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Ville Aikas vaikas

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# This is an example test file that shows how 'melange test' works.
# It has been pulled into its own file, to try to clearly show what the
# test file looks like.
# Note, that these tests can also be baked into the package file itself.
# It demonstrates several things:
# 1. Ability to specify main test pipeline, with its own package dependencies
# independent of either the build environment, or the runtime dependencies.
# 2. Ability to specify test pipelines for subpackages.
# 3. Each test pipeline gets its own container, with its own packages.
2022-08-22T16:01:51.417526894Z stderr F fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution
2022-08-22T16:01:51.420178048Z stderr F [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x47 pc=0x7ff9e42cb360]
2022-08-22T16:01:51.42024205Z stderr F
2022-08-22T16:01:51.42024865Z stderr F runtime stack:
2022-08-22T16:01:51.420674859Z stderr F runtime.throw({0x153b32d?, 0x7ff9e4303b00?})
2022-08-22T16:01:51.420966365Z stderr F runtime/panic.go:992 +0x71
2022-08-22T16:01:51.421123368Z stderr F runtime.sigpanic()
2022-08-22T16:01:51.421405374Z stderr F runtime/signal_unix.go:802 +0x3a9
2022-08-22T16:01:51.421453475Z stderr F
2022-08-22T16:01:51.421652579Z stderr F goroutine 29 [syscall]:
# Install gke
gcloud container clusters create chainguard-dev --num-nodes=4 --zone=us-west1-c --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=1 --max-nodes=6
# Install knative service
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
# Install kourier
kubectl apply -f
kubectl patch configmap/config-network \
2022-06-01T00:34:11.37126326Z stderr F main.go:70: {
2022-06-01T00:34:11.37130456Z stderr F "gitVersion": "ci",
2022-06-01T00:34:11.37130846Z stderr F "gitCommit": "824506ad4ec767360aa758a69ab11a084e26f746",
2022-06-01T00:34:11.371312561Z stderr F "gitTreeState": "clean",
2022-06-01T00:34:11.371315661Z stderr F "buildDate": "2022-06-01T00:23:31Z",
2022-06-01T00:34:11.371318261Z stderr F "goVersion": "go1.17.10",
2022-06-01T00:34:11.371320961Z stderr F "compiler": "gc",
2022-06-01T00:34:11.371323561Z stderr F "platform": "linux/amd64"
2022-06-01T00:34:11.371326261Z stderr F }
2022-06-01T00:34:11.371715263Z stderr F main.go:187: Registering 2 clients
# Ok, so we define a channel that's been somehow provisioned for us
# yay, note that we fill in the status to point to itself like
# a controller would, but there's not one, so we'll just control
# it ourself. This would represent a channel that's been created
# by a source, or something else that's Subscribable
kind: Channel
name: vaikas-channel-in