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Thesis Work
//three class definitions for:
// - Primitive variables (W)
// - Conservative variables (U)
// - Conservative fluxes (F)
class Prim{
Prim(double, double, double, double, double, double);
double rho1;
double rho2;
double u;
double v;
double p;
double z1;
Prim::Prim(double _rho1, double _rho2, double _u, double _v, double _p, double _z1){
rho1 = _rho1; rho2 = _rho2, u = _u; v = _v; p=_p; z1=_z1;
class ConsU{
ConsU(double, double, double, double, double, double);
double z1rho1;
double z2rho2;
double rhou;
double rhov;
double E;
double z1;
ConsU::ConsU(double _z1rho1, double _z2rho2, double _rhou, double _rhov, double _E, double _z1){
z1rho1 = _z1rho1; z2rho2 = _z2rho2; rhou = _rhou; rhov = _rhov; E = _E; z1 = _z1;
class ConsF{
ConsF(double, double, double, double, double, double);
double mass1;
double mass2;
double xmom;
double ymom;
double en;
double uz1;
ConsF::ConsF(double _mass1, double _mass2, double _xmom, double _ymom, double _en, double _uz1){
mass1 = _mass1; mass2 = _mass2; xmom = _xmom; ymom = _ymom; en = _en; uz1 = _uz1;
class ConsG{
ConsG(double, double, double, double, double, double);
double mass1;
double mass2;
double xmom;
double ymom;
double en;
double vz1;
ConsG::ConsG(double _mass1, double _mass2, double _xmom, double _ymom, double _en, double _vz1){
mass1 = _mass1; mass2 = _mass2; xmom = _xmom; ymom = _ymom; en = _en; vz1 = _vz1;
class MaterialProperties{
string material, EoS;
double varGamma; //all EoS
double A, B, R1, R2, rho_0; //additional JWL
double xi1, xi2, Cv; //additional cochran-chan
double c_0, s, e_0, p_0; //additional Hugoniot
//error with use of a and s in equation
double p_inf; //stiffened gas
MaterialProperties(string _material, string _EoS){
material = _material;
EoS = _EoS;
if(_material == "air" && _EoS == "ideal"){
varGamma = 1.4 - 1;
else if(_material == "helium" && _EoS == "ideal"){
varGamma = 1.67 - 1;
else if(_material == "TNT" && _EoS == "JWL"){
varGamma = 0.25;
A = 854.5e9;
B = 20.5e9;
R1 = 4.6;
R2 = 1.35;
rho_0 = 1840;
else if(_material == "TNT" && _EoS == "CC"){
varGamma = 0.93;
A = 12.87e9;
B = 13.42e9;
xi1 = 4.1;
xi2 = 3.1;
rho_0 = 1840;
Cv = 1087;
else if(_material == "copper" && _EoS == "CC"){
varGamma = 2.0;
A = 145.67e9;
B = 147.75e9;
xi1 = 2.99;
xi2 = 1.99;
rho_0 = 8900;
Cv = 393;
}else if(_material == "nitromethane" && _EoS == "CC"){
varGamma = 1.19;
A = 0.819181e9;
B = 1.50835e9;
xi1 = 4.52969;
xi2 = 1.42144;
rho_0 = 1134;
Cv = 1714;
}else if(_material == "air" && _EoS == "CC"){
varGamma = 0.4;
A = 0.0;
B = 0.0;
xi1 = 0.0;
xi2 = 0.0;
rho_0 = 1134;
Cv = 718;
}else if(_material == "HMX" && _EoS == "Hugoniot"){
varGamma = 0.7;
c_0 = 3070;
s = 1.79;
rho_0 = 1891;
}else if(_material == "air" && _EoS == "stiffened"){
varGamma = 0.4;
p_inf = 0.0;
}else if(_material == "water" && _EoS == "stiffened"){
varGamma = 3.4;
p_inf = 6.0e8;
}else if(_material == "gelatin10" && _EoS == "stiffened"){
//10% gelatin in water mixture
varGamma = 5.72;
p_inf = 3.7e8;
}else if(_material == "LS_water" && _EoS == "stiffened"){
varGamma = 1.35;
p_inf = 1.0e9;
e_0 = -1167.0e3;
}else if(_material == "air" && _EoS == "Hugoniot"){
varGamma = 0.40;
c_0 = 0.0;
s = 0.0;
rho_0 = 1.2;
e_0 = 0;
p_0 = 0;
}else if(_material == "gel" && _EoS == "Hugoniot"){
varGamma = 0.17;
c_0 = 1520.0;
s = 1.87;
rho_0 = 1060.0;
e_0 = 0;
p_0 = 0;
}else if(_material == "fake-liquid" && _EoS == "ideal"){
varGamma = 2.1 - 1;
throw runtime_error("non-specified material + EoS pair: " + _material + " + " + _EoS);
//2D, 5-equation (Allaire), two material, inert model with Mie Gruneisen EoS
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
//denote floats with decimals or auto interpreted as integer
typedef vector<double> Vector;
template<typename T>
void printVector(vector<T> vec){
int len = vec.size();
for(int i; i<len; ++i){
cout << vec[i] << endl;
}//vector-array print function templated to print for any vector type
#include "Classes.H"
//e_ref and p_ref functions:
double p_ref_calc(MaterialProperties M, string EoS, double rho){
double p_ref;
if(EoS == "ideal"){
p_ref = 0;
}else if(EoS == "stiffened"){
p_ref = -(M.varGamma+1)*M.p_inf;
}else if(EoS == "JWL"){
p_ref = M.A*exp(-M.R1*M.rho_0/rho) + M.B*exp(-M.R2*M.rho_0/rho);
}else if(EoS == "CC"){
p_ref = M.A*pow((M.rho_0/rho),-M.xi1) - M.B*pow((M.rho_0/rho),-M.xi2);
}else if(EoS == "Hugoniot"){
if(M.c_0 == 0){
p_ref = 0.0;
p_ref = M.p_0 + (M.rho_0*rho*pow(M.c_0,2)*(rho-M.rho_0))/pow(rho - M.s*(rho-M.rho_0),2);
cout << "undefined EoS" << endl;
return p_ref;
double e_ref_calc(MaterialProperties M, string EoS, double rho){
double e_ref;
if(EoS == "ideal" || EoS == "stiffened"){
e_ref = M.e_0;
}else if(EoS == "JWL"){
e_ref = (M.A/(M.rho_0*M.R1))*exp(-M.R1*M.rho_0/rho) + \
}else if(EoS == "CC"){
e_ref = -(M.A/(M.rho_0*(1-M.xi1)))*(pow((rho/M.rho_0),M.xi1-1)-1) + \
}else if(EoS == "Hugoniot"){
if(M.c_0 == 0){
e_ref = 0.0;
e_ref = M.e_0 + (p_ref_calc(M, EoS, rho) + M.p_0)*(rho-M.rho_0)/(2*rho*M.rho_0);
cout << "undefined EoS" << endl;
return e_ref;
#include "TestCases.H"
TestCase CASE("WeakShockCavityCollapse"); //test cases defined in TestCases.H file
bool MUSCL = 1; //second order extension scheme: on/off
string scheme = "UltraBee"; //slope limiter types -
//"Superbee" "MinBee" "UltraBee" or "VanLeer"
int view_resolution = 200; //number of time steps written to file for visualisation
bool time_stepping = 1; //either run full time or just initial construction
bool surface_tension_dt = 0; //restrict time step based on ST terms
bool curvature = 1;
string material1 = CASE.material1;
string material2 = CASE.material2;
string EoS = CASE.EoS;
double sigma = CASE.sigma;
MaterialProperties M1(material1, EoS);
MaterialProperties M2(material2, EoS);
double varGamma1 = M1.varGamma;
double varGamma2 = M2.varGamma;
double k_avr;
class Properties{
Prim W;
ConsU U;
ConsF F;
ConsG G;
double rho;
double e;
double E;
double eref;
double pref;
double eref1, eref2;
double pref1, pref2;
double zeta;
double z2;
double S; //sound speed
bool bk; //binary curvature parameter
double k; //curvature parameter
double z1_avr; //used in curvature calc
double n_x, n_y; //x and y normal components at surface
double w; //weighting parameter for surface tension
double n_xx, n_yy, n_xy, n_yx; //for ST computation
double n_x_avr, n_y_avr;
double k_temp; //for smoothing/weighting iteration
Properties(Prim _W):
W(0,0,0,0,0,0), U(0,0,0,0,0,0), F(0,0,0,0,0,0), G(0,0,0,0,0,0){
eref1 = e_ref_calc(M1, EoS, _W.rho1); //check this is rho1-rho2 and not rho
eref2 = e_ref_calc(M2, EoS, _W.rho2);
pref1 = p_ref_calc(M1, EoS, _W.rho1);
pref2 = p_ref_calc(M2, EoS, _W.rho2);
W = _W;
z2 = 1-W.z1;
rho = W.z1*W.rho1 + z2*W.rho2;
zeta = W.z1/(varGamma1) + z2/(varGamma2);
eref = (1/rho)*(W.z1*W.rho1*eref1 + z2*W.rho2*eref2);
pref = (1/zeta)*(W.z1*pref1/(varGamma1) + z2*pref2/(varGamma2));
e = eref + zeta*(W.p - pref)/rho;
E = 0.5*rho*(pow(W.v,2) + pow(W.u,2)) + rho*e;
U.z1rho1 = W.z1*W.rho1;
U.z2rho2 = z2*W.rho2;
U.rhou = rho*W.u;
U.rhov = rho*W.v;
U.E = E;
U.z1 = W.z1;
F.mass1 = W.z1*W.rho1*W.u;
F.mass2 = z2*W.rho2*W.u;
F.xmom = rho*pow(W.u,2) + W.p;
F.ymom = rho*W.u*W.v;
F.en = W.u*(E+W.p);
F.uz1 = W.u*W.z1;
G.mass1 = W.z1*W.rho1*W.v;
G.mass2 = z2*W.rho2*W.v;
G.xmom = rho*W.u*W.v;
G.ymom = rho*pow(W.v,2) + W.p;
G.en = W.v*(E+W.p);
G.vz1 = W.v*W.z1;
//initial vector construction:
vector<Properties> initial_construction(TestCase CASE){
vector<Properties> IC_Vector; //initial state vector
if( == "default2D"){
//Default construction
Properties propLHS(CASE.WL);
Properties propRHS(CASE.WR);
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propRHS);
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.x0/CASE.L * (CASE.n-2*CASE.nG)); ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propLHS;
}else if( == "3part"){
//Default construction
Properties propLHS(CASE.WL);
Properties propRHS(CASE.WR);
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propRHS);
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.x0/CASE.L * (CASE.n-2*CASE.nG));\
i < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.x1/CASE.L * (CASE.n-2*CASE.nG)); ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propLHS;
}else if( == "square"){
//Default construction
Properties propLHS(CASE.WL);
Properties propRHS(CASE.WR);
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propRHS);
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.y0/CASE.L * (CASE.m-2*CASE.nG)); ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.x0/CASE.L * (CASE.n-2*CASE.nG)); ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propLHS;
}else if( == "y-direction"){
Properties propLHS(CASE.WL);
Properties propRHS(CASE.WR);
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propRHS);
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.y0/CASE.L * (CASE.m-2*CASE.nG)); ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propLHS;
}else if( == "bubble"){
Properties propAir(CASE.WL);
Properties propWater(CASE.WR);
//fill with air:
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propAir);
//fill bottom portion with water:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.y0/CASE.Y * (CASE.m-2*CASE.nG)); ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propWater;
//add the pressurised air bubble:
propAir.W.p = 1.0e9;
Properties HP_Air(propAir.W); //high pressure air
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
if((pow(i*CASE.dx-CASE.o_x, 2)+pow(j*CASE.dy - CASE.o_y,2)) <= pow(CASE.R,2)){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = HP_Air;
}else if( == "air-bubble"){
Properties propAir(CASE.WL);
Properties propWater(CASE.WR);
//fill with water:
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propWater);
//fill bottom portion with air:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.y0/CASE.Y * (CASE.m-2*CASE.nG)); ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propAir;
//add the pressurised air bubble:
propAir.W.p = 1.0e9;
Properties HP_Air(propAir.W); //high pressure air
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
if((pow(i*CASE.dx-CASE.o_x, 2)+pow(j*CASE.dy - CASE.o_y,2)) <= pow(CASE.R,2)){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = HP_Air;
}else if( == "shocked-cavity"){
Properties propAir(CASE.WL);
Properties propWater(CASE.WR);
//fill with water:
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propWater);
//create shocked water state:
if(CASE.title == "CavityCollapse"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.59;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1325;
propWater.W.u = 680.525;
propWater.W.p = 1.9153e9;
}else if(CASE.title == "WeakShockCavityCollapse"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.32;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1117.73;
propWater.W.u = 150.0;
propWater.W.p = 0.28918e9;
}else if(CASE.title == "CavityCollapseST"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.2;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1033.3;
propWater.W.u = 5.0;
propWater.W.p = 8.1536e6;
}else if(CASE.title == "MicroBubble"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.23;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1030.0;
propWater.W.u = 50.0;
propWater.W.p = 8.483e7;
}else if(CASE.title == "CavityCollapse1" || CASE.title == "CavityCollapse3" || CASE.title == "CavityCollapse9"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.32;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1117.0;
propWater.W.u = 150.0;
propWater.W.p = 0.28918e9;
}else if(CASE.title == "CavityCollapse4" || CASE.title == "CavityCollapse7"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.35;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1162.21;
propWater.W.u = 250.0;
propWater.W.p = 0.5435e9;
}else if(CASE.title == "CavityCollapse2" || CASE.title == "CavityCollapse5" || CASE.title == "CavityCollapse8"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.52;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1267.0;
propWater.W.u = 685.0;
propWater.W.p = 1.9138e9;
}else if(CASE.title == "CavityCollapse6"){
propWater.W.rho1 = 1.58;
propWater.W.rho2 = 1319.69;
propWater.W.u = 1010.0;
propWater.W.p = 3.516e9;
throw runtime_error("invalid title for construction type");
Properties ShockedWater(propWater.W);
//fill left portion with shocked water:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.x0/CASE.L * (CASE.n-2*CASE.nG)); ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = ShockedWater;
//add the air cavity:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
if((pow(i*CASE.dx-CASE.o_x, 2)+pow(j*CASE.dy - CASE.o_y,2)) <= pow(CASE.R,2)){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propAir;
}else if( == "shocked-cavity-nitromethane"){
Properties propAir(CASE.WL);
Properties propNitro(CASE.WR);
//fill with liquid nitromethane:
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propNitro);
//create shocked nitromethane state:
propNitro.W.rho1 = 2.4;
propNitro.W.rho2 = 1934;
propNitro.W.u = 2000.0;
propNitro.W.p = 10.98e9;
Properties ShockedNitro(propNitro.W);
//fill left portion with shocked water:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.nG + (int)(CASE.x0/CASE.L * (CASE.n-2*CASE.nG)); ++i){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = ShockedNitro;
//add the air cavity:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
if((pow(i*CASE.dx-CASE.o_x, 2)+pow(j*CASE.dy - CASE.o_y,2)) <= pow(CASE.R,2)){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propAir;
}else if( == "circular"){
Properties propIn(CASE.WL);
Properties propOut(CASE.WR);
//fill with outer state:
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propOut);
//add the inner region:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
if((pow((i-CASE.nG)*CASE.dx-CASE.o_x, 2)+pow((j-CASE.nG)*CASE.dy - CASE.o_y,2)) <= pow(CASE.R,2)){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propIn;
}else if( == "elliptical"){
Properties propIn(CASE.WL);
Properties propOut(CASE.WR);
//fill with outer state:
IC_Vector.resize(CASE.n*CASE.m, propOut);
//add the inner region:
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < CASE.n; ++i){
if((pow(i*CASE.dx-CASE.o_x, 2)/pow(0.20, 2)+pow(j*CASE.dy - CASE.o_y,2)/pow(0.12,2)) <= 1.0){
IC_Vector[j*CASE.n + i] = propIn;
throw runtime_error("construction type in CASE not valid or not specified");
return IC_Vector;
//Print functions for classes-----------------------------------------------:
void printW(Prim W){
printf("---------------\n W: \n rho1: %f \n rho2: %f \n u: %f \n v: %f \n p: %f \n z: %f \n --------------\n",\
W.rho1, W.rho2, W.u, W.v, W.p, W.z1);
void printU(ConsU U){
printf("---------------\n U: \n z1rho1: %f \n z2rho2: %f \n rhou: %f \n rhov: %f \nE: %f \n --------------\n"\
,U.z1rho1, U.z2rho2, U.rhou, U.rhov, U.E);
void printF(ConsF F){
printf("---------------\n F: \n mass1:%f \n mass2:%f \n xmom: %f \n ymom:%f \n en:%f \n --------------\n"\
,F.mass1, F.mass2, F.xmom, F.ymom, F.en);
void printG(ConsG G){
printf("---------------\n G: \n mass1:%f \n mass2:%f \n xmom: %f \n ymom:%f \n en:%f \n --------------\n"\
,G.mass1, G.mass2, G.xmom, G.ymom, G.en);
//Conversion functions:
void Prop_WtoUF(Properties &Prop){
//given a properties object, internally update
//conservative variables U from primitive
//variable vector W, by first updating
//shared standalone variables:
double eref1, eref2;
double pref1, pref2;
eref1 = e_ref_calc(M1, EoS, Prop.W.rho1);
eref2 = e_ref_calc(M2, EoS, Prop.W.rho2);
pref1 = p_ref_calc(M1, EoS, Prop.W.rho1);
pref2 = p_ref_calc(M2, EoS, Prop.W.rho2);
Prop.z2 = 1-Prop.W.z1;
Prop.rho = Prop.W.z1*Prop.W.rho1 + Prop.z2*Prop.W.rho2;
Prop.zeta = Prop.W.z1/(varGamma1) + Prop.z2/(varGamma2);
Prop.eref = (1/Prop.rho)*(Prop.W.z1*Prop.W.rho1*eref1 + Prop.z2*Prop.W.rho2*eref2);
Prop.pref = (1/Prop.zeta)*(Prop.W.z1*pref1/(varGamma1) + Prop.z2*pref2/(varGamma2));
Prop.e = Prop.eref + Prop.zeta*(Prop.W.p - Prop.pref)/Prop.rho;
Prop.E = 0.5*Prop.rho*(pow(Prop.W.u,2)+pow(Prop.W.v,2)) + Prop.rho*Prop.e;
//Update U:
Prop.U.z1rho1 = Prop.W.z1*Prop.W.rho1;
Prop.U.z2rho2 = Prop.z2*Prop.W.rho2;
Prop.U.rhou = Prop.rho*Prop.W.u;
Prop.U.rhov = Prop.rho*Prop.W.v;
Prop.U.E = Prop.E;
Prop.U.z1 = Prop.W.z1;
//Update F:
Prop.F.mass1 = Prop.W.z1*Prop.W.rho1*Prop.W.u;
Prop.F.mass2 = Prop.z2*Prop.W.rho2*Prop.W.u;
Prop.F.xmom = Prop.rho*pow(Prop.W.u, 2) + Prop.W.p;
Prop.F.ymom = Prop.rho*Prop.W.u*Prop.W.v;
Prop.F.en = Prop.W.u*(Prop.E+Prop.W.p);
Prop.F.uz1 = Prop.W.u*Prop.W.z1;
//Update G:
Prop.G.mass1 = Prop.W.z1*Prop.W.rho1*Prop.W.v;
Prop.G.mass2 = Prop.z2*Prop.W.rho2*Prop.W.v;
Prop.G.xmom = Prop.rho*Prop.W.u*Prop.W.v;
Prop.G.ymom = Prop.rho*pow(Prop.W.v,2) + Prop.W.p;
Prop.G.en = Prop.W.v*(Prop.E+Prop.W.p);
Prop.G.vz1 = Prop.W.v*Prop.W.z1;
void Prop_UtoWF(Properties &Prop){
//given a properties object, internally update
//primitive variable state W from evolved
//conservative variables U by first updating
//shared standalone variables:
double eref1, eref2;
double pref1, pref2;
Prop.z2 = 1-Prop.U.z1;
Prop.W.z1 = Prop.U.z1;
Prop.E = Prop.U.E;
Prop.W.rho1 = Prop.U.z1rho1/Prop.U.z1;
Prop.W.rho2 = Prop.U.z2rho2/Prop.z2;
eref1 = e_ref_calc(M1, EoS, Prop.W.rho1);
eref2 = e_ref_calc(M2, EoS, Prop.W.rho2);
pref1 = p_ref_calc(M1, EoS, Prop.W.rho1);
pref2 = p_ref_calc(M2, EoS, Prop.W.rho2);
Prop.rho = Prop.U.z1rho1 + Prop.U.z2rho2;
Prop.W.u = Prop.U.rhou/Prop.rho;
Prop.W.v = Prop.U.rhov/Prop.rho;
Prop.zeta = Prop.W.z1/(varGamma1) + Prop.z2/(varGamma2);
Prop.eref = (1/Prop.rho)*(Prop.U.z1rho1*eref1 + Prop.U.z2rho2*eref2);
Prop.pref = (1/Prop.zeta)*(Prop.W.z1*pref1/(varGamma1) + Prop.z2*pref2/(varGamma2));
Prop.e = (1/Prop.rho)*(Prop.E - 0.5*Prop.rho*(pow(Prop.W.u,2)+pow(Prop.W.v,2)));
Prop.W.p = Prop.pref + (Prop.rho/Prop.zeta)*(Prop.e - Prop.eref);
//Subsequently update F:
Prop.F.mass1 = Prop.W.z1*Prop.W.rho1*Prop.W.u;
Prop.F.mass2 = Prop.z2*Prop.W.rho2*Prop.W.u;
Prop.F.xmom = Prop.rho*pow(Prop.W.u, 2) + Prop.W.p;
Prop.F.ymom = Prop.rho*Prop.W.u*Prop.W.v;
Prop.F.en = Prop.W.u*(Prop.E+Prop.W.p);
Prop.F.uz1 = Prop.W.u*Prop.W.z1;
//Update G:
Prop.G.mass1 = Prop.W.z1*Prop.W.rho1*Prop.W.v;
Prop.G.mass2 = Prop.z2*Prop.W.rho2*Prop.W.v;
Prop.G.xmom = Prop.rho*Prop.W.u*Prop.W.v;
Prop.G.ymom = Prop.rho*pow(Prop.W.v,2) + Prop.W.p;
Prop.G.en = Prop.W.v*(Prop.E+Prop.W.p);
Prop.G.vz1 = Prop.W.v*Prop.W.z1;
double speed_of_sound(Properties P){
double c;
double c1_sqr, c2_sqr;
if(EoS == "ideal"){
c1_sqr = (varGamma1+1)*P.W.p/P.W.rho1;
c2_sqr = (varGamma2+1)*P.W.p/P.W.rho2;
if(EoS == "stiffened"){
c1_sqr = (varGamma1+1)*(P.W.p+M1.p_inf)/P.W.rho1;
c2_sqr = (varGamma2+1)*(P.W.p+M2.p_inf)/P.W.rho2;
if(EoS == "JWL"){
c1_sqr = (M1.R1*M1.rho_0/pow(P.W.rho1,2)-(M1.varGamma+1)/P.W.rho1)*M1.A*exp(-M1.R1*M1.rho_0/P.W.rho1)\
+ (varGamma1+1)*P.W.p/P.W.rho1;
c2_sqr = (M2.R1*M2.rho_0/pow(P.W.rho2,2)-(M2.varGamma+1)/P.W.rho2)*M2.A*exp(-M2.R1*M2.rho_0/P.W.rho2)\
+ (varGamma2+1)*P.W.p/P.W.rho2;
if(EoS == "CC"){
c1_sqr = (M1.xi1-M1.varGamma-1)*(M1.A/P.W.rho1)*pow(M1.rho_0/P.W.rho1,-M1.xi1) - \
(M1.xi2-M1.varGamma-1)*(M1.B/P.W.rho1)*pow(M1.rho_0/P.W.rho1,-M1.xi2) \
+ (varGamma1+1)*P.W.p/P.W.rho1;
c2_sqr = (M2.xi1-M2.varGamma-1)*(M2.A/P.W.rho2)*pow(M2.rho_0/P.W.rho2,-M2.xi1) - \
(M2.xi2-M2.varGamma-1)*(M2.B/P.W.rho2)*pow(M2.rho_0/P.W.rho2,-M2.xi2) \
+ (varGamma2+1)*P.W.p/P.W.rho2;
double dp_ref1, de_ref1;
double dp_ref2, de_ref2;
double d_gam1, d_gam2;
if(EoS == "Hugoniot"){
if(M1.c_0 == 0){
dp_ref1 = 0;
de_ref1 = 0;
dp_ref1 = pow(M1.c_0*M1.rho_0,2)*(M1.s*(P.W.rho1-M1.rho_0)+P.W.rho1)/\
pow(P.W.rho1 - M1.s*(P.W.rho1-M1.rho_0),3);
de_ref1 = 1/(2*pow(P.W.rho1,2))*(p_ref_calc(M1, EoS,P.W.rho1) + M1.p_0) + \
(P.W.rho1 - M1.rho_0)/(2*P.W.rho1*M1.rho_0)*dp_ref1;
if(M2.c_0 == 0){
dp_ref2 = 0;
de_ref2 = 0;
dp_ref2 = pow(M2.c_0*M2.rho_0,2)*(M2.s*(P.W.rho2-M2.rho_0)+P.W.rho2)/\
pow(P.W.rho2 - M2.s*(P.W.rho2-M2.rho_0),3);
de_ref2 = 1/(2*pow(P.W.rho2,2))*(p_ref_calc(M2, EoS,P.W.rho2) + M2.p_0) + \
(P.W.rho2 - M2.rho_0)/(2*P.W.rho2*M2.rho_0)*dp_ref2;
c1_sqr = dp_ref1 + ((varGamma1+1)*P.W.p-p_ref_calc(M1, EoS, P.W.rho1))/P.W.rho1 - \
varGamma1*P.W.rho1*de_ref1 ;
c2_sqr = dp_ref2 + ((varGamma2+1)*P.W.p-p_ref_calc(M2, EoS, P.W.rho2))/P.W.rho2 - \
c = pow(fabs((1/P.zeta)*(P.W.z1*P.W.rho1*c1_sqr/(P.W.rho1*varGamma1) + \
(P.z2)*P.W.rho2*c2_sqr/(P.W.rho2*varGamma2))), 0.5);
//non-physical states are permitted...
// an intermediate step...
//... therefore fabs corrects for negative pressure and/or density
return c;
double r_calc(double n_val, double l_val){
//alternative conventions for dividing by zero RHS slope:
// -3 encoded to represent -ve infinity
// +3 encoded to represent +ve infinity
double r = l_val;
if(n_val == 0){
if(l_val== 0){
r = 0; //both left and right slopes are zero
}else if(l_val < 0){
r = -3; //negative slope on left, zero slope on right
r = 3; //positive slope on left, zero slope on right
}else{ r = r/n_val;} //permissible division by delta_i_n
return r;
double delta_bar_calc(string scheme, double r, double delta_i, double sigma_R, double sigma_L){
double delta_bar;
if(scheme == "SuperBee"){
if(r < 0){
delta_bar = 0;
}else if(0 <= r && r < 0.5){
delta_bar = 2*r*delta_i;
}else if(0.5 <= r && r < 1){
delta_bar = delta_i;
}else if(1 <= r && r < 2){
delta_bar = ((r < sigma_R)?
r*delta_i : sigma_R*delta_i);
delta_bar = ((sigma_R < 2)?
sigma_R*delta_i : 2*delta_i);
}else if(scheme == "MinBee"){
if(r <= 0){
delta_bar = 0;
}else if(0 <= r && r <= 1.0){
delta_bar = r*delta_i;
delta_bar = ((1 < sigma_R)? delta_i : sigma_R*delta_i);
}else if(scheme == "VanLeer"){
if(r < 0){
delta_bar = 0;
delta_bar = ((2*r/(1+r) < sigma_R)?
(2*r/(1+r))*delta_i : sigma_R*delta_i);
}else if(scheme == "UltraBee"){
if(r <= 0){
delta_bar = 0;
delta_bar = ((sigma_L < sigma_R)?
sigma_L*delta_i : sigma_R*delta_i);
return delta_i;
return delta_bar;
Prim delta(double omega, Prim Wl, Prim Wi, Prim Wn, string scheme){
//omega = [-1, 1]
//Wl = W_{i-1}, Wi = Ui, Wn = W_{i+1}
Prim delta_i_l(Wi.rho1 - Wl.rho1, Wi.rho2 - Wi.rho2, Wi.u - Wl.u, Wi.v - Wl.v,
Wi.p - Wl.p, Wi.z1 - Wl.z1);
Prim delta_i_n(Wn.rho1 - Wi.rho1, Wn.rho2 - Wi.rho2, Wn.u - Wi.u, Wn.v - Wi.v,
Wn.p - Wi.p, Wn.z1 - Wi.z1);
double r_rho1 = r_calc(delta_i_n.rho1, delta_i_l.rho1);
double r_rho2 = r_calc(delta_i_n.rho2, delta_i_l.rho2);
double r_u = r_calc(delta_i_n.u, delta_i_l.u);
double r_v = r_calc(delta_i_n.v, delta_i_l.v);
double r_p = r_calc(delta_i_n.p, delta_i_l.p);
double r_z1 = r_calc(delta_i_n.z1, delta_i_l.z1);
Prim delta_i(0.5*(1+omega)*delta_i_l.rho1+0.5*(1-omega)*delta_i_n.rho1,
Prim sigma_R(2/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_rho1), 2/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_rho2), 2/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_u),
2/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_v), 2/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_p), 2/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_z1));
Prim sigma_L(2*r_rho1/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_rho1), 2*r_rho1/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_rho1),
2*r_u/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_u), 2*r_v/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_v),
2*r_p/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_p), 2*r_z1/(1-omega+(1+omega)*r_z1));
//adjustments for infinity encoded cases:
if(r_rho1 == -3 || r_rho1 == 3){
sigma_R.rho1 = 0;
if(r_rho2 == -3 || r_rho2 == 3){
sigma_R.rho2 = 0;
if(r_u == -3 || r_u == 3){
sigma_R.u = 0;
if(r_v == -3 || r_v == 3){
sigma_R.v = 0;
if(r_p == -3 || r_p == 3){
sigma_R.p = 0;
if(r_z1 == -3 || r_z1 == 3){
sigma_R.z1 = 0;
Prim delta_bar(0,0,0,0,0,0);
delta_bar.rho1 = delta_bar_calc(scheme, r_rho1, delta_i.rho1, sigma_R.rho1, sigma_L.rho1);
delta_bar.rho2 = delta_bar_calc(scheme, r_rho2, delta_i.rho2, sigma_R.rho2, sigma_L.rho2);
delta_bar.u = delta_bar_calc(scheme, r_u, delta_i.u, sigma_R.u, sigma_L.u);
delta_bar.v = delta_bar_calc(scheme, r_v, delta_i.v, sigma_R.v, sigma_L.v);
delta_bar.p = delta_bar_calc(scheme, r_p, delta_i.p, sigma_R.p, sigma_L.p);
delta_bar.z1 = delta_bar_calc(scheme, r_z1, delta_i.z1, sigma_R.z1, sigma_L.z1);
return delta_bar;
class HLLC_x{
double aL, aR; //left and right sound speeds
double SL, SR, Sstar, Splus; //wave speeds
ConsU UL, UR, ULstar, URstar; //4 cons. states
ConsF FL, FR, FLstar, FRstar; //4 cons. fluxes
ConsU U; //tbd U state
ConsF Fout; //flux out (F_i+1/2)
double wL, wR; //boundary weighting factor
//must declare constructor here:
HLLC_x(Properties PL, Properties PR):
//must initialize all class objects here:
UL(0,0,0,0,0,0), UR(0,0,0,0,0,0), ULstar(0,0,0,0,0,0), URstar(0,0,0,0,0,0),
FL(0,0,0,0,0,0), FR(0,0,0,0,0,0), FLstar(0,0,0,0,0,0), FRstar(0,0,0,0,0,0),
U(0,0,0,0,0,0), Fout(0,0,0,0,0,0) {
//direct wave speed estimates:
//sound speed calcs:
aL = speed_of_sound(PL);
aR = speed_of_sound(PR);
double k = 0.5*(PL.k+PR.k);
double sign = 1.0; //((PL.n_x > 0)? 1.0 : -1.0);
wL = PL.w;
wR = PR.w;
//wave speed calcs:
SL = ((PL.W.u - aL < PR.W.u - aR)? PL.W.u - aL : PR.W.u - aR);
SR = ((PL.W.u + aL > PR.W.u + aR)? PL.W.u + aL : PR.W.u + aR);
Sstar = (PR.W.p - PL.W.p + PL.rho*PL.W.u*(SL-PL.W.u) - PR.rho*PR.W.u*(SR-PR.W.u)\
- sigma*k*sign*(PR.w-PL.w))/(PL.rho*(SL-PL.W.u)-PR.rho*(SR-PR.W.u));
Splus = ((fabs(PL.W.u)+aL > fabs(PR.W.u)+aR)? fabs(PL.W.u)+aL : fabs(PR.W.u)+aR);
//W-->U and W-->F conversions:
UL = PL.U;
UR = PR.U;
FL = PL.F;
FR = PR.F;
//Star region calculations:
ULstar.z1rho1 = PL.W.z1*PL.W.rho1*((SL-PL.W.u)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.z2rho2 = (1-PL.W.z1)*PL.W.rho2*((SL-PL.W.u)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.rhou = PL.rho*Sstar*((SL-PL.W.u)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.rhov = PL.rho*PL.W.v*((SL-PL.W.u)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.E = PL.rho*((SL-PL.W.u)/(SL-Sstar))*(UL.E/PL.rho+(Sstar-PL.W.u)*(Sstar+(PL.W.p - sigma*k*sign*PL.w)\
ULstar.z1 = PL.W.z1;
//assert(ULstar.E >=0); //check that total energy is non-negative
URstar.z1rho1 = PR.W.z1*PR.W.rho1*((SR-PR.W.u)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.z2rho2 = (1-PR.W.z1)*PR.W.rho2*((SR-PR.W.u)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.rhou = PR.rho*Sstar*((SR-PR.W.u)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.rhov = PR.rho*PR.W.v*((SR-PR.W.u)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.E = PR.rho*((SR-PR.W.u)/(SR-Sstar))*(UR.E/PR.rho+(Sstar-PR.W.u)*(Sstar+(PR.W.p - sigma*k*sign*PR.w)\
URstar.z1 = PR.W.z1;
//assert(URstar.E >=0); //check that total energy is non-negative
FLstar.mass1 = FL.mass1 + SL*(ULstar.z1rho1 - UL.z1rho1);
FLstar.mass2 = FL.mass2 + SL*(ULstar.z2rho2 - UL.z2rho2);
FLstar.xmom = FL.xmom + SL*(ULstar.rhou - UL.rhou);
FLstar.ymom = FL.ymom + SL*(ULstar.rhov - UL.rhov); //CHECK
FLstar.en = FL.en + SL*(ULstar.E - UL.E);
FLstar.uz1 = FLstar.mass1/PL.W.rho1;
FRstar.mass1 = FR.mass1 + SR*(URstar.z1rho1 - UR.z1rho1);
FRstar.mass2 = FR.mass2 + SR*(URstar.z2rho2 - UR.z2rho2);
FRstar.xmom = FR.xmom + SR*(URstar.rhou - UR.rhou);
FRstar.ymom = FR.ymom + SR*(URstar.rhov - UR.rhov); //CHECK
FRstar.en = FR.en + SR*(URstar.E - UR.E);
FRstar.uz1 = FRstar.mass1/PR.W.rho1;
//state and flux Godunov-type evaulation:
if(0 < SL){
U = UL;
Fout = FL;
}else if(SL <= 0 && 0 < Sstar){
U = ULstar;
Fout = FLstar;
}else if(Sstar <= 0 && 0 < SR){
U = URstar;
Fout = FRstar;
}else if(SR <= 0){
U = UR;
Fout = FR;
class HLLC_y{
double aL, aR; //left and right sound speeds
double SL, SR, Sstar, Splus; //wave speeds
ConsU UL, UR, ULstar, URstar; //4 cons. states
ConsG GL, GR, GLstar, GRstar; //4 cons. fluxes
ConsU U; //tbd U state
ConsG Gout; //flux out (F_i+1/2)
double wL, wR; //boundary weighting factor
//must declare constructor here:
HLLC_y(Properties PL, Properties PR):
//must initialize all class objects here:
UL(0,0,0,0,0,0), UR(0,0,0,0,0,0), ULstar(0,0,0,0,0,0), URstar(0,0,0,0,0,0),
GL(0,0,0,0,0,0), GR(0,0,0,0,0,0), GLstar(0,0,0,0,0,0), GRstar(0,0,0,0,0,0),
U(0,0,0,0,0,0), Gout(0,0,0,0,0,0) {
//direct wave speed estimates:
//sound speed calcs:
aL = speed_of_sound(PL);
aR = speed_of_sound(PR);
double k = 0.5*(PL.k+PR.k);
double sign = 1.0; //((PL.n_y > 0)? 1.0 : -1.0);
wL = PL.w;
wR = PR.w;
//wave speed calcs:
SL = ((PL.W.v - aL < PR.W.v - aR)? PL.W.v - aL : PR.W.v - aR);
SR = ((PL.W.v + aL > PR.W.v + aR)? PL.W.v + aL : PR.W.v + aR);
Sstar = (PR.W.p - PL.W.p + PL.rho*PL.W.v*(SL-PL.W.v) - PR.rho*PR.W.v*(SR-PR.W.v) \
- sigma*k*sign*(PR.w-PL.w))/(PL.rho*(SL-PL.W.v)-PR.rho*(SR-PR.W.v));
Splus = ((fabs(PL.W.v)+aL > fabs(PR.W.v)+aR)? fabs(PL.W.v)+aL : fabs(PR.W.v)+aR);
//W-->U and W-->F conversions:
UL = PL.U;
UR = PR.U;
GL = PL.G;
GR = PR.G;
//Star region calculations:
ULstar.z1rho1 = PL.W.z1*PL.W.rho1*((SL-PL.W.v)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.z2rho2 = (1-PL.W.z1)*PL.W.rho2*((SL-PL.W.v)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.rhou = PL.rho*PL.W.u*((SL-PL.W.v)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.rhov = PL.rho*Sstar*((SL-PL.W.v)/(SL-Sstar));
ULstar.E = PL.rho*((SL-PL.W.v)/(SL-Sstar))*(UL.E/PL.rho+(Sstar-PL.W.v)*(Sstar+(PL.W.p-sigma*k*sign*PL.w)\
ULstar.z1 = PL.W.z1;
//assert(ULstar.E >=0); //check that total energy is non-negative
URstar.z1rho1 = PR.W.z1*PR.W.rho1*((SR-PR.W.v)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.z2rho2 = (1-PR.W.z1)*PR.W.rho2*((SR-PR.W.v)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.rhou = PR.rho*PR.W.u*((SR-PR.W.v)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.rhov = PR.rho*Sstar*((SR-PR.W.v)/(SR-Sstar));
URstar.E = PR.rho*((SR-PR.W.v)/(SR-Sstar))*(UR.E/PR.rho+(Sstar-PR.W.v)*(Sstar+(PR.W.p - sigma*k*sign*PR.w)\
URstar.z1 = PR.W.z1;
//assert(URstar.E >=0); //check that total energy is non-negative
GLstar.mass1 = GL.mass1 + SL*(ULstar.z1rho1 - UL.z1rho1);
GLstar.mass2 = GL.mass2 + SL*(ULstar.z2rho2 - UL.z2rho2);
GLstar.xmom = GL.xmom + SL*(ULstar.rhou - UL.rhou);
GLstar.ymom = GL.ymom + SL*(ULstar.rhov - UL.rhov); //CHECK
GLstar.en = GL.en + SL*(ULstar.E - UL.E);
GLstar.vz1 = GLstar.mass1/PL.W.rho1;
GRstar.mass1 = GR.mass1 + SR*(URstar.z1rho1 - UR.z1rho1);
GRstar.mass2 = GR.mass2 + SR*(URstar.z2rho2 - UR.z2rho2);
GRstar.xmom = GR.xmom + SR*(URstar.rhou - UR.rhou);
GRstar.ymom = GR.ymom + SR*(URstar.rhov - UR.rhov); //CHECK
GRstar.en = GR.en + SR*(URstar.E - UR.E);
GRstar.vz1 = GRstar.mass1/PR.W.rho1;
//state and flux Godunov-type evaulation:
if(0 < SL){
U = UL;
Gout = GL;
}else if(SL <= 0 && 0 < Sstar){
U = ULstar;
Gout = GLstar;
}else if(Sstar <= 0 && 0 < SR){
U = URstar;
Gout = GRstar;
}else if(SR <= 0){
U = UR;
Gout = GR;
void updateBoundary(vector<Properties> &P_vec, int n, int m, int nG, string condition){
assert(n > 2*nG);
assert(m > 2*nG);
//transmissive component of all BCs:
for(int g = 0; g < nG; ++g){
for(int j = 0; j < m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
P_vec[g*n+i] = P_vec[nG*n+i]; //bottom
P_vec[(m-1-g)*n+i] = P_vec[(m-1-nG)*n+i]; //top
P_vec[j*n+g] = P_vec[j*n+nG]; //left
P_vec[j*n+(n-1-g)] = P_vec[j*n+(n-1-nG)]; //right
if(condition == "transmissive"){
//as above
}else if(condition == "bottom-reflective"){
for(int g = 0; g < nG; ++g){
for(int j = 0; j < m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
P_vec[g*n+i] = P_vec[nG*n+i]; //bottom
//reflected y-velocity:
//P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i] = P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i];
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.v = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.v;
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.u = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.u;
P_vec[(m-1-g)*n+i] = P_vec[(m-1-nG)*n+i]; //top
P_vec[j*n+g] = P_vec[j*n+nG]; //left
P_vec[j*n+(n-1-g)] = P_vec[j*n+(n-1-nG)]; //right
}else if(condition == "all-reflective"){
//this BC seems to be causing errors
for(int g = 0; g < nG; ++g){
for(int j = 0; j < m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
//bottom surface
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.v = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.v;
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.u = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.u;
//top surface
P_vec[(m-nG+g)*n+i].W.v = -P_vec[(m-nG-1-g)*n+i].W.v;
P_vec[(m-nG+g)*n+i].W.u = -P_vec[(m-nG-1-g)*n+i].W.u;
//left wall:
P_vec[j*n + nG-1-g].W.u = -P_vec[j*n + nG+g].W.u;
P_vec[j*n + nG-1-g].W.v = -P_vec[j*n + nG+g].W.v;
Prop_WtoUF(P_vec[j*n + nG-1-g]);
//right wall:
P_vec[j*n + m-nG+g].W.u = -P_vec[j*n + m-nG-1-g].W.u;
P_vec[j*n + m-nG+g].W.v = -P_vec[j*n + m-nG-1-g].W.v;
Prop_WtoUF(P_vec[j*n + m-nG+g]);
void reflective_boundaries(vector<Properties> &P_vec, int n, int m, int nG, string condition){
assert(n > 2*nG);
assert(m > 2*nG);
if(condition == "bottom-reflective"){
for(int g = 0; g < nG; ++g){
for(int j = 0; j < m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
//reflected y-velocity:
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.v = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.v;
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.u = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.u;
if(condition == "all-reflective"){
for(int g = 0; g < nG; ++g){
for(int j = 0; j < m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
//bottom surface
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.v = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.v;
P_vec[(nG-1-g)*n+i].W.u = -P_vec[(nG+g)*n+i].W.u;
//top surface
P_vec[(m-nG+g)*n+i].W.v = -P_vec[(m-nG-1-g)*n+i].W.v;
P_vec[(m-nG+g)*n+i].W.u = -P_vec[(m-nG-1-g)*n+i].W.u;
//left wall:
P_vec[j*n + nG-1-g].W.u = -P_vec[j*n + nG+g].W.u;
P_vec[j*n + nG-1-g].W.v = -P_vec[j*n + nG+g].W.v;
Prop_WtoUF(P_vec[j*n + nG-1-g]);
//right wall:
P_vec[j*n + m-nG+g].W.u = -P_vec[j*n + m-nG-1-g].W.u;
P_vec[j*n + m-nG+g].W.v = -P_vec[j*n + m-nG-1-g].W.v;
Prop_WtoUF(P_vec[j*n + m-nG+g]);
void curvature_calc(vector<Properties> &P_vec, TestCase CASE, double &k_avr){
int nG = CASE.nG;
int m = CASE.m;
int n = CASE.n;
double dx = CASE.dx;
double dy = CASE.dy;
double tol = 0.01; //diffusion tolerence
double z1_avr;
double z1_sum;
for(int j = nG; j < m - nG; ++j){
for(int i = nG; i < n - nG; ++i){
P_vec[j*n+i].bk = 0;
//if cell lies in diffuse region or borders z1=0.5 level, then 9-point avr should lie between 0-1:
z1_avr =P_vec[(j+1)*n+i-1].W.z1 + P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].W.z1 + P_vec[(j+1)*n+i+1].W.z1 + \
P_vec[j*n+i-1].W.z1 + P_vec[j*n+i].W.z1 + P_vec[j*n+i+1].W.z1 +\
P_vec[(j-1)*n+i-1].W.z1 + P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].W.z1 + P_vec[(j-1)*n+i+1].W.z1;
z1_avr = z1_avr/9.0;
P_vec[j*n+i].z1_avr = z1_avr;
if(tol < z1_avr && z1_avr < 1-tol){
P_vec[j*n+i].bk = 1;
double nx, ny;
for(int j = nG; j < m - nG; ++j){
for(int i = nG; i < n - nG; ++i){
if(P_vec[j*n+i].bk == 1){
//calculate normals and weighting factor:
//fourth order central differences:
nx = -(1.0/(12*dx))*(-(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i+2].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j)*n+i+2].z1_avr + P_vec[(j-1)*n+i+2].z1_avr) +\
+ 8*(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i+1].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j)*n+i+1].z1_avr + P_vec[(j-1)*n+i+1].z1_avr) \
- 8*(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i-1].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j)*n+i-1].z1_avr + P_vec[(j-1)*n+i-1].z1_avr) \
+ (P_vec[(j+1)*n+i-2].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j)*n+i-2].z1_avr + P_vec[(j-1)*n+i-2].z1_avr));
ny = -(1.0/(12*dy))*(-(P_vec[(j+2)*n+i+1].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j+2)*n+i].z1_avr + P_vec[(j+2)*n+i-1].z1_avr)
+ 8*(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i+1].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].z1_avr + P_vec[(j+1)*n+i-1].z1_avr) \
- 8*(P_vec[(j-1)*n+i+1].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].z1_avr + P_vec[(j-1)*n+i-1].z1_avr)
+ (P_vec[(j-2)*n+i+1].z1_avr + 2*P_vec[(j-2)*n+i].z1_avr + P_vec[(j-2)*n+i-1].z1_avr));
P_vec[j*n+i].n_x = nx/pow(pow(nx,2) + pow(ny,2), 0.5);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_y = ny/pow(pow(nx,2) + pow(ny,2), 0.5);
P_vec[j*n+i].w = -1*(6*pow(P_vec[j*n+i].z1_avr,5)-15*pow(P_vec[j*n+i].z1_avr,4)+10*pow(P_vec[j*n+i].z1_avr,3));
double nR0x = (int)(0.25*(1.0/k_avr)/dx);
double nR0y = (int)(0.25*(1.0/k_avr)/dy);
//cout << "nR0x = " << nR0x << endl;
double local_nx_sum, local_ny_sum;
int counter;
int k_counter = 0;
double k_sum = 0;
double sum_w, w, z_hat;
double gs = 4.0; //gaussian function steepness
for(int j = nR0y; j < m - nR0y; ++j){
for(int i = nR0x; i < n - nR0x; ++i){
if(P_vec[j*n+i].bk == 1 ){
counter = 0;
sum_w = 0;
local_nx_sum = 0;
local_ny_sum = 0;
for(int Rx = -nR0x; Rx <= nR0x; ++Rx){
for(int Ry = -nR0y; Ry <= nR0y; ++Ry){
if(P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].bk == 1){
//counter must at least be 1
if(P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].n_x*P_vec[(j)*n+i].n_x >= 0 || \
P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].n_y*P_vec[(j)*n+i].n_y >= 0){
//check boundary overlap zones are not included
z_hat = P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].z1_avr - P_vec[j*n+i].z1_avr;
w = exp(-gs*pow(z_hat,2));
sum_w += w;
local_nx_sum += w*P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].n_x;
local_ny_sum += w*P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].n_y;
P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr = local_nx_sum/sum_w;
P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr = local_ny_sum/sum_w;
for(int j = nG; j < m - nG; ++j){
for(int i = nG; i < n - nG; ++i){
if(P_vec[j*n+i].bk == 1){
//calculate normals and weighting factor:
if(P_vec[j*n+i-1].bk == 0){
P_vec[j*n+i].n_xx = (1.0/(dx))*(P_vec[j*n+i+1].n_x_avr - P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_yx = (1.0/(dx))*(P_vec[j*n+i+1].n_y_avr - P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr);
}else if(P_vec[j*n+i+1].bk == 0){
P_vec[j*n+i].n_xx = (1.0/(dx))*(P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr - P_vec[j*n+i-1].n_x_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_yx = (1.0/(dx))*(P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr - P_vec[j*n+i-1].n_y_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_xx = (1.0/(2*dx))*(P_vec[j*n+i+1].n_x_avr - P_vec[j*n+i-1].n_x_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_yx = (1.0/(2*dx))*(P_vec[j*n+i+1].n_y_avr - P_vec[j*n+i-1].n_y_avr);
if(P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].bk == 0){
P_vec[j*n+i].n_yy = (1.0/(dy))*(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].n_y_avr - P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_xy = (1.0/(dy))*(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].n_x_avr - P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr);
}else if(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].bk == 0){
P_vec[j*n+i].n_yy = (1.0/(dy))*(P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr - P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].n_y_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_xy = (1.0/(dy))*(P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr - P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].n_x_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_yy = (1.0/(2*dy))*(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].n_y_avr - P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].n_y_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].n_xy = (1.0/(2*dy))*(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].n_x_avr - P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].n_x_avr);
P_vec[j*n+i].k = (P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr*(P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr*P_vec[j*n+i].n_xx - \
P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr*P_vec[j*n+i].n_xy) - \
P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr*(P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr*P_vec[j*n+i].n_yx - \
P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr*P_vec[j*n+i].n_yy)) \
/pow(pow(P_vec[j*n+i].n_x_avr,2) + pow(P_vec[j*n+i].n_y_avr,2),1.5);
k_sum += fabs(P_vec[j*n+i].k);
P_vec[j*n+i].k = 0;
k_avr = k_sum/k_counter;
//correction/weighting iterations:
double num_its = 1;
double local_k_sum;
//nR0x = 3;
//nR0y = 3;
for(int iter = 0; iter < num_its; ++iter){
for(int j = nR0y; j < m - nR0y; ++j){
for(int i = nR0x; i < n - nR0x; ++i){
if(P_vec[j*n+i].bk == 1 ){
sum_w = 0;
local_k_sum = 0;
for(int Rx = -nR0x; Rx <= nR0x; ++Rx){
for(int Ry = -nR0y; Ry <= nR0y; ++Ry){
if(P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].bk == 1){
if(P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].n_x*P_vec[(j)*n+i].n_x >= 0 || \
P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].n_y*P_vec[(j)*n+i].n_y >= 0){
//z_hat = P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].z1_avr - 0.5;
w = pow(P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].z1_avr*(1-P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].z1_avr),2); //exp(-gs*pow(z_hat,2));
sum_w += w;
local_k_sum += w*P_vec[(j+Ry)*n+i+Rx].k;
P_vec[j*n+i].k_temp = local_k_sum/sum_w;
for(int j = nR0y; j < m - nR0y; ++j){
for(int i = nR0x; i < n - nR0x; ++i){
if(P_vec[j*n+i].bk == 1 ){
P_vec[j*n+i].k = P_vec[j*n+i].k_temp;
vector<Properties> updateP(vector<Properties> &P_vec, TestCase CASE, double &dt, double CFL,
double &Smax, bool MUSCL, string scheme){
//MUSCL-Hancock parameters:
Prim WL(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim Wl(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim Wi(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim Wn(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim Wnn(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim WR(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim WbarL(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim WbarR(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Properties PbarL = P_vec[0];
Properties PbarR = P_vec[0];
double omega = 0;
Prim delta_i(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Prim delta_n(0,0,0,0,0,0);
double cL, cR;
double rho_i;
double rho_n;
vector<Properties> PbarL_vec_x = P_vec;
vector<Properties> PbarR_vec_x = P_vec;
vector<Properties> PbarL_vec_y = P_vec;
vector<Properties> PbarR_vec_y = P_vec;
int n = CASE.n;
int m = CASE.m;
int nG = CASE.nG;
double dx = CASE.dx;
double dy = CASE.dy;
string BC = CASE.BCs;
//update parameters
vector<Properties> P_vec_new = P_vec; //initialised variable for subsequent updating
HLLC_x cell0_x(P_vec[0], P_vec[0]);
HLLC_y cell0_y(P_vec[0], P_vec[0]);
vector<HLLC_x> cell_vec_x(n*m, cell0_x);
vector<HLLC_y> cell_vec_y(n*m, cell0_y);
for(int j = nG; j<(m-nG); ++j){
for(int i = nG; i<(n-nG); ++i){
if(MUSCL == 1){
//MUSCL-Hancock steps 1+2:
Wl = P_vec[j*n+i-1].W;
Wi = P_vec[j*n+i].W;
Wn = P_vec[j*n+i+1].W;
Wnn = P_vec[j*n+i+2].W;
//to copy over other parameters including ST terms
PbarL = P_vec[j*n+i];
PbarR = P_vec[j*n+i+1];
delta_i = delta(omega, Wl, Wi, Wn, scheme);
delta_n = delta(omega, Wi, Wn, Wnn, scheme);
//combined MUSCL-Hancock steps 1+2:
//Left state:
cL = speed_of_sound(P_vec[j*n+i]);
rho_i = Wi.z1*Wi.rho1 + (1-Wi.z1)*Wi.rho2;
PbarL.W.rho1 = Wi.rho1 + 0.5*(1-(dt/dx)*Wi.u)*delta_i.rho1 - 0.5*(dt/dx)*Wi.rho1*delta_i.u;
PbarL.W.rho2 = Wi.rho2 + 0.5*(1-(dt/dx)*Wi.u)*delta_i.rho2 - 0.5*(dt/dx)*Wi.rho2*delta_i.u;
PbarL.W.u = Wi.u + 0.5*(1-(dt/dx)*Wi.u)*delta_i.u - 0.5*(dt/dx)*(1/rho_i)*delta_i.p;
PbarL.W.v = Wi.v + 0.5*(1-(dt/dx)*Wi.u)*delta_i.v;
PbarL.W.p = Wi.p + 0.5*(1-(dt/dx)*Wi.u)*delta_i.p - 0.5*(dt/dx)*rho_i*pow(cL,2)*delta_i.u;
PbarL.W.z1 = Wi.z1 + 0.5*(1-(dt/dx)*Wi.u)*delta_i.z1;
//Right state:
cR = speed_of_sound(P_vec[j*n+i+1]);
rho_n = Wn.z1*Wn.rho1 + (1-Wn.z1)*Wn.rho2;
PbarR.W.rho1 = Wn.rho1 - 0.5*(1+(dt/dx)*Wn.u)*delta_n.rho1 - 0.5*(dt/dx)*Wn.rho1*delta_n.u;
PbarR.W.rho2 = Wn.rho2 - 0.5*(1+(dt/dx)*Wn.u)*delta_n.rho2 - 0.5*(dt/dx)*Wn.rho2*delta_n.u;
PbarR.W.u = Wn.u - 0.5*(1+(dt/dx)*Wn.u)*delta_n.u - 0.5*(dt/dx)*(1/rho_n)*delta_n.p;
PbarR.W.v = Wn.v - 0.5*(1+(dt/dx)*Wn.u)*delta_n.v;
PbarR.W.p = Wn.p - 0.5*(1+(dt/dx)*Wn.u)*delta_n.p - 0.5*(dt/dx)*rho_n*pow(cR,2)*delta_n.u;
PbarR.W.z1 = Wn.z1 - 0.5*(1+(dt/dx)*Wn.u)*delta_n.z1;
PbarL_vec_x[j*n+i] = PbarL;
PbarR_vec_x[j*n+i] = PbarR;
Wl = P_vec[(j-1)*n+i].W;
Wi = P_vec[j*n+i].W;
Wn = P_vec[(j+1)*n+i].W;
Wnn = P_vec[(j+2)*n+i].W;
//to copy over other parameters including ST terms
PbarL = P_vec[j*n+i];
PbarR = P_vec[(j+1)*n+i];
delta_i = delta(omega, Wl, Wi, Wn, scheme);
delta_n = delta(omega, Wi, Wn, Wnn, scheme);
//combined MUSCL-Hancock steps 1+2:
//Left state:
cL = speed_of_sound(P_vec[j*n+i]);
rho_i = Wi.z1*Wi.rho1 + (1-Wi.z1)*Wi.rho2;
PbarL.W.rho1 = Wi.rho1 + 0.5*(1-(dt/dy)*Wi.v)*delta_i.rho1 - 0.5*(dt/dy)*Wi.rho1*delta_i.v;
PbarL.W.rho2 = Wi.rho2 + 0.5*(1-(dt/dy)*Wi.v)*delta_i.rho2 - 0.5*(dt/dy)*Wi.rho2*delta_i.v;
PbarL.W.u = Wi.u + 0.5*(1-(dt/dy)*Wi.v)*delta_i.u;
PbarL.W.v = Wi.v + 0.5*(1-(dt/dy)*Wi.v)*delta_i.v - 0.5*(dt/dy)*(1/rho_i)*delta_i.p;
PbarL.W.p = Wi.p + 0.5*(1-(dt/dy)*Wi.v)*delta_i.p - 0.5*(dt/dy)*rho_i*pow(cL,2)*delta_i.v;
PbarL.W.z1 = Wi.z1 + 0.5*(1-(dt/dy)*Wi.v)*delta_i.z1;
//Right state:
cR = speed_of_sound(P_vec[(j+1)*n+i]);
rho_n = Wn.z1*Wn.rho1 + (1-Wn.z1)*Wn.rho2;
PbarR.W.rho1 = Wn.rho1 - 0.5*(1+(dt/dy)*Wn.v)*delta_n.rho1 - 0.5*(dt/dy)*Wn.rho1*delta_n.v;
PbarR.W.rho2 = Wn.rho2 - 0.5*(1+(dt/dy)*Wn.v)*delta_n.rho2 - 0.5*(dt/dy)*Wn.rho2*delta_n.v;
PbarR.W.u = Wn.u - 0.5*(1+(dt/dy)*Wn.v)*delta_n.u;
PbarR.W.v = Wn.v - 0.5*(1+(dt/dy)*Wn.v)*delta_n.v - 0.5*(dt/dy)*(1/rho_n)*delta_n.p;
PbarR.W.p = Wn.p - 0.5*(1+(dt/dy)*Wn.v)*delta_n.p - 0.5*(dt/dy)*rho_n*pow(cR,2)*delta_n.v;
PbarR.W.z1 = Wn.z1 - 0.5*(1+(dt/dy)*Wn.v)*delta_n.z1;
PbarL_vec_y[j*n+i] = PbarL;
PbarR_vec_y[j*n+i] = PbarR;
PbarL_vec_x[j*n+i] = P_vec[j*n+i];
PbarR_vec_x[j*n+i] = P_vec[j*n+i+1];
PbarL_vec_y[j*n+i] = P_vec[j*n+i];
PbarR_vec_y[j*n+i] = P_vec[(j+1)*n+i];
reflective_boundaries(PbarL_vec_x, n, m, nG, BC);
reflective_boundaries(PbarR_vec_x, n, m, nG, BC);
reflective_boundaries(PbarL_vec_y, n, m, nG, BC);
reflective_boundaries(PbarR_vec_y, n, m, nG, BC);
double rho_min = P_vec[0].rho;
double ST_dt;
for(int j = 0; j<m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i<n; ++i){
//HLLC evaluation (within HLLC_x and HLLC_y classes):
cell_vec_x[j*n+i] = HLLC_x(PbarL_vec_x[j*n+i], PbarR_vec_x[j*n+i]);
cell_vec_y[j*n+i] = HLLC_y(PbarL_vec_y[j*n+i], PbarR_vec_y[j*n+i]);
if(cell_vec_x[j*n+i].Splus > Smax){
Smax = cell_vec_x[j*n+i].Splus;
if(cell_vec_y[j*n+i].Splus > Smax){
Smax = cell_vec_y[j*n+i].Splus;
if(P_vec[j*n+i].rho < rho_min){
rho_min = P_vec[j*n+i].rho;
//max wave speed in x or y direction limits max time step
assert(Smax > 0);
dt = ((dx <= dy)? CFL*dx/Smax : CFL*dy/Smax);
assert(dt > 0); //check this is true rather than enforcing fabs(dt)
ST_dt = ((dx <= dy)? 0.5*pow(rho_min/(8*pow(M_PI,3)*CASE.sigma),0.5)*pow(dx,1.5) :\
assert(ST_dt > 0);
dt = ((dt <= ST_dt)? dt : ST_dt);
HLLC_x cell_x = cell0_x; //any initialisation
HLLC_x prev_cell_x = cell0_x;
HLLC_y cell_y = cell0_y; //any initialisation
HLLC_y prev_cell_y = cell0_y;
//place-holders for update variables
ConsU Unew(0,0,0,0,0,0);
ConsU Ui(0,0,0,0,0,0);
ConsF zeroF(0,0,0,0,0,0);
ConsG zeroG(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Properties Pnew = P_vec[0];
double Fw_x, Fw_y;
double plusE;
for(int j = 0; j<m; ++j){
for(int i = 0; i<n; ++i){
cell_x = cell_vec_x[j*n+i];
cell_y = cell_vec_y[j*n+i];
Ui = P_vec[j*n+i].U;
if(i == 0){
prev_cell_x = cell_x;
prev_cell_x = cell_vec_x[j*n+i-1];
if(j == 0){
prev_cell_y = cell_y;
prev_cell_y = cell_vec_y[(j-1)*n+i];
if(P_vec[j*n+i].n_x >= 0){
Fw_x = cell_x.wR - cell_x.wL;
Fw_x = prev_cell_x.wR - prev_cell_x.wL;
if(P_vec[j*n+i].n_y >= 0){
Fw_y = cell_y.wR - cell_y.wL;
Fw_y = prev_cell_y.wR - prev_cell_y.wL;
//conservative update formula:
Unew.z1rho1 = Ui.z1rho1 + dt/dx * (prev_cell_x.Fout.mass1 - cell_x.Fout.mass1) \
+ dt/dy * (prev_cell_y.Gout.mass1 - cell_y.Gout.mass1);
Unew.z2rho2 = Ui.z2rho2 + dt/dx * (prev_cell_x.Fout.mass2 - cell_x.Fout.mass2) \
+ dt/dy * (prev_cell_y.Gout.mass2 - cell_y.Gout.mass2);
Unew.rhou = Ui.rhou + dt/dx * (prev_cell_x.Fout.xmom - cell_x.Fout.xmom) \
+ dt/dy * (prev_cell_y.Gout.xmom - cell_y.Gout.xmom) \
+ (dt)*(-sigma*P_vec[j*n+i].k*(1.0/dx)*(Fw_x));
Unew.rhov = Ui.rhov + dt/dx * (prev_cell_x.Fout.ymom - cell_x.Fout.ymom) \
+ dt/dy * (prev_cell_y.Gout.ymom - cell_y.Gout.ymom) \
+ (dt)*(-sigma*P_vec[j*n+i].k*(1.0/dy)*(Fw_y));
Unew.E = Ui.E + dt/dx * (prev_cell_x.Fout.en - cell_x.Fout.en) \
+ dt/dy * (prev_cell_y.Gout.en - cell_y.Gout.en)
+ dt*(-sigma*P_vec[j*n+i].k*\
+ (cell_y.Gout.vz1/cell_y.U.z1)*(1.0/dy)*(Fw_y)));
//pseudo-conservative z1 update
Unew.z1 = Ui.z1 - dt/dx*(cell_x.Fout.uz1 - prev_cell_x.Fout.uz1 \
- Ui.z1*(cell_x.Fout.uz1/cell_x.U.z1 - prev_cell_x.Fout.uz1/prev_cell_x.U.z1))\
- dt/dy*(cell_y.Gout.vz1 - prev_cell_y.Gout.vz1 \
- Ui.z1*(cell_y.Gout.vz1/cell_y.U.z1 - prev_cell_y.Gout.vz1/prev_cell_y.U.z1));
//variable conversion
Pnew = P_vec[j*n+i]; //carry across other property info incl. curvature
Pnew.U = Unew;
Prop_UtoWF(Pnew); //reference variable &Pnew - equates properties internally
Pnew.S = cell_x.aL; //for plotting only
P_vec_new[j*n+i] = Pnew;
//curvature_calc(P_vec_new, CASE, k_avr);
updateBoundary(P_vec_new, n, m, nG, BC);
return P_vec_new;
vector< vector<Properties> > generate_solution(TestCase CASE, Vector &time_vec,
bool MUSCL, string scheme){
int n = CASE.n;
int m = CASE.m;
int nG = CASE.nG;
double CFL = CASE.CFL;
double T0 = CASE.T0;
double Tf = CASE.Tf;
double dx = CASE.dx;
double dy = CASE.dy;
double T = T0;
double L = CASE.L;
double x0 = CASE.x0;
string BC = CASE.BCs;
vector<Properties> P_vec = initial_construction(CASE);
vector<Properties> P_vec_new = P_vec; //initialised variable for subsequent updating
HLLC_x cell0_x(P_vec[0], P_vec[0]);
vector<HLLC_x> cell_vec_x(n*m, cell0_x);
HLLC_y cell0_y(P_vec[0], P_vec[0]);
vector<HLLC_y> cell_vec_y(n*m, cell0_y);
double Smax=0;
double dt = 0;
double view_dt = Tf/view_resolution;
int view_num = 0;
vector< vector<Properties> > MATRIX; //solution is generated as a space*time matrix
//of the primitive variables
k_avr = (1.0/CASE.R);
curvature_calc(P_vec, CASE, k_avr);
updateBoundary(P_vec, n, m, nG, BC);
double rho_min = P_vec[0].rho;
double ST_dt; //surface tension restricted dt
for(int j = 1; j < m; ++j){
for(int i = 1; i < n; ++i){
cell0_x = HLLC_x(P_vec[j*n+i-1], P_vec[j*n+i]);
cell0_y = HLLC_y(P_vec[(j-1)*n+i], P_vec[j*n+i]);
if(cell0_x.Splus > Smax){
Smax = cell0_x.Splus;
if(cell0_y.Splus > Smax){
Smax = cell0_y.Splus;
if(P_vec[j*n+i].rho < rho_min){
rho_min = P_vec[j*n+i].rho;
cout << "Smax0 = " << Smax << endl;
cout << "rho_min = " << rho_min << endl;
assert(Smax > 0);
dt = ((dx <= dy)? CFL*dx/Smax : CFL*dy/Smax);
ST_dt = ((dx <= dy)? 0.5*pow(rho_min/(8*pow(M_PI,3)*CASE.sigma),0.5)*pow(dx,1.5) :\
cout << "dt = " << dt << endl;
cout << "ST required dt <= " << ST_dt << endl;
dt = ((dt <= ST_dt)? dt : ST_dt);
cout << "actual dt = " << dt << endl;
int nT = 1; //zero time is the first time step
double percentage;
while(T < Tf){
Smax = 0;
curvature_calc(P_vec, CASE, k_avr);
P_vec_new = updateP(P_vec, CASE, dt, CFL, Smax, MUSCL, scheme);
P_vec = P_vec_new; //save time by not copying?
T += dt;
percentage = T/CASE.Tf * 100;
cout << "T = " << T << setw(10) << " (" << percentage << "%) " << endl;
//current simulation time printed to terminal
nT += 1; //time step counter
if(T >= view_num*view_dt){
//if(nT >= 2){
// break;
cout << "(actual final time = " << T << "s)" << endl;
return MATRIX;
//(beginning) DATA AND VISUALISATION -----------------------------------------------------//
Vector writetofile(TestCase CASE, vector< vector<Properties> > MATRIX, int view_resolution, double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1){
Vector output(14); //returning: {u_min, u_max, rho_min, rho_max,
// p_min, p_max, e_min, e_max, c_min, c_max, rho_grad_min/max}
// for use in automatic plot scaling later
string name = CASE.datfile;
int n = CASE.n; //number of spatial nodes
int nT = CASE.nT; //number of time steps
double dx = CASE.dx;
double dy = CASE.dy;
assert(MATRIX.size() == nT);
assert(MATRIX[0].size() == n*CASE.m);
ofstream ufile, rhofile, pfile, efile, z1file, kfile, finalT, slice1D, MSrho;
ofstream k_dist;"./data/u_" + name);"./data/rho_" + name);"./data/p_" + name);"./data/e_" + name);"./data/z1_" + name);"./data/k_" + name);"./data/finalT" + name);"./data/slice1D" + name);"./data/MSrho_" + name);"./data/k_distribution.txt");
//just initialising these to possible max/min values
double u_min=CASE.WL.u, u_max=u_min, rho_min=CASE.WL.rho1, rho_max=rho_min;
double p_min=CASE.WL.p, p_max=p_min, e_min=MATRIX[0][0].e, e_max=e_min;
double z1_min=1, z1_max=0, MSrho_min=1, MSrho_max=0, k_min=1, k_max=0;
double V;
double rho_grad;
double x,y;
//1D slice variables:
assert(x0 == x1 || y0 == y1);
for(int j = 0; j < CASE.m; ++j){
//first column of each file is the space vector
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
x = (i-CASE.nG)*dx;
y = (j-CASE.nG)*dy;
ufile << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
rhofile << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
pfile << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
efile << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
z1file << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
kfile << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
finalT << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
if(i < n-1 && j < CASE.m-1){
MSrho << x << ' ' << y << ' ';
for(int k = 0; k < nT; ++k){
V = pow(pow(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.u, 2) + pow(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.v, 2),0.5);
ufile << V << ' ';
if(k== nT-1){
finalT << V << ' ';
if(x >= x0 && x < x1+dx && y >= y0 && y< y1+dy){
slice1D << x << ' ' << y << ' ' << V << ' ';
if(V < u_min){
u_min = V;
if(V > u_max){
u_max = V;
rhofile << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho << ' ';
if(k== nT-1){
finalT << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho << ' ';
if(x >= x0 && x < x1+dx && y >= y0 && y< y1+dy){
slice1D << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho << ' ';
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho < rho_min){
rho_min = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho;
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho > rho_max){
rho_max = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho;
if(i < n-1 && j < CASE.m-1){
rho_grad = pow(pow((MATRIX[k][j*n+i+1].rho - MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho)/dx,2) + \
pow((MATRIX[k][(j+1)*n+i].rho - MATRIX[k][j*n+i].rho)/dy,2), 0.5);
MSrho << rho_grad << ' ';
if(rho_grad < MSrho_min){
MSrho_min = rho_grad;
if(rho_grad > MSrho_max){
MSrho_max = rho_grad;
pfile << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.p << ' ';
if(k== nT-1){
finalT << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.p << ' ';
if(x >= x0 && x < x1+dx && y >= y0 && y< y1+dy){
slice1D << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.p << ' ';
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.p < p_min){
p_min = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.p;
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.p > p_max){
p_max = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.p;
efile << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].e << ' ';
if(k== nT-1){
finalT << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].e << ' ';
if(x >= x0 && x < x1+dx && y >= y0 && y< y1+dy){
slice1D << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].e << ' ';
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].e < e_min){
e_min = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].e;
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].e > e_max){
e_max = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].e;
z1file << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].U.z1 << ' ';
if(k== nT-1){
finalT << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].U.z1 << ' ';
finalT << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].S << ' ';
finalT << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k << ' ';
if(x >= x0 && x < x1+dx && y >= y0 && y< y1+dy){
slice1D << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k << ' ';
slice1D << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].U.z1 << ' ';
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k != 0){
k_dist << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k;
k_dist << ' ';
if(x >= x0 && x < x1+dx && y >= y0 && y< y1+dy){
slice1D << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.z1 << ' ';
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.z1 < z1_min){
z1_min = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.z1;
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.z1 > z1_max){
z1_max = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].W.z1;
kfile << MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k << ' ';
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k < k_min){
k_min = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k;
if(MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k > k_max){
k_max = MATRIX[k][j*n+i].k;
//essentially transposing matrix to file write s.t.
//vector downwards in space, with each column stepping in time
ufile << '\n';
rhofile << '\n';
pfile << '\n';
efile << '\n';
z1file << '\n';
kfile << '\n';
finalT << '\n';
slice1D << '\n';
if(i < n-1 && j < CASE.m-1){
MSrho << '\n';
double tol = 1e-3;
if(fabs(u_max - u_min) < tol){ u_min += -0.1; u_max += 0.1;}
if(fabs(rho_max - rho_min) < tol){ rho_min += -0.1; rho_max += 0.1;}
if(fabs(p_max - p_min) < tol){ p_min += -0.1; p_max += 0.1;}
if(fabs(e_max - e_min) < tol){ e_min += -0.1; e_max += 0.1;}
if(fabs(z1_max - z1_min) < tol){ z1_min += -0.1; z1_max += 0.1;}
if(fabs(k_max - k_min) < tol){ k_min += -0.1; k_max += 0.1;}
if(fabs(MSrho_max - MSrho_min) < tol){ MSrho_min += -0.1; MSrho_max += 0.1;}
double arr[14] = {u_min, u_max, rho_min, rho_max, p_min, p_max, e_min, e_max,
z1_min, z1_max, MSrho_min, MSrho_max, k_min, k_max};
output.assign(arr, &arr[14]);
return output;
void GNUplot_gif(TestCase CASE, Vector domain){
string gpname = CASE.gpname;
string datfile = CASE.datfile;
string title = CASE.title;
string giffile = CASE.giffile;
int nT = CASE.nT;
string u_datfile = "./data/u_" + datfile;
string rho_datfile = "./data/rho_" + datfile;
string p_datfile = "./data/p_" + datfile;
string e_datfile = "./data/e_" + datfile;
string z1_datfile = "./data/z1_" + datfile;
string k_datfile = "./data/k_" + datfile;
ofstream file;;
file << "#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist \n";
file << "set terminal gif animate delay 8 \n";
file << "n = " << nT << '\n';
file << "set out \'" << giffile << "\' \n";
file << "set key off \n";
file << "set size " << CASE.L << ", " << CASE.Y << "\n";
file << "set view map \n";
file << "unset surface \n";
file << "set contour \n";
file << "set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10 \n";
file << "do for [i=0:" << nT-1 << "] { \n ";
file << "j = i+3 \n";
file << "set multiplot layout 2,2 \n";
//rho plot:
file << "set title \"" << "Density - rho" << "\" \n";
file << "set cbrange[" << domain[2] - 0.3*fabs(domain[3]-domain[2]) << \
":" << domain[3] + 0.3*fabs(domain[3]-domain[2]) << "] \n";
file << "plot \"" << rho_datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
//p plot:
file << "set title \"" << "Pressure - p" << "\" \n";
file << "set cbrange[" << domain[4] - 0.3*fabs(domain[5]-domain[4]) << \
":" << domain[5] + 0.3*fabs(domain[5]-domain[4]) << "] \n";
file << "plot \"" << p_datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
//u plot:
file << "set title \"" << "Absolute velocity - V" << "\" \n";
file << "set cbrange[" << domain[0] - 0.3*fabs(domain[1]-domain[0]) << \
":" << domain[1] + 0.3*fabs(domain[1]-domain[0]) << "] \n";
file << "plot \"" << u_datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
//z1 plot:
file << "set title \"" << "Component mixture level - z1" << "\" \n";
file << "set cbrange[" << domain[8] - 0.3*fabs(domain[9]-domain[8]) << \
":" << domain[9] + 0.3*fabs(domain[9]-domain[8]) << "] \n";
file << "plot \"" << z1_datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
//k plot:
file << "set title \"" << "Curvature - k" << "\" \n";
file << "set cbrange[" << domain[12] - 0.3*fabs(domain[13]-domain[12]) << \
":" << domain[13] + 0.3*fabs(domain[13]-domain[12]) << "] \n";
file << "plot \"" << k_datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
//e plot:
file << "set title \"" << "Internal energy - e" << "\" \n";
file << "set cbrange[" << domain[6] - 0.3*fabs(domain[7]-domain[6]) << \
":" << domain[7] + 0.3*fabs(domain[7]-domain[6]) << "] \n";
file << "plot \"" << e_datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
file << "unset multiplot \n } \n";
file << "exit";
void GNUplot_density_plots(TestCase CASE, Vector domain, string type){
//type must be: MS = mock-schlieren or rho = normal
string gpname = type + CASE.gpname;
string datfile = "rho_" + CASE.datfile;
string title = type + CASE.title;
string giffile = CASE.giffile;
int nT = CASE.nT;
string rho_datfile;
if(type == "MS"){
rho_datfile = "./data/MS" + datfile;
}else if(type == "rho"){
rho_datfile = "./data/" + datfile;
ofstream file;;
file << "#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist \n";
file << "set terminal gif animate delay 8 \n";
file << "n = " << nT << '\n';
file << "set out \'./visualisation/" << title << ".gif\' \n";
file << "set key off \n";
file << "set title \"" << "Density ";
if(type == "MS"){
file << "gradient - Mock-Schlieren";
file << "\" \n";
file << "set size " << 1 << ", " << CASE.Y/CASE.L << "\n";
file << "set view map \n";
file << "unset surface \n";
file << "set contour \n";
file << "set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10 \n";
file << "do for [i=0:" << nT-1 << "] { \n ";
file << "j = i+3 \n";
//rho plot:
file << "plot \"" << rho_datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
file << "} \n";
file << "exit";
void GNUplot_curvature_plot(TestCase CASE){
//type must be: MS = mock-schlieren or rho = normal
string gpname = "k_" + CASE.gpname;
string datfile = "./data/k_" + CASE.datfile;
string title = "k_" + CASE.title;
string giffile = CASE.giffile;
int nT = CASE.nT;
ofstream file;;
file << "#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist \n";
file << "set terminal gif animate delay 8 \n";
file << "n = " << nT << '\n';
file << "set out \'./visualisation/" << title << ".gif\' \n";
file << "set key off \n";
file << "set title \"Curvature - k\" \n";
file << "set size " << 1 << ", " << CASE.Y/CASE.L << "\n";
file << "set view map \n";
file << "unset surface \n";
file << "set contour \n";
file << "set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10 \n";
file << "do for [i=0:" << nT-1 << "] { \n ";
file << "j = i+3 \n";
//rho plot:
file << "plot \"" << datfile << "\" using 1:2:j with image\n";
file << "} \n";
file << "exit";
void GNUplot_finalT(TestCase CASE, string filetype){
ofstream file; + "");
string datfile = "./data/finalT" + CASE.datfile;
file << "#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist \n";
file << "set terminal " << filetype << " \n";
file << "set out './visualisation/"<< CASE.title << " finalT." << filetype <<"\' \n";
file << "set view map \n";
file << "unset surface \n";
file << "set contour \n";
file << "set dgrid3d \n";
file << "set key off \n";
file << "set size " << CASE.L << ", " << CASE.Y << "\n";
file << "set palette rgbformulae 33,13,10 \n";
file << "set multiplot layout 2,2 \n";
file << "set title \"Density - rho\" \n";
//file << "set title \"x-component normal - Fx\" \n";
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:2:4 with image";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "rho.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Pressure - p\" \n";
//file << "set title \"y-component normal - Fy\" \n";
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:2:5 with image";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "p.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Velocity - V\" \n";
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:2:3 with image";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "u.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Curvature - k\" \n";
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:2:9 with image";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "k.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"z1\" \n";
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:2:7 with image";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "z1.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Internal energy - e\" \n";
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:2:6 with image";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "e.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \" Sound Speed\" \n";
file << "splot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:2:8";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "S.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "exit";
void GNUplot_slice1D(TestCase CASE, string filetype, string slice){
ofstream file; + "");
string datfile = "./data/slice1D" + CASE.datfile;
file << "#!/usr/local/bin/gnuplot -persist \n";
file << "set terminal " << filetype << " \n";
file << "set out './visualisation/"<< CASE.title << " slice1D." << filetype <<"\' \n";
file << "set key off \n";
file << "set multiplot layout 3,2 \n";
file << "set title \"Density - rho\" \n";
if(slice == "x-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:4 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
}else if(slice == "y-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 2:4 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "rho.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Absolute velocity - V\" \n";
if(slice == "x-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:3 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
}else if(slice == "y-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 2:3 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "u.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Pressure - p\" \n";
if(slice == "x-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:5 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
}else if(slice == "y-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 2:5 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "p.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Internal energy - e\" \n";
if(slice == "x-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:6 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
}else if(slice == "y-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 2:6 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "e.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "set title \"Curvature - k\" \n";
if(slice == "x-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:7 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\' \n";
}else if(slice == "y-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 2:7 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\' \n";
file << "set title \"mixture level - z1\" \n";
if(slice == "x-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:8 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\' \n";
}else if(slice == "y-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 2:8 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\' \n";
file << "set title \" Sound Speed\" \n";
if(slice == "x-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 1:8 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
}else if(slice == "y-slice"){
file << "plot '"<< datfile << "\' using 2:8 with linespoints pt 6 ps 0.3 lc rgb \'blue\'";
if(CASE.exact_sol_file == "none"){
file << " \n";
file << ", '" << CASE.exact_sol_file << "S.dat' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb 'black' \n";
file << "exit";
//--------------------------------------------------------------(end) DATA AND VISUALISATION //
void tellmethings(TestCase CASE, bool MUSCL, string scheme){
cout << "|| " << CASE.title << " || " << endl;
cout << "Test case description: " << CASE.description << endl;
cout << "Test case models materials: \"" << material1 << "\" and \"" << material2;
cout << "\" under the \"" << EoS << "\" equation of state. " << endl;
cout << "with surface tension time-step restriction" << endl;
cout << "spatial discretisation x * y = " << CASE.n - 2*CASE.nG << " * " << CASE.m - 2*CASE.nG;
cout << " = " << (CASE.n - 2*CASE.nG)*(CASE.m - 2*CASE.nG) << " cells (Cartesian grid)" << endl;
cout << "simulated time = " << CASE.Tf << "s" << endl;
cout << "HLLC solver- run as ";
cout << "second order scheme: MUSCL, slope limiter = " << scheme << endl;
}else{ cout << "first order scheme " << endl;
cout << "with " << CASE.BCs << " boundary conditions" << endl;
cout << "number of time steps stored in simulated time = " << CASE.nT << endl;
cout << "max. number of time steps written for visualisation = " << view_resolution << endl;
cout << "5 data files generated in ./data/: \n *" << CASE.datfile << "(x5 properties)\n";
cout << "6 .gp files generated which can be compiled for visualisation: \n";
cout << "for gif animation of all properties: \n *" << CASE.gpname << endl;
cout << "for final time solution image: \n *" << CASE.title << "" << endl;
cout << "for 1D cross-sectional profile: \n *" << CASE.title << "" << endl;
cout << "for mock-schlieren gif animation: \n *MS" << CASE.gpname << endl;
cout << "for density plot gif animation: \n *rho" << CASE.gpname << endl;
cout << "for curvature plot gif animation: \n *k_" << CASE.gpname << endl;
cout << "compile with: \"chmod u+x <> \" " << \
"then run \"./<name>.gp\", to generate file located in ./visualisation/" << endl;
cout << "(compiling a gif with more than 300 time steps will take a super long time and is not recommended)\n";
cout << "done." << endl;
int main(){
Vector time_vec;
vector< vector<Properties> > MATRIX = generate_solution(CASE, time_vec, MUSCL, scheme);
CASE.nT = MATRIX.size();
cout << "dimensions: " << MATRIX[0].size() << endl;
tellmethings(CASE, MUSCL, scheme);
cout << "generating visualisation files ..." << endl;
//slice1D variables:
//x or y must be constant
//check values lie in valid spatial range
double x0 = 0.00;
double x1 = 1.0;
double y0 = 0.5;
double y1 = 0.5;
string slice = "x-slice"; //must be "x-slice" or "y-slice"
Vector domain = writetofile(CASE, MATRIX, view_resolution, x0, x1, y0, y1);
cout << "writetofile executed" << endl;
GNUplot_gif(CASE, domain);
cout << "GNUplot_gif file written" << endl;
GNUplot_finalT(CASE, "svg");
cout << "GNUplot_finalT file written" << endl;
GNUplot_slice1D(CASE, "svg", slice);
cout << "GNUplot_slice1D file written" << endl;
GNUplot_density_plots(CASE, domain, "MS");
cout << "GNUplot mock-schlieren gif file written" << endl;
GNUplot_density_plots(CASE, domain, "rho");
cout << "GNUplot density gif file written" << endl;
cout << "GNUplot curvature gif file written" << endl;
//cout << "post-shock pressure = " << MATRIX[CASE.nT-1][(int)(0.1*CASE.m)*CASE.n+(int)(0.5*CASE.n)].W.p << endl;
//cout << "post-shock density = " << MATRIX[CASE.nT-1][(int)(0.1*CASE.m)*CASE.n+(int)(0.5*CASE.n)].rho << endl;
//cout << "post-shock velocity = " << MATRIX[CASE.nT-1][(int)(0.1*CASE.m)*CASE.n+(int)(0.5*CASE.n)].W.v << endl;
return 0;
class TestCase{
int n; //x-dimension spatial discretisation
int m; //y-dimension spatial discretisation
double L, Y; //1D spatial Length
double Tf; //final time
double T0; //initial time
double CFL; //Courant number
double dx; //x spatial step size
double dy; //y spatial step size
double x0, x1, y0; //property discontinuity position
double o_x, o_y, R, k0; //some additional "bubble" construction paramaters
double gamma1, gamma2;
string material1, material2; //handles 2 materials
string EoS; //single EoS
Prim WL, WR;
string gpname, datfile, title, giffile, description;
string exact_sol_file;
string construction, BCs;
int nG; //number of ghost cells at the boundary: on each side
//2 required for reflected shock BCs
int nT; //number of time steps,
//not assigned until after solution and number of time steps are known
double sigma; //surface tension coefficient in N/m, with default 0 = no surface tension effects
TestCase(string CASE):
WL(0,0,0,0,0,0), WR(0,0,0,0,0,0){
exact_sol_file = "none"; //auto declaration if no solution file exists
if(CASE == "TestA"){
title = "TestA";
description = "constant properties test";
datfile = "euler_eqs_testA.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/testA.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 1.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 1.0; WR.p = 1.0; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 100 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.5;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.25;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default";
if(CASE == "TestA2"){
title = "TestA2";
description = "z1 discontinuity";
datfile = "euler_eqs_testA2.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/testA2.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 1.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 1.0; WR.p = 1.0; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 100 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.5;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.25;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default";
if(CASE == "TestA3"){
title = "TestA3";
description = "z1 discontinuity with different gammas";
datfile = "euler_eqs_testA3.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/testA3.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 1.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 1.0; WR.p = 1.0; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.15;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.25;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "helium";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default";
if(CASE == "Test1"){
title = "Test1";
description = "Toro test 1 equivalent";
datfile = "test1.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test1.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro411";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 0.125; WR.rho2 = 0.125; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0; WR.p = 0.1; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.25;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
if(CASE == "Test1_y"){
title = "Test1_y";
description = "Toro test 1 y-direction equivalent";
datfile = "test1_y.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test1_y.gif";
BCs = "bottom-reflective";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro411";
WL.rho1 = 0.125; WL.rho2 = 0.125; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 0.1; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.50;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "y-direction";
if(CASE == "Test1_V2"){
title = "Test1_V2";
description = "Toro test 1 equivalent";
datfile = "test1_V2.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test1_V2.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro411";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 0.125; WL.u = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 0.125; WR.u = 0.0; WR.p = 0.1; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.25;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
if(CASE == "Test2"){
title = "Test2";
description = "Toro test 2 equivalent";
datfile = "test2.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test2.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = -2.0; WL.p = 0.4; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 2.0; WR.p = 0.4; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.50;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
if(CASE == "Test2_y"){
title = "Test2_y";
description = "Toro test 2 y-dimension equivalent";
datfile = "test2_y.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test2_y.gif";
BCs = "bottom-reflective";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.v = -2.0; WL.p = 0.4; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.v = 2.0; WR.p = 0.4; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.50;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "y-direction";
if(CASE == "Test3"){
title = "Test3";
description = "Toro test 3 equivalent";
datfile = "test3.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test3.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro413";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 0.0; WL.p = 1000.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 0.0; WR.p = 0.01; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.012;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
if(CASE == "Test4"){
title = "Test4";
description = "Toro test 4 equivalent";
datfile = "test4.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test4.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro414";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 0.0; WL.p = 0.01; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 0.0; WR.p = 100.0; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.035;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
if(CASE == "Test5"){
title = "Test5";
description = "Toro test 5 equivalent";
datfile = "euler_eqs_test5.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test5.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro415";
WL.rho1 = 5.99924; WL.rho2 = 5.99924; WL.u = 19.5975; WL.p = 460.894; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 5.99924; WR.rho2 = 5.99924; WR.u = -6.19633; WR.p = 46.0950; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.035;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
if(CASE == "Test1_2D"){
title = "Test1_2D";
description = "Toro test 1 2D equivalent";
datfile = "test1_2D.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test1_2D.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro411";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 0.125; WR.rho2 = 0.125; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0; WR.p = 0.1; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = 50 + 2*nG;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.25;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "square";
if(CASE == "Test2_2D"){
title = "Test2_2D";
description = "Toro test 2 2D equivalent";
datfile = "test2_2D.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/test2_2D.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = -2.0; WL.v = 2.0; WL.p = 0.4; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 2.0; WR.v = -2.0; WR.p = 0.4; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.15;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "square";
if(CASE == "UnderwaterExplosion"){
title = "Underwater Explosion";
description = "2D inert underwater explosion test";
datfile = "underwater_explosion.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/underwater_explosion.gif";
BCs = "bottom-reflective";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air, WR -> water
WL.rho1 = 1.225; WL.rho2 = 0.001; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 0.001; WR.rho2 = 1250; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 400 + 2*nG;
m = 250 + 2*nG;
L = 4.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 2.5;
Tf = 1.0e-3;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 1.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "bubble";
o_x = 2;
o_y = 1.2;
R = 0.12;
if(CASE == "CircularExplosion"){
title = "Circular Explosion";
description = "2D inert circular gas explosion test";
datfile = "circular_explosion.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/circular_explosion.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air, WR -> water
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 0.125; WR.rho2 = 0.125; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 0.1; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 2.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 2.0;
Tf = 0.25;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 1.0;
y0 = 1.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "circular";
o_x = 1.0;
o_y = 1.0;
R = 0.4;
if(CASE == "reflected_shock"){
title = "reflected_shock";
description = "reflected shock test for bottom wall BC";
datfile = "reflected_shock.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/reflected_shock.gif";
BCs = "bottom-reflective";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = -3.0; WL.p = 0.4; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = -3.0; WR.p = 0.4; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 50 + 2*nG;
m = n;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Tf = 0.15;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = L/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 0.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
if(CASE == "AirExplosion"){
title = "Air Explosion";
description = "2D inert air + water explosion test";
datfile = "air_explosion.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/air_explosion.gif";
BCs = "all-reflective";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air, WR -> water
WL.rho1 = 1.225; WL.rho2 = 0.001; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 0.001; WR.rho2 = 1250; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 125 + 2*nG;
L = 4.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 2.5;
Tf = 0.5e-3;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 1.5;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "air-bubble";
o_x = 2;
o_y = 1.2;
R = 0.20;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse"){
title = "CavityCollapse";
description = "2D inert single cavity collapse";
datfile = "cavity_collapse.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/cavity_collapse.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 700 + 2*nG;
m = 500 + 2*nG;
L = 14.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 12.0;
Tf = 5.0e-3;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.6;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 6.0;
o_y = 6.0;
R = 3.0;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse_Nitromethane"){
title = "Cavity Collapse - Nitromethane";
description = "2D inert single air cavity collapse in Nitromethane";
datfile = "cavity_collapse_nitromethane.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/cavity_collapse_nitromethane.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient nitromethane
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1134; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1134; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 600 + 2*nG;
m = 450 + 2*nG;
L = 14.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 12.0;
Tf = 2.7e-3;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.6;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "nitromethane";
EoS = "CC";
construction = "shocked-cavity-nitromethane";
o_x = 6.0;
o_y = 6.0;
R = 3.0;
if(CASE == "ReflectedGelShock"){
title = "ReflectedGelShock";
description = "testing for post-shock conditions";
datfile = "ReflectedGelShock.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/ReflectedGelShock.gif";
BCs = "bottom-reflective";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1000; WL.rho2 = 1.2; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = -50; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1000; WR.rho2 = 1.2; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = -50; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 100 + 2*nG;
m = 100 + 2*nG;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 1.0;
Tf = 3.0e-4;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.5;
y0 = 0.5;
material1 = "water";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "y-direction";
if(CASE == "WeakShockCavityCollapse"){
title = "WeakShockCavityCollapse";
description = "2D inert single cavity collapse for \
weak shock case in Bourne and Field's paper";
datfile = "weak_shock_cavity_collapse.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/weak_shock_cavity_collapse.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1030; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1030; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.03; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.03;
Tf = 17.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.004;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "gelatin10";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.012;
o_y = 0.015;
R = 0.006;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 0.0728; //0.0728;
if(CASE == "CircularSTtest"){
title = "Circular ST Test";
description = "2D circular ST test - expanding circular bubble";
datfile = "circular_ST.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/circular_ST.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air, WR -> water
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 0.125; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1-1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 0.125; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 0.1; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 300 + 2*nG;
m = 300 + 2*nG;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 1.0;
Tf = 0.10;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 1.0;
y0 = 1.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "circular";
o_x = 0.5;
o_y = 0.5;
R = 0.2;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 0.06;
if(CASE == "DropletTest"){
title = "DropletTest";
description = "2D circular ST test - expanding circular bubble";
datfile = "DropletTest.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/DropletTest.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WR -> air bubble, WL -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1000; WL.rho2 = 1.2; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.36e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1000; WR.rho2 = 1.2; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 150 + 2*nG;
m = 150 + 2*nG;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 1.0;
Tf = 0.1;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 1.0;
y0 = 1.0;
material1 = "fake-liquid";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "elliptical";
o_x = 0.5;
o_y = 0.5;
R = 0.2;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 0.072;
if(CASE == "ST_Test1"){
title = "ST_Test1";
description = "Sod test";
datfile = "ST_test1.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/ST_test1.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro411";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 0.125; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 0.125; WR.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WR.p = 0.1; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 1.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 1.0;
Tf = 0.20;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.50;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "default2D";
R = 1.0;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 0.1;
if(CASE == "ST_Test2"){
title = "ST_Test2";
description = "double direction Sod test";
datfile = "ST_test2.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/ST_test2.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
WL.rho1 = 1.0; WL.rho2 = 0.125; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.0; WR.rho2 = 0.125; WR.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WR.p = 0.1; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 150 + 2*nG;
m = 150 + 2*nG;
L = 2.0; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 2.0;
Tf = 0.20; //0.20
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.50;
x1 = 1.50;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "3part";
R = 1.0;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 0.1;
if(CASE == "CircularSTgel"){
title = "CircularSTgel";
description = "2D circular ST test - collapsing circular air bubble in gelatin";
datfile = "CircularSTgel.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/CircularSTgel.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air, WR -> gel
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1031; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1-1e-6;//air bubble
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1031; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 14.6e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6; //gel
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 3.0e-3; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 3.0e-3;
Tf = 30.0e-6;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
material1 = "air";
material2 = "gelatin10";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "circular";
o_x = 1.5e-3;
o_y = 1.5e-3;
R = 1.0e-3;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 72.8;
if(CASE == "ExpandingAirBubble"){
title = "ExpandingAirBubble";
description = "2D circular ST test - expanding circular air bubble in water";
datfile = "ExpandingAirBubble.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/ExpandingAirBubble.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air, WR -> water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e7; WL.z1 = 1-1e-6;//air bubble
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6; //water
nG = 2;
n = 250 + 2*nG;
m = 250 + 2*nG;
L = 10.0e-3; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 10.0e-3;
Tf = 12.0e-6;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "circular";
o_x = 5.0e-3;
o_y = 5.0e-3;
R = 1.0e-3;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 0.0;
if(CASE == "OscillatingBubble"){
title = "OscillatingBubble";
description = "bubble oscillating under ST affects";
datfile = "OscillatingBubble.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/OscillatingBubble.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WR -> air bubble, WL -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 100; WL.rho2 = 1.0; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-4;
WR.rho1 = 100; WR.rho2 = 1.0; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-4;
nG = 2;
n = 250 + 2*nG;
m = 250 + 2*nG;
L = 0.8; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.8;
Tf = 0.14;
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.25;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 1.0;
y0 = 1.0;
material1 = "fake-liquid";
material2 = "air";
EoS = "ideal";
construction = "elliptical";
o_x = 0.4;
o_y = 0.4;
R = 0.15825;
k0 = 1.0/R;
sigma = 341.64;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse1"){
title = "CavityCollapse1";
description = "2D inert single cavity collapse";
datfile = "cavity_collapse1.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/cavity_collapse1.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 230 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.03; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.03;
Tf = 0.020e-3; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.004;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.012;
o_y = 0.015;
R = 0.006;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse2"){
title = "CavityCollapse2";
description = "2D inert single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 1.9 GPa";
datfile = "cavity_collapse2.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/cavity_collapse2.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 230 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.03; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.03;
Tf = 0.020e-3; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.004;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.012;
o_y = 0.015;
R = 0.006;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse3"){
title = "CavityCollapse3";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 0.26 GPa and D=6mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapse3.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/cavity_collapse3.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1030; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1030; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 230 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.015; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.015;
Tf = 12.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.002;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "gelatin10";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.006;
o_y = 0.0075;
R = 0.003;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse4"){
title = "CavityCollapse4";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 0.5 GPa and D=6mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapse4.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/cavity_collapse4.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.015; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.015;
Tf = 8.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.002;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.006;
o_y = 0.0075;
R = 0.003;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse5"){
title = "CavityCollapse5";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 1.9 GPa and D=6mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapse5.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/cavity_collapse5.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 230 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.015; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.015;
Tf = 5.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.002;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.006;
o_y = 0.0075;
R = 0.003;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse6"){
title = "CavityCollapse6";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 3.5 GPa and D=6mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapse6.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/CavityCollapse6.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 230 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.015; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.015;
Tf = 3.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.002;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.006;
o_y = 0.0075;
R = 0.003;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse7"){
title = "CavityCollapse7";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 0.5 GPa and D=3mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapse7.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/CavityCollapse7.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 230 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.006; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.006;
Tf = 5.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.0006;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.0025;
o_y = 0.003;
R = 0.0015;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse8"){
title = "CavityCollapse8";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 1.9 GPa and D=3mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapse8.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/CavityCollapse8.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 230 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.006; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.006;
Tf = 2.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.2;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.0006;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.0025;
o_y = 0.003;
R = 0.0015;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapse9"){
title = "CavityCollapse9";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 0.26 GPa and D=3mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapse9.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/CavityCollapse9.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.006; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.006;
Tf = 12.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.0006;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.0025;
o_y = 0.003;
R = 0.0015;
if(CASE == "CavityCollapseST"){
title = "CavityCollapseST";
description = "2D single cavity collapse, with post shock pressure: 3.3 MPa and D=6mm";
datfile = "cavity_collapseST.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/CavityCollapseST.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1030; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1030; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 200 + 2*nG;
m = 200 + 2*nG;
L = 0.015; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 0.015;
Tf = 100.0e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
x0 = 0.002;
y0 = 0.0;
material1 = "air";
material2 = "gelatin10";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.006;
o_y = 0.0075;
R = 0.003;
sigma = 0;
if(CASE == "MicroBubble"){
title = "MicroBubble";
description = "1 micrometer bubble collapse, under very weak loading";
datfile = "MicroBubble.dat";
gpname = "";
giffile = "./visualisation/MicroBubble.gif";
BCs = "transmissive";
//exact_sol_file = "./ExactSols/Toro412";
//WL -> air bubble, WR -> ambient water
WL.rho1 = 1.2; WL.rho2 = 1000; WL.u = 0.0; WL.v = 0.0; WL.p = 1.0e5; WL.z1 = 1 - 1e-6;
WR.rho1 = 1.2; WR.rho2 = 1000; WR.u = 0.0; WR.v = 0.0; WR.p = 1.0e5; WR.z1 = 1e-6;
nG = 2;
n = 300 + 2*nG;
m = 300 + 2*nG;
L = 2.0e-6; //space domain 0 < x < 1
Y = 2.0e-6;
Tf = 0.006e-6; //usually 0.0275e-3
T0 = 0;
CFL = 0.4;
x0 = 0.2e-6;
dx = L/(n-1-2*nG);
dy = Y/(m-1-2*nG);
material1 = "air";
material2 = "water";
EoS = "stiffened";
construction = "shocked-cavity";
o_x = 0.8e-6;
o_y = 1.0e-6;
R = 0.5e-6;
sigma = 0.00;
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