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Created December 23, 2009 13:46
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A super simple markov generator
However, she began nibbling at a little of her very curious!' she spoke (it was close by the moment. ' She waited patiently until it away into the sea as she said, just as hard indeed to be. 'And yet what work it had followed him when it aloud; and put everything upon a book written down:. 'I don't trouble yourself airs! Do you got to her escape; so he now and the end of uglifying!'. ' 'Then it could think this child again, and feebly stretching out its nest. 'The Dormouse indignantly. 'Now I wish it was not tell you know that it was over the King, the flame of the. ' 'If you're doing!' cried the milk-jug into a sulky tone; 'Seven jogged my dear: she did the air. 'Back to himself suddenly: the Mock Turtle yawned and looking up in a very sleepy; 'and those cool fountains,. So she went on, old thing!' It quite forgetting her sister, who only answered herself so proud of the. While she made a bottle was going through the youth, 'and the Dormouse shall!' they can't take more like. 'I had never heard it belongs to fix on his face, with a more to get out again with. 'Idiot!' said the stick, and don't see,' said that wherever you coward!' and when she was small ones choked. 'Shall we should be so shiny. ' 'If you know, sir, just beginning to begin at all,' said the Knave of her feet, I used. Alice opened their backs was sitting on again:-- 'You are back to get dry again, and Morcar, the Panther. ' 'That's none of them--and it would break the Caterpillar and very sulkily and there ought! And have been. ' 'With extras. This answer to offer it,' said Alice in their wits!' So you like!' the e--e--evening, Beautiful, beauti--FUL SOUP!' 'Chorus. ' 'In my dear! I don't want to Alice cautiously replied: 'but when she said one a-piece all pardoned.
' said a bit to be full of a very angrily, but on a hatter. There was as prizes. 'I won't you, will look! ALICE'S LOVE). ' said Seven flung down a dead silence for two feet high, and doesn't believe you never even make. Then followed them, and that he was THAT direction,' the Rabbit blew three inches high, and some kind of. What WILL do it must have answered 'Come on, turning to turn into the same as she looked up. Don't let me see--how IS that in a well enough, under sentence in a hundred pounds! He was now,. "' 'You may as hard word, I grow to think of beheading people live in custody and doesn't mind. ' Alice soon found it over their faces at this curious child again, and went to beat them up. ' said to school in the King laid his voice at once a puzzled her side to meet William. Alice replied eagerly, half to see some fun now!' thought poor little before the Fish-Footman began talking in a. And the hot day of what a funny it'll fetch it off together at any more--As it so on. ' he shall fall as well as she remained some time to come and the Mouse to be a. He trusts to ask: perhaps they were,' said in its head down, but she couldn't have the Mouse to. 'No, no!' said the little eyes, for the mushroom,' said Alice looked up a little door, so out-of-the-way down. 'Everything's got to her that she tipped over his great deal too much, if--if I'd better take LESS,' said. Alice could draw back to an arm that makes the time of the table, half no tears into the. 'Fifteenth,' said the patriotic archbishop of sight: then Alice thought Alice asked YOUR temper!' 'Hold your acceptance of the. Be off, and the treat. However, she thought: still where HAVE you speak severely to look about the Mouse splashed his arms folded, frowning.
'That's different person then added aloud. 'Fourteenth of such as well she fell on the Queen furiously, throwing everything is May it was obliged to. ' when she went on a voice she walked off sneezing on which wasn't one of the jury--' 'If. Alice put the Hatter added in trying to her hand, and the neighbouring pool--she could guess, she spoke (it. Do you liked teaching it as they all the slate with great hall, with their names were out the. ' As she went on with a somersault in Wonderland, though she said, in the court, without hearing anything. Suddenly she said Alice, and, as well as you think about for her, to eat some time to herself,. ) 'All right, Five! Always lay on growing, and, when a pity it sat down the Mock Turtle replied. All this bottle on planning to itself up and shut again, and began telling them something worth the chimney,. ' 'THAT you know it turned a timid and they were trying to sing "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle,. ' asked YOUR table,' said the March Hare moved on each other; but there were no use without my. Alice said the Mock Turtle replied, not here the right house, and then; such things being run back to. CHAPTER IV. ' 'I wish I must be true): If they sat upon Alice, 'it'll never once considering at first, 'why. An invitation for croqueting one of the same as she remembered how far we shall be wasting our breath. 'You can kick a mournful tone, going to trouble yourself airs! Do you talking at Alice joined in sight,. ' She had hurt it sat up and the house before the King hastily replied; 'and I had already. ' 'A nice soft thing as if he did,' said Alice, who had to the garden at one of. (In which seemed to find that stood still running half an opportunity of that you to her, they doing. ' he did they had never been running on his Normans--" How she said the Gryphon went back to.
Suddenly she listened, or more; They all coming back into a melancholy tone: 'don't give birthday presents like a. ' 'Pepper, mostly,' said the queerest thing yourself, some time to see Shakespeare, in the right to avoid shrinking. ' 'It's a boon, Was kindly permitted to think of the other ladder. The March Hare said the Hatter was in search of one! There was indeed: she sits purring so she. 'Please would not to the stupidest tea-party I know why I don't remember half the White Rabbit, trotting slowly. It was soon found this time with its ears for them, and the little shrieks, and had got no. But at last: 'and he went on: 'But who I am! But I'd been annoyed,' said Alice hastily interrupted. 'Nothing whatever,' said the Footman seemed too stiff. ' 'Which is like a bit hurt, and there's no use in a deep voice, 'are you mean,' said. " Said cunning old fellow. On every way, and the other two were giving it pop down again as there seemed quite tired of. 'I'm too brown, I to sell,' the sneeze of course, I could, for pulling me see--how IS a grown. She waited till she was a conversation with an Eaglet, and she was busily painting them even make you. ' 'I'll have everybody executed, whether it tricks very clear notion how old fellow. 'When we put on between Him, and anxious look of the Lobster Quadrille is!' 'Why did so, that case,'. 'I'm a body to suit the blame on her at the rest, Between yourself airs! Do cats COULD grin. The Knave shook the door-- Pray, what you guessed the best to herself; 'the way off, quite away!' 'Consider. 'I do with draggled feathers, the little--"' and finish the whole cause, and wander about a door between us. ' asked YOUR temper!' 'Hold your pardon!' cried the Duchess took the end of mind, and quietly, and to. ' Alice began dreaming after a while Alice went slowly and thought Alice; but to the fan, and more.
'What else seemed to see you see, because they're all seemed quite tired herself at all; however, it vanished. She was quite agree to wonder what you to nobody, you have of getting out that must be Involved. Alice could bear: she could go and would bend about something, my head's free of bright brass plate with. 'Never mind!' said to have you can't have to listen to encourage the Knave of beheading people near her,. ' said to herself at the Queen said the subject,' the least idea what "it" means much indeed,' said. An invitation for your name is made from,' said the King, looking over the baby grunted in a narrow. Alice didn't sign it,' said the Cat said, 'and I'll have their mouths so many lessons in all the. 'Right, as this minute!' She had fallen into the Hatter said, without a very curious dream, dear, YOU sing,'. ' 'It's all the tail, and there's hardly worth a whisper a fashion, and sneezing, and the roses growing. 'The idea of THIS!' (Sounds of Hearts, who only makes people live at once or two, looking at the. 'Have you go,' said Alice said the distance would change to see what you're so much right,' said the. 'I never went on in a story!' Alice the right way YOU manage it will do, and picking them. 'If you like the Duchess: 'flamingoes and decidedly, and said, without opening out a hurry to find herself as. 'Nobody seems to win, that Dormouse! Turn that part about fifteen inches deep voice, but now let Dinah stop. 'Would YOU must needs come wriggling down on the Footman remarked, 'till tomorrow--' At last the King turned crimson. 'Oh, don't take LESS,' said aloud. ' 'No,' said Alice in these words: 'Where's the White Rabbit as before, And she said the Rabbit noticed. So she set to be managed to be when he said the parchment in a bird,' Alice kept fanning. 'Very,' said the beginning,' the March Hare went in livery: otherwise, judging by the end of these three times. ) 'Then the best of it, for pulling me like a pencil that all ornamented all can,' said the.
An obstacle that they both the Caterpillar and said the Hatter continued, 'in this New Zealand or dogs either,. ' 'Once upon a little Alice loudly and that's all this New Zealand or 'Off with oh, such as,. One of the arm that is--"Be what CAN I can find it is I must have been jumping up. Why, I hadn't cried Alice looked so easily in their arguments to grow to learn! No, there was a. ' 'It's the opportunity for she said the day or not'; for some minutes to be true): If they. CHAPTER VI. ' 'Of course it can't help it,' but the door, and broke off staring at it, and some of. ' said in it puzzled her to herself, 'Now, what she did the balls were all the sage, as. 'A cat may be in the place of mine, the other, saying, in the blades of a little passage:. Alice said to himself upon its axis--' 'Talking of 'em together at once: one hand in a fan! Quick,. Alice as she heard of the eyes appeared, she thought she was dreadfully fond of feet in their faces,. ' Luckily for this side to herself, and here ought to look of the Cat seemed to do next!. 'I've forgotten that it is not be so dreadfully ugly child: but very curious to the hookah into her. ' 'Well, there may SIT down,' the little pebbles came in things!' on the same thing, and four times. I am I don't reach the truth: did you see, so that there were trying in them, and the. An obstacle that SOMEBODY ought to itself, half hoping that the Nile On various pretexts they passed too late. ' 'A likely to give yourself to get used to herself down with closed eyes, 'Of course twinkling of. ' 'Pepper, mostly,' said the Knave of getting up towards it say, 'Look out one way into a queer-shaped. At this morning I've tried to explain MYSELF, I'm sure she's such a long since that,' continued as if. ' And then, 'we were perfectly idiotic!' And then followed a mineral, I only too brown, I don't put.
'How surprised at tea-time. ' 'I thought it said the Dormouse shall!' they don't understand English,' thought this time, sat down, so awfully. ' he said Five, in a melancholy way, being pinched by the Lobster Quadrille is!' 'Why with his spectacles. RABBIT' engraved upon a little pattering of yourself,' said the candle is to her foot! She was trying which. ' It quite enough--I hope they'll remember half to herself, 'in this here ought to cry again, and she. The hedgehog just missed their forepaws to be like, '--for they play with a candle is over!' thought Alice. ' And here and beg pardon, your tea; it's a great hurry; 'and if she came a game was. ' 'But about easily offended!' 'You'll get what was quite slowly, beginning to a tone of having found the. 'At any good advice, (though she could not stoop to get her in bed!' On which she wanted much. ' for, you mayn't believe I growl when they both his shrill little before it's angry, and felt sure. Alice ventured to listen to leave it makes the same, the whole thing Mock Turtle repeated her head down,. 'Are you--are you never to begin with; and then Alice, the same thing to go with all comfortable, and. 'But it's no idea of it as he would NOT a few minutes to dry again: 'Twenty-four hours, I. ' said Alice replied, in my dears! It's the King, who it was: she could get hold it was. At last few yards off into Alice's first at her flamingo was moving about the most uncommonly fat; Yet. ' 'What is Alice, 'when the mouse that makes them a frightened all came into a fact is, what. 'I said the paper has won. 'Go on again:-- 'You are "much of tears, but the first remark, and that soup!' Alice began, rather curious,. 'That's the officers of present!' thought it much,' said Alice asked Alice remarked the rest were followed by the. 'That's nothing more to have to you know--' She stretched herself up any rate, there's the mistake it went,.
It's high enough for showing off to change the wood, 'is to be sure! However, on which changed since. ' he would go, and would be executed on his head!' Alice started violently, that curled all this affair,. ' (The jury consider their wits!' So they both of the doors of tears, but to herself, 'if you. ' 'I'd rather not,' said the cupboards and a deal frightened tone of thunder, and said the way the. 'Would YOU like it,' said Seven flung down upon it: there was a tiny little of tumbling down the. (Alice had made out in custody and more happened, and rubbed its face in a great crash, as an. In another puzzling question; and a present of a stalk out her sharp bark sounded an encouraging opening out. ) 'And that's all made a small for this a low hall, and gloves, and repeated the use in. 'Does YOUR adventures first,' said Alice, who it was only grinned a tunnel for a sky-rocket!' 'So he checked. First, she said to itself round the jury all that you my youth,' said the pair of course--"I GAVE. The King said, and day! Why, there's an explanation. 'I've tried to say "How doth the Duchess, who was a sad tale!' said the next walking away the. So Bill's place where you that I'm talking!' Just at this, and her "Turtle Soup," will put on a. There was certainly too much, so she came in some time,' said the Lory and Alice think I think. 'What did it,) he dipped suddenly upon its right size for some more the wood, 'is to itself, 'Oh. 'There's no mark the Queen was to him: She said in by a game began nibbling at any lesson-books!'. ' 'Are you--are you join the Queen furiously, throwing everything that wherever you never knew she listened, or twice,. 'I want YOURS: I fell upon an inkstand at the same as much the fight was the croquet-ground in. Alice as I hadn't gone much sooner or hippopotamus, but they couldn't have dropped them, of a dead silence. Will you, it's a deep voice, but it a large fan and began, in chains, with fur and wags.
This seemed inclined to sea of the Cat, and the March Hare went on which was a sort of. I never was enough hatching the slate with the other, saying, in one of the sort of soup off. Would not, could get through next peeped over its meaning of cards!' At last the sides of many teeth,. Alice said the baby, it would have come back and she had any of adding, 'You're nothing to uglify. 'They all round eyes, and said Alice felt that it very little shrieks, and making such a hoarse and. ' 'It is it what "it" means well say it got into that I'm doubtful about it: 'I wish. And the way I never said to ask me,' said Alice as she had quite strange tale, perhaps your. Alice soon as it would be the candle is such a dunce. ' 'Once upon Bill! catch a song about among the mallets live about a little sisters,' the answer without. The Hatter's remark seemed to it,' said the three gardeners, who has a sigh: 'he won't you, won't walk. 'You might happen any rate a sad and offer it,' she was now, and such a comfort, one of. 'I'll tell you join the wandering hair wants cutting,' said the Dormouse, and tried to be jury," Said the. ) However, she bore it might do well say,' said the Caterpillar angrily, 'or you know,' the pool, and. 'You should it now, my youth,' said the garden, and was in prison,' the top of course, I gave. 'I can't put on it, 'Mouse dear! I hadn't begun to the Gryphon lifted up any other ladder. ' said Alice: '--where's the Mouse only grinned when the book,' thought you may be QUITE as "I like. CHAPTER VII. 'But they were INSIDE, you a complaining tone, exactly what they'll all sat down from one of educations--in fact,. Alice felt dreadfully savage!' exclaimed Alice sharply, for her sister of the other side of beautiful Soup! Soup of. 'Shy, they met in the Tarts.
' The rabbit-hole under his tea and a nice soft thing to begin again, you could only a dreamy. ' he handed them attempted to be collected at that to shillings and managed to see Shakespeare, in the. ' He sent for her, one corner of a vegetable. The poor animal's feelings may nurse it turned pale, beloved snail, but she knows it said Five, 'and most. 'Come away, my life!' She had been running out of the riddle yet it would manage the arches are. ' 'It's the glass table to have made out that is almost certain to herself before the rest of. ' The Duchess took the arches are you executed, as there was as he spoke, and put down a. First, however, she had just grazed his son, 'I never executes nobody, which isn't a queer noises, would like. ' The Dormouse indignantly. ' 'What's in livery: otherwise, judging by way all alone with fright and nothing of the look at last,. ' And she's such sudden change, but she stretched herself as she ran across to begin at any pepper. ' This seemed to school at them about as well go near here ought not so like a tone. "You have been examining the Dormouse indignantly. When she heard it behind it sat down among the Gryphon replied very curious croquet-ground in salt water had. ' The Queen's argument was, that curious feeling!' said Alice heard the next, when she made Alice said; 'there's. 'Reeling and retire in that had grown in that cats always HATED cats: nasty, low, trembling down from one. 'But they came jumping about this, so she fell asleep again in here Alice in a sky-rocket!' 'So you. ' she liked with blacking, I or a very nearly forgotten the garden, and this time, sat up like. Shall I was immediately met those serpents! There's no time with the Mock Turtle, and broke to sea as. So they couldn't see it can go on for her foot up again, and decidedly, and said, 'than waste.
module Markov
class TextGenerator
attr_accessor :markov
attr_accessor :input_file
def initialize(input_file)
def get_words[\.\?]/)
content.each do |sentence|
before = ""
sentence.split.each do |word|
if(word.strip != "")
yield before, word
before = word
def generate_markov
@markov = {}
get_words do |before, word|
markov[before] ||= []
markov[before] << word
def generate_paragraph(len=20)
len.times do
sentences << generate_sentence
sentences.join " "
def generate_article(len=10)
len.times do
paragraphs << generate_paragraph
def generate_sentence(len=20)
if(not @markov)
words = []
before = ""
loop do
before = @markov[before][Kernel.rand(@markov[before].length)] rescue nil
break if before.nil?
break if (words + [before]).length >= len
words << before
return words.join(" ")+"."
require 'markov'
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