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Last active August 17, 2018 15:42
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[Python] Get json string from a python dict containing one or more list of strings into json, all list must be of same size
""" Get json string from a python dict containing lists of same size, see example at bottom of code """
import pyperclip
def dict_to_json(lists, cont=False, start_from=0):
""" convert a list of strings to json """
if cont:
json = ''
json = '{\n'
keys = []
for key in lists.items():
for i in range(0, len(lists[keys[0]])):
json += '\t"'+str(i+start_from)+'": {\n\t\t"id": "'+str(i+start_from)+'",\n'
for j in range(0, len(keys)):
if j < len(keys)-1:
json += '\t\t"'+keys[j]+'": "'+lists[keys[j]][i]+'",\n'
json += '\t\t"'+keys[j]+'": "'+lists[keys[j]][i]+'"'
json += '\n\t},\n'
if not cont:
json = json[:-2]
json += '\n}'
json += '\t'
return json
# dictionary can have any number of lists as long as they are of same size
"country": ["Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria",],
"country_code": ["93", "355", "213",],
"ISO_code": ["AF / AFG", "AL / ALB", "DZ / DZA",],
# see output string below, ready to be pasted into a json file
"0": {
"id": "0",
"country": "Afghanistan",
"country_code": "93",
"ISO_code": "AF / AFG"
"1": {
"id": "1",
"country": "Albania",
"country_code": "355",
"ISO_code": "AL / ALB"
"2": {
"id": "2",
"country": "Algeria",
"country_code": "213",
"ISO_code": "DZ / DZA"
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