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Created June 10, 2021 18:34
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Show value of some, or all, MSW locale settings
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
struct LocaleOption
const char* name;
LCTYPE type;
const wchar_t* desc;
const wchar_t* GetValue() const
static wchar_t buf[256];
constexpr auto size = sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]);
if (!::GetLocaleInfoW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, type, buf, size)) {
StringCchPrintfW(buf, size, L"*** ERROR %08x", ::GetLastError());
return buf;
const LocaleOption localeOptions[] = {
{ "LOCALE_ILANGUAGE", 0x00000001, LR""(DEPRECATED language id (LCID), LOCALE_SNAME preferred)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SLOCALIZEDDISPLAYNAME", 0x00000002, LR""(localized name of locale, eg "German (Germany)" in UI language)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME", 0x00000003, LR""(DEPRECATED arbitrary abbreviated language name, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME instead.)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNATIVELANGUAGENAME", 0x00000004, LR""(native name of language, eg "Deutsch")"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDIALINGCODE", 0x00000005, LR""(country/region dialing code, example: en-US and en-CA return 1.)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SLOCALIZEDCOUNTRYNAME", 0x00000006, LR""(localized name of country/region, eg "Germany" in UI language)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVCTRYNAME", 0x00000007, LR""(DEPRECATED arbitrary abbreviated country/region name, LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME instead.)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNATIVECOUNTRYNAME", 0x00000008, LR""(native name of country/region, eg "Deutschland")"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDEFAULTLANGUAGE", 0x00000009, LR""(DEPRECATED default language id, deprecated)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDEFAULTCOUNTRY", 0x0000000A, LR""(DEPRECATED default country/region code, deprecated)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDEFAULTCODEPAGE", 0x0000000B, LR""(default oem code page for locale (user may configure as UTF-8, use of Unicode is recommended instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SLIST", 0x0000000C, LR""(list item separator, eg "," for "1,2,3,4")"" },
{ "LOCALE_IMEASURE", 0x0000000D, LR""(0 = metric, 1 = US measurement system)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDECIMAL", 0x0000000E, LR""(decimal separator, eg "." for 1,234.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_STHOUSAND", 0x0000000F, LR""(thousand separator, eg "," for 1,234.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SGROUPING", 0x00000010, LR""(digit grouping, eg "3;0" for 1,000,000)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDIGITS", 0x00000011, LR""(number of fractional digits eg 2 for 1.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_ILZERO", 0x00000012, LR""(leading zeros for decimal, 0 for .97, 1 for 0.97)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS", 0x00000013, LR""(native digits for 0-9, eg "0123456789")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SCURRENCY", 0x00000014, LR""(local monetary symbol, eg "$")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SINTLSYMBOL", 0x00000015, LR""(intl monetary symbol, eg "USD")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONDECIMALSEP", 0x00000016, LR""(monetary decimal separator, eg "." for $1,234.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHOUSANDSEP", 0x00000017, LR""(monetary thousand separator, eg "," for $1,234.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONGROUPING", 0x00000018, LR""(monetary grouping, eg "3;0" for $1,000,000.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS", 0x00000019, LR""(# local monetary digits, eg 2 for $1.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IINTLCURRDIGITS", 0x0000001A, LR""(DEPRECATED, use LOCALE_ICURRDIGITS # intl monetary digits, eg 2 for $1.00)"" },
{ "LOCALE_ICURRENCY", 0x0000001B, LR""(positive currency mode, 0-3, see documentation)"" },
{ "LOCALE_INEGCURR", 0x0000001C, LR""(negative currency mode, 0-15, see documentation)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDATE", 0x0000001D, LR""(DEPRECATED date separator (derived from LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, use that instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_STIME", 0x0000001E, LR""(DEPRECATED time separator (derived from LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, use that instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTDATE", 0x0000001F, LR""(short date format string, eg "MM/dd/yyyy")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SLONGDATE", 0x00000020, LR""(long date format string, eg "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy")"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDATE", 0x00000021, LR""(DEPRECATED short date format ordering (derived from LOCALE_SSHORTDATE, use that instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_ILDATE", 0x00000022, LR""(DEPRECATED long date format ordering (derived from LOCALE_SLONGDATE, use that instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_ITIME", 0x00000023, LR""(DEPRECATED time format specifier (derived from LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, use that instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_ICENTURY", 0x00000024, LR""(DEPRECATED century format specifier (short date, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE is preferred))"" },
{ "LOCALE_ITLZERO", 0x00000025, LR""(DEPRECATED leading zeros in time field (derived from LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, use that instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDAYLZERO", 0x00000026, LR""(DEPRECATED leading zeros in day field (short date, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE is preferred))"" },
{ "LOCALE_IMONLZERO", 0x00000027, LR""(DEPRECATED leading zeros in month field (short date, LOCALE_SSHORTDATE is preferred))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SAM", 0x00000028, LR""(AM designator, eg "AM")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SPM", 0x00000029, LR""(PM designator, eg "PM")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDAYNAME1", 0x0000002A, LR""(long name for Monday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDAYNAME2", 0x0000002B, LR""(long name for Tuesday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDAYNAME3", 0x0000002C, LR""(long name for Wednesday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDAYNAME4", 0x0000002D, LR""(long name for Thursday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDAYNAME5", 0x0000002E, LR""(long name for Friday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDAYNAME6", 0x0000002F, LR""(long name for Saturday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDAYNAME7", 0x00000030, LR""(long name for Sunday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME1", 0x00000031, LR""(abbreviated name for Monday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME2", 0x00000032, LR""(abbreviated name for Tuesday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME3", 0x00000033, LR""(abbreviated name for Wednesday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME4", 0x00000034, LR""(abbreviated name for Thursday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME5", 0x00000035, LR""(abbreviated name for Friday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME6", 0x00000036, LR""(abbreviated name for Saturday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME7", 0x00000037, LR""(abbreviated name for Sunday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME1", 0x00000038, LR""(long name for January)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME2", 0x00000039, LR""(long name for February)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME3", 0x0000003A, LR""(long name for March)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME4", 0x0000003B, LR""(long name for April)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME5", 0x0000003C, LR""(long name for May)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME6", 0x0000003D, LR""(long name for June)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME7", 0x0000003E, LR""(long name for July)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME8", 0x0000003F, LR""(long name for August)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME9", 0x00000040, LR""(long name for September)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME10", 0x00000041, LR""(long name for October)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME11", 0x00000042, LR""(long name for November)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME12", 0x00000043, LR""(long name for December)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME1", 0x00000044, LR""(abbreviated name for January)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME2", 0x00000045, LR""(abbreviated name for February)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME3", 0x00000046, LR""(abbreviated name for March)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME4", 0x00000047, LR""(abbreviated name for April)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME5", 0x00000048, LR""(abbreviated name for May)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME6", 0x00000049, LR""(abbreviated name for June)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME7", 0x0000004A, LR""(abbreviated name for July)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME8", 0x0000004B, LR""(abbreviated name for August)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME9", 0x0000004C, LR""(abbreviated name for September)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME10", 0x0000004D, LR""(abbreviated name for October)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME11", 0x0000004E, LR""(abbreviated name for November)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME12", 0x0000004F, LR""(abbreviated name for December)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SPOSITIVESIGN", 0x00000050, LR""(positive sign, eg "")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNEGATIVESIGN", 0x00000051, LR""(negative sign, eg "-")"" },
{ "LOCALE_IPOSSIGNPOSN", 0x00000052, LR""(positive sign position (derived from INEGCURR))"" },
{ "LOCALE_INEGSIGNPOSN", 0x00000053, LR""(negative sign position (derived from INEGCURR))"" },
{ "LOCALE_IPOSSYMPRECEDES", 0x00000054, LR""(mon sym precedes pos amt (derived from ICURRENCY))"" },
{ "LOCALE_IPOSSEPBYSPACE", 0x00000055, LR""(mon sym sep by space from pos amt (derived from ICURRENCY))"" },
{ "LOCALE_INEGSYMPRECEDES", 0x00000056, LR""(mon sym precedes neg amt (derived from INEGCURR))"" },
{ "LOCALE_INEGSEPBYSPACE", 0x00000057, LR""(mon sym sep by space from neg amt (derived from INEGCURR))"" },
{ "LOCALE_FONTSIGNATURE", 0x00000058, LR""(font signature)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME", 0x00000059, LR""(ISO abbreviated language name, eg "en")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME", 0x0000005A, LR""(ISO abbreviated country/region name, eg "US")"" },
{ "LOCALE_IGEOID", 0x0000005B, LR""(DEPRECATED geographical location id, use LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME instead.)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNAME", 0x0000005c, LR""(locale name (ie: en-us))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SDURATION", 0x0000005d, LR""(time duration format, eg "hh:mm:ss")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME1", 0x00000060, LR""(Shortest day name for Monday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME2", 0x00000061, LR""(Shortest day name for Tuesday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME3", 0x00000062, LR""(Shortest day name for Wednesday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME4", 0x00000063, LR""(Shortest day name for Thursday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME5", 0x00000064, LR""(Shortest day name for Friday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME6", 0x00000065, LR""(Shortest day name for Saturday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTDAYNAME7", 0x00000066, LR""(Shortest day name for Sunday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME2", 0x00000067, LR""(3 character ISO abbreviated language name, eg "eng")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME2", 0x00000068, LR""(3 character ISO country/region name, eg "USA")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNAN", 0x00000069, LR""(Not a Number, eg "NaN")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SPOSINFINITY", 0x0000006a, LR""(+ Infinity, eg "infinity")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNEGINFINITY", 0x0000006b, LR""(- Infinity, eg "-infinity")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSCRIPTS", 0x0000006c, LR""(Typical scripts in the locale: ; delimited script codes, eg "Latn;")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SPARENT", 0x0000006d, LR""(Fallback name for resources, eg "en" for "en-US")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SCONSOLEFALLBACKNAME", 0x0000006e, LR""(Fallback name for within the console for Unicode Only locales, eg "en" for bn-IN)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SLOCALIZEDLANGUAGENAME", 0x0000006f, LR""(Language Display Name for a language, eg "German" in UI language)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IREADINGLAYOUT", 0x00000070, LR""(Returns one of the following 4 reading layout values:
0 - Left to right (eg en-US)
1 - Right to left (eg arabic locales)
2 - Vertical top to bottom with columns to the left and also left to right (ja-JP locales)
3 - Vertical top to bottom with columns proceeding to the right)"" },
{ "LOCALE_INEUTRAL", 0x00000071, LR""(Returns 0 for specific cultures, 1 for neutral cultures.)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SENGLISHDISPLAYNAME", 0x00000072, LR""(Display name (language + country/region usually) in English, eg "German (Germany)")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNATIVEDISPLAYNAME", 0x00000073, LR""(Display name in native locale language, eg "Deutsch (Deutschland))"" },
{ "LOCALE_INEGATIVEPERCENT", 0x00000074, LR""(Returns 0-11 for the negative percent format)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IPOSITIVEPERCENT", 0x00000075, LR""(Returns 0-3 for the positive percent formatIPOSITIVEPERCENT)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SPERCENT", 0x00000076, LR""(Returns the percent symbol)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SPERMILLE", 0x00000077, LR""(Returns the permille (U+2030) symbol)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHDAY", 0x00000078, LR""(Returns the preferred month/day format)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTTIME", 0x00000079, LR""(Returns the preferred short time format (ie: no seconds, just h:mm))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SOPENTYPELANGUAGETAG", 0x0000007a, LR""(Open type language tag, eg: "latn" or "dflt")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSORTLOCALE", 0x0000007b, LR""(Name of locale to use for sorting/collation/casing behavior.)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SRELATIVELONGDATE", 0x0000007c, LR""(Long date without year, day of week, month, date, eg: for lock screen)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTAM", 0x0000007e, LR""(Shortest AM designator, eg "A")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSHORTESTPM", 0x0000007f, LR""(Shortest PM designator, eg "P")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SENGLISHLANGUAGENAME", 0x00001001, LR""(English name of language, eg "German")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SENGLISHCOUNTRYNAME", 0x00001002, LR""(English name of country/region, eg "Germany")"" },
{ "LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT", 0x00001003, LR""(time format string, eg "HH:mm:ss")"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE", 0x00001004, LR""(default ansi code page for locale (user may configure as UTF-8, use of Unicode is recommended instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_ITIMEMARKPOSN", 0x00001005, LR""(DEPRECATED time marker position (derived from LOCALE_STIMEFORMAT, use that instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SYEARMONTH", 0x00001006, LR""(year month format string, eg "MM/yyyy")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SENGCURRNAME", 0x00001007, LR""(english name of currency, eg "Euro")"" },
{ "LOCALE_SNATIVECURRNAME", 0x00001008, LR""(native name of currency, eg "euro")"" },
{ "LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE", 0x00001009, LR""(type of calendar specifier, eg CAL_GREGORIAN)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IPAPERSIZE", 0x0000100A, LR""(1 = letter, 5 = legal, 8 = a3, 9 = a4)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IOPTIONALCALENDAR", 0x0000100B, LR""(additional calendar types specifier, eg CAL_GREGORIAN_US)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK", 0x0000100C, LR""(first day of week specifier, 0-6, 0=Monday, 6=Sunday)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IFIRSTWEEKOFYEAR", 0x0000100D, LR""(first week of year specifier, 0-2, see documentation)"" },
{ "LOCALE_SMONTHNAME13", 0x0000100E, LR""(long name for 13th month (if exists))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME13", 0x0000100F, LR""(abbreviated name for 13th month (if exists))"" },
{ "LOCALE_INEGNUMBER", 0x00001010, LR""(negative number mode, 0-4, see documentation)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDEFAULTMACCODEPAGE", 0x00001011, LR""(default mac code page for locale (user may configure as UTF-8, use of Unicode is recommended instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDEFAULTEBCDICCODEPAGE", 0x00001012, LR""(default ebcdic code page for a locale (use of Unicode is recommended instead))"" },
{ "LOCALE_SSORTNAME", 0x00001013, LR""(sort name, usually "", eg "Dictionary" in UI Language)"" },
{ "LOCALE_IDIGITSUBSTITUTION", 0x00001014, LR""(0 = context, 1 = none, 2 = national)"" },
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2) {
fwprintf(stderr, L"Usage: %hs <LOCALE_XXX>|all\n", argv[0]);
return 2;
auto const arg = argv[1];
if (strcmp(arg, "all") == 0) {
for (auto const& opt: localeOptions) {
wprintf(L"% 32hs = %ls\n",, opt.GetValue());
} else {
for (auto const& opt: localeOptions) {
if (strcmp(, arg) == 0) {
wprintf(L"%hs = %ls\n",, opt.GetValue());
return 0;
fwprintf(stderr, L"Unknown option \"%hs\".\n", arg);
return 2;
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