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WIP: bgfx.rb
require 'ffi'
# Typedefs
FFI.typedef :uint16, :Bgfx_view_id_t # [HACK] Hard-coded. Seems we can't get information about this from current 'bgfx.idl'.
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_fatal_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_renderer_type_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_access_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_attrib_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_attrib_type_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_texture_format_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_uniform_type_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_backbuffer_ratio_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_occlusion_query_result_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_topology_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_topology_convert_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_topology_sort_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_view_mode_t
FFI.typedef :int, :Bgfx_render_frame_t
# Enums / Bitflags
module Bgfx
extend FFI::Library
@@bgfx_import_done = false
def self.load_lib(libpath = './libbgfx-shared-libRelease.dylib')
ffi_lib_flags :now, :global
ffi_lib libpath
import_symbols() unless @@bgfx_import_done
State_Write_R = 0x0000000000000001 # Enable R write.
State_Write_G = 0x0000000000000002 # Enable G write.
State_Write_B = 0x0000000000000004 # Enable B write.
State_Write_A = 0x0000000000000008 # Enable alpha write.
State_Write_Z = 0x0000004000000000 # Enable depth write.
State_Write_Rgb = 0x0000000000000007 # Enable RGB write.
State_Write_Mask = 0x000000400000000f # Write all channels mask.
State_Depth_Test_Less = 0x0000000000000010 # Enable depth test, less.
State_Depth_Test_Lequal = 0x0000000000000020 # Enable depth test, less or equal.
State_Depth_Test_Equal = 0x0000000000000030 # Enable depth test, equal.
State_Depth_Test_Gequal = 0x0000000000000040 # Enable depth test, greater or equal.
State_Depth_Test_Greater = 0x0000000000000050 # Enable depth test, greater.
State_Depth_Test_Notequal = 0x0000000000000060 # Enable depth test, not equal.
State_Depth_Test_Never = 0x0000000000000070 # Enable depth test, never.
State_Depth_Test_Always = 0x0000000000000080 # Enable depth test, always.
State_Depth_Test_Shift = 4 # Depth test state bit shift
State_Depth_Test_Mask = 0x00000000000000f0 # Depth test state bit mask
State_Blend_Zero = 0x0000000000001000 # 0, 0, 0, 0
State_Blend_One = 0x0000000000002000 # 1, 1, 1, 1
State_Blend_SrcColor = 0x0000000000003000 # Rs, Gs, Bs, As
State_Blend_InvSrcColor = 0x0000000000004000 # 1-Rs, 1-Gs, 1-Bs, 1-As
State_Blend_SrcAlpha = 0x0000000000005000 # As, As, As, As
State_Blend_InvSrcAlpha = 0x0000000000006000 # 1-As, 1-As, 1-As, 1-As
State_Blend_DstAlpha = 0x0000000000007000 # Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad
State_Blend_InvDstAlpha = 0x0000000000008000 # 1-Ad, 1-Ad, 1-Ad ,1-Ad
State_Blend_DstColor = 0x0000000000009000 # Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad
State_Blend_InvDstColor = 0x000000000000a000 # 1-Rd, 1-Gd, 1-Bd, 1-Ad
State_Blend_SrcAlphaSat = 0x000000000000b000 # f, f, f, 1; f = min(As, 1-Ad)
State_Blend_Factor = 0x000000000000c000 # Blend factor
State_Blend_InvFactor = 0x000000000000d000 # 1-Blend factor
State_Blend_Shift = 12 # Blend state bit shift
State_Blend_Mask = 0x000000000ffff000 # Blend state bit mask
State_Blend_Equation_Add = 0x0000000000000000 # Blend add: src + dst.
State_Blend_Equation_Sub = 0x0000000010000000 # Blend subtract: src - dst.
State_Blend_Equation_Revsub = 0x0000000020000000 # Blend reverse subtract: dst - src.
State_Blend_Equation_Min = 0x0000000030000000 # Blend min: min(src, dst).
State_Blend_Equation_Max = 0x0000000040000000 # Blend max: max(src, dst).
State_Blend_Equation_Shift = 28 # Blend equation bit shift
State_Blend_Equation_Mask = 0x00000003f0000000 # Blend equation bit mask
State_Cull_Cw = 0x0000001000000000 # Cull clockwise triangles.
State_Cull_Ccw = 0x0000002000000000 # Cull counter-clockwise triangles.
State_Cull_Shift = 36 # Culling mode bit shift
State_Cull_Mask = 0x0000003000000000 # Culling mode bit mask
State_Alpha_Ref_Shift = 40 # Alpha reference bit shift
State_Alpha_Ref_Mask = 0x0000ff0000000000 # Alpha reference bit mask
def self.State_Alpha_Ref(v); return (v << State_Alpha_Ref_Shift) & State_Alpha_Ref_Mask; end
State_Pt_Tristrip = 0x0001000000000000 # Tristrip.
State_Pt_Lines = 0x0002000000000000 # Lines.
State_Pt_Linestrip = 0x0003000000000000 # Line strip.
State_Pt_Points = 0x0004000000000000 # Points.
State_Pt_Shift = 48 # Primitive type bit shift
State_Pt_Mask = 0x0007000000000000 # Primitive type bit mask
State_Point_Size_Shift = 52 # Point size bit shift
State_Point_Size_Mask = 0x00f0000000000000 # Point size bit mask
def self.State_Point_Size(v); return (v << State_Point_Size_Shift) & State_Point_Size_Mask; end
State_Msaa = 0x0100000000000000 # Enable MSAA rasterization.
State_Lineaa = 0x0200000000000000 # Enable line AA rasterization.
State_ConservativeRaster = 0x0400000000000000 # Enable conservative rasterization.
State_None = 0x0000000000000000 # No state.
State_FrontCcw = 0x0000008000000000 # Front counter-clockwise (default is clockwise).
State_BlendIndependent = 0x0000000400000000 # Enable blend independent.
State_BlendAlphaToCoverage = 0x0000000800000000 # Enable alpha to coverage.
# Default state is write to RGB, alpha, and depth with depth test less enabled, with clockwise
# culling and MSAA (when writing into MSAA frame buffer, otherwise this flag is ignored).
State_Default = State_Write_Rgb | State_Write_A | State_Write_Z | State_Depth_Test_Less | State_Cull_Cw | State_Msaa
State_Mask = 0xffffffffffffffff # State bit mask
State_Reserved_Shift = 61
State_Reserved_Mask = 0xe000000000000000
Stencil_Func_Ref_Shift = 0
Stencil_Func_Ref_Mask = 0x000000ff
def self.Stencil_Func_Ref(v); return (v << Stencil_Func_Ref_Shift) & Stencil_Func_Ref_Mask; end
Stencil_Func_Rmask_Shift = 8
Stencil_Func_Rmask_Mask = 0x0000ff00
def self.Stencil_Func_Rmask(v); return (v << Stencil_Func_Rmask_Shift) & Stencil_Func_Rmask_Mask; end
Stencil_None = 0x00000000
Stencil_Mask = 0xffffffff
Stencil_Default = 0x00000000
Stencil_Test_Less = 0x00010000 # Enable stencil test, less.
Stencil_Test_Lequal = 0x00020000 # Enable stencil test, less or equal.
Stencil_Test_Equal = 0x00030000 # Enable stencil test, equal.
Stencil_Test_Gequal = 0x00040000 # Enable stencil test, greater or equal.
Stencil_Test_Greater = 0x00050000 # Enable stencil test, greater.
Stencil_Test_Notequal = 0x00060000 # Enable stencil test, not equal.
Stencil_Test_Never = 0x00070000 # Enable stencil test, never.
Stencil_Test_Always = 0x00080000 # Enable stencil test, always.
Stencil_Test_Shift = 16 # Stencil test bit shift
Stencil_Test_Mask = 0x000f0000 # Stencil test bit mask
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Zero = 0x00000000 # Zero.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Keep = 0x00100000 # Keep.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Replace = 0x00200000 # Replace.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Incr = 0x00300000 # Increment and wrap.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Incrsat = 0x00400000 # Increment and clamp.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Decr = 0x00500000 # Decrement and wrap.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Decrsat = 0x00600000 # Decrement and clamp.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Invert = 0x00700000 # Invert.
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Shift = 20 # Stencil operation fail bit shift
Stencil_Op_Fail_S_Mask = 0x00f00000 # Stencil operation fail bit mask
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Zero = 0x00000000 # Zero.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Keep = 0x01000000 # Keep.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Replace = 0x02000000 # Replace.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Incr = 0x03000000 # Increment and wrap.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Incrsat = 0x04000000 # Increment and clamp.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Decr = 0x05000000 # Decrement and wrap.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Decrsat = 0x06000000 # Decrement and clamp.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Invert = 0x07000000 # Invert.
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Shift = 24 # Stencil operation depth fail bit shift
Stencil_Op_Fail_Z_Mask = 0x0f000000 # Stencil operation depth fail bit mask
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Zero = 0x00000000 # Zero.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Keep = 0x10000000 # Keep.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Replace = 0x20000000 # Replace.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Incr = 0x30000000 # Increment and wrap.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Incrsat = 0x40000000 # Increment and clamp.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Decr = 0x50000000 # Decrement and wrap.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Decrsat = 0x60000000 # Decrement and clamp.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Invert = 0x70000000 # Invert.
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Shift = 28 # Stencil operation depth pass bit shift
Stencil_Op_Pass_Z_Mask = 0xf0000000 # Stencil operation depth pass bit mask
Clear_None = 0x0000 # No clear flags.
Clear_Color = 0x0001 # Clear color.
Clear_Depth = 0x0002 # Clear depth.
Clear_Stencil = 0x0004 # Clear stencil.
Clear_DiscardColor_0 = 0x0008 # Discard frame buffer attachment 0.
Clear_DiscardColor_1 = 0x0010 # Discard frame buffer attachment 1.
Clear_DiscardColor_2 = 0x0020 # Discard frame buffer attachment 2.
Clear_DiscardColor_3 = 0x0040 # Discard frame buffer attachment 3.
Clear_DiscardColor_4 = 0x0080 # Discard frame buffer attachment 4.
Clear_DiscardColor_5 = 0x0100 # Discard frame buffer attachment 5.
Clear_DiscardColor_6 = 0x0200 # Discard frame buffer attachment 6.
Clear_DiscardColor_7 = 0x0400 # Discard frame buffer attachment 7.
Clear_DiscardDepth = 0x0800 # Discard frame buffer depth attachment.
Clear_DiscardStencil = 0x1000 # Discard frame buffer stencil attachment.
Clear_DiscardColorMask = 0x07f8
Clear_DiscardMask = 0x1ff8
Discard_None = 0x00 # Preserve everything.
Discard_Bindings = 0x01 # Discard texture sampler and buffer bindings.
Discard_IndexBuffer = 0x02 # Discard index buffer.
Discard_InstanceData = 0x04 # Discard instance data.
Discard_State = 0x08 # Discard state.
Discard_Transform = 0x10 # Discard transform.
Discard_VertexStreams = 0x20 # Discard vertex streams.
Discard_All = 0xff # Discard all states.
Debug_None = 0x00000000 # No debug.
Debug_Wireframe = 0x00000001 # Enable wireframe for all primitives.
# Enable infinitely fast hardware test. No draw calls will be submitted to driver.
# It's useful when profiling to quickly assess bottleneck between CPU and GPU.
Debug_Ifh = 0x00000002
Debug_Stats = 0x00000004 # Enable statistics display.
Debug_Text = 0x00000008 # Enable debug text display.
Debug_Profiler = 0x00000010 # Enable profiler.
Buffer_Compute_Format__8x1 = 0x0001 # 1 8-bit value
Buffer_Compute_Format__8x2 = 0x0002 # 2 8-bit values
Buffer_Compute_Format__8x4 = 0x0003 # 4 8-bit values
Buffer_Compute_Format__16x1 = 0x0004 # 1 16-bit value
Buffer_Compute_Format__16x2 = 0x0005 # 2 16-bit values
Buffer_Compute_Format__16x4 = 0x0006 # 4 16-bit values
Buffer_Compute_Format__32x1 = 0x0007 # 1 32-bit value
Buffer_Compute_Format__32x2 = 0x0008 # 2 32-bit values
Buffer_Compute_Format__32x4 = 0x0009 # 4 32-bit values
Buffer_Compute_Format_Shift = 0
Buffer_Compute_Format_Mask = 0x000f
Buffer_Compute_Type_Int = 0x0010 # Type `int`.
Buffer_Compute_Type_Uint = 0x0020 # Type `uint`.
Buffer_Compute_Type_Float = 0x0030 # Type `float`.
Buffer_Compute_Type_Shift = 4
Buffer_Compute_Type_Mask = 0x0030
Buffer_None = 0x0000
Buffer_ComputeRead = 0x0100 # Buffer will be read by shader.
Buffer_ComputeWrite = 0x0200 # Buffer will be used for writing.
Buffer_DrawIndirect = 0x0400 # Buffer will be used for storing draw indirect commands.
Buffer_AllowResize = 0x0800 # Allow dynamic index/vertex buffer resize during update.
Buffer_Index32 = 0x1000 # Index buffer contains 32-bit indices.
Buffer_ComputeReadWrite = 0x0300
Texture_None = 0x0000000000000000
Texture_MsaaSample = 0x0000000800000000 # Texture will be used for MSAA sampling.
Texture_Rt = 0x0000001000000000 # Render target no MSAA.
Texture_ComputeWrite = 0x0000100000000000 # Texture will be used for compute write.
Texture_Srgb = 0x0000200000000000 # Sample texture as sRGB.
Texture_BlitDst = 0x0000400000000000 # Texture will be used as blit destination.
Texture_ReadBack = 0x0000800000000000 # Texture will be used for read back from GPU.
Texture_Rt_Msaa_X2 = 0x0000002000000000 # Render target MSAAx2 mode.
Texture_Rt_Msaa_X4 = 0x0000003000000000 # Render target MSAAx4 mode.
Texture_Rt_Msaa_X8 = 0x0000004000000000 # Render target MSAAx8 mode.
Texture_Rt_Msaa_X16 = 0x0000005000000000 # Render target MSAAx16 mode.
Texture_Rt_Msaa_Shift = 36
Texture_Rt_Msaa_Mask = 0x0000007000000000
Texture_Rt_WriteOnly = 0x0000008000000000 # Render target will be used for writing
Texture_Rt_Shift = 36
Texture_Rt_Mask = 0x000000f000000000
Sampler_U_Mirror = 0x00000001 # Wrap U mode: Mirror
Sampler_U_Clamp = 0x00000002 # Wrap U mode: Clamp
Sampler_U_Border = 0x00000003 # Wrap U mode: Border
Sampler_U_Shift = 0
Sampler_U_Mask = 0x00000003
Sampler_V_Mirror = 0x00000004 # Wrap V mode: Mirror
Sampler_V_Clamp = 0x00000008 # Wrap V mode: Clamp
Sampler_V_Border = 0x0000000c # Wrap V mode: Border
Sampler_V_Shift = 2
Sampler_V_Mask = 0x0000000c
Sampler_W_Mirror = 0x00000010 # Wrap W mode: Mirror
Sampler_W_Clamp = 0x00000020 # Wrap W mode: Clamp
Sampler_W_Border = 0x00000030 # Wrap W mode: Border
Sampler_W_Shift = 4
Sampler_W_Mask = 0x00000030
Sampler_Min_Point = 0x00000040 # Min sampling mode: Point
Sampler_Min_Anisotropic = 0x00000080 # Min sampling mode: Anisotropic
Sampler_Min_Shift = 6
Sampler_Min_Mask = 0x000000c0
Sampler_Mag_Point = 0x00000100 # Mag sampling mode: Point
Sampler_Mag_Anisotropic = 0x00000200 # Mag sampling mode: Anisotropic
Sampler_Mag_Shift = 8
Sampler_Mag_Mask = 0x00000300
Sampler_Mip_Point = 0x00000400 # Mip sampling mode: Point
Sampler_Mip_Shift = 10
Sampler_Mip_Mask = 0x00000400
Sampler_Compare_Less = 0x00010000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: less.
Sampler_Compare_Lequal = 0x00020000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: less or equal.
Sampler_Compare_Equal = 0x00030000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: equal.
Sampler_Compare_Gequal = 0x00040000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: greater or equal.
Sampler_Compare_Greater = 0x00050000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: greater.
Sampler_Compare_Notequal = 0x00060000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: not equal.
Sampler_Compare_Never = 0x00070000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: never.
Sampler_Compare_Always = 0x00080000 # Compare when sampling depth texture: always.
Sampler_Compare_Shift = 16
Sampler_Compare_Mask = 0x000f0000
Sampler_Border_Color_Shift = 24
Sampler_Border_Color_Mask = 0x0f000000
def self.Sampler_Border_Color(v); return (v << Sampler_Border_Color_Shift) & Sampler_Border_Color_Mask; end
Sampler_Reserved_Shift = 28
Sampler_Reserved_Mask = 0xf0000000
Sampler_None = 0x00000000
Sampler_SampleStencil = 0x00100000 # Sample stencil instead of depth.
Sampler_Point = Sampler_Min_Point | Sampler_Mag_Point | Sampler_Mip_Point
Sampler_UvwMirror = Sampler_U_Mirror | Sampler_V_Mirror | Sampler_W_Mirror
Sampler_UvwClamp = Sampler_U_Clamp | Sampler_V_Clamp | Sampler_W_Clamp
Sampler_UvwBorder = Sampler_U_Border | Sampler_V_Border | Sampler_W_Border
Sampler_BitsMask = Sampler_U_Mask | Sampler_V_Mask | Sampler_W_Mask | Sampler_Min_Mask | Sampler_Mag_Mask | Sampler_Mip_Mask | Sampler_Compare_Mask
Reset_Msaa_X2 = 0x00000010 # Enable 2x MSAA.
Reset_Msaa_X4 = 0x00000020 # Enable 4x MSAA.
Reset_Msaa_X8 = 0x00000030 # Enable 8x MSAA.
Reset_Msaa_X16 = 0x00000040 # Enable 16x MSAA.
Reset_Msaa_Shift = 4
Reset_Msaa_Mask = 0x00000070
Reset_None = 0x00000000 # No reset flags.
Reset_Fullscreen = 0x00000001 # Not supported yet.
Reset_Vsync = 0x00000080 # Enable V-Sync.
Reset_Maxanisotropy = 0x00000100 # Turn on/off max anisotropy.
Reset_Capture = 0x00000200 # Begin screen capture.
Reset_FlushAfterRender = 0x00002000 # Flush rendering after submitting to GPU.
# This flag specifies where flip occurs. Default behavior is that flip occurs
# before rendering new frame. This flag only has effect when `BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED=0`.
Reset_FlipAfterRender = 0x00004000
Reset_SrgbBackbuffer = 0x00008000 # Enable sRGB backbuffer.
Reset_Hdr10 = 0x00010000 # Enable HDR10 rendering.
Reset_Hidpi = 0x00020000 # Enable HiDPI rendering.
Reset_DepthClamp = 0x00040000 # Enable depth clamp.
Reset_Suspend = 0x00080000 # Suspend rendering.
Reset_Fullscreen_Shift = 0
Reset_Fullscreen_Mask = 0x00000001
Reset_Reserved_Shift = 31 # Internal bit shift
Reset_Reserved_Mask = 0x80000000 # Internal bit mask
Caps_AlphaToCoverage = 0x0000000000000001 # Alpha to coverage is supported.
Caps_BlendIndependent = 0x0000000000000002 # Blend independent is supported.
Caps_Compute = 0x0000000000000004 # Compute shaders are supported.
Caps_ConservativeRaster = 0x0000000000000008 # Conservative rasterization is supported.
Caps_DrawIndirect = 0x0000000000000010 # Draw indirect is supported.
Caps_FragmentDepth = 0x0000000000000020 # Fragment depth is accessible in fragment shader.
Caps_FragmentOrdering = 0x0000000000000040 # Fragment ordering is available in fragment shader.
Caps_FramebufferRw = 0x0000000000000080 # Read/Write frame buffer attachments are supported.
Caps_GraphicsDebugger = 0x0000000000000100 # Graphics debugger is present.
Caps_Reserved = 0x0000000000000200
Caps_Hdr10 = 0x0000000000000400 # HDR10 rendering is supported.
Caps_Hidpi = 0x0000000000000800 # HiDPI rendering is supported.
Caps_Index32 = 0x0000000000001000 # 32-bit indices are supported.
Caps_Instancing = 0x0000000000002000 # Instancing is supported.
Caps_OcclusionQuery = 0x0000000000004000 # Occlusion query is supported.
Caps_RendererMultithreaded = 0x0000000000008000 # Renderer is on separate thread.
Caps_SwapChain = 0x0000000000010000 # Multiple windows are supported.
Caps_Texture_2dArray = 0x0000000000020000 # 2D texture array is supported.
Caps_Texture_3d = 0x0000000000040000 # 3D textures are supported.
Caps_TextureBlit = 0x0000000000080000 # Texture blit is supported.
Caps_TextureCompareReserved = 0x0000000000100000 # All texture compare modes are supported.
Caps_TextureCompareLequal = 0x0000000000200000 # Texture compare less equal mode is supported.
Caps_TextureCubeArray = 0x0000000000400000 # Cubemap texture array is supported.
Caps_TextureDirectAccess = 0x0000000000800000 # CPU direct access to GPU texture memory.
Caps_TextureReadBack = 0x0000000001000000 # Read-back texture is supported.
Caps_VertexAttribHalf = 0x0000000002000000 # Vertex attribute half-float is supported.
Caps_VertexAttribUint10 = 0x0000000004000000 # Vertex attribute 10_10_10_2 is supported.
Caps_VertexId = 0x0000000008000000 # Rendering with VertexID only is supported.
Caps_TextureCompareAll = 0x0000000000300000 # All texture compare modes are supported.
Caps_Format_TextureNone = 0x0000 # Texture format is not supported.
Caps_Format_Texture_2d = 0x0001 # Texture format is supported.
Caps_Format_Texture_2dSrgb = 0x0002 # Texture as sRGB format is supported.
Caps_Format_Texture_2dEmulated = 0x0004 # Texture format is emulated.
Caps_Format_Texture_3d = 0x0008 # Texture format is supported.
Caps_Format_Texture_3dSrgb = 0x0010 # Texture as sRGB format is supported.
Caps_Format_Texture_3dEmulated = 0x0020 # Texture format is emulated.
Caps_Format_TextureCube = 0x0040 # Texture format is supported.
Caps_Format_TextureCubeSrgb = 0x0080 # Texture as sRGB format is supported.
Caps_Format_TextureCubeEmulated = 0x0100 # Texture format is emulated.
Caps_Format_TextureVertex = 0x0200 # Texture format can be used from vertex shader.
Caps_Format_TextureImage = 0x0400 # Texture format can be used as image from compute shader.
Caps_Format_TextureFramebuffer = 0x0800 # Texture format can be used as frame buffer.
Caps_Format_TextureFramebufferMsaa = 0x1000 # Texture format can be used as MSAA frame buffer.
Caps_Format_TextureMsaa = 0x2000 # Texture can be sampled as MSAA.
Caps_Format_TextureMipAutogen = 0x4000 # Texture format supports auto-generated mips.
Resolve_None = 0x00 # No resolve flags.
Resolve_AutoGenMips = 0x01 # Auto-generate mip maps on resolve.
Pci_Id_None = 0x0000 # Autoselect adapter.
Pci_Id_SoftwareRasterizer = 0x0001 # Software rasterizer.
Pci_Id_Amd = 0x1002 # AMD adapter.
Pci_Id_Intel = 0x8086 # Intel adapter.
Pci_Id_Nvidia = 0x10de # nVidia adapter.
Cube_Map_PositiveX = 0x00 # Cubemap +x.
Cube_Map_NegativeX = 0x01 # Cubemap -x.
Cube_Map_PositiveY = 0x02 # Cubemap +y.
Cube_Map_NegativeY = 0x03 # Cubemap -y.
Cube_Map_PositiveZ = 0x04 # Cubemap +z.
Cube_Map_NegativeZ = 0x05 # Cubemap -z.
module Fatal #enum: 5
DebugCheck = 0
InvalidShader = 1
UnableToInitialize = 2
UnableToCreateTexture = 3
DeviceLost = 4
Count = 5
end # module Fatal
module RendererType #enum: 11
# No rendering.
Noop = 0
# Direct3D 9.0
Direct3D9 = 1
# Direct3D 11.0
Direct3D11 = 2
# Direct3D 12.0
Direct3D12 = 3
Gnm = 4
# Metal
Metal = 5
Nvn = 6
# OpenGL ES 2.0+
OpenGLES = 7
# OpenGL 2.1+
OpenGL = 8
# Vulkan
Vulkan = 9
# WebGPU
WebGPU = 10
Count = 11
end # module RendererType
module Access #enum: 3
# Read.
Read = 0
# Write.
Write = 1
# Read and write.
ReadWrite = 2
Count = 3
end # module Access
module Attrib #enum: 18
# a_position
Position = 0
# a_normal
Normal = 1
# a_tangent
Tangent = 2
# a_bitangent
Bitangent = 3
# a_color0
Color0 = 4
# a_color1
Color1 = 5
# a_color2
Color2 = 6
# a_color3
Color3 = 7
# a_indices
Indices = 8
# a_weight
Weight = 9
# a_texcoord0
TexCoord0 = 10
# a_texcoord1
TexCoord1 = 11
# a_texcoord2
TexCoord2 = 12
# a_texcoord3
TexCoord3 = 13
# a_texcoord4
TexCoord4 = 14
# a_texcoord5
TexCoord5 = 15
# a_texcoord6
TexCoord6 = 16
# a_texcoord7
TexCoord7 = 17
Count = 18
end # module Attrib
module AttribType #enum: 5
# Uint8
Uint8 = 0
# Uint10, availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ATTRIB_UINT10`.
Uint10 = 1
# Int16
Int16 = 2
# Half, availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ATTRIB_HALF`.
Half = 3
# Float
Float = 4
Count = 5
end # module AttribType
module TextureFormat #enum: 85
# DXT1 R5G6B5A1
BC1 = 0
# DXT3 R5G6B5A4
BC2 = 1
# DXT5 R5G6B5A8
BC3 = 2
BC4 = 3
BC5 = 4
BC6H = 5
# BC7 RGB 4-7 bits per color channel, 0-8 bits alpha
BC7 = 6
ETC1 = 7
ETC2 = 8
ETC2A = 9
ETC2A1 = 10
PTC12 = 11
PTC14 = 12
PTC12A = 13
PTC14A = 14
PTC22 = 15
PTC24 = 16
ATC = 17
# ATCE RGBA 8 BPP explicit alpha
ATCE = 18
# ATCI RGBA 8 BPP interpolated alpha
ATCI = 19
# ASTC 4x4 8.0 BPP
ASTC4x4 = 20
# ASTC 5x5 5.12 BPP
ASTC5x5 = 21
# ASTC 6x6 3.56 BPP
ASTC6x6 = 22
# ASTC 8x5 3.20 BPP
ASTC8x5 = 23
# ASTC 8x6 2.67 BPP
ASTC8x6 = 24
# ASTC 10x5 2.56 BPP
ASTC10x5 = 25
# Compressed formats above.
Unknown = 26
R1 = 27
A8 = 28
R8 = 29
R8I = 30
R8U = 31
R8S = 32
R16 = 33
R16I = 34
R16U = 35
R16F = 36
R16S = 37
R32I = 38
R32U = 39
R32F = 40
RG8 = 41
RG8I = 42
RG8U = 43
RG8S = 44
RG16 = 45
RG16I = 46
RG16U = 47
RG16F = 48
RG16S = 49
RG32I = 50
RG32U = 51
RG32F = 52
RGB8 = 53
RGB8I = 54
RGB8U = 55
RGB8S = 56
RGB9E5F = 57
BGRA8 = 58
RGBA8 = 59
RGBA8I = 60
RGBA8U = 61
RGBA8S = 62
RGBA16 = 63
RGBA16I = 64
RGBA16U = 65
RGBA16F = 66
RGBA16S = 67
RGBA32I = 68
RGBA32U = 69
RGBA32F = 70
R5G6B5 = 71
RGBA4 = 72
RGB5A1 = 73
RGB10A2 = 74
RG11B10F = 75
# Depth formats below.
UnknownDepth = 76
D16 = 77
D24 = 78
D24S8 = 79
D32 = 80
D16F = 81
D24F = 82
D32F = 83
D0S8 = 84
Count = 85
end # module TextureFormat
module UniformType #enum: 5
# Sampler.
Sampler = 0
# Reserved, do not use.
End = 1
# 4 floats vector.
Vec4 = 2
# 3x3 matrix.
Mat3 = 3
# 4x4 matrix.
Mat4 = 4
Count = 5
end # module UniformType
module BackbufferRatio #enum: 6
# Equal to backbuffer.
Equal = 0
# One half size of backbuffer.
Half = 1
# One quarter size of backbuffer.
Quarter = 2
# One eighth size of backbuffer.
Eighth = 3
# One sixteenth size of backbuffer.
Sixteenth = 4
# Double size of backbuffer.
Double = 5
Count = 6
end # module BackbufferRatio
module OcclusionQueryResult #enum: 3
# Query failed test.
Invisible = 0
# Query passed test.
Visible = 1
# Query result is not available yet.
NoResult = 2
Count = 3
end # module OcclusionQueryResult
module Topology #enum: 5
# Triangle list.
TriList = 0
# Triangle strip.
TriStrip = 1
# Line list.
LineList = 2
# Line strip.
LineStrip = 3
# Point list.
PointList = 4
Count = 5
end # module Topology
module TopologyConvert #enum: 5
# Flip winding order of triangle list.
TriListFlipWinding = 0
# Flip winding order of trinagle strip.
TriStripFlipWinding = 1
# Convert triangle list to line list.
TriListToLineList = 2
# Convert triangle strip to triangle list.
TriStripToTriList = 3
# Convert line strip to line list.
LineStripToLineList = 4
Count = 5
end # module TopologyConvert
module TopologySort #enum: 12
DirectionFrontToBackMin = 0
DirectionFrontToBackAvg = 1
DirectionFrontToBackMax = 2
DirectionBackToFrontMin = 3
DirectionBackToFrontAvg = 4
DirectionBackToFrontMax = 5
DistanceFrontToBackMin = 6
DistanceFrontToBackAvg = 7
DistanceFrontToBackMax = 8
DistanceBackToFrontMin = 9
DistanceBackToFrontAvg = 10
DistanceBackToFrontMax = 11
Count = 12
end # module TopologySort
module ViewMode #enum: 4
# Default sort order.
Default = 0
# Sort in the same order in which submit calls were called.
Sequential = 1
# Sort draw call depth in ascending order.
DepthAscending = 2
# Sort draw call depth in descending order.
DepthDescending = 3
Count = 4
end # module ViewMode
module RenderFrame #enum: 4
# Renderer context is not created yet.
NoContext = 0
# Renderer context is created and rendering.
Render = 1
# Renderer context wait for main thread signal timed out without rendering.
Timeout = 2
# Renderer context is getting destroyed.
Exiting = 3
Count = 4
end # module RenderFrame
end # module Bgfx
# Structs
class Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_program_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_shader_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_texture_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_uniform_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_vertex_layout_handle_t < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end
class Bgfx_caps_gpu_t < FFI::Struct
:vendorId, :uint16, # Vendor PCI id. See `BGFX_PCI_ID_*`.
:deviceId, :uint16 # Device id.
class Bgfx_caps_limits_t < FFI::Struct
:maxDrawCalls, :uint32, # Maximum number of draw calls.
:maxBlits, :uint32, # Maximum number of blit calls.
:maxTextureSize, :uint32, # Maximum texture size.
:maxTextureLayers, :uint32, # Maximum texture layers.
:maxViews, :uint32, # Maximum number of views.
:maxFrameBuffers, :uint32, # Maximum number of frame buffer handles.
:maxFBAttachments, :uint32, # Maximum number of frame buffer attachments.
:maxPrograms, :uint32, # Maximum number of program handles.
:maxShaders, :uint32, # Maximum number of shader handles.
:maxTextures, :uint32, # Maximum number of texture handles.
:maxTextureSamplers, :uint32, # Maximum number of texture samplers.
:maxComputeBindings, :uint32, # Maximum number of compute bindings.
:maxVertexLayouts, :uint32, # Maximum number of vertex format layouts.
:maxVertexStreams, :uint32, # Maximum number of vertex streams.
:maxIndexBuffers, :uint32, # Maximum number of index buffer handles.
:maxVertexBuffers, :uint32, # Maximum number of vertex buffer handles.
:maxDynamicIndexBuffers, :uint32, # Maximum number of dynamic index buffer handles.
:maxDynamicVertexBuffers, :uint32, # Maximum number of dynamic vertex buffer handles.
:maxUniforms, :uint32, # Maximum number of uniform handles.
:maxOcclusionQueries, :uint32, # Maximum number of occlusion query handles.
:maxEncoders, :uint32, # Maximum number of encoder threads.
:transientVbSize, :uint32, # Maximum transient vertex buffer size.
:transientIbSize, :uint32 # Maximum transient index buffer size.
class Bgfx_caps_t < FFI::Struct
:rendererType, :Bgfx_renderer_type_t, # Renderer backend type. See: `bgfx::RendererType`
# Supported functionality.
# @attention See BGFX_CAPS_* flags at
:supported, :uint64,
:vendorId, :uint16, # Selected GPU vendor PCI id.
:deviceId, :uint16, # Selected GPU device id.
:homogeneousDepth, :bool, # True when NDC depth is in [-1, 1] range, otherwise its [0, 1].
:originBottomLeft, :bool, # True when NDC origin is at bottom left.
:numGPUs, :uint8, # Number of enumerated GPUs.
:gpu, [Bgfx_caps_gpu_t.by_value, 4], # Enumerated GPUs.
:limits, Bgfx_caps_limits_t.by_value, # Renderer runtime limits.
# Supported texture format capabilities flags:
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_NONE` - Texture format is not supported.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D` - Texture format is supported.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D_SRGB` - Texture as sRGB format is supported.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_2D_EMULATED` - Texture format is emulated.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D` - Texture format is supported.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D_SRGB` - Texture as sRGB format is supported.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_3D_EMULATED` - Texture format is emulated.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE` - Texture format is supported.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE_SRGB` - Texture as sRGB format is supported.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_CUBE_EMULATED` - Texture format is emulated.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_VERTEX` - Texture format can be used from vertex shader.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_IMAGE` - Texture format can be used as image from compute
# shader.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_FRAMEBUFFER` - Texture format can be used as frame
# buffer.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_FRAMEBUFFER_MSAA` - Texture format can be used as MSAA
# frame buffer.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_MSAA` - Texture can be sampled as MSAA.
# - `BGFX_CAPS_FORMAT_TEXTURE_MIP_AUTOGEN` - Texture format supports auto-generated
# mips.
:formats, [:uint16, Bgfx::TextureFormat::Count]
class Bgfx_internal_data_t < FFI::Struct
:caps, :pointer, # Renderer capabilities.
:context, :pointer # GL context, or D3D device.
class Bgfx_platform_data_t < FFI::Struct
:ndt, :pointer, # Native display type (*nix specific).
# Native window handle. If `NULL` bgfx will create headless
# context/device if renderer API supports it.
:nwh, :pointer,
:context, :pointer, # GL context, or D3D device. If `NULL`, bgfx will create context/device.
# GL back-buffer, or D3D render target view. If `NULL` bgfx will
# create back-buffer color surface.
:backBuffer, :pointer,
# Backbuffer depth/stencil. If `NULL` bgfx will create back-buffer
# depth/stencil surface.
:backBufferDS, :pointer
class Bgfx_resolution_t < FFI::Struct
:format, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, # Backbuffer format.
:width, :uint32, # Backbuffer width.
:height, :uint32, # Backbuffer height.
:reset, :uint32, # Reset parameters.
:numBackBuffers, :uint8, # Number of back buffers.
:maxFrameLatency, :uint8 # Maximum frame latency.
class Bgfx_init_limits_t < FFI::Struct
:maxEncoders, :uint16, # Maximum number of encoder threads.
:transientVbSize, :uint32, # Maximum transient vertex buffer size.
:transientIbSize, :uint32 # Maximum transient index buffer size.
class Bgfx_init_t < FFI::Struct
# Select rendering backend. When set to RendererType::Count
# a default rendering backend will be selected appropriate to the platform.
# See: `bgfx::RendererType`
:type, :Bgfx_renderer_type_t,
# Vendor PCI id. If set to `BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE` it will select the first
# device.
# - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NONE` - Autoselect adapter.
# - `BGFX_PCI_ID_SOFTWARE_RASTERIZER` - Software rasterizer.
# - `BGFX_PCI_ID_AMD` - AMD adapter.
# - `BGFX_PCI_ID_INTEL` - Intel adapter.
# - `BGFX_PCI_ID_NVIDIA` - nVidia adapter.
:vendorId, :uint16,
# Device id. If set to 0 it will select first device, or device with
# matching id.
:deviceId, :uint16,
:debug_, :bool, # Enable device for debuging.
:profile, :bool, # Enable device for profiling.
:platformData, Bgfx_platform_data_t.by_value, # Platform data.
:resolution, Bgfx_resolution_t.by_value, # Backbuffer resolution and reset parameters. See: `bgfx::Resolution`.
:limits, Bgfx_init_limits_t.by_value, # Configurable runtime limits parameters.
# Provide application specific callback interface.
# See: `bgfx::CallbackI`
:callback, :pointer,
# Custom allocator. When a custom allocator is not
# specified, bgfx uses the CRT allocator. Bgfx assumes
# custom allocator is thread safe.
:allocator, :pointer
class Bgfx_memory_t < FFI::Struct
:data, :pointer, # Pointer to data.
:size, :uint32 # Data size.
class Bgfx_transient_index_buffer_t < FFI::Struct
:data, :pointer, # Pointer to data.
:size, :uint32, # Data size.
:startIndex, :uint32, # First index.
:handle, Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value # Index buffer handle.
class Bgfx_transient_vertex_buffer_t < FFI::Struct
:data, :pointer, # Pointer to data.
:size, :uint32, # Data size.
:startVertex, :uint32, # First vertex.
:stride, :uint16, # Vertex stride.
:handle, Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, # Vertex buffer handle.
:layoutHandle, Bgfx_vertex_layout_handle_t.by_value # Vertex layout handle.
class Bgfx_instance_data_buffer_t < FFI::Struct
:data, :pointer, # Pointer to data.
:size, :uint32, # Data size.
:offset, :uint32, # Offset in vertex buffer.
:num, :uint32, # Number of instances.
:stride, :uint16, # Vertex buffer stride.
:handle, Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value # Vertex buffer object handle.
class Bgfx_texture_info_t < FFI::Struct
:format, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, # Texture format.
:storageSize, :uint32, # Total amount of bytes required to store texture.
:width, :uint16, # Texture width.
:height, :uint16, # Texture height.
:depth, :uint16, # Texture depth.
:numLayers, :uint16, # Number of layers in texture array.
:numMips, :uint8, # Number of MIP maps.
:bitsPerPixel, :uint8, # Format bits per pixel.
:cubeMap, :bool # Texture is cubemap.
class Bgfx_uniform_info_t < FFI::Struct
:name, [:char, 256], # Uniform name.
:type, :Bgfx_uniform_type_t, # Uniform type.
:num, :uint16 # Number of elements in array.
class Bgfx_attachment_t < FFI::Struct
:access, :Bgfx_access_t, # Attachement access. See `Access::Enum`.
:handle, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, # Render target texture handle.
:mip, :uint16, # Mip level.
:layer, :uint16, # Cubemap side or depth layer/slice.
:resolve, :uint8 # Resolve flags. See: `BGFX_RESOLVE_*`
class Bgfx_transform_t < FFI::Struct
:data, :pointer, # Pointer to first 4x4 matrix.
:num, :uint16 # Number of matrices.
class Bgfx_view_stats_t < FFI::Struct
:name, [:char, 256], # View name.
:view, :Bgfx_view_id_t, # View id.
:cpuTimeBegin, :int64, # CPU (submit) begin time.
:cpuTimeEnd, :int64, # CPU (submit) end time.
:gpuTimeBegin, :int64, # GPU begin time.
:gpuTimeEnd, :int64 # GPU end time.
class Bgfx_encoder_stats_t < FFI::Struct
:cpuTimeBegin, :int64, # Encoder thread CPU submit begin time.
:cpuTimeEnd, :int64 # Encoder thread CPU submit end time.
class Bgfx_stats_t < FFI::Struct
:cpuTimeFrame, :int64, # CPU time between two `bgfx::frame` calls.
:cpuTimeBegin, :int64, # Render thread CPU submit begin time.
:cpuTimeEnd, :int64, # Render thread CPU submit end time.
:cpuTimerFreq, :int64, # CPU timer frequency. Timestamps-per-second
:gpuTimeBegin, :int64, # GPU frame begin time.
:gpuTimeEnd, :int64, # GPU frame end time.
:gpuTimerFreq, :int64, # GPU timer frequency.
:waitRender, :int64, # Time spent waiting for render backend thread to finish issuing draw commands to underlying graphics API.
:waitSubmit, :int64, # Time spent waiting for submit thread to advance to next frame.
:numDraw, :uint32, # Number of draw calls submitted.
:numCompute, :uint32, # Number of compute calls submitted.
:numBlit, :uint32, # Number of blit calls submitted.
:maxGpuLatency, :uint32, # GPU driver latency.
:numDynamicIndexBuffers, :uint16, # Number of used dynamic index buffers.
:numDynamicVertexBuffers, :uint16, # Number of used dynamic vertex buffers.
:numFrameBuffers, :uint16, # Number of used frame buffers.
:numIndexBuffers, :uint16, # Number of used index buffers.
:numOcclusionQueries, :uint16, # Number of used occlusion queries.
:numPrograms, :uint16, # Number of used programs.
:numShaders, :uint16, # Number of used shaders.
:numTextures, :uint16, # Number of used textures.
:numUniforms, :uint16, # Number of used uniforms.
:numVertexBuffers, :uint16, # Number of used vertex buffers.
:numVertexLayouts, :uint16, # Number of used vertex layouts.
:textureMemoryUsed, :int64, # Estimate of texture memory used.
:rtMemoryUsed, :int64, # Estimate of render target memory used.
:transientVbUsed, :int32, # Amount of transient vertex buffer used.
:transientIbUsed, :int32, # Amount of transient index buffer used.
:numPrims, [:uint32, Bgfx::Topology::Count], # Number of primitives rendered.
:gpuMemoryMax, :int64, # Maximum available GPU memory for application.
:gpuMemoryUsed, :int64, # Amount of GPU memory used by the application.
:width, :uint16, # Backbuffer width in pixels.
:height, :uint16, # Backbuffer height in pixels.
:textWidth, :uint16, # Debug text width in characters.
:textHeight, :uint16, # Debug text height in characters.
:numViews, :uint16, # Number of view stats.
:viewStats, :pointer, # Array of View stats.
:numEncoders, :uint8, # Number of encoders used during frame.
:encoderStats, :pointer # Array of encoder stats.
class Bgfx_vertex_layout_t < FFI::Struct
:hash, :uint32, # Hash.
:stride, :uint16, # Stride.
:offset, [:uint16, Bgfx::Attrib::Count], # Attribute offsets.
:attributes, [:uint16, Bgfx::Attrib::Count] # Used attributes.
class Bgfx_encoder_t < FFI::Struct
# Functions
module Bgfx
def self.import_symbols()
# Init attachment.
# Params:
# _handle = Render target texture handle.
# _access = Access. See `Access::Enum`.
# _layer = Cubemap side or depth layer/slice.
# _mip = Mip level.
# _resolve = Resolve flags. See: `BGFX_RESOLVE_*`
attach_function :bgfx_attachment_init, :bgfx_attachment_init, [Bgfx_attachment_t.by_ref, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t, :uint16, :uint16, :uint8], :void
# Start VertexLayout.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_layout_begin, :bgfx_vertex_layout_begin, [Bgfx_vertex_layout_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_renderer_type_t], :pointer
# Add attribute to VertexLayout.
# Remarks: Must be called between begin/end.
# Params:
# _attrib = Attribute semantics. See: `bgfx::Attrib`
# _num = Number of elements 1, 2, 3 or 4.
# _type = Element type.
# _normalized = When using fixed point AttribType (f.e. Uint8)
# value will be normalized for vertex shader usage. When normalized
# is set to true, AttribType::Uint8 value in range 0-255 will be
# in range 0.0-1.0 in vertex shader.
# _asInt = Packaging rule for vertexPack, vertexUnpack, and
# vertexConvert for AttribType::Uint8 and AttribType::Int16.
# Unpacking code must be implemented inside vertex shader.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_layout_add, :bgfx_vertex_layout_add, [Bgfx_vertex_layout_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_attrib_t, :uint8, :Bgfx_attrib_type_t, :bool, :bool], :pointer
# Decode attribute.
# Params:
# _attrib = Attribute semantics. See: `bgfx::Attrib`
# _num = Number of elements.
# _type = Element type.
# _normalized = Attribute is normalized.
# _asInt = Attribute is packed as int.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_layout_decode, :bgfx_vertex_layout_decode, [Bgfx_vertex_layout_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_attrib_t, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :void
# Returns true if VertexLayout contains attribute.
# Params:
# _attrib = Attribute semantics. See: `bgfx::Attrib`
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_layout_has, :bgfx_vertex_layout_has, [Bgfx_vertex_layout_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_attrib_t], :bool
# Skip `_num` bytes in vertex stream.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_layout_skip, :bgfx_vertex_layout_skip, [Bgfx_vertex_layout_t.by_ref, :uint8], :pointer
# End VertexLayout.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_layout_end, :bgfx_vertex_layout_end, [Bgfx_vertex_layout_t.by_ref], :void
# Pack vertex attribute into vertex stream format.
# Params:
# _input = Value to be packed into vertex stream.
# _inputNormalized = `true` if input value is already normalized.
# _attr = Attribute to pack.
# _layout = Vertex stream layout.
# _data = Destination vertex stream where data will be packed.
# _index = Vertex index that will be modified.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_pack, :bgfx_vertex_pack, [:pointer, :bool, :Bgfx_attrib_t, :pointer, :pointer, :uint32], :void
# Unpack vertex attribute from vertex stream format.
# Params:
# _output = Result of unpacking.
# _attr = Attribute to unpack.
# _layout = Vertex stream layout.
# _data = Source vertex stream from where data will be unpacked.
# _index = Vertex index that will be unpacked.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_unpack, :bgfx_vertex_unpack, [:pointer, :Bgfx_attrib_t, :pointer, :pointer, :uint32], :void
# Converts vertex stream data from one vertex stream format to another.
# Params:
# _dstLayout = Destination vertex stream layout.
# _dstData = Destination vertex stream.
# _srcLayout = Source vertex stream layout.
# _srcData = Source vertex stream data.
# _num = Number of vertices to convert from source to destination.
attach_function :bgfx_vertex_convert, :bgfx_vertex_convert, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :uint32], :void
# Weld vertices.
# Params:
# _output = Welded vertices remapping table. The size of buffer
# must be the same as number of vertices.
# _layout = Vertex stream layout.
# _data = Vertex stream.
# _num = Number of vertices in vertex stream.
# _epsilon = Error tolerance for vertex position comparison.
attach_function :bgfx_weld_vertices, :bgfx_weld_vertices, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :uint16, :float], :uint16
# Convert index buffer for use with different primitive topologies.
# Params:
# _conversion = Conversion type, see `TopologyConvert::Enum`.
# _dst = Destination index buffer. If this argument is NULL
# function will return number of indices after conversion.
# _dstSize = Destination index buffer in bytes. It must be
# large enough to contain output indices. If destination size is
# insufficient index buffer will be truncated.
# _indices = Source indices.
# _numIndices = Number of input indices.
# _index32 = Set to `true` if input indices are 32-bit.
attach_function :bgfx_topology_convert, :bgfx_topology_convert, [:Bgfx_topology_convert_t, :pointer, :uint32, :pointer, :uint32, :bool], :uint32
# Sort indices.
# Params:
# _sort = Sort order, see `TopologySort::Enum`.
# _dst = Destination index buffer.
# _dstSize = Destination index buffer in bytes. It must be
# large enough to contain output indices. If destination size is
# insufficient index buffer will be truncated.
# _dir = Direction (vector must be normalized).
# _pos = Position.
# _vertices = Pointer to first vertex represented as
# float x, y, z. Must contain at least number of vertices
# referencende by index buffer.
# _stride = Vertex stride.
# _indices = Source indices.
# _numIndices = Number of input indices.
# _index32 = Set to `true` if input indices are 32-bit.
attach_function :bgfx_topology_sort_tri_list, :bgfx_topology_sort_tri_list, [:Bgfx_topology_sort_t, :pointer, :uint32, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :uint32, :pointer, :uint32, :bool], :void
# Returns supported backend API renderers.
# Params:
# _max = Maximum number of elements in _enum array.
# _enum = Array where supported renderers will be written.
attach_function :bgfx_get_supported_renderers, :bgfx_get_supported_renderers, [:uint8, :pointer], :uint8
# Returns name of renderer.
# Params:
# _type = Renderer backend type. See: `bgfx::RendererType`
attach_function :bgfx_get_renderer_name, :bgfx_get_renderer_name, [:Bgfx_renderer_type_t], :string
attach_function :bgfx_init_ctor, :bgfx_init_ctor, [:pointer], :void
# Initialize bgfx library.
# Params:
# _init = Initialization parameters. See: `bgfx::Init` for more info.
attach_function :bgfx_init, :bgfx_init, [:pointer], :bool
# Shutdown bgfx library.
attach_function :bgfx_shutdown, :bgfx_shutdown, [], :void
# Reset graphic settings and back-buffer size.
# Attention: This call doesn't actually change window size, it just
# resizes back-buffer. Windowing code has to change window size.
# Params:
# _width = Back-buffer width.
# _height = Back-buffer height.
# _flags = See: `BGFX_RESET_*` for more info.
# - `BGFX_RESET_NONE` - No reset flags.
# - `BGFX_RESET_FULLSCREEN` - Not supported yet.
# - `BGFX_RESET_MSAA_X[2/4/8/16]` - Enable 2, 4, 8 or 16 x MSAA.
# - `BGFX_RESET_VSYNC` - Enable V-Sync.
# - `BGFX_RESET_MAXANISOTROPY` - Turn on/off max anisotropy.
# - `BGFX_RESET_CAPTURE` - Begin screen capture.
# - `BGFX_RESET_FLUSH_AFTER_RENDER` - Flush rendering after submitting to GPU.
# - `BGFX_RESET_FLIP_AFTER_RENDER` - This flag specifies where flip
# occurs. Default behavior is that flip occurs before rendering new
# frame. This flag only has effect when `BGFX_CONFIG_MULTITHREADED=0`.
# - `BGFX_RESET_SRGB_BACKBUFFER` - Enable sRGB backbuffer.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_reset, :bgfx_reset, [:uint32, :uint32, :uint32, :Bgfx_texture_format_t], :void
# Advance to next frame. When using multithreaded renderer, this call
# just swaps internal buffers, kicks render thread, and returns. In
# singlethreaded renderer this call does frame rendering.
# Params:
# _capture = Capture frame with graphics debugger.
attach_function :bgfx_frame, :bgfx_frame, [:bool], :uint32
# Returns current renderer backend API type.
# Remarks:
# Library must be initialized.
attach_function :bgfx_get_renderer_type, :bgfx_get_renderer_type, [], :Bgfx_renderer_type_t
# Returns renderer capabilities.
# Remarks:
# Library must be initialized.
attach_function :bgfx_get_caps, :bgfx_get_caps, [], :pointer
# Returns performance counters.
# Attention: Pointer returned is valid until `bgfx::frame` is called.
attach_function :bgfx_get_stats, :bgfx_get_stats, [], :pointer
# Allocate buffer to pass to bgfx calls. Data will be freed inside bgfx.
# Params:
# _size = Size to allocate.
attach_function :bgfx_alloc, :bgfx_alloc, [:uint32], :pointer
# Allocate buffer and copy data into it. Data will be freed inside bgfx.
# Params:
# _data = Pointer to data to be copied.
# _size = Size of data to be copied.
attach_function :bgfx_copy, :bgfx_copy, [:pointer, :uint32], :pointer
# Make reference to data to pass to bgfx. Unlike `bgfx::alloc`, this call
# doesn't allocate memory for data. It just copies the _data pointer. You
# can pass `ReleaseFn` function pointer to release this memory after it's
# consumed, otherwise you must make sure _data is available for at least 2
# `bgfx::frame` calls. `ReleaseFn` function must be able to be called
# from any thread.
# Attention: Data passed must be available for at least 2 `bgfx::frame` calls.
# Params:
# _data = Pointer to data.
# _size = Size of data.
attach_function :bgfx_make_ref, :bgfx_make_ref, [:pointer, :uint32], :pointer
# Make reference to data to pass to bgfx. Unlike `bgfx::alloc`, this call
# doesn't allocate memory for data. It just copies the _data pointer. You
# can pass `ReleaseFn` function pointer to release this memory after it's
# consumed, otherwise you must make sure _data is available for at least 2
# `bgfx::frame` calls. `ReleaseFn` function must be able to be called
# from any thread.
# Attention: Data passed must be available for at least 2 `bgfx::frame` calls.
# Params:
# _data = Pointer to data.
# _size = Size of data.
# _releaseFn = Callback function to release memory after use.
# _userData = User data to be passed to callback function.
attach_function :bgfx_make_ref_release, :bgfx_make_ref_release, [:pointer, :uint32, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer
# Set debug flags.
# Params:
# _debug = Available flags:
# - `BGFX_DEBUG_IFH` - Infinitely fast hardware. When this flag is set
# all rendering calls will be skipped. This is useful when profiling
# to quickly assess potential bottlenecks between CPU and GPU.
# - `BGFX_DEBUG_PROFILER` - Enable profiler.
# - `BGFX_DEBUG_STATS` - Display internal statistics.
# - `BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT` - Display debug text.
# - `BGFX_DEBUG_WIREFRAME` - Wireframe rendering. All rendering
# primitives will be rendered as lines.
attach_function :bgfx_set_debug, :bgfx_set_debug, [:uint32], :void
# Clear internal debug text buffer.
# Params:
# _attr = Background color.
# _small = Default 8x16 or 8x8 font.
attach_function :bgfx_dbg_text_clear, :bgfx_dbg_text_clear, [:uint8, :bool], :void
# Print formatted data to internal debug text character-buffer (VGA-compatible text mode).
# Params:
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _attr = Color palette. Where top 4-bits represent index of background, and bottom
# 4-bits represent foreground color from standard VGA text palette (ANSI escape codes).
# _format = `printf` style format.
attach_function :bgfx_dbg_text_printf, :bgfx_dbg_text_printf, [:uint16, :uint16, :uint8, :string, :varargs], :void
# Print formatted data from variable argument list to internal debug text character-buffer (VGA-compatible text mode).
# Params:
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _attr = Color palette. Where top 4-bits represent index of background, and bottom
# 4-bits represent foreground color from standard VGA text palette (ANSI escape codes).
# _format = `printf` style format.
# _argList = Variable arguments list for format string.
attach_function :bgfx_dbg_text_vprintf, :bgfx_dbg_text_vprintf, [:uint16, :uint16, :uint8, :string, :pointer], :void
# Draw image into internal debug text buffer.
# Params:
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _width = Image width.
# _height = Image height.
# _data = Raw image data (character/attribute raw encoding).
# _pitch = Image pitch in bytes.
attach_function :bgfx_dbg_text_image, :bgfx_dbg_text_image, [:uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :pointer, :uint16], :void
# Create static index buffer.
# Params:
# _mem = Index buffer data.
# _flags = Buffer creation flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
# is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
# data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
# will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
# buffers.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
# index buffers.
attach_function :bgfx_create_index_buffer, :bgfx_create_index_buffer, [:pointer, :uint16], Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Set static index buffer debug name.
# Params:
# _handle = Static index buffer handle.
# _name = Static index buffer name.
# _len = Static index buffer name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
# that _name is zero terminated string.
attach_function :bgfx_set_index_buffer_name, :bgfx_set_index_buffer_name, [Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :string, :int32], :void
# Destroy static index buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Static index buffer handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_index_buffer, :bgfx_destroy_index_buffer, [Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create vertex layout.
# Params:
# _layout = Vertex layout.
attach_function :bgfx_create_vertex_layout, :bgfx_create_vertex_layout, [:pointer], Bgfx_vertex_layout_handle_t.by_value
# Destroy vertex layout.
# Params:
# _layoutHandle = Vertex layout handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_vertex_layout, :bgfx_destroy_vertex_layout, [Bgfx_vertex_layout_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create static vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _mem = Vertex buffer data.
# _layout = Vertex layout.
# _flags = Buffer creation flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
# is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
# data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
# will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic buffers.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on index buffers.
attach_function :bgfx_create_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_create_vertex_buffer, [:pointer, :pointer, :uint16], Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Set static vertex buffer debug name.
# Params:
# _handle = Static vertex buffer handle.
# _name = Static vertex buffer name.
# _len = Static vertex buffer name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
# that _name is zero terminated string.
attach_function :bgfx_set_vertex_buffer_name, :bgfx_set_vertex_buffer_name, [Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :string, :int32], :void
# Destroy static vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Static vertex buffer handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_destroy_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create empty dynamic index buffer.
# Params:
# _num = Number of indices.
# _flags = Buffer creation flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
# is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
# data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
# will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
# buffers.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
# index buffers.
attach_function :bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer, :bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer, [:uint32, :uint16], Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Create dynamic index buffer and initialized it.
# Params:
# _mem = Index buffer data.
# _flags = Buffer creation flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
# is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
# data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
# will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
# buffers.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
# index buffers.
attach_function :bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer_mem, :bgfx_create_dynamic_index_buffer_mem, [:pointer, :uint16], Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Update dynamic index buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic index buffer handle.
# _startIndex = Start index.
# _mem = Index buffer data.
attach_function :bgfx_update_dynamic_index_buffer, :bgfx_update_dynamic_index_buffer, [Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :pointer], :void
# Destroy dynamic index buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic index buffer handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_dynamic_index_buffer, :bgfx_destroy_dynamic_index_buffer, [Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create empty dynamic vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _num = Number of vertices.
# _layout = Vertex layout.
# _flags = Buffer creation flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
# is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
# data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
# will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
# buffers.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
# index buffers.
attach_function :bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [:uint32, :pointer, :uint16], Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Create dynamic vertex buffer and initialize it.
# Params:
# _mem = Vertex buffer data.
# _layout = Vertex layout.
# _flags = Buffer creation flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_NONE` - No flags.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ` - Buffer will be read from by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` - Buffer will be written into by compute shader. When buffer
# is created with `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_WRITE` flag it cannot be updated from CPU.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE` - Buffer will be used for read/write by compute shader.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_ALLOW_RESIZE` - Buffer will resize on buffer update if a different amount of
# data is passed. If this flag is not specified, and more data is passed on update, the buffer
# will be trimmed to fit the existing buffer size. This flag has effect only on dynamic
# buffers.
# - `BGFX_BUFFER_INDEX32` - Buffer is using 32-bit indices. This flag has effect only on
# index buffers.
attach_function :bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer_mem, :bgfx_create_dynamic_vertex_buffer_mem, [:pointer, :pointer, :uint16], Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Update dynamic vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
# _startVertex = Start vertex.
# _mem = Vertex buffer data.
attach_function :bgfx_update_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_update_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :pointer], :void
# Destroy dynamic vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_destroy_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Returns number of requested or maximum available indices.
# Params:
# _num = Number of required indices.
attach_function :bgfx_get_avail_transient_index_buffer, :bgfx_get_avail_transient_index_buffer, [:uint32], :uint32
# Returns number of requested or maximum available vertices.
# Params:
# _num = Number of required vertices.
# _layout = Vertex layout.
attach_function :bgfx_get_avail_transient_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_get_avail_transient_vertex_buffer, [:uint32, :pointer], :uint32
# Returns number of requested or maximum available instance buffer slots.
# Params:
# _num = Number of required instances.
# _stride = Stride per instance.
attach_function :bgfx_get_avail_instance_data_buffer, :bgfx_get_avail_instance_data_buffer, [:uint32, :uint16], :uint32
# Allocate transient index buffer.
# Remarks:
# Only 16-bit index buffer is supported.
# Params:
# _tib = TransientIndexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
# for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
# calls.
# _num = Number of indices to allocate.
attach_function :bgfx_alloc_transient_index_buffer, :bgfx_alloc_transient_index_buffer, [:pointer, :uint32], :void
# Allocate transient vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _tvb = TransientVertexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
# for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
# calls.
# _num = Number of vertices to allocate.
# _layout = Vertex layout.
attach_function :bgfx_alloc_transient_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_alloc_transient_vertex_buffer, [:pointer, :uint32, :pointer], :void
# Check for required space and allocate transient vertex and index
# buffers. If both space requirements are satisfied function returns
# true.
# Remarks:
# Only 16-bit index buffer is supported.
# Params:
# _tvb = TransientVertexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
# for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
# calls.
# _layout = Vertex layout.
# _numVertices = Number of vertices to allocate.
# _tib = TransientIndexBuffer structure is filled and is valid
# for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
# calls.
# _numIndices = Number of indices to allocate.
attach_function :bgfx_alloc_transient_buffers, :bgfx_alloc_transient_buffers, [:pointer, :pointer, :uint32, :pointer, :uint32], :bool
# Allocate instance data buffer.
# Params:
# _idb = InstanceDataBuffer structure is filled and is valid
# for duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw
# calls.
# _num = Number of instances.
# _stride = Instance stride. Must be multiple of 16.
attach_function :bgfx_alloc_instance_data_buffer, :bgfx_alloc_instance_data_buffer, [:pointer, :uint32, :uint16], :void
# Create draw indirect buffer.
# Params:
# _num = Number of indirect calls.
attach_function :bgfx_create_indirect_buffer, :bgfx_create_indirect_buffer, [:uint32], Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Destroy draw indirect buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Indirect buffer handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_indirect_buffer, :bgfx_destroy_indirect_buffer, [Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create shader from memory buffer.
# Params:
# _mem = Shader binary.
attach_function :bgfx_create_shader, :bgfx_create_shader, [:pointer], Bgfx_shader_handle_t.by_value
# Returns the number of uniforms and uniform handles used inside a shader.
# Remarks:
# Only non-predefined uniforms are returned.
# Params:
# _handle = Shader handle.
# _uniforms = UniformHandle array where data will be stored.
# _max = Maximum capacity of array.
attach_function :bgfx_get_shader_uniforms, :bgfx_get_shader_uniforms, [Bgfx_shader_handle_t.by_value, :pointer, :uint16], :uint16
# Set shader debug name.
# Params:
# _handle = Shader handle.
# _name = Shader name.
# _len = Shader name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
# that _name is zero terminated string).
attach_function :bgfx_set_shader_name, :bgfx_set_shader_name, [Bgfx_shader_handle_t.by_value, :string, :int32], :void
# Destroy shader.
# Remarks: Once a shader program is created with _handle,
# it is safe to destroy that shader.
# Params:
# _handle = Shader handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_shader, :bgfx_destroy_shader, [Bgfx_shader_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create program with vertex and fragment shaders.
# Params:
# _vsh = Vertex shader.
# _fsh = Fragment shader.
# _destroyShaders = If true, shaders will be destroyed when program is destroyed.
attach_function :bgfx_create_program, :bgfx_create_program, [Bgfx_shader_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_shader_handle_t.by_value, :bool], Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value
# Create program with compute shader.
# Params:
# _csh = Compute shader.
# _destroyShaders = If true, shaders will be destroyed when program is destroyed.
attach_function :bgfx_create_compute_program, :bgfx_create_compute_program, [Bgfx_shader_handle_t.by_value, :bool], Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value
# Destroy program.
# Params:
# _handle = Program handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_program, :bgfx_destroy_program, [Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Validate texture parameters.
# Params:
# _depth = Depth dimension of volume texture.
# _cubeMap = Indicates that texture contains cubemap.
# _numLayers = Number of layers in texture array.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _flags = Texture flags. See `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_is_texture_valid, :bgfx_is_texture_valid, [:uint16, :bool, :uint16, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64], :bool
# Calculate amount of memory required for texture.
# Params:
# _info = Resulting texture info structure. See: `TextureInfo`.
# _width = Width.
# _height = Height.
# _depth = Depth dimension of volume texture.
# _cubeMap = Indicates that texture contains cubemap.
# _hasMips = Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
# _numLayers = Number of layers in texture array.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_calc_texture_size, :bgfx_calc_texture_size, [:pointer, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :bool, :bool, :uint16, :Bgfx_texture_format_t], :void
# Create texture from memory buffer.
# Params:
# _mem = DDS, KTX or PVR texture binary data.
# _flags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
# _skip = Skip top level mips when parsing texture.
# _info = When non-`NULL` is specified it returns parsed texture information.
attach_function :bgfx_create_texture, :bgfx_create_texture, [:pointer, :uint64, :uint8, :pointer], Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value
# Create 2D texture.
# Params:
# _width = Width.
# _height = Height.
# _hasMips = Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
# _numLayers = Number of layers in texture array. Must be 1 if caps
# `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY` flag is not set.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _flags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
# _mem = Texture data. If `_mem` is non-NULL, created texture will be immutable. If
# `_mem` is NULL content of the texture is uninitialized. When `_numLayers` is more than
# 1, expected memory layout is texture and all mips together for each array element.
attach_function :bgfx_create_texture_2d, :bgfx_create_texture_2d, [:uint16, :uint16, :bool, :uint16, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64, :pointer], Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value
# Create texture with size based on backbuffer ratio. Texture will maintain ratio
# if back buffer resolution changes.
# Params:
# _ratio = Texture size in respect to back-buffer size. See: `BackbufferRatio::Enum`.
# _hasMips = Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
# _numLayers = Number of layers in texture array. Must be 1 if caps
# `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY` flag is not set.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _flags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
attach_function :bgfx_create_texture_2d_scaled, :bgfx_create_texture_2d_scaled, [:Bgfx_backbuffer_ratio_t, :bool, :uint16, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64], Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value
# Create 3D texture.
# Params:
# _width = Width.
# _height = Height.
# _depth = Depth.
# _hasMips = Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _flags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
# _mem = Texture data. If `_mem` is non-NULL, created texture will be immutable. If
# `_mem` is NULL content of the texture is uninitialized. When `_numLayers` is more than
# 1, expected memory layout is texture and all mips together for each array element.
attach_function :bgfx_create_texture_3d, :bgfx_create_texture_3d, [:uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :bool, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64, :pointer], Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value
# Create Cube texture.
# Params:
# _size = Cube side size.
# _hasMips = Indicates that texture contains full mip-map chain.
# _numLayers = Number of layers in texture array. Must be 1 if caps
# `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY` flag is not set.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _flags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
# _mem = Texture data. If `_mem` is non-NULL, created texture will be immutable. If
# `_mem` is NULL content of the texture is uninitialized. When `_numLayers` is more than
# 1, expected memory layout is texture and all mips together for each array element.
attach_function :bgfx_create_texture_cube, :bgfx_create_texture_cube, [:uint16, :bool, :uint16, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64, :pointer], Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value
# Update 2D texture.
# Attention: It's valid to update only mutable texture. See `bgfx::createTexture2D` for more info.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _layer = Layer in texture array.
# _mip = Mip level.
# _x = X offset in texture.
# _y = Y offset in texture.
# _width = Width of texture block.
# _height = Height of texture block.
# _mem = Texture update data.
# _pitch = Pitch of input image (bytes). When _pitch is set to
# UINT16_MAX, it will be calculated internally based on _width.
attach_function :bgfx_update_texture_2d, :bgfx_update_texture_2d, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint16, :uint8, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :pointer, :uint16], :void
# Update 3D texture.
# Attention: It's valid to update only mutable texture. See `bgfx::createTexture3D` for more info.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _mip = Mip level.
# _x = X offset in texture.
# _y = Y offset in texture.
# _z = Z offset in texture.
# _width = Width of texture block.
# _height = Height of texture block.
# _depth = Depth of texture block.
# _mem = Texture update data.
attach_function :bgfx_update_texture_3d, :bgfx_update_texture_3d, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint8, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :pointer], :void
# Update Cube texture.
# Attention: It's valid to update only mutable texture. See `bgfx::createTextureCube` for more info.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _layer = Layer in texture array.
# _side = Cubemap side `BGFX_CUBE_MAP_<POSITIVE or NEGATIVE>_<X, Y or Z>`,
# where 0 is +X, 1 is -X, 2 is +Y, 3 is -Y, 4 is +Z, and 5 is -Z.
# +----------+
# |-z 2|
# | ^ +y |
# | | | Unfolded cube:
# | +---->+x |
# +----------+----------+----------+----------+
# |+y 1|+y 4|+y 0|+y 5|
# | ^ -x | ^ +z | ^ +x | ^ -z |
# | | | | | | | | |
# | +---->+z | +---->+x | +---->-z | +---->-x |
# +----------+----------+----------+----------+
# |+z 3|
# | ^ -y |
# | | |
# | +---->+x |
# +----------+
# _mip = Mip level.
# _x = X offset in texture.
# _y = Y offset in texture.
# _width = Width of texture block.
# _height = Height of texture block.
# _mem = Texture update data.
# _pitch = Pitch of input image (bytes). When _pitch is set to
# UINT16_MAX, it will be calculated internally based on _width.
attach_function :bgfx_update_texture_cube, :bgfx_update_texture_cube, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint16, :uint8, :uint8, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :pointer, :uint16], :void
# Read back texture content.
# Attention: Texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_READ_BACK` flag.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_READ_BACK`.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _data = Destination buffer.
# _mip = Mip level.
attach_function :bgfx_read_texture, :bgfx_read_texture, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :pointer, :uint8], :uint32
# Set texture debug name.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _name = Texture name.
# _len = Texture name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
# that _name is zero terminated string.
attach_function :bgfx_set_texture_name, :bgfx_set_texture_name, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :string, :int32], :void
# Returns texture direct access pointer.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_DIRECT_ACCESS`. This feature
# is available on GPUs that have unified memory architecture (UMA) support.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
attach_function :bgfx_get_direct_access_ptr, :bgfx_get_direct_access_ptr, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value], :pointer
# Destroy texture.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_texture, :bgfx_destroy_texture, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create frame buffer (simple).
# Params:
# _width = Texture width.
# _height = Texture height.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _textureFlags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
attach_function :bgfx_create_frame_buffer, :bgfx_create_frame_buffer, [:uint16, :uint16, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64], Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Create frame buffer with size based on backbuffer ratio. Frame buffer will maintain ratio
# if back buffer resolution changes.
# Params:
# _ratio = Frame buffer size in respect to back-buffer size. See:
# `BackbufferRatio::Enum`.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _textureFlags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
attach_function :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_scaled, :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_scaled, [:Bgfx_backbuffer_ratio_t, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64], Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Create MRT frame buffer from texture handles (simple).
# Params:
# _num = Number of texture handles.
# _handles = Texture attachments.
# _destroyTexture = If true, textures will be destroyed when
# frame buffer is destroyed.
attach_function :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_handles, :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_handles, [:uint8, :pointer, :bool], Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Create MRT frame buffer from texture handles with specific layer and
# mip level.
# Params:
# _num = Number of attachements.
# _attachment = Attachment texture info. See: `bgfx::Attachment`.
# _destroyTexture = If true, textures will be destroyed when
# frame buffer is destroyed.
attach_function :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_attachment, :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_attachment, [:uint8, :pointer, :bool], Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Create frame buffer for multiple window rendering.
# Remarks:
# Frame buffer cannot be used for sampling.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_SWAP_CHAIN`.
# Params:
# _nwh = OS' target native window handle.
# _width = Window back buffer width.
# _height = Window back buffer height.
# _format = Window back buffer color format.
# _depthFormat = Window back buffer depth format.
attach_function :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_nwh, :bgfx_create_frame_buffer_from_nwh, [:pointer, :uint16, :uint16, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :Bgfx_texture_format_t], Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value
# Set frame buffer debug name.
# Params:
# _handle = Frame buffer handle.
# _name = Frame buffer name.
# _len = Frame buffer name length (if length is INT32_MAX, it's expected
# that _name is zero terminated string.
attach_function :bgfx_set_frame_buffer_name, :bgfx_set_frame_buffer_name, [Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :string, :int32], :void
# Obtain texture handle of frame buffer attachment.
# Params:
# _handle = Frame buffer handle.
attach_function :bgfx_get_texture, :bgfx_get_texture, [Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint8], Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value
# Destroy frame buffer.
# Params:
# _handle = Frame buffer handle.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_frame_buffer, :bgfx_destroy_frame_buffer, [Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create shader uniform parameter.
# Remarks:
# 1. Uniform names are unique. It's valid to call `bgfx::createUniform`
# multiple times with the same uniform name. The library will always
# return the same handle, but the handle reference count will be
# incremented. This means that the same number of `bgfx::destroyUniform`
# must be called to properly destroy the uniform.
# 2. Predefined uniforms (declared in ``):
# - `u_viewRect vec4(x, y, width, height)` - view rectangle for current
# view, in pixels.
# - `u_viewTexel vec4(1.0/width, 1.0/height, undef, undef)` - inverse
# width and height
# - `u_view mat4` - view matrix
# - `u_invView mat4` - inverted view matrix
# - `u_proj mat4` - projection matrix
# - `u_invProj mat4` - inverted projection matrix
# - `u_viewProj mat4` - concatenated view projection matrix
# - `u_invViewProj mat4` - concatenated inverted view projection matrix
# - `u_model mat4[BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_BONES]` - array of model matrices.
# - `u_modelView mat4` - concatenated model view matrix, only first
# model matrix from array is used.
# - `u_modelViewProj mat4` - concatenated model view projection matrix.
# - `u_alphaRef float` - alpha reference value for alpha test.
# Params:
# _name = Uniform name in shader.
# _type = Type of uniform (See: `bgfx::UniformType`).
# _num = Number of elements in array.
attach_function :bgfx_create_uniform, :bgfx_create_uniform, [:string, :Bgfx_uniform_type_t, :uint16], Bgfx_uniform_handle_t.by_value
# Retrieve uniform info.
# Params:
# _handle = Handle to uniform object.
# _info = Uniform info.
attach_function :bgfx_get_uniform_info, :bgfx_get_uniform_info, [Bgfx_uniform_handle_t.by_value, :pointer], :void
# Destroy shader uniform parameter.
# Params:
# _handle = Handle to uniform object.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_uniform, :bgfx_destroy_uniform, [Bgfx_uniform_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Create occlusion query.
attach_function :bgfx_create_occlusion_query, :bgfx_create_occlusion_query, [], Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t.by_value
# Retrieve occlusion query result from previous frame.
# Params:
# _handle = Handle to occlusion query object.
# _result = Number of pixels that passed test. This argument
# can be `NULL` if result of occlusion query is not needed.
attach_function :bgfx_get_result, :bgfx_get_result, [Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t.by_value, :pointer], :Bgfx_occlusion_query_result_t
# Destroy occlusion query.
# Params:
# _handle = Handle to occlusion query object.
attach_function :bgfx_destroy_occlusion_query, :bgfx_destroy_occlusion_query, [Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Set palette color value.
# Params:
# _index = Index into palette.
# _rgba = RGBA floating point values.
attach_function :bgfx_set_palette_color, :bgfx_set_palette_color, [:uint8, :pointer], :void
# Set palette color value.
# Params:
# _index = Index into palette.
# _rgba = Packed 32-bit RGBA value.
attach_function :bgfx_set_palette_color_rgba8, :bgfx_set_palette_color_rgba8, [:uint8, :uint32], :void
# Set view name.
# Remarks:
# This is debug only feature.
# In graphics debugger view name will appear as:
# "nnnc <view name>"
# ^ ^ ^
# | +--- compute (C)
# +------ view id
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _name = View name.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_name, :bgfx_set_view_name, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :string], :void
# Set view rectangle. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _width = Width of view port region.
# _height = Height of view port region.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_rect, :bgfx_set_view_rect, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16], :void
# Set view rectangle. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _ratio = Width and height will be set in respect to back-buffer size.
# See: `BackbufferRatio::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_rect_ratio, :bgfx_set_view_rect_ratio, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :uint16, :uint16, :Bgfx_backbuffer_ratio_t], :void
# Set view scissor. Draw primitive outside view will be clipped. When
# _x, _y, _width and _height are set to 0, scissor will be disabled.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _width = Width of view scissor region.
# _height = Height of view scissor region.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_scissor, :bgfx_set_view_scissor, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16], :void
# Set view clear flags.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _flags = Clear flags. Use `BGFX_CLEAR_NONE` to remove any clear
# operation. See: `BGFX_CLEAR_*`.
# _rgba = Color clear value.
# _depth = Depth clear value.
# _stencil = Stencil clear value.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_clear, :bgfx_set_view_clear, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :uint16, :uint32, :float, :uint8], :void
# Set view clear flags with different clear color for each
# frame buffer texture. Must use `bgfx::setPaletteColor` to setup clear color
# palette.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _flags = Clear flags. Use `BGFX_CLEAR_NONE` to remove any clear
# operation. See: `BGFX_CLEAR_*`.
# _depth = Depth clear value.
# _stencil = Stencil clear value.
# _c0 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 0.
# _c1 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 1.
# _c2 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 2.
# _c3 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 3.
# _c4 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 4.
# _c5 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 5.
# _c6 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 6.
# _c7 = Palette index for frame buffer attachment 7.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_clear_mrt, :bgfx_set_view_clear_mrt, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :uint16, :float, :uint8, :uint8, :uint8, :uint8, :uint8, :uint8, :uint8, :uint8, :uint8], :void
# Set view sorting mode.
# Remarks:
# View mode must be set prior calling `bgfx::submit` for the view.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _mode = View sort mode. See `ViewMode::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_mode, :bgfx_set_view_mode, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :Bgfx_view_mode_t], :void
# Set view frame buffer.
# Remarks:
# Not persistent after `bgfx::reset` call.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _handle = Frame buffer handle. Passing `BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE` as
# frame buffer handle will draw primitives from this view into
# default back buffer.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_frame_buffer, :bgfx_set_view_frame_buffer, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Set view view and projection matrices, all draw primitives in this
# view will use these matrices.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _view = View matrix.
# _proj = Projection matrix.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_transform, :bgfx_set_view_transform, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :pointer, :pointer], :void
# Post submit view reordering.
# Params:
# _id = First view id.
# _num = Number of views to remap.
# _order = View remap id table. Passing `NULL` will reset view ids
# to default state.
attach_function :bgfx_set_view_order, :bgfx_set_view_order, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, :uint16, :pointer], :void
# Reset all view settings to default.
attach_function :bgfx_reset_view, :bgfx_reset_view, [:Bgfx_view_id_t], :void
# Begin submitting draw calls from thread.
# Params:
# _forThread = Explicitly request an encoder for a worker thread.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_begin, :bgfx_encoder_begin, [:bool], :pointer
# End submitting draw calls from thread.
# Params:
# _encoder = Encoder.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_end, :bgfx_encoder_end, [:pointer], :void
# Sets a debug marker. This allows you to group graphics calls together for easy browsing in
# graphics debugging tools.
# Params:
# _marker = Marker string.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_marker, :bgfx_encoder_set_marker, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :string], :void
# Set render states for draw primitive.
# Remarks:
# 1. To setup more complex states use:
# `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(_src, _dst)`,
# 2. `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_ADD` is set when no other blend
# equation is specified.
# Params:
# _state = State flags. Default state for primitive type is
# triangles. See: `BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT`.
# - `BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_*` - Depth test function.
# - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_*` - See remark 1 about BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC.
# - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_*` - See remark 2.
# - `BGFX_STATE_CULL_*` - Backface culling mode.
# - `BGFX_STATE_WRITE_*` - Enable R, G, B, A or Z write.
# - `BGFX_STATE_MSAA` - Enable hardware multisample antialiasing.
# _rgba = Sets blend factor used by `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FACTOR` and
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_state, :bgfx_encoder_set_state, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint64, :uint32], :void
# Set condition for rendering.
# Params:
# _handle = Occlusion query handle.
# _visible = Render if occlusion query is visible.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_condition, :bgfx_encoder_set_condition, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t.by_value, :bool], :void
# Set stencil test state.
# Params:
# _fstencil = Front stencil state.
# _bstencil = Back stencil state. If back is set to `BGFX_STENCIL_NONE`
# _fstencil is applied to both front and back facing primitives.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_stencil, :bgfx_encoder_set_stencil, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set scissor for draw primitive.
# Remarks:
# To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
# Params:
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _width = Width of view scissor region.
# _height = Height of view scissor region.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_scissor, :bgfx_encoder_set_scissor, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16], :uint16
# Set scissor from cache for draw primitive.
# Remarks:
# To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
# Params:
# _cache = Index in scissor cache.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_scissor_cached, :bgfx_encoder_set_scissor_cached, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint16], :void
# Set model matrix for draw primitive. If it is not called,
# the model will be rendered with an identity model matrix.
# Params:
# _mtx = Pointer to first matrix in array.
# _num = Number of matrices in array.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_transform, :bgfx_encoder_set_transform, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :pointer, :uint16], :uint32
# Set model matrix from matrix cache for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _cache = Index in matrix cache.
# _num = Number of matrices from cache.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_transform_cached, :bgfx_encoder_set_transform_cached, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint32, :uint16], :void
# Reserve matrices in internal matrix cache.
# Attention: Pointer returned can be modifed until `bgfx::frame` is called.
# Params:
# _transform = Pointer to `Transform` structure.
# _num = Number of matrices.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_alloc_transform, :bgfx_encoder_alloc_transform, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :pointer, :uint16], :uint32
# Set shader uniform parameter for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Uniform.
# _value = Pointer to uniform data.
# _num = Number of elements. Passing `UINT16_MAX` will
# use the _num passed on uniform creation.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_uniform, :bgfx_encoder_set_uniform, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, Bgfx_uniform_handle_t.by_value, :pointer, :uint16], :void
# Set index buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Index buffer.
# _firstIndex = First index to render.
# _numIndices = Number of indices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_index_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_index_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set index buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic index buffer.
# _firstIndex = First index to render.
# _numIndices = Number of indices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_dynamic_index_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_dynamic_index_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set index buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _tib = Transient index buffer.
# _firstIndex = First index to render.
# _numIndices = Number of indices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_transient_index_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_transient_index_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :pointer, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stream = Vertex stream.
# _handle = Vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First vertex to render.
# _numVertices = Number of vertices to render.
# _layoutHandle = Vertex layout for aliasing vertex buffer. If invalid
# handle is used, vertex layout used for creation
# of vertex buffer will be used.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32, Bgfx_vertex_layout_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stream = Vertex stream.
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First vertex to render.
# _numVertices = Number of vertices to render.
# _layoutHandle = Vertex layout for aliasing vertex buffer. If invalid
# handle is used, vertex layout used for creation
# of vertex buffer will be used.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32, Bgfx_vertex_layout_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stream = Vertex stream.
# _tvb = Transient vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First vertex to render.
# _numVertices = Number of vertices to render.
# _layoutHandle = Vertex layout for aliasing vertex buffer. If invalid
# handle is used, vertex layout used for creation
# of vertex buffer will be used.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_transient_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_transient_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, :pointer, :uint32, :uint32, Bgfx_vertex_layout_handle_t.by_value], :void
# Set number of vertices for auto generated vertices use in conjuction
# with gl_VertexID.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
# Params:
# _numVertices = Number of vertices.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_vertex_count, :bgfx_encoder_set_vertex_count, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint32], :void
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _idb = Transient instance data buffer.
# _start = First instance data.
# _num = Number of data instances.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_data_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_data_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :pointer, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First instance data.
# _num = Number of data instances.
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_data_from_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_data_from_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First instance data.
# _num = Number of data instances.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_data_from_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_data_from_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set number of instances for auto generated instances use in conjuction
# with gl_InstanceID.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_count, :bgfx_encoder_set_instance_count, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint32], :void
# Set texture stage for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stage = Texture unit.
# _sampler = Program sampler.
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _flags = Texture sampling mode. Default value UINT32_MAX uses
# texture sampling settings from the texture.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_texture, :bgfx_encoder_set_texture, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_uniform_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint32], :void
# Submit an empty primitive for rendering. Uniforms and draw state
# will be applied but no geometry will be submitted. Useful in cases
# when no other draw/compute primitive is submitted to view, but it's
# desired to execute clear view.
# Remarks:
# These empty draw calls will sort before ordinary draw calls.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_touch, :bgfx_encoder_touch, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_view_id_t], :void
# Submit primitive for rendering.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Program.
# _depth = Depth for sorting.
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_submit, :bgfx_encoder_submit, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Submit primitive with occlusion query for rendering.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Program.
# _occlusionQuery = Occlusion query.
# _depth = Depth for sorting.
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_submit_occlusion_query, :bgfx_encoder_submit_occlusion_query, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Submit primitive for rendering with index and instance data info from
# indirect buffer.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Program.
# _indirectHandle = Indirect buffer.
# _start = First element in indirect buffer.
# _num = Number of dispatches.
# _depth = Depth for sorting.
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_submit_indirect, :bgfx_encoder_submit_indirect, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint16, :uint16, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Set compute index buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Index buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_index_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_index_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Vertex buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute dynamic index buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Dynamic index buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_dynamic_index_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_dynamic_index_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute dynamic vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute indirect buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Indirect buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_indirect_buffer, :bgfx_encoder_set_compute_indirect_buffer, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute image from texture.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _mip = Mip level.
# _access = Image access. See `Access::Enum`.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_set_image, :bgfx_encoder_set_image, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint8, :Bgfx_access_t, :Bgfx_texture_format_t], :void
# Dispatch compute.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Compute program.
# _numX = Number of groups X.
# _numY = Number of groups Y.
# _numZ = Number of groups Z.
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_dispatch, :bgfx_encoder_dispatch, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Dispatch compute indirect.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Compute program.
# _indirectHandle = Indirect buffer.
# _start = First element in indirect buffer.
# _num = Number of dispatches.
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_dispatch_indirect, :bgfx_encoder_dispatch_indirect, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint16, :uint16, :uint8], :void
# Discard previously set state for draw or compute call.
# Params:
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_discard, :bgfx_encoder_discard, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :uint8], :void
# Blit 2D texture region between two 2D textures.
# Attention: Destination texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_BLIT_DST` flag.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _dst = Destination texture handle.
# _dstMip = Destination texture mip level.
# _dstX = Destination texture X position.
# _dstY = Destination texture Y position.
# _dstZ = If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If destination texture is cube
# this argument represents destination texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
# represents destination texture Z position.
# _src = Source texture handle.
# _srcMip = Source texture mip level.
# _srcX = Source texture X position.
# _srcY = Source texture Y position.
# _srcZ = If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If source texture is cube
# this argument represents source texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
# represents source texture Z position.
# _width = Width of region.
# _height = Height of region.
# _depth = If texture is 3D this argument represents depth of region, otherwise it's
# unused.
attach_function :bgfx_encoder_blit, :bgfx_encoder_blit, [Bgfx_encoder_t.by_ref, :Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint8, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint8, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16], :void
# Request screen shot of window back buffer.
# Remarks:
# `bgfx::CallbackI::screenShot` must be implemented.
# Attention: Frame buffer handle must be created with OS' target native window handle.
# Params:
# _handle = Frame buffer handle. If handle is `BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE` request will be
# made for main window back buffer.
# _filePath = Will be passed to `bgfx::CallbackI::screenShot` callback.
attach_function :bgfx_request_screen_shot, :bgfx_request_screen_shot, [Bgfx_frame_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :string], :void
# Render frame.
# Attention: `bgfx::renderFrame` is blocking call. It waits for
# `bgfx::frame` to be called from API thread to process frame.
# If timeout value is passed call will timeout and return even
# if `bgfx::frame` is not called.
# Warning: This call should be only used on platforms that don't
# allow creating separate rendering thread. If it is called before
# to bgfx::init, render thread won't be created by bgfx::init call.
# Params:
# _msecs = Timeout in milliseconds.
attach_function :bgfx_render_frame, :bgfx_render_frame, [:int32], :Bgfx_render_frame_t
# Set platform data.
# Warning: Must be called before `bgfx::init`.
# Params:
# _data = Platform data.
attach_function :bgfx_set_platform_data, :bgfx_set_platform_data, [:pointer], :void
# Get internal data for interop.
# Attention: It's expected you understand some bgfx internals before you
# use this call.
# Warning: Must be called only on render thread.
attach_function :bgfx_get_internal_data, :bgfx_get_internal_data, [], :pointer
# Override internal texture with externally created texture. Previously
# created internal texture will released.
# Attention: It's expected you understand some bgfx internals before you
# use this call.
# Warning: Must be called only on render thread.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _ptr = Native API pointer to texture.
attach_function :bgfx_override_internal_texture_ptr, :bgfx_override_internal_texture_ptr, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :ulong], :ulong
# Override internal texture by creating new texture. Previously created
# internal texture will released.
# Attention: It's expected you understand some bgfx internals before you
# use this call.
# Returns: Native API pointer to texture. If result is 0, texture is not created yet from the
# main thread.
# Warning: Must be called only on render thread.
# Params:
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _width = Width.
# _height = Height.
# _numMips = Number of mip-maps.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
# _flags = Texture creation (see `BGFX_TEXTURE_*`.), and sampler (see `BGFX_SAMPLER_*`)
# flags. Default texture sampling mode is linear, and wrap mode is repeat.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
attach_function :bgfx_override_internal_texture, :bgfx_override_internal_texture, [Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint16, :uint16, :uint8, :Bgfx_texture_format_t, :uint64], :ulong
# Sets a debug marker. This allows you to group graphics calls together for easy browsing in
# graphics debugging tools.
# Params:
# _marker = Marker string.
attach_function :bgfx_set_marker, :bgfx_set_marker, [:string], :void
# Set render states for draw primitive.
# Remarks:
# 1. To setup more complex states use:
# `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(_src, _dst)`,
# 2. `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_ADD` is set when no other blend
# equation is specified.
# Params:
# _state = State flags. Default state for primitive type is
# triangles. See: `BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT`.
# - `BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_*` - Depth test function.
# - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_*` - See remark 1 about BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC.
# - `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_EQUATION_*` - See remark 2.
# - `BGFX_STATE_CULL_*` - Backface culling mode.
# - `BGFX_STATE_WRITE_*` - Enable R, G, B, A or Z write.
# - `BGFX_STATE_MSAA` - Enable hardware multisample antialiasing.
# _rgba = Sets blend factor used by `BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FACTOR` and
attach_function :bgfx_set_state, :bgfx_set_state, [:uint64, :uint32], :void
# Set condition for rendering.
# Params:
# _handle = Occlusion query handle.
# _visible = Render if occlusion query is visible.
attach_function :bgfx_set_condition, :bgfx_set_condition, [Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t.by_value, :bool], :void
# Set stencil test state.
# Params:
# _fstencil = Front stencil state.
# _bstencil = Back stencil state. If back is set to `BGFX_STENCIL_NONE`
# _fstencil is applied to both front and back facing primitives.
attach_function :bgfx_set_stencil, :bgfx_set_stencil, [:uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set scissor for draw primitive.
# Remarks:
# To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
# Params:
# _x = Position x from the left corner of the window.
# _y = Position y from the top corner of the window.
# _width = Width of view scissor region.
# _height = Height of view scissor region.
attach_function :bgfx_set_scissor, :bgfx_set_scissor, [:uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16], :uint16
# Set scissor from cache for draw primitive.
# Remarks:
# To scissor for all primitives in view see `bgfx::setViewScissor`.
# Params:
# _cache = Index in scissor cache.
attach_function :bgfx_set_scissor_cached, :bgfx_set_scissor_cached, [:uint16], :void
# Set model matrix for draw primitive. If it is not called,
# the model will be rendered with an identity model matrix.
# Params:
# _mtx = Pointer to first matrix in array.
# _num = Number of matrices in array.
attach_function :bgfx_set_transform, :bgfx_set_transform, [:pointer, :uint16], :uint32
# Set model matrix from matrix cache for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _cache = Index in matrix cache.
# _num = Number of matrices from cache.
attach_function :bgfx_set_transform_cached, :bgfx_set_transform_cached, [:uint32, :uint16], :void
# Reserve matrices in internal matrix cache.
# Attention: Pointer returned can be modifed until `bgfx::frame` is called.
# Params:
# _transform = Pointer to `Transform` structure.
# _num = Number of matrices.
attach_function :bgfx_alloc_transform, :bgfx_alloc_transform, [:pointer, :uint16], :uint32
# Set shader uniform parameter for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Uniform.
# _value = Pointer to uniform data.
# _num = Number of elements. Passing `UINT16_MAX` will
# use the _num passed on uniform creation.
attach_function :bgfx_set_uniform, :bgfx_set_uniform, [Bgfx_uniform_handle_t.by_value, :pointer, :uint16], :void
# Set index buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Index buffer.
# _firstIndex = First index to render.
# _numIndices = Number of indices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_set_index_buffer, :bgfx_set_index_buffer, [Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set index buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic index buffer.
# _firstIndex = First index to render.
# _numIndices = Number of indices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_set_dynamic_index_buffer, :bgfx_set_dynamic_index_buffer, [Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set index buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _tib = Transient index buffer.
# _firstIndex = First index to render.
# _numIndices = Number of indices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_set_transient_index_buffer, :bgfx_set_transient_index_buffer, [:pointer, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stream = Vertex stream.
# _handle = Vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First vertex to render.
# _numVertices = Number of vertices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_set_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_set_vertex_buffer, [:uint8, Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stream = Vertex stream.
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First vertex to render.
# _numVertices = Number of vertices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_set_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_set_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [:uint8, Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set vertex buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stream = Vertex stream.
# _tvb = Transient vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First vertex to render.
# _numVertices = Number of vertices to render.
attach_function :bgfx_set_transient_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_set_transient_vertex_buffer, [:uint8, :pointer, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set number of vertices for auto generated vertices use in conjuction
# with gl_VertexID.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
# Params:
# _numVertices = Number of vertices.
attach_function :bgfx_set_vertex_count, :bgfx_set_vertex_count, [:uint32], :void
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _idb = Transient instance data buffer.
# _start = First instance data.
# _num = Number of data instances.
attach_function :bgfx_set_instance_data_buffer, :bgfx_set_instance_data_buffer, [:pointer, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First instance data.
# _num = Number of data instances.
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
attach_function :bgfx_set_instance_data_from_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_set_instance_data_from_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set instance data buffer for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer.
# _startVertex = First instance data.
# _num = Number of data instances.
attach_function :bgfx_set_instance_data_from_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_set_instance_data_from_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32], :void
# Set number of instances for auto generated instances use in conjuction
# with gl_InstanceID.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_VERTEX_ID`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_instance_count, :bgfx_set_instance_count, [:uint32], :void
# Set texture stage for draw primitive.
# Params:
# _stage = Texture unit.
# _sampler = Program sampler.
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _flags = Texture sampling mode. Default value UINT32_MAX uses
# texture sampling settings from the texture.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[U/V/W]_[MIRROR/CLAMP]` - Mirror or clamp to edge wrap
# mode.
# - `BGFX_SAMPLER_[MIN/MAG/MIP]_[POINT/ANISOTROPIC]` - Point or anisotropic
# sampling.
attach_function :bgfx_set_texture, :bgfx_set_texture, [:uint8, Bgfx_uniform_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint32], :void
# Submit an empty primitive for rendering. Uniforms and draw state
# will be applied but no geometry will be submitted.
# Remarks:
# These empty draw calls will sort before ordinary draw calls.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
attach_function :bgfx_touch, :bgfx_touch, [:Bgfx_view_id_t], :void
# Submit primitive for rendering.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Program.
# _depth = Depth for sorting.
# _flags = Which states to discard for next draw. See BGFX_DISCARD_
attach_function :bgfx_submit, :bgfx_submit, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Submit primitive with occlusion query for rendering.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Program.
# _occlusionQuery = Occlusion query.
# _depth = Depth for sorting.
# _flags = Which states to discard for next draw. See BGFX_DISCARD_
attach_function :bgfx_submit_occlusion_query, :bgfx_submit_occlusion_query, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_occlusion_query_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Submit primitive for rendering with index and instance data info from
# indirect buffer.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Program.
# _indirectHandle = Indirect buffer.
# _start = First element in indirect buffer.
# _num = Number of dispatches.
# _depth = Depth for sorting.
# _flags = Which states to discard for next draw. See BGFX_DISCARD_
attach_function :bgfx_submit_indirect, :bgfx_submit_indirect, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint16, :uint16, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Set compute index buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Index buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_compute_index_buffer, :bgfx_set_compute_index_buffer, [:uint8, Bgfx_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Vertex buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_compute_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_set_compute_vertex_buffer, [:uint8, Bgfx_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute dynamic index buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Dynamic index buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_compute_dynamic_index_buffer, :bgfx_set_compute_dynamic_index_buffer, [:uint8, Bgfx_dynamic_index_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute dynamic vertex buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Dynamic vertex buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_compute_dynamic_vertex_buffer, :bgfx_set_compute_dynamic_vertex_buffer, [:uint8, Bgfx_dynamic_vertex_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute indirect buffer.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Indirect buffer handle.
# _access = Buffer access. See `Access::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_compute_indirect_buffer, :bgfx_set_compute_indirect_buffer, [:uint8, Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :Bgfx_access_t], :void
# Set compute image from texture.
# Params:
# _stage = Compute stage.
# _handle = Texture handle.
# _mip = Mip level.
# _access = Image access. See `Access::Enum`.
# _format = Texture format. See: `TextureFormat::Enum`.
attach_function :bgfx_set_image, :bgfx_set_image, [:uint8, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint8, :Bgfx_access_t, :Bgfx_texture_format_t], :void
# Dispatch compute.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Compute program.
# _numX = Number of groups X.
# _numY = Number of groups Y.
# _numZ = Number of groups Z.
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_dispatch, :bgfx_dispatch, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, :uint32, :uint32, :uint32, :uint8], :void
# Dispatch compute indirect.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _program = Compute program.
# _indirectHandle = Indirect buffer.
# _start = First element in indirect buffer.
# _num = Number of dispatches.
# _flags = Discard or preserve states. See `BGFX_DISCARD_*`.
attach_function :bgfx_dispatch_indirect, :bgfx_dispatch_indirect, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_program_handle_t.by_value, Bgfx_indirect_buffer_handle_t.by_value, :uint16, :uint16, :uint8], :void
# Discard previously set state for draw or compute call.
# Params:
# _flags = Draw/compute states to discard.
attach_function :bgfx_discard, :bgfx_discard, [:uint8], :void
# Blit 2D texture region between two 2D textures.
# Attention: Destination texture must be created with `BGFX_TEXTURE_BLIT_DST` flag.
# Attention: Availability depends on: `BGFX_CAPS_TEXTURE_BLIT`.
# Params:
# _id = View id.
# _dst = Destination texture handle.
# _dstMip = Destination texture mip level.
# _dstX = Destination texture X position.
# _dstY = Destination texture Y position.
# _dstZ = If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If destination texture is cube
# this argument represents destination texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
# represents destination texture Z position.
# _src = Source texture handle.
# _srcMip = Source texture mip level.
# _srcX = Source texture X position.
# _srcY = Source texture Y position.
# _srcZ = If texture is 2D this argument should be 0. If source texture is cube
# this argument represents source texture cube face. For 3D texture this argument
# represents source texture Z position.
# _width = Width of region.
# _height = Height of region.
# _depth = If texture is 3D this argument represents depth of region, otherwise it's
# unused.
attach_function :bgfx_blit, :bgfx_blit, [:Bgfx_view_id_t, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint8, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, Bgfx_texture_handle_t.by_value, :uint8, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16, :uint16], :void
end # self.import_symbols()
end # module Bgfx
if __FILE__ == $0
init =
init[:type] = Bgfx::RendererType::Metal
init[:vendorId] = Bgfx::Pci_Id_None
init[:resolution][:width] = 1280
init[:resolution][:height] = 720
if Bgfx::bgfx_init(init)
pp "Failed to initialize Bgfx"
-- Usage:
-- local rubygen = require "bindings-ruby"
-- rubygen.write(rubygen.gen(), "../bindings/ruby/bgfx.rb")
local codegen = require "codegen"
local idl = codegen.idl "bgfx.idl"
local ruby_template = [[
require 'ffi'
# Typedefs
FFI.typedef :uint16, :Bgfx_view_id_t # [HACK] Hard-coded. Seems we can't get information about this from current 'bgfx.idl'.
# Enums / Bitflags
module Bgfx
extend FFI::Library
@@bgfx_import_done = false
def self.load_lib(libpath = './libbgfx-shared-libRelease.dylib')
ffi_lib_flags :now, :global
ffi_lib libpath
import_symbols() unless @@bgfx_import_done
end # module Bgfx
# Structs
# Functions
module Bgfx
def self.import_symbols()
end # self.import_symbols()
end # module Bgfx
if __FILE__ == $0
init =
init[:type] = Bgfx::RendererType::Metal
init[:vendorId] = Bgfx::Pci_Id_None
init[:resolution][:width] = 1280
init[:resolution][:height] = 720
if Bgfx::bgfx_init(init)
pp "Failed to initialize Bgfx"
local converter = {}
local yield = coroutine.yield
local indent = ""
local typedefs_list = {}
local function hasPrefix(str, prefix)
return prefix == "" or str:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix
local function hasSuffix(str, suffix)
return suffix == "" or str:sub(-#suffix) == suffix
local function to_underscorecase(name)
local tmp = {}
for v in name:gmatch "[_%u][%l%d]*" do
if v:byte() == 95 then -- '_'
v = v:sub(2) -- remove _
tmp[#tmp+1] = v
return table.concat(tmp, "_")
local gen = {}
function generate(tmp, idl_info, conv)
for _, object in ipairs(idl_info) do
local co = coroutine.create(conv)
local any
while true do
local ok, v = coroutine.resume(co, object)
assert(ok, debug.traceback(co, v))
if not v then
table.insert(tmp, v)
any = true
if any and tmp[#tmp] ~= "" then
table.insert(tmp, "")
function gen.gen()
-- 1st pass : Collect typedef information
for _, object in ipairs(idl["types"]) do
local co = coroutine.create(collect_typedefs_list)
local any
while true do
local ok, v = coroutine.resume(co, object)
assert(ok, debug.traceback(co, v))
if not v then
-- 2nd pass
local r = ruby_template:gsub("$(%l+)", function(what)
local tmp = {}
if what == "handles" then
-- Structs used as handles
generate(tmp, idl["types"], converter["handles"])
return table.concat(tmp, "\n")
elseif what == "structs" then
-- General structs
generate(tmp, idl["types"], converter["structs"])
return table.concat(tmp, "\n")
elseif what == "typedefs" then
-- Typedefs
generate(tmp, idl["types"], converter["typedefs"])
return table.concat(tmp, "\n")
-- Enums, Functions
generate(tmp, idl[what], converter[what])
return table.concat(tmp, "\n\t")
return r
local function convert_array(member)
count = string.gsub(member.array, "%[(.+)%]", "%1")
return member.array
local function convert_type(arg, array_as_pointer)
local ctype = arg.ctype:gsub("%s%*", "*")
if arg.fulltype == "bx::AllocatorI*" or arg.fulltype == "CallbackI*" or arg.fulltype == "ReleaseFn" then
ctype = ":pointer"
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "const char") and hasSuffix(ctype, "*") then
ctype = ":string"
elseif string.match(ctype, "*") then
ctype = ":pointer"
-- Omit 'const'
ctype = string.gsub(ctype, "const ", "")
if hasPrefix(ctype, "bgfx") then
name = ctype:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
local is_typedef = false
if name == "Bgfx_view_id_t" then
-- [HACK] Hard-coded. Seems we can't get information about this from current 'bgfx.idl'.
is_typedef = true
for _, t in ipairs(typedefs_list) do
if t == name then
is_typedef = true
if is_typedef then
ctype = ":" .. name
ctype = name .. ".by_value"
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "uint64_t") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("uint64_t", ":uint64")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "int64_t") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("int64_t", ":int64")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "uint32_t") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("uint32_t", ":uint32")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "int32_t") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("int32_t", ":int32")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "uint16_t") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("uint16_t", ":uint16")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "uint8_t") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("uint8_t", ":uint8")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "uintptr_t") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("uintptr_t", ":ulong")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "bool") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("bool", ":bool")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "char") then
ctype = ctype:gsub("char", ":char")
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "float") then
ctype = ":float"
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "double") then
ctype = ":double"
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "...") then
ctype = ":varargs"
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "va_list") then
ctype = ":pointer"
elseif hasPrefix(ctype, "void") then
ctype = ":void"
if arg.array ~= nil then
if array_as_pointer then
ctype = ":pointer"
count = string.gsub(arg.array, "%[(.+)%]", "%1")
if string.find(count, "::") then
count = "Bgfx::" .. count -- e.g.) Topology::Count -> Bgfx::Topology::Count
ctype = "[" .. ctype .. ", " .. count .. "]"
return ctype
local function convert_name(arg)
if arg == "debug" then
return arg .. "_"
return arg
local function convert_struct_member(member)
return ":" .. convert_name( .. ", " .. convert_type(member)
function collect_typedefs_list(typ)
-- Write typedefs
if typ.enum then
-- Collect list of typedefs
local typedef_name = typ.cname:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
table.insert(typedefs_list, typedef_name)
function converter.typedefs(typ)
-- Write typedefs
if typ.enum then
-- Collect list of typedefs
local typedef_name = typ.cname:gsub("^%l", string.upper)
yield("FFI.typedef :int, :" .. typedef_name)
function converter.handles(typ)
-- Build handle definitions
if typ.handle then
-- Extract handle
ruby_class_name = typ.cname:gsub("bgfx_(%l)", function(a) return "Bgfx_" .. a end)
yield("class " .. ruby_class_name .. " < FFI::Struct; layout(:idx, :ushort); end")
function converter.structs(typ)
-- Build forward declarations
if typ.struct ~= nil then
yield("class " .. typ.cname:gsub("^%l", string.upper) .. " < FFI::Struct")
for idx, member in ipairs(typ.struct) do
local comments = ""
if member.comment ~= nil then
if #member.comment == 1 then
comments = "\t\t# " .. member.comment[1]
for _, comment in ipairs(member.comment) do
yield("\t\t# " .. comment)
ret = "\t\t" .. convert_struct_member(member)
if idx < #typ.struct then
ret = ret .. "," .. comments
ret = ret .. comments
function converter.types(typ)
if hasSuffix(, "::Enum") then
-- Extract enum
yield("module " .. typ.typename .. " #enum: " .. #typ.enum)
for idx, enum in ipairs(typ.enum) do
if enum.comment ~= nil then
for _, comment in ipairs(enum.comment) do
yield("\t# " .. comment)
yield("\t" .. .. " = " .. idx - 1)
yield("\n\t\tCount = " .. #typ.enum)
yield("end # module " .. typ.typename)
elseif typ.bits ~= nil then
-- Extract bitflag / Build bitflag helper function
local prefix =
local enumType = "uint"
format = "%u"
if typ.bits == 64 then
format = "0x%016x"
enumType = "ulong"
elseif typ.bits == 32 then
format = "0x%08x"
enumType = "uint"
elseif typ.bits == 16 then
format = "0x%04x"
enumType = "ushort"
elseif typ.bits == 8 then
format = "0x%02x"
enumType = "ubyte"
for idx, flag in ipairs(typ.flag) do
local value = flag.value
if value ~= nil then
value = string.format(flag.format or format, value)
for _, name in ipairs(flag) do
local fixedname = prefix .. "_" .. to_underscorecase(name)
if value ~= nil then
value = value .. " | " .. fixedname
value = fixedname
local comments = ""
if flag.comment ~= nil then
if #flag.comment == 1 then
comments = " # " .. flag.comment[1]
for _, comment in ipairs(flag.comment) do
yield("# " .. comment)
yield(to_underscorecase(prefix) .. "_" .. .. " = " .. value .. comments)
if typ.shift then
local name = to_underscorecase(prefix) .. "_Shift"
local value = typ.shift
local comments = ""
if typ.desc then
comments = string.format(" # %s bit shift", typ.desc)
yield(name .. " = " .. value .. comments)
if typ.range then
local name = to_underscorecase(prefix) .. "_Mask"
local value = string.format(format, typ.mask)
local comments = ""
if typ.desc then
comments = string.format(" # %s bit mask", typ.desc)
yield(name .. " = " .. value .. comments)
if typ.helper then
"def self.%s(v); return (v << %s) & %s; end",
(to_underscorecase(prefix) .. "_Shift"),
(to_underscorecase(prefix) .. "_Mask")))
function converter.funcs(func)
if func.cpponly then
if func.comments ~= nil then
-- comments
for _, line in ipairs(func.comments) do
local line = line:gsub("@remarks", "Remarks:")
line = line:gsub("@remark", "Remarks:")
line = line:gsub("@(%l)(%l+)", function(a, b) return a:upper()..b..":" end)
yield("\t# " .. line)
local hasParamsComments = false
for _, arg in ipairs(func.args) do
if arg.comment ~= nil then
hasParamsComments = true
if hasParamsComments then
yield("\t# Params:")
for _, arg in ipairs(func.args) do
if arg.comment ~= nil then
yield("\t# " .. convert_name( .. " = " .. arg.comment[1])
for i, comment in ipairs(arg.comment) do
if (i > 1) then
yield("\t# " .. comment)
-- codes
local args = {}
if func.this ~= nil then
local ctype = string.gsub(func.this_type.ctype, "const ", "") -- remove const
ctype = ctype:gsub("%*$", "") -- remove *
ctype = ctype:gsub("^%l", string.upper) -- upcase
args[1] = ctype .. ".by_ref"
for _, arg in ipairs(func.args) do
-- table.insert(args, convert_type(arg) .. " " .. convert_name(
local array_as_pointer = true
table.insert(args, convert_type(arg, array_as_pointer))
if static then
yield(convert_type(func.ret) .. "bgfx_" .. func.cname .. ", " .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. ");")
entry_point = ":bgfx_" .. func.cname
yield("\tattach_function " .. entry_point .. ", " .. entry_point .. ", [" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. "], " .. convert_type(func.ret))
function gen.write(codes, outputfile)
local out = assert(, "wb"))
print("Generating: " .. outputfile)
if (...) == nil then
-- run `lua bindings-ruby.lua` in command line
return gen
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