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Created May 4, 2016 09:38
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Dmitry Vasilyev@WIN-N79ERR9IL9S MSYS /c/agent
$ ./mamonsu.exe -e template.xml -c agent.conf
[INFO] 2016-05-04 12:37:31,143 - root - Import module 'ExtPlugins' from directory C:\agent\ExtPlugins
[INFO] 2016-05-04 12:37:31,144 - root - Import plugin 'ExamplePlugin' from module 'ExtPlugins'
[INFO] 2016-05-04 12:37:31,145 - root - Import plugin 'StatementStats' from module 'ExtPlugins'
Dmitry Vasilyev@WIN-N79ERR9IL9S MSYS /c/agent
$ cat ExtPlugins/ __pycache__/
Dmitry Vasilyev@WIN-N79ERR9IL9S MSYS /c/agent
$ cat ExtPlugins/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from mamonsu.lib.plugin import Plugin
from mamonsu.plugins.pgsql.pool import Pooler
# Count all queries running more then 5 minutes
class ExamplePlugin(Plugin):
# execute method run() every 60s
Interval = 60
def run(self, zbx):
# execute query on default database
result = Pooler.query("""
from pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity
state <> 'idle' and
now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start > interval '5 minutes'
# send a resulting value to zabbix
zbx.send('pgsql.queries.long_count[]', result[0][0])
# debug message
self.log.debug('some information for debug')
# Declare zabbix items for template
def items(self, template):
# debug message
self.log.debug('Declare zabbix items for template')
return template.item({
'name': 'Count of long running queries',
'key': 'pgsql.queries.long_count[]'
# Declare zabbix graphs for template
def graphs(self, template):
self.log.debug('Declare zabbix graps for template')
items = [
'key': 'pgsql.queries.long_count[]',
'color': 'DF0101',
'yaxisside': 0
graph = {'name': 'PostgreSQL long running queries', 'items': items}
return template.graph(graph)
# Declare zabbix trigger for template
def triggers(self, template):
return template.trigger({
'name': "Long running queries ({HOSTNAME}: {ITEM.LASTVALUE})",
'expression': "{#TEMPLATE:pgsql.queries.long_count[].last()}&lt;10"
Dmitry Vasilyev@WIN-N79ERR9IL9S MSYS /c/agent
$ ./mamonsu.exe -e template.xml -c agent.conf
[INFO] 2016-05-04 12:37:41,420 - root - Import module 'ExtPlugins' from directory C:\agent\ExtPlugins
[INFO] 2016-05-04 12:37:41,421 - root - Import plugin 'ExamplePlugin' from module 'ExtPlugins'
[INFO] 2016-05-04 12:37:41,422 - root - Import plugin 'StatementStats' from module 'ExtPlugins'
Dmitry Vasilyev@WIN-N79ERR9IL9S MSYS /c/agent
$ cat template.xml | grep -i 'Long run'
Двоичный файл (стандартный ввод) совпадает
Dmitry Vasilyev@WIN-N79ERR9IL9S MSYS /c/agent
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