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Created October 6, 2016 15:52
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Week 8 with @yuliaju
import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
data DisjointSet = DisjointSet {index :: Int, value :: Int, parent :: Int} deriving Show
find :: [DisjointSet] -> Int -> Int
find ls i = let
djs = ls !! (i - 1)
ix = index djs
p = parent djs
in if p == ix
then ix
else find ls p
replaceNth n newVal (x:xs)
| n == 0 = newVal:xs
| otherwise = x:replaceNth (n-1) newVal xs
union :: [DisjointSet] -> (Int, Int) -> [DisjointSet]
union ls (i, j) = let
parent = find ls i
child = find ls j
DisjointSet ix v pa = ls !! (child - 1)
newDjs = DisjointSet ix v parent
in replaceNth (ix - 1) newDjs ls
makeSingleton i v = DisjointSet i v i
treeDiff [x] = x
treeDiff part = abs $ head part - head (tail part)
dropNth _ [] = []
dropNth 0 (x:xs) = xs
dropNth n (x:xs) = x : dropNth (n-1) xs
makeTreeDiff edges values = let
indices = [1..length values + 1]
forest = zipWith makeSingleton indices values
unioned = foldr (flip union) forest edges
partitioned = groupBy (\s1 s2 -> find unioned (parent s1) == find unioned (parent s2)) $
sortBy (comparing (find unioned . parent)) unioned
summed = map (sum . map value) partitioned
in treeDiff summed
pairToTuple [x,y] = (x,y)
main = do
vertices <- fmap read getLine :: IO Int
values <- fmap (map read . words) getLine :: IO [Int]
edges <- (mapM (\_ -> fmap (pairToTuple . map read . words) getLine :: IO (Int, Int))) [2..vertices]
let mini = minimum $ map ((`makeTreeDiff` values) . (`dropNth` edges)) [0..vertices - 1]
print mini
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