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Created May 22, 2021 13:32
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This creates a channel which continuously processes and returns random strings of fixed (given) size. And processing can be cancelled at will.
package randomStrings
import (
// randInt is local function that returns a random integer between provided min, max.
func randInt(min int, max int) int {
return min + rand.Intn(max-min)
// randomString is local function that processes random strings \
// continuously until cancel function is called.
func randomString(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- string, size int) {
for {
bytes := make([]byte, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
bytes[i] = byte(randInt(65, 90))
ch <- string(bytes)
// RandomStrings initiates the randomString process \
// returns channel to read from, and cancel function to stop manually.
func RandomStrings(size int) (chan string, context.CancelFunc) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Channel to exchange strings between randomString goroutine and caller. \
// Buffered channel's size can be modified as per need. Here, 100.
ch := make(chan string, 100)
// Seed so the strings are created random
// Initiate the randomString process in concurrent goroutine
go randomString(ctx, ch, size)
return ch, cancel
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