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Last active December 16, 2017 20:15
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Free camera controller from my 3D application. Depends on `reactive-banana>=1.1` and `static-tensor>=0.2.1`
, ExplicitForAll
, ScopedTypeVariables
, RecursiveDo
, TypeApplications
, TemplateHaskell
, FlexibleInstances
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeFamilies
module FreeCamera where
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Reactive.Banana
import Data.Vector.Static (Vector, cross, norm, genVectorInstance, toHomogenous, fromHomogenous)
import Data.Tensor.Static (add, diff, scale)
import Data.Matrix.Static (Matrix, mult, genMatrixInstance)
$(genVectorInstance 3 ''Float)
$(genVectorInstance 4 ''Float)
$(genMatrixInstance 4 4 ''Float)
-- | Camera
data Camera = Camera
{ _cameraPosition :: !(Vector 3 Float) -- ^ Position of the camera.
, _cameraTarget :: !(Vector 3 Float) -- ^ Camera's target point.
, _cameraUp :: !(Vector 3 Float) -- ^ Up vector
, _cameraFov :: !Float -- ^ Field of view.
-- | Create a camera behavior from camera control events.
freeCameraB ::
forall m.
( MonadMoment m
, MonadFix m
=> Camera -- ^ Initial camera.
-> Event Float -- ^ Yaw rotation (left-right).
-> Event Float -- ^ Pitch rotation (down-up).
-> Event Float -- ^ Roll rotation.
-> Event Float -- ^ Move left-right.
-> Event Float -- ^ Move up-down.
-> Event Float -- ^ Move forward-backward.
-> Event Float -- ^ Changes of camera's FoV.
-> m (Behavior Camera)
freeCameraB (Camera position0 target0 up0 fov0) yaw pitch roll leftRight upDown fwdBwd fovE = mdo
let vLeftRight = sampleWith scale left leftRight
vUpDown = sampleWith scale up upDown
vFwdBwd = sampleWith scale fwd fwdBwd
vPos = unionWith add vFwdBwd (unionWith add vLeftRight vUpDown)
position <- accumB position0 (add <$> vPos)
let fwd0 = norm (target0 `diff` position0)
left = ((\u f -> norm $ cross u f) <$> up <*> fwd)
yawMat = sampleWith rotationMatrix up (fmap negate yaw)
pitchMat = sampleWith rotationMatrix left pitch
rollMat = sampleWith rotationMatrix fwd roll
rotMat = unionWith mult rollMat (unionWith mult pitchMat yawMat)
up <- accumB (norm up0) (fmap (\m v -> norm $ fromHomogenous $ mult m $ toHomogenous v) rotMat)
fwd <- accumB fwd0 (fmap (\m v -> norm $ fromHomogenous $ mult m $ toHomogenous v) rotMat)
let target = add <$> position <*> fwd
fov <- accumB fov0 (fmap (+) fovE)
pure $ Camera <$> position <*> target <*> up <*> fov
-- | Sample value of the 'Behavior' @a@ at instances of the 'Event' @b@ and
-- put them into a tuple.
samplePair :: Behavior a -> Event b -> Event (a, b)
samplePair b e = (,) <$> b <@> e
-- | Sample value of the 'Behavior' @a@ at instances of the 'Event' @b@ and
-- apply given function to them.
sampleWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Behavior a -> Event b -> Event c
sampleWith f b e = uncurry f <$> samplePair b e
-- | Create a rotation matrix.
rotationMatrix :: Vector 3 Float -- ^ Axis of the rotation.
-> Float -- ^ Angle of the rotation.
-> Matrix 4 4 Float
rotationMatrix axis a = undefined
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