].(*dns.NSEC3).NextDomain,
strings.ToLower(dns.HashName(ce, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Hash, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Iterations, nsec3[0].(*dns.NSEC3).Salt)))
if covered != 2 {
fmt.Printf(";- Denial, too many, %d, covering records\n", covered)
fmt.Printf(";- Denial, failed authenticated denial of existence proof for name error\n")
fmt.Printf(";+ Denial, secure authenticated denial of existence proof for name error\n")
// Return the RRset belonging to the signature with name and type t
func getRRset(l []dns.RR, name string, t uint16) []dns.RR {
var l1 []dns.RR
for _, rr := range l {
if strings.ToLower(rr.Header().Name) == strings.ToLower(name) && rr.Header().Rrtype == t {
l1 = append(l1, rr)
return l1
// Get the key from the DNS (uses the local resolver) and return them.
// If nothing is found we return nil
func getKey(name string, keytag uint16, server string, tcp bool) *dns.DNSKEY {
c := new(dns.Client)
if tcp {
c.Net = "tcp"
m := new(dns.Msg)
m.SetQuestion(name, dns.TypeDNSKEY)
m.SetEdns0(4096, true)
r, _, err := c.Exchange(m, server)
if err != nil {
return nil
for _, k := range r.Answer {
if k1, ok := k.(*dns.DNSKEY); ok {
if k1.KeyTag() == keytag {
return k1
return nil
// shortSig shortens RRSIG to " RRSIG(NS)"
func shortSig(sig *dns.RRSIG) string {
return sig.Header().Name + " RRSIG(" + dns.TypeToString[sig.TypeCovered] + ")"
// shortenMsg walks trough message and shortens Key data and Sig data.
func shortenMsg(in *dns.Msg) {
for i, answer := range in.Answer {
in.Answer[i] = shortRR(answer)
for i, ns := range in.Ns {
in.Ns[i] = shortRR(ns)
for i, extra := range in.Extra {
in.Extra[i] = shortRR(extra)
func shortRR(r dns.RR) dns.RR {
switch t := r.(type) {
case *dns.DS:
t.Digest = "..."
case *dns.DNSKEY:
t.PublicKey = "..."
case *dns.RRSIG:
t.Signature = "..."
case *dns.NSEC3:
t.Salt = "." // Nobody cares
if len(t.TypeBitMap) > 5 {
t.TypeBitMap = t.TypeBitMap[1:5]
return r
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