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Created December 18, 2014 00:56
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function! RandomNumber(limit)
let components = split(reltimestr(reltime()), '\.')
let microseconds = components[-1] + 0
return microseconds % a:limit
function! RandomScheme()
let choices = []
for fname in split(globpath(&runtimepath, 'colors/*.vim'), '\n')
let name = fnamemodify(fname, ':t:r')
let choices = choices + [name]
let index = RandomNumber(len(choices))
execute 'colorscheme' fnameescape(choices[index])
let g:total=1
function! SwitchScheme()
call feedkeys("f\e")
if(g:total % 15 == 0)
" update time is usually set to 4 seconds
" So the scheme would be changed on 1 minute of inactivity
call RandomScheme()
let g:total = g:total + 1
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